"Huh, three Command Spells in a row, direct forced suicide, Tokiomi Tohsaka is really ruthless."

The young man watched Gilgamesh's soul and kept drifting towards the Einzbern house, sighing.

Gilgamesh farts.

The reason for the fart is the backstab from the master.

In the regular Holy Grail War, he should have appeared as the final boss, but at this moment, he played gg in a very embarrassed image.

Down and down, family.jpgo

"Although one less battle is lost in this way, with the idea of ​​\"saving a little trouble, I would exchange a marriage contract for Gilgamesh's violence. This is too much."

Perhaps because there is a part of Rin in her body, Miss Alley's face is full of distress.

He clearly knew that the guy who had just been beaten by him was talking about himself.

However, when she watched Tokiomi Tosaka was calculating how much dowry to prepare, she really felt like she was forcibly married off.


The goddess of the underworld, looking at the master who actually promised to come down, couldn't help but flatten her mouth.

This guy, don't you know the consequences?

"As long as you talk to Rin about that kind of thing, she will understand." In response, Su Han just shrugged and gave an explanation.

"This is also for Rin's sake. After all, she doesn't want me to beat her father in a rhythm."

Such an answer made the girl who was a servant of Su Han not knowing what to say for a while.

This answer is indeed perfect.

After all, Miss Tohsaka Rin is not someone who doesn't understand things.

Besides, that guy is still under Su Han's subordinates, and it is unlikely that he will contradict his boss.

"So, who is the next target?"

The goddess of the underworld was at a loss for words, so she had to change the topic.

This time, the Holy Grail War is much more luxurious than imagined.

Even if Tohsaka Tokiomi is removed, there are still five Masters, including Danick, Aozaki Orange, Kenneth, Emiya Kiritsugu, and Weber, to deal with.

"What's your solution order?"

Miss Ai Lei, who felt that Su Han could solve the problem quickly as long as she followed the order, asked.

"just forget it."

In response, Su Han shook his head.

"Magicians are insane. In case Emiya Kiritsugu also learns Tosaka Tokiomi's brain cramps and insists on stuffing his daughter with me, it would be too much punishment, but prison cannot be imprisoned."

"I can't grasp this matter." "So, let's not communicate one by one." Not to communicate one by one?

Miss Alley raised some doubts in her heart.

"Then how to deal with it?"

"Remember, I have summoned enough servants?" the boy said.

Ellie nodded, her expression a little weird.

The servants that Su Han summoned were actually quite honorable, and they were indeed the vase group.

"Aren't you curious, if you give them unlimited magic power, what abilities can they show?"

Chapter 50 When the Kremlin Comes to Fuyuki

Use magic to pretend to be the grandson of an elderly couple. Weber Velvet woke up in the second-floor bedroom of the old man.

The sun was already high outside, and if he had followed his routine at the Clock Tower, Webb would have woken up early to prepare for the day's schoolwork.

However, things are different now.

For example....

\"Let's join forces, otherwise, we have no chance of winning.

Not long ago, his mentor found him and sent him an invitation to form an alliance with a solemn expression.


The monarch of the El-Melloi family, the leader of the Clock Tower noble faction.

The man who was monitoring the flow of magic power in the whole city discovered not long ago that the magic power distribution throughout Fuyuki City was like a tornado.

With the Matou family as the center, the magic power of the whole city is drawn by the area located in the eye of the wind, constantly being absorbed.

That is too creepy for magicians who have a high understanding of the occult.

Humans only need one bottle to drink water. .

If it is replaced by a liger, if you want to be full, you need a pot.

Well, what about dinosaurs that lived in ancient times, and even "dragons" that were born when the world first opened.

How much water do they need to drink if they are thirsty?

Kenneth doesn't know.

However, he knew another thing.

The Holy Grail War is no longer the gold medal used to adorn one's life in the past, but a death calamity.

If these people don't join forces with the newspaper group to keep warm, they will definitely be nailed to the street one by one because they offend the monster in Matou's house!!

"So, is the Holy Grail War such a dangerous thing?"

Webber, with a heavy heart, sighed.

League, that's what he expected.

However, even though he was still young, he was still a little embarrassed to gather with the teacher who had stolen the holy relic by himself, and did not move directly to the vicinity of Kenneth's magic workshop.

However, such dispersal seems irrational.


Or should compromise.

The boy who was still too thin-skinned was a little hesitant.

He was lying on the bed not wanting to get up. As if lying down like this, you can give up thinking and not worry about the future.

But it's not enough to continue to sleep. A certain red-haired man unconsciously sat on the ground watching the military channel, and then laughed at the big president on the screen.

"What! Such a guy is absolutely not enough to be an enemy!!!" After laughing, he began to choose to eat fried chicken with big mouthfuls, wiped his mouth, and began to switch channels, laughing at the leader of a certain Slavic region.

That arrogant attitude is really easy to think of the existence of the keyboard warrior, and no one will recognize that this man who speaks loudly will be Iskandar, who ranks first in the history of European military commanders.

Macedonian King Iskandar is a famous military strategist and

As a king, this king may have failed. The empire he built collapsed just as soon as the news of his death came out.

The speed of that collapse made people wonder whether the Alexander Empire was an empire or a classical military alliance.

However, in terms of military talent, he is definitely one of the ceilings in human history. He developed the military system and phalanx tactics of ancient Greece, and created the "dragon cavalry" who could ride on horses and fight on foot.

Strategically, the decision-making is decisive and flexible, and it is good at taking advantage of favorable situations to isolate and attack the enemy.

Tactically, attach importance to the coordination of foot and cavalry, be good at surprise and boldly intersperse, move back and encircle, and develop the ancient military academics to a new stage.

In just ten years, it has conquered about 5 million square kilometers of territory and turned three of the four ancient civilizations into its own territory.

In the classical era, perhaps only the Emperor Wu'an, who was praised by the Taizu as "in the war of annihilation, under the dry load, no one surpasses his right", could fight against it.

Recalling the deeds of this king a little, he was thin but extremely wise, and his face like a professor was sketched in Weber's mind.

The premise is that you don't see your Servant.

Looking at the big man who was choking and eating fried chicken, Weber's face suddenly became painful.

The length of the body easily exceeds 2 meters, and the upper limbs sticking out from the shirt are covered with strong muscles that seem to bulge out from the inside. The majestic ones are not human, but silverback gorillas.

Even though he was paralyzed on the sofa, he was still full of oppressive presence, and the strong body odor emanating from that rumbling body made people cover their noses.

Weber's expression was a little distorted, he could no longer face the documents about the conquering king.

The image of the wise man in his mind was completely shattered and replaced by a red-haired gorilla nibbling on fried chicken.

Allow yourself to calm down for a while.

The poor magician, whose wallet was almost empty in Istanbul, wanted to bury his head in the quilt.

However, that is just an extravagant idea.

Rider swaggered to get out of the house, but Webber hurriedly stopped him.

"where are you going?"

Wearing only a T-shirt to go out in the cold November is very unusual, but the bigger problem is that Rider's sturdy body now has nothing but a T-shirt.



"Why don't you ask? Go to the street to buy wine and drink." Rider said as a matter of course.

"Aren't you going to meet that big golden retriever later? Going empty-handed, it doesn't seem appropriate, so let me go to the bar."

Although he was talking about a banquet for his comrades, his rude face almost said "I want to drink."

Weber touched his increasingly thin wallet and felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness.

But, Rider's reason is so reasonable, how could he refuse it?

"At least put your pants on before going out!"

Weber was so angry that he felt dizzy like anemia, and his whole body kept fighting.

"Does that have to be worn? It's so troublesome, it's better to wear armor." Rider scratched his head, and then changed into the battle armor as a Servant in Webber's collapsed expression.

At this moment, a very loud explosion sounded to Webb's ears.

No, it's not sound, but an auditory stimulus that hits Weber's sensitive nerves as a magician - in other words, a magic pulse.

In an instant, the young man named Weber suddenly became alert.

Someone is using magic?!

That scene made the burly man on the side narrow his eyes.

"Excuse me, is this Webberville Witt's home?" There seemed to be a clear voice of a girl outside the door.

Webb and his servant looked at each other, and the rider strode forward and opened the door.

The next moment, the scene that came into view made Weber's eyes widen in an instant.

The dark building complex is floating in the air.

The Great Kremlin, Red Square, Church of the Assumption, Church of the Angels, Church of the Annunciation, Dolan Palace, Ivan the Great Bell Tower, Bell King, Cannon King, Treasure Hall..

The flag of the double-headed eagle fluttered above the palace.

Weber's face froze suddenly.

Chapter 51 The Holy Grail War is not cheating, so is it still called the Holy Grail War?

On the permafrost empire in Siberia, there are buildings called "inner cities".

In 1156, Archduke Yuri Dolgoruki built a small castle out of wood on his enfeoffed territory and named it "Gerginets".

In 1320, Ivan I began to build the Kree out of oak logs and limestone

Mlin Palace.

With the expansion of the Muscovite Principality, Tsarist Russia was born.

The once ridiculous inner city has also been able to expand.

After the fall of Tsarist Russia, the area of ​​the inner city reached a terrifying 275,000 square meters.

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