As if encountering something very outrageous, the boy's face couldn't help but bring a little distress.

"What should I say, I originally planned to let the Three Goddess Alliance all die violently.

"But, cool, you think Ishtar, who was beaten by society and smoothed out, is fine. She begged me to take you away."

"Your attitude is so bad, it will make me very distressed.

The young man was very honest about his thoughts and origins.

However, such a statement cannot be believed by the goddess named Ereshkigal.

After all, she could no longer feel the breath of the goddess named Ishtar.

"I want to defend the underworld, I don't need others to escape with me." "My dignity will never allow me to choose to escape!!" The voice of the goddess was resolute and decisive.

Whether the other party is an enemy or a friend is a difficult thing to judge, besides, she has her own action phalanx.

As long as she can destroy most of the underworld and connect the part of the imaginary space with the surface, then the rest of the underworld will be the place where the fire is buried.

No matter how terrifying the disaster on the ground is, the maliciousness will not be infinite, and there will eventually be a moment when all of them pour into the imaginary space.

After that, she will imitate the eastern goddess of creation and Prometheus, and give these spirits life.

In that case, human civilization can survive.


You can't escape by yourself!!

"Don't worry, I have someone to help me guard."

"Although her contribution is not as good as Gaetia's, Gaetia is unlikely to liberate the rocket she prepared to reach the past.

"In the current situation, it's not so much a war as a chicken pecking at each other." "There won't be too many problems up there."

The boy looked at the unmoved goddess, squinted his eyes, and continued to question as if nothing had happened.

"You really don't come with me?"

The goddess shouted angrily, expounding her own will.

"I will never have the answer"

However, before the words completely fell, a change occurred.

Endless red feathers fluttered in her vision.

In an instant, the world turned into darkness.

ps: I have to write 12,000 words tomorrow.

Chapter 42 Unexpectedly, I will stop fighting.

A dark world.

The goddess named Ereshkigal looked at the scene in front of her with a blank expression.

Ereshkigal was confused.

Very confused.

Not long ago, she was still underground in the Sumerian plain, thinking about how to open the door to the imaginary world and save the last human beings.

However now...

The blonde girl raised her head in confusion and looked into the distance.

The beams of the burning flames, the black smoke in the air, the glass blackened by the smoke. In the half-collapsed building, the broken solid wood was scattered on the ground, setting up one safe area after another.

Unfamiliar area, unfamiliar building, unfamiliar weather..

The magic content in the air is terrifyingly low. If a magical beast that has adapted to a high magic environment appears here, it is estimated that there is no need for a hero to conquer it. It only needs to wait a few months before it will die of weakness.

The only fantasy species that can survive in this ghost environment are skeletons and vampires.

! !

What a bitter cold place this is! !

In an instant, the goddess felt that she might have fallen into hell.

"Where is this?"

Almost instinctively, the girl murmured.

"It's London, Britain."

Soon, the voice belonging to the young man rang in her ears.

That voice made the girl involuntarily look in the direction of the voice.

The boy who was playing with a piece of red feathers was randomly drawing a distorted summoning formation on the ground according to the knowledge passed down by his family.

Seemingly aware of the sight of the goddess, the young man immediately raised his head and added.

"A more accurate statement would be Britain, the City of London, the Clock Tower.

Almost instinctively, Miss Alley took a step back as if electrocuted. Like a stressed golden kitten.

There was fear in his expression.

Such an expression on the face of a goddess is undoubtedly very strange.

However, there is not the slightest bit of inappropriateness in Miss Alley at this moment.

Just in the last moment, the seemingly harmless young man in front of him called out the power of a spiritual **** that seemed to come from an unknown god.

To be honest, for the **** of the underworld in the underworld, the attack of the normal spiritual **** is just a drizzle.

Even though the current Miss Alley is a distraction at best, she still has the power to kill the king of gods alone.

The normal mode of Yu Duchen's death can make her in the underworld lose her mind for a moment.


Is this guy an occult version of a nuclear reactor?!

Recalling the terrifying magic power that surged up at that moment, the lady goddess almost got goosebumps all at once!!

Only Yu Duchen's power is not qualified to deal with the goddess in the underworld.

However, Su Hanli is flying bricks!

Fireball is garbage.

However, if the fireball technique is expanded to the scale of fire escape and Australian wildfire, then Ta Miao's technique is directly forbidden spell.

It was the goddess who really lost her power, and she couldn't help but look at the boy who brought her to the age of apocalypse, with a wary expression!!

What is this guy trying to do?

Facing the hostile goddess, the young man didn't show any displeasure, and just continued to add it casually.

"Of course, a more detailed statement is the clock tower after the awakening of the beast of revenge.

The clock tower after the awakening of the beast of revenge?

Such remarks made the goddess from Kusa suddenly stunned.

Unlike Miss Ishtar Rin, who was born when Rin overwhelmed Ishtar's consciousness, today's Miss Alley is closer to the queen of the underworld.

For the Queen of Hades, the main function of the clock tower is to serve as a stepping stone and an organization of sacrifices for major events, so naturally there is no sense of existence.

However, the other name in this sentence is too shocking for him.

The Beast of Vengeance is an unforgettable name for this forgotten goddess.

Not long ago, that evil beast rolled with an endless sea of ​​malice, swept away its alliance members, and destroyed the entire Sumerian plain along the way.

And this world, is the venue for the awakening of the beast of revenge?

So, what is the significance of this awakening ceremony venue?

The goddess was keenly aware that the boy on the opposite side could never have come to this world at will.

"The awakening ceremony of the beast of revenge is to infiltrate the whole world with malice."

"It's not easy to kill that guy, so if you want to kill him, instead of forcibly fighting him, it's better to choose to destroy his awakening ritual."

The boy casually drew a summoning formation on the ground.

Su Han is a mysticism crap.

This is an indisputable fact.

But fortunately, he took advantage of the large number of geniuses in Group A when they were in a coma, and transformed them into family members one by one.

The members of group A include but are not limited to the famous family with gem magic eyes, the big tengu who is one of the six supernatural powers that is difficult to comprehend by a famous magician, the captain who can build the thirteenth discipline of the clock tower at will, and the talent is unknown, but absolutely No weaker than Captain Debiff.

To be honest, sometimes, Su Han still admires the old director.

How high must the director's level of MLM be to fish out such a group of monsters and monsters from all over the world.

After transforming such a group of monsters and monsters into his family, Su Han also received feedback called "knowledge".

Sabotage... Awakening Ritual?

Hearing those words, Miss Alley's expression suddenly froze.

Is this guy with a similar aura to the Beast of Revenge, is he actually the enemy of the Beast of Revenge?


He really seems to have the ability to deal with the beast of revenge.

This kind of thought made the goddess who was the enemy of Su Han not long ago suddenly become embarrassed.

"How should I say it, I originally planned to let all the Three Goddess Alliance die violently."

"But, Rin. Well, you think Ishtar, who was beaten by society and smoothed out, is fine. She begged me to take you away."

The words the boy had told himself not long ago flashed through her mind.

"If you want, next, I can let you meet Rin and the people of Uruk."

The boy who drew the Summoning Array stretched out his hand that was not drawing the art.

The next moment, a "door\" opened.

The goddess of the underworld looked over instinctively.

The city of Uruk that once disappeared, as well as its inhabitants, are trying to transform it into a fertile land by spreading chemical fertilizers on a land that is slightly stronger than the underworld.

Everyone in Uruk is not dead!!

A great surprise rose in the heart of the goddess of the underworld, perhaps because she was extremely happy, and even crystal tears flowed from the corner of her eyes.


Things over here have been dealt with.

Looking at the goddess who was crying because of her joy, Su Han felt a little relieved, then lowered his head, and checked the formation of his painting repeatedly.

appear alone. Chapter 42 Unexpectedly, I will stop fighting.


He really seems to have the ability to deal with the beast of revenge.

This kind of thought made the goddess who was the enemy of Su Han not long ago suddenly become embarrassed.

"What should I say, I originally planned to let all the Three Goddess Alliance die violently.

of. "

"But, Rin. Well, you think Ishtar, who was beaten by society and smoothed out, is fine. She begged me to take you away."

The words the boy had told himself not long ago flashed through her mind.

"If you want, next, I can let you meet Rin and the people of Uruk."

The boy who drew the Summoning Array stretched out his hand that was not drawing the art.

The next moment, a "door\" opened.

The goddess of the underworld looked over instinctively.

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