The city of Uruk that once disappeared, as well as its inhabitants, are trying to transform it into a fertile land by spreading chemical fertilizers on a land that is slightly stronger than the underworld.

Everyone in Uruk is not dead!!

A great surprise rose in the heart of the goddess of the underworld, perhaps because she was extremely happy, and even crystal tears flowed from the corner of her eyes.

Regarding this matter, it is considered to have been dealt with.

Looking at the goddess who was crying because of her joy, Su Han felt a little relieved, then lowered his head, and checked the formation of his painting repeatedly.

appear alone.

The standard skill of the complete beast.

Beasts with such abilities will not have any problems even if their past self is "future body" by thousands of cuts.

Timelines, to beast, are meaningless.

However, the premise is that the beast is complete.

A slight smile appeared on the face of the teenager who ran away with Chonggong Ling as a stand-in.

In this world, if you ask who is closest to his nature, it is undoubtedly Chong Gongqi.

Su Han's power mainly has two parts.

Part of it is the power of Kabbalah, which accounts for 90% of today's power.

The other part is that although there is no performance, it is definitely a beast qualification that can be expected in the future.

Chong Gong Qi was originally the master of the power of Kabbalah, and she was given some power by Su Han. The degree of similarity between her nature and Su Han is definitely more than 90%.

The power of Kabbalah was taken from her, and her new life was bred from the divine tree that fused the eye of darkness and the base of the evil god.

Let her use her own angel, and it will definitely not be discovered by Getia and Angola Manuel in a short period of time.

In other words, it doesn't matter if it is discovered.

after all

Chong Gong Ling is not a vegetarian.

The wretched Getia may be able to run away, but Angola Manuel will never run away.

So, Getiah, let me see how you guard the backs of your allies.

The boy looked at the magic circle drawn from the painting, with a slight smile on his face

Heroic Spirit Summoning. Reverse.

Contact the heroic spirit through the holy relic, and then summon the heroic spirit and become your own sword.

This is a ceremony called the Summoning of Heroic Spirits.

If this ritual is reversed, it will become the Servant of the art who is looking for the Master. Feeling the longing and longing of the people in the past, he responds to the call and gives the prayer a contract, making him his Master.

Just let yourself go and see the Holy Grail War that led to the birth of the Beast of Vengeance

As a Servant, he was a little oversized boy, his eyes turned slightly.

He stood there quietly, waiting for the Master's call.

And while the boy was waiting for the master, the blonde goddess finally recovered from her great joy.

She looked at the boy, her cherry lips pressed tightly.

It turns out that this guy is one of his own.

The hero who saved Uruk, fought for the continuation of human principles, and even rescued himself.

In the face of such a brave man, he...

Not long ago, there was a little guilt in the heart of Su Han's attack on Miss Goddess.

There may be a factor that the other party's attitude is too tough, but the mistake in this matter seems to have hit him in the head.

Perhaps, they should give some compensation.

"Excuse me.. Is there anything I can help you with?" Looking at the young man, the goddess asked sincerely.

ps: Ma Dan, I went to dye my hair with my girlfriend. I thought it would be over in one hour, but I didn't expect it to be dyed for three hours.

Hemp eggs, hemp eggs, the plan is all messed up.

There are inner ghosts, the sun w is postponed.

Chapter 43: In your month, the justice partner is indeed a high-risk occupation

Once, Hongyuan was with men.

But the passage of time has turned everything into an alien. Gesture, soul, together with that wish.

- Five hundred years of persistence.

Let the body imprisoned by the limited things become a "container of the vast intellect" with a broader spirituality, thereby abolishing all evil in the world.

two hundred years ago. For an impossible ideal, a man holds the last ray of hope and visits Einzbern, an artificial man-made house built by the disciples of the Third Magician, in 1800 of the Western calendar.

Einzbern is the descendant of an alchemist who once succeeded in "materializing the soul", so the man felt that as long as he had Einzbern's system (Holy Grail), he could realize the summoning of Heroic Spirits, which was considered impossible. Then, with the help of the soul of the heroic spirit, the root cause is opened, and a wish can be made to "eliminate all evil in this world".

That's how things started.

On the eve of the completion of the ceremony, the three families of the royal family killed each other for their own purposes.

The final ceremony failed.


It is sixty years.

Second Holy Grail War.

The Holy Grail War is still lost.

And then another sixty years...

The Holy Grail War was lost.

Hate the rotten soul and rotten body, and don't want to die with nothing, over time has turned into obsession. Turn yourself into a bug, parasitic on others to prolong your life.

The figure of the holy hero gradually became blurred.

Instead, the ideal demon has been forgotten.

Even in the cold winter, the old man named Matou Zaiyan opened his turbid eyes in the Japanese-style house where there were still insects chirping.

Matou Zuoyan is an ancient magician from the Matou family six generations ago. The messenger, the first-generation head of the Matou family, and now the advisor of the Matou family.

A monster that survives by constantly devouring the bodies of outsiders.

"Is this body coming to an end?" The old man stretched out his hand.

Like a corpse that was beginning to rot, there was a foul stench on that body.

The man was on crutches and made a phone call.

After a small but dangerous conversation at the entrance of the entrance, soon, the titular head of the Matou family, Matou Crane, came from a distance in awe and knelt in front of the old man.

"Father, what are your instructions?"

The man knelt on the ground, without the majesty of the head of the family.

It can even be said that those who are sincere and fearful are like servants in the Middle Ages who will not be bothered even if they are killed.

This is definitely not the way father and son should communicate.

Even if only elementary school students see this, they can understand this in an instant

"I need a new body."

The demon whose body was already stinking spoke, and the sound was like two pieces of iron rubbing against each other, and the sharpness made it feel as if there was a problem with the soul.

The soul is an almost inexhaustible source of energy.

However, this soul will decay.

This is the basic setting of the Moon's worldview.

As the body ages, the soul also gradually declines due to the loss of its container.

However, there are always some great magicians who will get into the loopholes.

-Making yourself into something that is not human, but a magic trick that mimics human beings.

Inside the body is an aggregate of insects, and human functions are also operated by insects. The original body died long ago.

After the current body decays or wears out, the body of another person can be eaten as a substitute for "resurrection". As long as his soul as the main body is not defeated, he can continue to survive.

Matou Zuoyan was the great magician who continued his life in this way.

As long as the old man's soul is still there, he can continue to survive through parasitism.

But even so, this is only the technique of immortality, not the technique of immortality.

Even if he used the most hated sorcery in the past, the soul of the righteous messenger could not survive, but only slowed down the process of deterioration.

The deterioration of the soul affects the aging of the body, and the lifespan of the body part is getting shorter and shorter, so he has to replace the body frequently.

"I want a fresh, good body."

The old man said so with the trembling expression of his "son"

"Best, to have excellent magic aptitude." "Yes.. I understand."

The man's voice was bitter as never before.

Not long ago, the Qitong family picked up a child from another family of Yusan.

From the generation of Zuo Yan, "Sorgen's descendants began to gradually lose their magic circuits. It is not difficult to understand. Their family has lived in northern Europe for generations, and inexplicably went to the extreme east, which can last for six generations. This is already an incredible miracle.

In order to allow the Matou family to continue as a family of magicians, one year before the start of the Fourth Holy Grail War, Zuo Yan negotiated with Tohsaka Tokiomi to adopt Tohsaka Sakura to the Matou family.

That child is the daughter of the woman his brother loves the most.

After learning that the child had been adopted, he almost madly begged himself, as his elder brother, to protect the child so that he would have time to negotiate with their odious father.


This old monster looks like he is going to turn Sakura's child into his own host right now!!!

Cold sweat oozes out of the man's forehead.

How is he going to explain this to his brother!!

"Hehe, are you worried about that child?"

Just as the man was sweating coldly, the old monster seemed to see through something, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Being stared at by that weird light, the head of the family who was born a puppet, froze like a cicada being stared at by a toad.

\"Don't dare..."

The friendship between brothers was ultimately unable to suppress the fear of his father.

"You should pay close attention to that child, after all, that is your daughter."

It is very clear that there is a slight smile on the face of the old man whose unworthy descendants are about to arrive.

Perhaps because of the deterioration of the soul, the hero's hobby has also deteriorated.

In the past, he liked kind souls, children's smiles, and the middle and second novels of future generations.

Now, what he likes is the wailing of the younger generation, and the screams when he is tortured.

"That child is fine, but her attributes are not highly compatible with our family."

"Let the old man transform it a little, that child."

I can't wait to see that my unworthy descendants rushed to the scene, only to find that the old man with a desperate face, who had been transformed into Sakura, was walking along the shadows under the wall.

The man named Matou Tsuruya stretched out his hand and tried to intercept it.

However, the terrifying aura that his father had accumulated for a long time made him lose the ability to speak.

That cowardly man could only pray in his heart.

who can...

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