"Without a Servant as a sacrifice, the Holy Grail cannot appear."

She reminded her that she hoped that her master would realize the seriousness of the problem.

In this regard, the young man just smiled.

"You don't really think that if I shout casually, those magicians will be obedient and won't come and grab things from me."

With quite thought-provoking words, the boy who warned the entire mysterious world not long ago turned over the book in his hand and wrote "Master of the Fourth Holy Grail War" on it.

As those words were written, names began to emerge.

Su Han, Tokiomi Tosaka, Kenneth, Weber, Kiritsugu Emiya, Danick, Orange Aozaki.

Compared with the members in the original plot, the participants in this Holy Grail War have become more luxurious.

It was obvious that he had already received a warning, but almost no one took Su Han's matter seriously.

Even because of the announcement of the "strong man" Su Han, more magicians noticed this and chose to go to Fuyuki to obtain the qualification to summon a Servant.

"Good words are hard to persuade a ghost."

"However, since they are here, it proves that they are ready to die."

The young man shook his head with a calm expression.

"So, who are we going to kill first?"

The goddess named Ai Lei seemed to understand why Su Han even dared to take the summoning quota to summon the vase.

The number of sacrifices is enough.

As if thinking of something very interesting, the young man looked at the beautiful face of the goddess and his eyes turned slightly.

"What do you think... Tohsaka Tokiomi?"

=====Secant line===

The Tohsaka family's mansion stands in the deep mountain town of Fuyuki City. In the Tokiomi Atelier underground, a device similar to an experimental tool commonly known as a black **** was prepared.

Different from ordinary physics experiment props, the vibrating hammer of this **** has a magic gem that has been passed down from generation to generation by the Tohsaka family, and the ink flowing down through the sling can wet the structure of the gem.

There are many stones to pair with this vibrator's gem.

Some of them were given to his wives and daughters, some were given to the spy that Tokiomi Tosaka bought at the Clock Tower, and some were given to Ein as a token when the Tohsaka House was first built. Zberen and Maqiri's house.

As long as the person who holds the copy gemstone writes on the front of the roller, the **** gemstone that resonates with it will start to shake, and the dripping ink will write the perfect words on the rolling paper below.

Tokiomi Tosaka, picked up the Rollin paper whose ink was not completely dry, and began to browse the descriptions on it one by one.

Honestly, this device feels unreliable no matter how many times I look at it

Although it doesn't matter if you use this without electricity, it will not fail, and there is no need to rely on emerging technologies.

But is it really good to make a fancy fax machine out of expensive gems?

But, using expensive gems to make a fax machine that just won't cut off...would it be?

The man named Kotomine Kirei looked at his teacher's actions and felt very puzzled.

However, he did not ask questions.

Because he understands that his teacher is an antique.

In his cognition, the technology and knowledge used by nobles and commoners are of course different.

He might not mind using civilian technology, but, if given the choice, he would definitely lean towards ancient technology.

This is a common problem with magicians.

The older the magic, the more powerful it is, so they tend to respect the ancient method, while ignoring that technology is the complete opposite of the mystery.

product of ancient times?

One of the trash cans, please.

"Kirei, what do you think?"

While the man named Kotomine Kirei was slandering that his teacher might need a beating from technology, the man who was scrutinizing the latest information had a rare look of sadness on his face, and handed the letter in hand to him. to his students.

This is quite an astonishing thing.

Tohsaka Tokiomi's magic talent was actually very average, not even comparable to Kotomine Kirei, who had become a monk halfway through.

With a poor talent, he spent half his life in pursuit of truth in hardships. He licked the bitterness along the way silently, and with astonishing perseverance, became a first-class magician.

With such an experience, he has an extremely good state of mind, and even if he gets the news of his own death, he will definitely remain elegant and calm.

As long as you don't encounter the situation of being smashed by your apprentice, or being filial to your daughter Euler

However, now the elegant gentleman is putting on a sad and patient expression.

Kotomine Kirei couldn't help but picked up the message and read it quickly.

That's two pieces of information in total.

One is a spy from the Clock Tower.

There is a list of the participants in this Holy Grail War.

The unimportant apprentice Weber, the mineral king Kenneth, the magician killer Emiya Kiritsugu, the dry world tree leader Danick, the crown puppet master Aozaki orange, the unknown magician who occupies the Matou family.

Excluding Webber, who was completely on a day trip, and the despicable magician, the remaining enemies were all color magicians.

For Tokiomi Tosaka, who may not even be able to reach the rank, this is extremely bad.

If the magic battle is carried out according to the traditional duel method, the teacher will definitely die without a place to be buried.

Kotomine Kirei, who was Tokiomi's assistant, quickly had an answer in his heart

The enemy's camp is really too luxurious.

However, facing such a luxurious enemy, the Einzbern family, who is also at a disadvantage and has a pact with the Tohsaka family, should also react.

The man thought, then turned to the next page.

Sure enough, the next page was an invitation to form an alliance from the Einzbern family.

If two of the three imperial families join forces, coupled with the favoritism of the Holy Church, the teacher's winning rate is still relatively high.

So why is the teacher so sad?

Kotomine Kirei's face couldn't help but appear a little puzzled.

"Teacher. I think, if you can summon that king, your chances of winning are not low."

Kotomine Kirei, who was a student, thought about it and said.


"Sakura is still at Matou's house."

The magician who never feared death sighed.

Kotomine Kirei remembered.

A few days ago, Tosaka Tokiomi adopted his youngest daughter to the Matou family because he was unable to protect his two daughters.

And just yesterday, the Matou family had been beaten to pieces.

Kotomine Kirei stared at the information column of the Master with the least information collected by the spy.

It was only mentioned above that the current owner of the Matou family is an extremely powerful magician, and he has already announced that the Holy Grail belongs to him.

At this time, if the teacher chooses to summon a servant, he is undoubtedly disobeying him.

In that case, Sakura, who is still in the Matou family, may face a crisis.

Obtaining the Holy Grail is the long-cherished wish of the Tohsaka family.

And his own daughter is indeed in the hands of the enemy.

Love and family wishes...

This is the dilemma facing the man.

"What do you think. What conditions do I have to pay to bring Sakura back to Finland?"

The man who was afraid of his daughter's misfortune had obvious unease on his handsome face.

No matter which option he chooses next, he will be unhappy for the rest of his life.

He hopes to rely on the transaction to take his daughter away.

"With all due respect, this may be a little difficult." Kotomine Kirei gave the answer.

"The only thing that the master of the Matou family cares about now is the Holy Grail..."

Only the Holy Grail?

Do you have to decide between the right to participate in the Holy Grail War and the safety of your daughter?

There were obvious signs of struggle on the man's face.

After a long silence, the man's face showed surrender, and he gave orders to his students.

"Kirei, go and contact the Matou family, I have something to tell their current master."


Before the words came out, a shrill scream was heard from the door in the distance.

what happened?

Astonishment rose in the hearts of this pair of master and apprentice.

"Open the door, Child Abandonment Association!"

From a distance came the boy's scolding.

Chapter 47 What is filial piety

Tohsaka's ancestor was a hidden foreign religious believer, but he became a magician due to the persuasion of a strange old man who suddenly appeared.

The old gentleman passing by was the famous magician Kishia Zellic.

·Hubein August.

In the Magic Association, becoming a "Zelrich's disciple" is equivalent to becoming a crippled person. Tohsaka Nagato is a special case of being his disciple without returning anything. Because of this relationship, the Tohsaka family can also be regarded as a magician. ancestry.

Even the existence of a monarch would not be too rude in etiquette when facing the Tohsaka family.

However, now

The door of Tohsaka's house was kicked open.

in a purely physical way.

"Open the door. This is the Children's Association. We got you on suspicion of buying and selling your children not long ago. Ask Tong Zuoyan, according to the public security regulations, you have been arrested."

In the magic world, speeches like a joke came from a distance.

How is this going?

Almost instinctively, Tohsaka Tokiomi and Kotomine Kirei rushed out angrily.

The so-called nobles are mostly a group of guys who value face more than life.

Fighting should be an act on the battlefield.

It is a matter of course to exercise trickery and show cold blood on the battlefield. The victor reaps glory and victory.

That was the Holy Grail War that Tokiomi Tosaka wanted.

A fight belonging to the nobles.

Enemy is hostile, what the **** is going to the door to smash the field?!

To Tosaka Tokiomi, who regards elegance as more important than his own life, this kind of behavior of breaking the door without handing over the invitation is undoubtedly unforgivable.

The elegant magician was holding the ancestral wand, and his expression was like a vengeful king.

whoever he is!!

Even if that guy is a crown magician, he will have to pay the price!!

"Are you the one who abandoned Sakura?"

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