It's just that the power that should belong to her seems to have a new master. "Okay, okay, don't be angry, and there is Manyuri, and Rinne, you are not opponents."

The boy squinted his eyes, touched the head of the girl beside him, and then once again looked at the goddess who had been chopped off by him.

"After all, if Zero is not defeated, but even among the kings of the Lost Belt, he can still strive for the existence of the title of 'strongest'.

"What are you trying to say?"

He had obviously lost his memory, but instinctively, the **** who would be wary of Su Han sent a final question.

Her past was chaotic.

And the young man in front of him is obviously someone who has a great relationship with him.

Whether it's the name he called directly, or the knowledge of his own abilities and the attitude of sharing the same armament with himself.

He definitely knew his own past existence.

In response to this, the young man smiled and hugged her, biting her lips in his disbelief.

It was a kiss without any swirl.

Or rather, it was more of a ritual than a kiss.

A ceremony to transfer power.

It is a completely opposite ritual to the way Shiori Gokawa draws the power of the spirit through kissing.

It belongs to Su Han, when thinking about how to efficiently give his power to others, according to the power given by Miss Shiori, he reversed it and figured it out.

In an instant, the ownership belonging to the supreme angel passed the kiss and transferred into the body of the reborn god.

The unfamiliar breath lingered in the tongue, making Zero instinctively want to push the guy in front of him away.

However, the power of "return" rather than "acquisition" really made the goddess who had just completed her rebirth instinctively and greedily **** it up.

After he reacted, the boy had already left him, even nearly half a meter away.

"You...what are you doing?"

Even though she blushed because of the beauty just now, the goddess still maintained her last sanity and questioned the boy who returned her power to her.

"How to say it?"

There was a slightly distressed look on the boy's face.

"An old friend of mine has found a guy whose abilities are very poor with me... who can barely be called my half-body, and is going to chase after him.

"To be honest, the best way to deal with two guys who are only a little weaker than you in one breath is \"You give Lu Dafa a wave of vulgar development, and then come to Xinxing Village to beat the children. "

This is the truth. After paying a sum of points, Su Han learned that a certain bastard's ability was Ta Miao's most primitive "Ritual of Revenge."

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

Anyone who hits him must be prepared to be wounded and killed.

In terms of affinity, the ability of the beast of revenge is simply terrible for Su Han.


Su Han is a typical character with high offense and low defense.

After a wave of counterattacks, the people are gone.

To be honest, Su Han really wanted you to give the way, and then he found a place to thicken his health bar, and then came back to find fault.

Anyway, the people of Uruk have been packed away.

It is not a big problem to put aside human rationality for the time being.

The collective consciousness of human beings--Alaya has not yet lied down.

He even has the mind to assign the corresponding champions to assist according to the enemy, rather than wholesale the champions.

So, when I am no longer, it seems good to let Alaya resist.

This is a guy's mental journey.


"The guy who saw money in the group chat told me that if I swallowed the guy who is the same as me, who is also an incomplete beast, I will get a prototype of an incomprehensible ability.

"Acquiring that ability early can save me a lot of detours in the future." The young man Shi Shiran said.

"So, I won't run away directly, I will fight against them." "What does that have to do with me?"

Chonggongwan, who instinctively resisted Su Han, frowned.

The guy in front of him expressed his desire too clearly. He obviously wanted to go to the battlefield and be a thug for him.

The boy laughed at this.

"First of all, you are my familiar."

"Your life and death are in my hands. If I want to, I can burn you as fuel and wait for the birth of the angel spirit that should be born."

The young man Shi Shiran said a cruel fact.

Chonggong Qi was no longer the lofty **** of the past.

Now, she just chose the elf who survived with the help of the third angel just for the wish in her heart.

And the third angel is just a weapon.

A proprietary weapon.

If someone has some thoughts in their hearts, soon, the elf born by relying on the angel will be killed, and then start to breed a new **** as the second master of the angel.

That high-spirited tone made Zero's entire body burn with anger.

This guy really dares to say it!!

He is obviously just a bandit who steals his own power!!

However, the young man's next sentence really wanted a basin of water that fell into the flames to completely extinguish his anger.

"And there is—"

"You have someone you want to meet even if you fall into reincarnation, or even become a familiar to your past enemies, don't you?"

The young man smiled, letting Zero's anger disappear in an instant.

In the mind of the white-haired girl, the scene of the girl's pale blue hair blowing through.

Instinctively, she held out her hand.

A future where you meet your loved ones.


All her emotions are fake.

The care for Tohka, the friendship with Kurumi, and the friendship with Kotori... are all impure.

But only that one mind

Only that love is real.

That mind, even if I lost most of my memories, still makes me think

to catch.

The boy smiled and clapped his hands, interrupting her memory.

"According to the information I got, that guy is incomplete like me, and neither has strong time resistance, so he can find a suitable opportunity to bring it back to its original form."

"You beat me for a while, and when the time is right, I will take you to meet the person you want to meet."

ps: There is still a thousand words left before the second chapter can be released.

Routine improvement is successful.

Chapter 39 The call you made is not on the server

At the moment when a scumbag man is asking a beautiful girl to take the beating in his place, a mysterious man descends on the other side.

Angela Yannu, summoned by Einzbern as the servant of the eighth rank \"Avenger\" in the Third Holy Grail War

Its real body is an ordinary young man who was wrongly added the name of "all the evils of this world" in the village of Zoroastrians.

In theory, this guy is just a ghost.

Except for the Noble Phantasm obtained by touching porcelain absolutely evil, and the characteristic that "as long as it is human, it can be killed", there is nothing.

As a heroic spirit, he is undoubtedly weak, and the weak can be knocked down by Abi, or even the water-injected muscle red A.

However, in the Third Holy Grail War, the wishing tool, the Lesser Holy Grail, was destroyed. Therefore, even if the Great Holy Grail had accumulated enough magic power and Servant souls, the participants returned in disappointment.


The magic power that has been accumulated for 60 years is real, and it has not disappeared due to the disappointment of the Masters.

The wishing machine is still running.

However, because the little Holy Grail, which was used as a wishing tool, has been destroyed, no one has made a wish.

Since no one outside makes a wish, let's see if anyone inside makes a wish.

Probably based on this principle, he waited for a long time before the Holy Grail of the Wisher began to explore his own interior.


It sensed the wishes of countless people on the nameless young man.

"You are an absolute sin."

"You are darkness incarnate."

"Your name is Angela Manuel."

In this way, the Holy Grail fulfilled the wishes imposed on the innocent young man, and let the weak evil spirit nature in him complete the transformation.

The Holy Grail was also contaminated by it and became his carrier.

The nameless boy became the incarnation of the evil god.

When it will drown half the world with malice, he has obtained the qualification of the fifth beast.

"My dear brother, is it here?"

It is difficult to call a certain youth monster of the past, standing on the ground of Sumer, looking into the distance, with a hoarse business.

That was a horrible man.

His skin was blackened, and his body was covered with faint blue, curse-like patterns.

Beside him, the endless darkness is distorting the space.

That is the beast of revenge.

"My friend, how does it feel to be promoted to beast?"

Beside him, the white-haired man who appeared at an unknown time said this to his teammate whom he had brought from another world not long ago.


As if something ridiculous happened, the man laughed.

In the smile, there is a strong sarcasm.

"Beast--the beast of revenge, not me."

Such words sounded extremely bizarre.

Because, the real name of this man as a Heroic Spirit is Angela Manuel.

The fifth beast - Angela Manuel.

However, with this real name, he refuses to admit that he is a beast of revenge

"At least, not me now."

As if he suddenly remembered something that needs to be added, the man immediately added with a gloomy expression.

beast is unique.


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