After the boy's voice came out, the girl's voice with a little anger also sounded.

That voice made Tohsaka Tokiomi, who was burning with anger, froze for a moment.

That voice was all too familiar to him.

It could even be said that he heard such a voice every day before sending his daughter away.

what is going on?

The suspicious man raised his head and looked forward.

It was a man and a woman who came here.

The leader was a handsome and impeccable young man with a scarlet mark on his hand.

If nothing else, that is the current owner of the Matou family.

He is also the most terrifying Master in this Holy Grail War.

If in the past, if I could see this person, Tokiomi Tosaka would definitely look at him wholeheartedly.

The reason is also very simple.

In terms of magicians, that man is a better existence than himself, and he should look up to him.

As an enemy, he is the most ferocious beast in the endless forest, and he should be feared by himself.

The slightest distraction from meeting him is all disrespect for magic and the Holy Grail War, as well as disrespect for himself who is hostile to it.

However, he has no intention of observing it now.

Extremely flustered, the gentleman looked at the girl behind the boy.

Waist-length blonde hair, with a delicate face.

On the delicate face like a work of art, with a noble and awe-inspiring atmosphere

It was definitely Rin.

Tosaka Tokiomi's brain suddenly became extremely flustered.

Why is Rin on the enemy's side?

No, no, why did Rin suddenly become an adult?

Countless questions made the magician, who was also very bright in the clock tower, fall into infinite panic for a moment.

He didn't even notice that the girl looked at him with a terrifying desire to attack.

What kind of child is Sakura to Miss Ellie?

The answer is a child who is just as unlucky as he was when he was a child.

As Ishtar's older sister, Miss Alley has a rather splendid family.

Her father was the god-king of Sumer.

In Sumerian mythology, Anu never came to earth but stayed in the sky to control the destiny of the universe.

He often wears a crown on his head, holds the divine scepter in charge of the heavens, and summons the gods to the temple to judge the erring gods.

There is no doubt that Anu is qualified as a god-king.

However, this god-king has a huge flaw as a father.

"Since the underworld needs a mistress, give it to my daughter."

When Alley was extremely young, the king, based on the sense of glory of the god-king, handed over the mission of great responsibility to his daughter.

For Anu, this may be a matter of course.

Ellie is his daughter.

It's his daughter to be proud of.

As a matter of course, he added the mission of guarding the peace of the Three Realms to his daughter, and the price of becoming the cornerstone of the underworld was also regarded as a necessary temper for growth.

Although I don't hate my destiny as a god, I'm still going to be a big hit!

Seeing the man who adopted Sakura Tohsaka's talents to the Matou family so that Sakura Tohsaka's talents would not be wasted, the goddess of the underworld had a rare burst of anger in her heart.

Fist, hard.

That scene made Su Han frown at the side, and then took a step back.

And all this was completely ignored by Tohsaka Tokiomi.

That kid really grew up exactly as he expected.

No, it's better than I imagined.

Pretty, elegant, majestic.

The only thing that doesn't suit me...

Probably dyed a golden hair and wearing contact lenses.

However, the Roman Empire, who complemented the Celestial Empire, also liked to dye their hair blonde.

Such behavior may be imitating the ancestors.

After thinking for a while, he finally guessed that the girl was a servant, and there were almost tears of excitement in the eyes of the nobleman.

The so-called Hall of Valor is an existence that transcends the timeline.

Therefore, heroes of the future may also be summoned by those of the past.

And the Rin in front of him is a magical aggregate.

In other words, she is a heroic spirit.

Although I don't know what she has experienced, she has definitely made great achievements, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to be summoned as a Servant.

Made great achievements and was summoned as a Servant.

What an honor this is.

In an instant, the man felt that his life seemed to have no regrets.

He is proud of Rin.

Just let yourself hug her.

Perhaps it was because Su Han had already retreated to the door and lost his sense of existence. At this moment, Tokiomi Tosaka only had the perfect daughter in his eyes.

In Kotomine Kirei's shocked expression, he rushed over, wanting to give his daughter a loving hug.



A pink but powerful fist slammed into the face of the magician whose smile gradually stiffened.

"Go to hell, you **** father!"

Chapter 48 So, do you have any idea of ​​going a step further with Rin?

Like a cannonball being blasted out, the extremely elegant man flew out in an instant, smashed heavily on the body of an innocent onlooker priest, and both slammed into the wall.

Under the strong blow, the priest who had suffered from the unpredictable disaster, his eyes that had never been very bright, almost bulged out for a moment, and then fell into a faint.

Open your mouth and close your eyes, eat as much as you like.

In comparison, Tokiomi Tohsaka was a little better.

The ancestor of the Tohsaka family, Tohsaka Nagato, was a martial artist who regarded magic and martial arts as equal, and even planned to get in touch with the roots by reaching the realm of "nothing".

Perhaps he inherited the martial arts talent from his ancestors. Even if the man suffered a punch from the goddess of the underworld, he did not faint like his unsatisfactory disciple, but covered half of his face with difficulty with a distorted expression.

In the end is. Why?

Even with the severe pain on his face, the man's attention was completely focused on his cracked jawbone, which was estimated to have been beaten.

He just looked at the daughter who was summoned as a heroic spirit with a blank expression.

Unlike Matou Kariya, Tosaka Tokiomi is an extremely elegant magician.

His extremely elegant male image made his wife and daughter almost fascinated.

Rin, that good boy, why is this happening?

The man looked bewildered.

He couldn't understand at all, why he hugged his daughter, only to be punched away.

"Sub-Servant - a gesture of fusion between a Servant and a human."

Perhaps sensing the man's gaffe, the boy on the side gave the answer with great interest.

"Under normal circumstances, there are three ways for sub-servants to exist."

"One, the Servant is basically sleeping, and the human and the Servant's personalities are at peace and independent."

"Secondly, the fusion of the two souls creates a new personality."

"Thirdly, one of man and **** has overwhelmingly defeated the other and digested it completely."

"Rin is a sub-servant of Ishtar, and because Ailey and Ishtar are mirror images of each other, they have part of the nature of Rin."

"Are you the master of the sky, Anu, it's normal to be beaten up suddenly."

The boy shook his head.

got the wrong person.

Tosaka Tokiomi understood the current situation.

"This guy is as annoying as his father."

In this regard, the goddess of the underworld rarely showed displeasure, which made the expression of the man who had only known him as an excellent father stiffen.

But then again, why does this guy call Xiao Rin's name so affectionately...

In this regard, Su Han just smiled helplessly.

Magicians are mostly insane.

In fact, most magician families are similar to the Matou family, and it is the norm that life is worse than death.

In fact, Tokiomi Tosaka is already one of the three best men among magicians.

The only downside is that the ancestral chain is dropped.

You can also go wrong when helping your daughter choose a new home.

All I can say is, as expected of Rin's father who can sell himself all at once.

"Can you quickly summon a Servant and use it as a Holy Grail starter for me?" Su Han, who had a good relationship with Tohsaka Rin, looked at the embarrassed man with a strange expression.

This guy can't.

Not even summoning Heroic Spirits in advance.

He's also hoping to find the stinky flash, and then release the C flash to perform a special moon festival - I hit myself.

As a result, Tokiomi Tokiomi actually pulled his hips, and he even came, but he still hadn't summoned a servant.

Summon Servants as Holy Grail Launchers?

Hearing those words, Tokiomi Tosaka was shocked and angry.

Surprisingly, it was natural that the guy in front of him planned to plunder the Servant as fuel for the Holy Grail.

Angrily, this guy didn't take himself seriously at all.

However, before the future and what to say, the boy's next words made the man suddenly alert.

"To be honest, after returning to the past, killing my friend's father is a bit too much."

The young man who was planning to open the killing world had a slightly distressed expression.

saber - Okita Soji

archer-Yuri Ellie & Steno

lancer Medusa

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