However, the population of beast is really poisonous.

One by one, it is independent of the timeline, if you wander around, destroy the original timeline, and then rewrite it, it is just a basic operation.

Su Han, will he be in danger?

Miss C stayed a little worried.

In response, the worried boy just shook his head.

"It was a matter of course that Getia noticed, and it didn't exceed my expectations."

"It can even be said that he has only reacted until now, allowing me to occupy the home position and have the opportunity to release the Black Holy Grail, which is already a good development.

"It can be seen that Chong Gong Ling worked very hard." Who is Chong Gong Fu?

Miss C Duan could not help frowning her delicate brows.

In her impression, Su Han was quite lonely.

Mingming has lived with him for so many years, but apart from himself, he is next to a man named Mei Li, who is in charge of a tool most of the time, and a fishing air force. Dragon Fairy.

How come the peach blossoms next to this guy are outrageous after he is summoned?

Not scientific, really not scientific.

The girl's delicate eyebrows knitted together.

Really, this situation seems very difficult to handle.

When you have time, go and ask Merry.

The girl sighed and decided not to explore this kind of thing for the time being.

Now that Su Han is facing the problem that Getiah perceives, he needs to concentrate on fighting the enemy, and he must not cause him trouble.

"So, next, are we going to deal with the last two Servants?"

Miss C stayed looking ahead, where there was an endless forest of snow.

In this forest, a family named Einzbern is stationed here.

saber arthur.

lancer - Finn.

assassin-mad believers.

These are the three remaining Servants. As long as two of them die, they can form a spiritual body that activates the Black Holy Grail.

Considering Su Han's character who likes to treat girls preferentially, the probability of becoming the last sacrifice is Finn and Arthur.

"No, the last sacrifice is Finn and the fanatic."

Under the somewhat surprised expression of Miss C, the boy gave a completely different answer than he imagined.

The Black Holy Grail is about to be released.

For the so-called offerings.

He had already calculated it.

In the Holy Grail War, there were a total of six Servants who were hostile to it.

Among them, five are optional.

But, the last one....

Star Swordsman.

"Arthur, that's quite a man."

The boy, who knew what kind of Noble Phantasm the man named Arthur Pendragon possessed, sighed with emotion.

Sword of Oath of Victory (Excalibur) Level: EX



Max catch:???

The shining holy sword that saves the stars.

Forged to defeat foreign enemies who want to destroy the stars, a golden blade that can repel almost all evil.

It is said that a single hero is not enough to decide to use the Holy Sword of the Stars. The sword that breaks the enemy beyond the planet.

The strongest sword that should only be wielded to save the world is too powerful to be regarded as an armament for personal use. Therefore, the king of knights of an ancient country and his twelve knights set strict laws and regulations on holy swords and implemented them.

That is, the second sheath that hides the true body of the holy sword---+Three restraints

The holy sword is released only in situations where multiple honors and missions can be achieved.

And that is the sword of salvation.

The more harmful the target is to the world, the more powerful it is.

To treat a human cancer like beast is like the **** flag to Jewish vampires.

If there are any shortcomings, it is probably that a holder is too weak.

If you encounter an old yin like Gaetia, it is easy to be snapped off by a light falling from the sky.

If the level of the holy swordsman can reach the level of a **** or even a **** king, then he is really a beast killer.

"Whether it's a cover for using the Last Angel or a direct ultimate move, it's good.

The boy casually gave orders to his followers to let them go

Hunt for the last two offerings.

That is the fanatic, and Finn.

They are all first-class and above, and it can even be said that they are close to the top Servants.

However, in this game of chess that was essentially Su Han and Getiah, the power of the so-called top-level Servant was actually no different from the useless firewood like the Chief Secretary.

Of course, the holy swordsman named Arthur is a special case.

In other words, the sword he holds is a special case.

That sword, when fully exerted, is enough to kill the white who is close to a complete body


And at that stage, the white giant **** even had to overwhelm Getia.


You will definitely come out.

"After all, you wouldn't want to see that I became the Holy Swordsman of the Stars." Having said that, the young man looked towards the forest.

In that forest, the family that summoned the crowned swordsman was hiding in the white snow.


The boy held out his hand.

Just like when he called the gust of wind to tear Leif from an unknown distance, the endless gust of wind began to howl.

Like the most terrifying disaster in history, the sky turned into a gloomy and endless gust of wind, like a scythe that harvested wheat, cutting off all the giant forest trees that were hidden objects..."

In the howling wind, only the castle of the Einzbern family remained as it was.

The magic barrier protects this place.

However, the location of this base was also revealed.

It was not one or two performances. The young man who swallowed the spiritual foundation took the hand of the girl next to him, and with a slightly shy look, he moved towards the area called the Einzbern Forest.

"The current head of the Matou family, came to meet the head of the Einzbern family."

"Please come out and talk."

Fifty-sixth what is called, the whole army was wiped out?

Today is undoubtedly dark for the Einzberns.

No, it shouldn't be said today.

It should be said that since the beginning of the Fourth Holy Grail War, the sky has not been bright.

Because the androids are not good at fighting, they hired a combat expert, Emiya Kiritsugu, as the master of Saber.

As a magician killer, he has almost no magician's restraint, belongs to the serious mercenary line, and is completely different from those famous magicians who pay attention to aristocratic demeanor.

Practical experience max

With his technology and extraordinary combat experience, Emiya Kiritsugu theoretically, even if the monarch comes, there is a certain probability that he will be attacked to death.


Because of the intervention of a certain existence, all the magicians present became extremely vigilant.

Emiya Kiritsugu, who was good at assassination, lost his advantage.

Feeling bad, they chose to contact their former allies.

As a result, the allies gave up themselves because of "the current owner of the Matou family has agreed to marry the Tohsaka family, and there is a possibility that an adoptive child will be the heir to the Tohsaka family. As a father-in-law, I have no reason to be hostile to him". Servant of one side.

The Matou family died violently, and the participants in the Holy Grail War ushered in strengthening, and the Tohsaka family was there as a mascot.

The combination of the original magician killer and King Arthur is really strong.

However, other combinations are not easy to mess with!!

The monarch of the Ore Division is the leader of the Knights of Fiona.

The crowned puppet master is a fanatic who has mastered all of Hassan's stunts.

There are also people who are cheating at home, and the strong ones are like a magician's Matou family talker

It can only be said that the invincible configuration in their eyes, in this out-of-control Holy Grail War, is actually not much different from summoning a brush to fight the fourth Holy Grail War of the original version.


What if you can win.

The people of the Einzbern family prayed, as if expecting Lancelot to defeat the Fourth Holy Grail War, and then expecting Dirumdo to defeat Lancelot by believing.

Unfortunately, in this day and age, no gods can hear their prayers.

"Why don't you come out to meet."

The young man walked to the front of the castle with slow footsteps.

As if to destroy his dream, he waved his hand amid the extremely stiff expressions of the androids who were able to see the outside world with the help of magic.



The walls of the castle, as if ordered to "self-destruct", turned into nothingness.

The city walls were destroyed.

then a

"Clap, clap."

The sound of boots stepping on the marble begins in the torn shell of the castle


The enemy is coming.

"The Einzbern family, the current patriarch, Harald has seen the Matou family talker

It was extremely difficult. In terms of seniority, the old man, who was perhaps only a little younger than the old bug, went to meet him on crutches.

Will the patriarch's lord also show such a flattering look?

Emiya Kiritsugu, who followed closely behind, looked at the smile forcefully squeezed out of the old man's face, with a dignified expression.

"You are looking for our family, do you have any business to discuss?" There was a humiliating smile on the old man's face.

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