That is the eighth wonder of the world - the Kremlin.

Afterglow, Abominable Blood Citadel Rating: A+

Noble Phantasm: Fortress Noble Phantasm

Reproduction of castles scattered all over Russia.

Anastasia, who inherited the blood of the emperor (tsar), can summon these extremely strong and gorgeous castles to protect her own safety.

The castle is only accessible to those chosen by Anastasia.

If anyone else approaches the castle, they will be treated as intruders and attacked by all the castles.

Of course, if these castles are stacked directly in front of the enemy, it will be an out-and-out war fortress!

The white-haired princess stood above the city, holding a strange elf and staring down.

Cold sweat rose on Weber's forehead.

Although it has long been known that the Holy Grail War is a very outrageous thing..

But it's too much for you to just move the **** into a Kremlin!!

Such a large palace complex, even if it is just thrown around in the way of a group of jade pavilion cruise missiles, the tower can smash into a small half of Fuyuki!

"Oh, oh, this thing is more domineering than the b2 bomber!"

Even the man who was honored by later generations as the Great Emperor, when he saw the terrifying fortress, his red eyes were filled with shock.

"If I had this back then, I could have killed Darius 800 miles away!!"

:\"Is it time to discuss whether it can kill Da Liutu?\" Weber screamed.

He had already seen that the lighthouse floating in the air had begun to glow red.

"rider, let's run!!"

Without hesitation, Weber gave the most sincere order.

Among the many types of Noble Phantasm, a Noble Phantasm such as a castle with such a huge volume requires an extremely large amount of magic power to summon. If only part of it is summoned, it is difficult to suppress vitality, and it is easy to be torn apart by Servants, so it will be very tasteless to use.

However, this does not mean that they are waste.

Once they are fully summoned, they will show what is called fire suppression! !


As if they didn't want money, one had a pitch-black muzzle that protruded from the city wall.

Then, there was a roar like thunder.

The endless flames made Weber instantly have the illusion that he had traveled to World War I and was being baptized by the hail of bullets.

"Oh oh oh!! What a gorgeous attack!!"

"It's decided, I want this castle! I'm going to drive it to run for President of the Lighthouse!!!"

In Weber's "I'm already dead look", the man from Greece not only did not execute the Master's order to retreat, but he laughed heartily.

Even though he looks cumbersome because his muscles are too large, his speed is extremely agile.

He quickly called back the ox cart he got from Zeus, threw his master on it, and drove it quickly.

The wheels turned, and the bursting thunder barked!!

Like a spider's web, the blue-purple electric light spread under the hooves of the divine cow. As the divine cow pulled the cart, it trampled the sky, and the thunder from Zeus roared and smashed a piece of cannonball.

"My little master! Can you report the data of that Servant?" A strong arm pressed against Weber's arm, urging his Master. "

Under the urging of the still immature Master, he quickly raised his head and looked over, trying to find out.


A series of Servant data entered his eyes.

real name:???

Muscle strength: C

Durability: C

Agility: A

Magic: EX

Lucky: At

Noble Phantasm: EX

"The enemy is most likely a caster related to Tsarist Russia.

Incomparably fast, in the future, except for the deflation in the stock market, the young man who has always been the representative of the think tank gave a judgment.

"The Noble Phantasm she summoned is the Kremlin Palace with a double-headed eagle flag, and the faction she was in during her lifetime can be determined to be Tsarist Russia."

"Able to hold castle-type Noble Phantasm, most likely it is a caster or a rider."

"In terms of attributes, strength and durability are C, agility is A, and it looks like a ridero"

\"Rider's position has been occupied by you, so she is very likely to be a caster with improved attributes because the master is too strong!

"Oh, is that so?"

The rider riding the bullock cart directed the divine bull to dodge the gunfire, and his face could not help flashing admiration.

It was obviously the first time on the battlefield, but he was still able to detect the source and position of the enemy through the characteristics of the opponent's Noble Phantasm and its attributes. Maybe his little master could become the overlord.

"Be careful, the enemy has gained a positional advantage. To be safe, we should withdraw and seek the help of Mr. Kenneth."

Before the words fell, Weber's eyes reflected a trace of light.

It was just a light, perhaps a sudden flash of starlight from the night sky, or his illusion, but it was more likely that he was in a trance.

If it were normal, he would definitely ignore this flash, because this flash is really not worth caring about, who would care about such a flash of light?

However, that insignificant flash caused Istandar's surprise, and he subconsciously looked up to the sky.

Then he saw it.

Under the night sky, a shadow-like person is flying in the sky, and the edge of the shadow is a deadly blade!

The light green feather weave, and the cherry pink hair, rippling slightly in the air.

With a dangerous and beautiful light.

\"ViaExpugnatio (Distant Ravenous Domination)!\"

The King of Conqueror roared loudly, and the divine bull released thunder that shocked the atmosphere.

But this is not an attack, but a defense.

The thunder spread into the vast sky, as if lightning flashed continuously under the night sky. The King of Conqueror's body was just stuck on the wheel of Kamui, and Weber was also pressed down by him.

The attacking swordsman did not succeed with a single blow, and the magic rune lit up at some point in the attacking swordsman's body, and he quickly retreated as if he were on the flat ground.

During the time of his retreat, Weber reluctantly raised his head and looked over, and the data of the Servant also appeared in his sight.

real name:???


Muscle strength: A

Durability: C

Agility: A++

Magic: C

lucky :C

Noble Phantasm: B

"Haori of the Shinsengumi, with extraordinary swordsmanship, is a local assassin from the extreme east?"

Perhaps because the Saber's attributes were too inferior, Weber made a wrong judgment, which made him shudder.

The Holy Grail War, in theory, should be a battle between the master and servant of the 7 teams.

One job, only one servant.

Webb's teacher, Kenneth, was a man with eyes wide open.

With his status as a monarch, as long as he is willing to show his followers and send an invitation, he can easily get a lot of masters' willingness to cooperate.

And the servant of the crown magician named Aozaki orange is the **** lottery.

The servant of the Einzbern family is Saber.

The guy in front of him has amazing swordsmanship and is good at assassination. There is a 99% probability that he will be an assassin, and the remaining 10% probability will be a swordsman.

No matter what kind of possibility it is, it will mean that something very bad has happened.

for example

Servants are not seven at all!!

"The rules of the Holy Grail War have been silently changed."

Seeing that it was obviously a team, and was staring at him and the rider's two servants, Weber only felt that his heart was twitching.


Is this Holy Grail system produced by Ubisoft?

How can it be so easy to get a bug?

"Is it still not resolved here?"

As if mocking something, a very charming voice came from a distance.

"It's obviously just dealing with a top-level Servant with a high degree of lack of magic power, and it takes a lot of time. Anna and the general manager, it seems that this hunting competition is the bottom of you."

As if gloating, the girls with purple hair that looked extremely elegant, and even gave people a strange feeling, came from a distance.

Two slightly petite girls holding two plaster heads and laughing there

The plaster looks like two men.

Webb knew one of them.

That was Dani Preston Yog Domirenha, a first-level lecturer at the Clock Tower.

The leader of the Thousand World Tree family.

In order to achieve a certain wish, he also chose to join the Holy Grail War.

He had just settled down with a berserker named Vlad III when he was ambushed by the three Gorgon sisters.

goddess smile

Grade: B+

Type: Anti-human Noble Phantasm

Maximum catch: 1 person

Sublimated from the charm of the goddess who captured countless heroes. Sad eyes are its blade, ecstatic whispers are its poison, whether a seasoned strong man or a clean gentleman, no matter what kind of man can kill (strategic) for you to see, the strongest whisper that injects love words.

goddess sight

Grade: B

Type: Anti-human Noble Phantasm

It is also sublimated by the charm of the goddess who captured countless heroes.

Gorgeous charm is its bow, sweet whispers its arrow. God or man, the arrows shot can pierce the hearts of all men.

In front of the three sisters who were full of alluring abilities, the masters and servants were all male, and they fell into a trap and were killed as a matter of course.

Behind them, it seems to be a little higher. The girl who looks like an older sister is silently holding a sickle and follows behind the two younger sisters.

Those three girls were obviously rare beauties, but they gave people a strange feeling of facing monsters.

Synchronized with it, the panel belonging to the Servant appeared in Weber's mind.

Three more seventos.

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