Must rely on "miracles"

Even if the price of obtaining a miracle is to shatter oneself.

In the castle of the Einzbern family, a man named Emiya Kiritsugu finished smoking a cigarette and looked forward.

The old magician who is the Lord of Winter Castle is in front of the altar with a gloomy expression.

Ubsta Kuhaid von Einzbern. An excellent alchemist who has lived almost two centuries by continuing his life.

To be honest, for this old monster, it should be the basic skill that emotions and anger are not visible.

Today, with such an expression on his face, he is obviously disqualified.

However, Emiya Kiritsugu could indeed understand his gaffe.

Since the beginning of the Second Holy Grail War, the old man has suffered more than one defeat.

And now, he ushered in the most painful event in two hundred years.

"Mato-oh is dead."

The old man was silent for a while, and then said the news that Emiya Kiritsugu had already known

The man who had followed the Holy Maiden of Winter had met the man who had been extremely brave.

That man, after the Holy Grail was built, was a nightmare for the Einzbern family and the Tohsaka family during the time when the three clans competed.

But now the old man is indeed dead.

Died at the hands of an unknown young man.

And the boy named Su Han, after killing the owner of the Matou family, quickly took over the Matou family, and let the titular family owner issue a statement.

"Next, I will summon the Seven Riders alone and open the Holy Grail."

A few months in advance, the Holy Grail War was forcibly launched, and the Seven Horsemen were summoned alone... What kind of power is needed?

Even if they didn't meet, the boy's sense of oppression was already coming.

If anyone dares to go to Fuyuki, he is openly provoking him!!

If he were not a top-level magician who was good at fighting, he would have been brutally murdered as soon as he entered Fuyuki City.

If he gets angry, he will wait until the end of the Holy Grail War... No, he doesn't even need to wait until the Holy Grail War is over, he will give the tyrants a trial.

For the Einzbern family who are not good at fighting, it will be the biggest nightmare.

The old man stroked his white beard, reminiscent of a frozen waterfall, and his eyes, which had always gleamed with shrewdness, were indeed sad now.

Looking at the old man who seemed to hesitate, the expression of the man named Emiya Kiritsugu was very calm.

He believed that no matter how powerful the enemy was, the old man would make the decision to fight to the end.

If you want to ask why.

That is the Einzbern family, which was born for the third law.

The meaning of their existence is to reproduce the miracle that can save the world.

Not beyond Emiya Kiritsugu's expectations, the old man took out the holy relic from the sealed vessel under Emiya Kiritsugu's amazed expression.

It's the scabbard.

Gold texture, decorated with dazzling blue enamel, such luxurious equipment is not so much a weapon as it is a treasure that shows the majesty of the noble like a crown and a staff. The engraving in the middle is a long-lost fairy script, which proves that the scabbard is a handicraft made by non-human hands.

Legend has it that the scabbard can heal the bearer just by wearing it on the body;

Aging can be stalled, of course, provided that its original owner provides magic.

In other words, as long as the summoned Heroic Spirit uses it, this thing itself can also be used as a Master's Noble Phantasm.

"Using this thing as a medium, you can probably summon the strongest Servant who is the heroic spirit of the sword. Kiritsugu, take this as one of the two greatest aids the Einzbern family has given you.

Old man Ahad, his eyes flashed with a madly intense light.

That's King Arthur's scabbard.

Arthur, the red dragon of Britain.

The most legendary great king of ancient Britain. People know him more from Celtic myths and legends and medieval unofficial documents. Legend has it that he was the leader of the Knights of the Round Table, an almost mythical legend known as the "Eternal King".

Sword in the Stone, Avalon, Holy Grail, Rider of the Round Table.

Each of the brilliant nouns are all based on it.

There are even rumors.

His Royal Highness, who was given the Holy Sword of the Star, is an existence at the apex of the "sword".

"If it is him, no matter what the enemy is, he can defeat it."

The old man handed the scabbard to the man who was paranoid to the extreme.

"A swordsman at the apex of the 'sword'?

Without hesitation, Emiya Kiritsugu accepted this great gift.

Now is not the time for humility.

The enemy he will face next is a monster who dares to declare war on all the masters, and even intends to summon the seven cavalry servants alone to complete the ritual.

For this, he must obtain a sufficiently powerful Servant.

"Then what about the other aid."

Not content, the man with a holy relic slowly asked the old man.

"It's an ally."

The old man stretched out his hand and pointed to the stained window in the castle.

The Holy Maiden of Winter and the two magicians who serve her. All three reached out to the Holy Grail in the sky.

Chapter 46 Translate, what is a surprise

While some hapless man is trying to contact his allies, what is someone being targeted at?

the answer is

I'm thinking about which servants to summon as a vase.

"The Servant, unless it is a crown or a deity downgrade, it is quite honorable."

Not long ago, the boy who announced to the world that the Holy Grail already had a master was sitting in the seat of the head of the Matou family, with a distressed expression.

As a person with the support of Chaldea, Destiny, World Snake and other organizations, it is very simple for Su Han to get some holy relics.

Even if it is a servant of the gods, he can directly wholesale.

If he is just an ordinary Master, now he should naturally use his memory of his previous life to summon a Servant similar to Matthew, who has the nature of \"calling heroes\", and obtains the ability to sign contracts with multiple Servants.

Then followed by summoning an excellent caster as a charging treasure, and then summoning strong and talkative servants such as Karna, Siegfried, and Sigurd, and then began to push.

Punching gold glittering, foot Rui conquers the king, and if you have time, you can take your servants to sack the clock tower.


The issue is...

Su Han did not lack force.

In his perception, the strongest characters like Gilgamesh and Hercules are not much stronger than Kiyohime and Shakespeare.

For him, the so-called Heroic Spirit Summoning is basically equivalent to drawing cards from XP.

"So, which servants should I choose?" the boy muttered.

Among them, the position of caster is naturally Artoria Castor.

Su Han was still quite curious about the girl who, according to Mei Li, had a major relationship with him.

The remaining six positions were naturally drawn at random.

"Charlotte, Chief of the Demon God, Anastasia? I suddenly feel that too many summoning positions are also an annoyance."

The boy unabashedly said the names of a series of female-like Heroic Spirits.

That speech quickly caused a snort from a passerby.

The girl who was the inversion of Joan of Arc looked at the muttering appearance of the man who forced her to make a contract with her not long ago, and instinctively began to grind her teeth.

This guy, he did such a **** to himself, and it turned out to be nothing.

Now he is still talking about other women's names here.

"It was clearly stated that he wanted to summon a servant as a sacrifice to summon the Holy Grail, but in the first stage, because of lust, did he choose to summon a beauty?"

The witch with silver-gray hair sneered.

"if not?"

The boy who was mocked wasn't angry either, just raised his eyebrows.

"Most heroic spirits are heroes who have made great achievements and are the defenders of human history. Although it is a bit hypocritical, it is a bit unspoken to sacrifice a group of humanistic defenders who are in the same camp as themselves for no reason. reason."

The boy laughed, as if joking, and opened his mouth.

"Unless it happened to summon a Servant who was recorded in history because of his notoriety, otherwise, it would be too much."

Having said this, the young man stared straight at the Dragon Witch.

As the revenge saint that the marshal is looking forward to, this witch is naturally uncompromising


"Speaking of which, you seem to be an anti-hero."

"You want to sacrifice me?!"

A moment flashed on the face of the witch who was born entirely based on the marshal's fantasy


The boy who noticed that moment burst into laughter without concealment.

was wanted.

Miss Heizhen quickly understood all this.

Then, as if to cover up his gaffe, he quickly changed to a fiery look.

"Really bad guy"

Before she could be incompetent and furious, a fair and delicate hand grabbed the witch's ear and twisted it.

"Alter, you have to understand, that is an approximation of God, a saint who is closer to the 'Lord' than St. Michael or even the Son!"

"When you face the Holy Spirit, you need to be tame!!\"

The saint, who had a face similar to that witch, yelled at the witch like an older sister cleaning up her younger sister.

"That's just your perception of the Crusades." "I'm not a believer of the Crusades!!

"However, as a dreamlike creature, you can live in pan-human history, and it is entirely because of me as a shop that exists, isn't it?"

Facing the witch who was probably brooding about her blood-sucking contract not long ago, Su Han shrugged and said.

That demon's anger, the young man's half-smiling expression, as if he had been exposed to the sun, vanished in an instant.

Her essence is phantom.

The phantom that was born because of the distortion of history.

In theory, once pan-human history is repaired, she will disappear from the world.

She is able to survive now, entirely because of that contract, as the anchor point, forcibly freezes her existence.

From this point of view, Su Han is indeed the **** she should revere.

"But...master, your behavior is really inappropriate."

The goddess named Elle looked at the sacred relic that seemed to be used to summon beautiful girls, and she hesitated.

My current Master is very reliable in matters of right and wrong, but this personal virtue....

There seems to be something wrong.

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