rider source Laiguang

assassin—Quiet Hassan


berserker - Kiyohime

With the addition of the black and white Joan of Arc, it is basically a full-time introduction.

Except for Gen Laiguang, who is called the strongest Servant in the extreme east, most of the other Servants are useless, and they may not be enough to be beaten by a fat tiger.

Not enough, but fortunately.

Therefore, Su Han chose to give up the Haha team and the Super Indian team, and chose a servant who was more suitable for his XP as a vase.

To be honest, summoning so many Servants should be considered very time-consuming, but even if he spent so much time on summoning Servants, this guy has not had time to summon Fat Tiger...

This is too hip.

Looking at the man who probably didn't know how much he pulled his hips, Su Han sighed.


All the other masters have summoned Servants.

Uncle Tohsaka Black Pot, why did you just pull over like this?

"So, can you be quicker?"

The boy thought for a while and recalled the belonging of Miss Sakura in his memory.

Tohsaka Rin has been complaining that her sister was raised as a problem girl by the Golden Drill family.

"After summoning the Servant, then quickly lead Sakura to Finland to find the Tianping family who will take over.

"You are also a talent if you can send your daughter to a ghost place like Wentong's."

This guy is from the future.


I know Rin very well.

Even if he attacked the Matou family, it may be because the Matou family is not suitable for Sakura.

such a relationship.

Would it be a bit too kissable?

"You and my daughter are... very... familiar?"

Perhaps out of love for his daughter, even though the man's words were a bit leaky, he still had difficulty posing a serious look.


This guy is really powerful.

As a magician, his talent is definitely far higher than that of the Twelve Sovereigns.

Just like Tohsaka Rin, after seeing his talent, would think about whether to go home and be his brother-in-law, the man's eyes took on a little strangeness.

"Probably, to the extent that they often explore problems together."

The boy who often explored with Tohsaka Rin, when to pay back the money thought for a while and gave the answer.

Normal relationship?

Tohsaka Tokiomi couldn't help frowning.

"Then what do you think of Rin?"

The man, even though he was close to needing an ambulance, still endured the pain and asked.

"Very cute girl, although she is mean and a little black-bellied, she is smart, compassionate, and a very good girl."

Is the evaluation of Rin unexpectedly high?

The man took a deep breath.

"So, do you have any further ideas?"

Chapter 49 It's too troublesome to single out one by one, let's clean up together

Arthur Pendragon.

The most legendary great king of ancient Britain. Legend has it that he is the leader of the Knights of the Round Table, an almost mythical legend, known as the "Eternal King", because he once organized the Knights of the Round Table, so he is also called the King of Knights.

It is rumored that King Arthur has blond hair as dazzling as the sun, a voice that is more melodious than that of a bard, and blue eyes like emeralds. His face is clean and tidy.

He abides by chivalry, kindness, integrity, benevolence, loyalty, courtesy, and is a king close to a saint.

This kind of man, and his affinity is actually very bad.

Before summoning, Emiya Kiritsugu thought so.


"Master, how do you need me to cooperate with you next?" the blond knight stood behind the killer and asked.

Murder, Assassination, Murder...

It is hard to imagine that a man who was praised as a holy king would nod his head and decide to cooperate after seeing such a plan full of intrigues.

The scene at that time is still unbelievable when I think about it now.

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the handsome man beside him, a little dazed.

"Is there anything you want to ask?"

Seemingly aware of the abnormality of his master, the knight had a little doubt on his face.

"It's just that. You are not the same as the one recorded in the story." The man named Emiya Kiritsugu said.

"In the face of a strong enemy, fearless, courageous and loyal, worthy of God, loyal and upright, would rather die than yield, protect the weak, and do not violate the law of nature."

"I swear to be kind to the weak, I swear to be brave against rape, I swear to fight against all wrongs, I swear to fight for the defenseless, I swear to help anyone who asks me for help, I swear to harm no woman, I swear to help mine Brother knight, I swear to be true to my friend, and I swear to love to the death."

"People who can say such things, I think they should be very corrupt people."

Perhaps Emiya Kiritsugu, who was reticent most of the time, spoke a lot more rarely in order to get to know his partner before the war.

In response, the man who saw the cup as the beginning of the knight laughed, his voice very loud


"Master, as a king, I may indeed be very corrupt." "However, even if I am as pedantic as I am, it is impossible to love people all over the world without limit."

"After all, compassion and benevolence are reserved for one's own people, not for the enemy."

The Swordsman of the Stars, who killed Lucius, the last emperor of Rome, and evaporated him from human history, shook his head.

"Some people in the East have said that if you ask for it, I only regard those codes as the ultimate goal, not as a code of conduct that must be done."

Truly a king.

The moral bottom line is not general flexibility.

Emiya Kiritsugu thought.

However, the moral bottom line is flexible. For the monarch, it is by no means yyg, but an out-and-out virtue.

I believe that most of the people in the country would like their king to be a fickle conspirator instead of a righteous knight like a donkey.

"According to the plan, after night falls, I should release my breath in Fuyuki City to attract followers and create opportunities for you to attack the master."

Perhaps it was because of the face that came, this man, who was more inclined to kings than knights, looked at his master, and in his emerald eyes, there was a cold fighting spirit.

At heart, Arthur doesn't like Emiya Kiritsugu.

Although he gained a more flexible moral bottom line because of his experience as a king, he was trained as a knight since childhood.

If possible, he would prefer that his partner be a warrior like Gawain and Lancelot, rather than an assassin.


Rationally speaking, the master-slave combination formed by myself and this assassin is not bad, and it is of great help in obtaining the Holy Grail.

Only get the Holy Grail..

You can restore Britain yourself.

A little pain flashed across the face of the king whose kingdom fell apart after his death.

No matter what the cost....

He wants to restore his country.

Those Germanic barbarians who slaughtered their own people and occupied the British territory must pay the price!!

"So, should we leave now?" The blond man's voice was sonorous and powerful.

In order to restore Britain as soon as possible, he obviously hopes to enter the battlefield as soon as possible.

"hold on."

The man who was waiting for his ally to reply, shook his head.

In general terms.

His plan was enough to kill an enemy.

No matter how good a magician is, it is difficult to resist sniper rifles and origin bullets when the Servant is not around.

However, in this Holy Grail War, there is an unreasonable persecution.

To this end, Emiya Kiritsugu not only needs Arthur to attract attention for himself, but also needs a servant as a variable in case of unexpected events.

The Einzbern family, the Maqiri family, and the Tohsaka family were natural allies.

Now the Maqiri family has been destroyed, but there is still the Tohsaka family who can form an alliance

Emiya Kiritsugu, waiting for Tosaka Tokiomi's reply.


"Is the speed of replying a little slow this time?" Saber murmured while looking at the gradually gloomy sky.

He watched Emiya Kiritsugu contact Tokiomi Tosaka in the morning, but now it's almost night...

Those words made Emiya Kiritsugu's heart suspend a little.

What the **** is going on?

"No, Kiritsugu-sama, Irisviel-sama, there is something wrong with your body."

While Emiya Kiritsugu was thinking, the battle maid from the Einzbern family hurried over and said Huya, which made Emiya Kiritsugu's face change drastically.

The Almighty Cauldron of Wish Machine itself only has the existence of a spirit body and does not have a physical body, so in order to make it appear as a holy grail, a holy grail vessel must be prepared. Therefore, the battle of the seven Servants around the Holy Grail can also be called the seance

Since the beginning of the Holy Grail War, the task of preparing the artificial Holy Grail utensils has been undertaken by the Einzbern family for generations.

Irisviel now feels unwell.

An extremely terrifying thought flashed in Emiya Kiritsugu's mind.

Extremely powerful Servants have already been killed.

On the other side, it was the Matou family.

Bow flash.

Gilgamesh, the fifth king of Uruk, the city state of the early Sumerian dynasty in ancient Mesopotamia, is the protagonist of the oldest human epic "The Epic of Gilgamesh".

Because it is good at using the Babylonian treasure house as an attack method, when it comes as a bow, it will have the best combat power even among the three golden glitters.

As a young side profile, Gongjie is arrogant and a tyrant who thinks he is invincible.

There is actually no problem with this statement.

At the level of Lingji only "Servant", because of the special Noble Phantasm, he is basically not restricted and is an invincible servant.

Even if the gods appear in front of him as Servants, he can laugh at their weakness.

Such a Servant, even if he encounters a monster named Beast, he will be able to fight back to a certain extent.


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