Save that kid?

Chapter 44 I'm not targeting anyone, I'm saying everyone present is trash

But no matter how much you pray.

The old man was still walking towards the warehouse step by step.

It was the insect warehouse of the Matou family.

Maqiri is a famous magician who specializes in creating familiars.

Even though it has declined to the present, this family still has terror

's heritage.

Modify magical properties by using familiars, control the dead, and simulate magic circuits


In the clock tower, the most advanced magic skills are everywhere in this ancient family.

And in that warehouse, there are a large number of familiar demons that are sleeping.

As long as the man enters the worm barn, those sleeping monsters will live

jump up.


According to the master's order, the girl who is regarded as her own daughter by her younger brother will undergo a brutal transformation.

Sure enough, prayer is useless?

The man named Matou Tsuruya had a slightly bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.


The meaning of prayer is to move the gods and let the gods bring blessings or punishments.

Now that the gods and demons have basically gone to the Inner Sea of ​​Stars, how can prayer be meaningful?

Thinking of him like this, he could only watch the old man walk to the front of the warehouse and open the door.


A pitch-black knight's sword was thrown out without warning.

Even in the night sky, the dark knight's sword still shone with a dangerous but extremely beautiful light.

"What's that—?!"

The former justice partner shouted in panic.

Countless flying insects flew from everywhere to resist the sharp sword.

However, how could a mere worm resist the authority of the **** of death from another world?

That is the Withering Sword - Heiyuan!!

enemy of matter

An endless black mist erupted from the sharp sword, engulfing everything within it as if it regarded an area as a domain.

It was like eating salt entering hot water, and the little old man turned into fly ash before he could even let out a scream.

Just a face-to-face, the old bug who seemed to have been written "must die at the hands of the transmigrators" in the quantum tape lost the insect that made up his present body.

The poor soul was exposed to the air and looked terrified.

He tried desperately to escape.

Although he didn't understand what happened, he wasn't an idiot, so how could he not see that he was in trouble.

You must not die here!

Roughly, there is only such obsessive man left, driving his soul towards himself.

Has fled in the direction of the nominal son.


Run away!!

Hurry up to occupy the body of this incompetent descendant and escape!!

But is running away that easy?

It was as if a girl with a habit of cleanliness was suddenly thrown into a garbage heap, the angry shouts belonging to the goddess resounded directly from the warehouse into the night sky.

"Why is there such a disgusting soul in this world!!" The authority from the goddess of the underworld appeared in modern times.

Thunder burst out of the earth strangely, shattering the sad soul.

The sorcerer of the Matou family died here.

A gust of wind blew up, and the dust produced by the disorderly decomposition of Heiyuan was blown up and landed on the side of the owner of the Kato family.

old bug...


Looking at the remnant that could be roughly called ashes, Matou Crane was also taken aback for a moment, and then great joy welled up in his heart.

Five hundred years.

The descendants of the Matou family of all dynasties lived in the shadow of that man.

And now, this old monster is finally dead!!!

"Are you finally dead?"

The man who could compete with Chairman Ai and a certain Lich King for the position of the first dutiful son of the second dimension laughed hysterically.

He didn't know who would kill the old bug.

Could that person be a more tyrannical monster than the old bug.

However, no matter how powerful the monster is, will it be more terrifying than this man?

The resentment accumulated from small to large burst out at this moment.

Like the most handsome boy in the bar, the man jumped, trampled, and spitting on the ashes of his "father" with all his might, showing no civilized image at all.

Investors who have eaten ten daily limit, the smiles on their faces are not as rich as him!!

"What a filial son."

The boy who walked out of the warehouse looked at the man who seemed a little crazy and sighed with emotion.

Beside him, the timid girl hugged his arm tightly as if frightened.

"The blood relationship between this guy and the monster just now is actually very far away.

In this regard, the goddess who decided to follow Su Han and acted as an assistant for a period of time as compensation because of a mistake shook her head.

As the goddess of the underworld, the rotten breath of the soul is too conspicuous for her.

Although the evil spirit that died just now is far from the level of the Shangxian that makes people think of respecting the elderly in an instant, it is at least five hundred years old.

And the man who is doing the act of filial piety, the taste of the soul, is only in his thirties.

Five hundred and thirty, the gap here can be imagined.

"Two Lords, what are your orders when you came here?" It seemed that he finally woke up from the joy of the old bug's sudden death. The man named Wen Tong Heya, with a humble appearance, Facing the two men and women who kowtowed their ancestors, they smiled all over their faces.

The old bug is a very powerful sorcerer.

If you consider "before joining forces with Einzbern" as his heyday, he can fight even if his opponent is a Servant. Depending on the situation, you can even win the level of solo riding. Equivalent to Goldruf Mujik (a famous third-rate magician of average level) + the number of people.

He is so talented that he can even create a Command Spell that binds Servants.

Such a man is at the apex even in the A group of per capita monsters.

Even if all the magic power is used to protect the body and there is no means of direct attack, he is not weaker than a famous patriarch like Tohsaka Tokiomi.

And they were able to kill the old bugs so neatly...

It doesn't matter who is holy anymore.

The important thing is, how can I show that I am not harmful or even useful, so as not to be killed.

In this regard, the boy who came to this world for the ceremony of consecrating a certain evil **** smiled.

"Is there anything I need to order?" The boy's eyes turned slightly.

The blooming of this world's evil requires the sacrifice of five souls in a Holy Grail War.

Well, this kind of thing can be done by myself.

After all, I can summon a large number of Servants by myself, so let's put a stop to the Holy Grail War here.

"Next, I need you to directly inform the other participants in the Holy Grail War, the Church of the Holy Grail, and some miscellaneous homes..."

The boy's voice was very loose.

"The Holy Grail ceremony will be moved to three days later."

"Do you want to start the Holy Grail War in advance?"

The man swallowed his saliva, and in his expression, he couldn't help but bring a little reverence.

It turned out to be a powerful magician who can directly modify the unfolding time of the Holy Grail Ritual?

In response, the boy just smiled and shook his head.

"No no no, I didn't mean that." Didn't mean that?

Matou Tsuru also had doubts in his heart.

"I mean, I want to complete the summoning of multiple heroic spirits within three days, and directly take the Holy Grail."

\"Those contestants, get out of here if you don't want to die!\"

Chapter 45 In this world, there is always a group of people who like to send their heads in groups

I hope everyone in this world can be happy.

All the teenagers once embraced such ideals, but after realizing the cruelty of life, they began to be disappointed and abandoned their naive ideals.

No matter what kind of happiness comes at the cost of a certain sacrifice, common sense like this, no matter what child will gradually understand as they grow up.

But in this world, there will be some aliens.

A man named Emiya Kiritsugu has an alien beside him.

Perhaps he is the kind of person who can be called a saint, carrying a destiny that ordinary people cannot understand. Maybe it's because he's stupider than anyone else, it's broken.

He realized that all life in this world will be weighed on the balance of sacrifice and redemption.

Understand that the tray on either side must never be left empty.

From that day on, he was determined to be a balance weighing man.

This is an act in which the minority must be beheaded in order to keep the majority alive.

Therefore, the more he tried to save people, the more he became good at killing people.

The man's hands were covered with layers of blood, but he never backed away.

Regardless of whether the means are correct or not, whether the purpose is correct or not, just to make the balance more just and infallible, this is the only issue imposed on him.

Life does not distinguish between noble and low, regardless of age, it is only a quantitative unit.

This man saves people without distinction, and kills without distinction.

When he saved countless people, he was infected with endless "karma" at the same time.

When tired, looking back on his life, the man understood.

The position of the savior is not something mortals can overstep.

Carrying a dream that you can't carry, the final outcome is only the collapse of the personality


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