While Su Han was thinking about whether he should grow a beard or not, the humble group chat, like meeting a VIP client, tried to introduce him.

"New service?"

In this regard, Su Han was taken aback for a moment.

Not long ago, the group chat opened the group krypton server function,

As long as there is enough krypton, that function can almost help the local tyrants in all difficulties.

As long as you pay tens of millions of points, you can open the world tiaoje mode in a world without magic or low magic.

If enough points are given, even the monsters of the devil who are curled up on the outside of the earth and will crush the universe when they come completely can be blinded.

This time, what else is going on in the group chat?

"This group chat enables the group deduction function."

It was like seeing a salesman with business intentions, and the group chat quickly made a statement.

"Deduction ability?"

In response, Su Han raised his eyebrows and asked.

His abilities are complex.

The "tree" in Su Han's body is a product of the Hermes theory.

However, because his body was fused with Xiao An's spiritual base, it has the nature of the head of the evil god, and it has become a "cancer" on the human side and has some absolutely evil properties.

If, in the future, he goes to Moban and strengthens his resonance with the "Idol Worship Theory" and the One God, it will be a miracle of "Cross Religion".

These forces are not a system.

"It's not that kind of thing, in fact, you just need to ask the group krypton server." In this regard, the group chat a gave a negative answer.

"This function is closer to speculation about the direction of the world.


Su Han was stunned.

Is this group chat going to be so big?

"No, when the group members joined this group chat, the line of fate was already confused. Therefore, the deduction of this group chat is actually just an omniscient perspective, a money-making project created by selling intelligence and certain predictions. "

Incomparably honest, the group chat Al said words that were hard to complain about.

"Has someone told you that things like misappropriation projects can't be stated clearly?

In this regard, the teenager who often engages in money-making projects covered his face, not knowing how to complain for a while.

"That's not necessary."

That seems to be the answer given by the system AI with the ability to learn.

"According to my observation of the group friends, the group friends all know that many projects you are engaged in are misappropriating money, but because they are useful to them, all of them turn a blind eye. It can even be said that even if you directly If it is said to be a money-making project, they will still invest.”

"So, it doesn't matter whether my function was created temporarily for the purpose of misappropriating money. Whether you buy it or not, Mr. Group Master, depends on whether it has an effect on you." That Al said plausibly.

"Okay. I underestimated your level of artificial intelligence." Su Han sighed.

Then, a little playfulness appeared on his face.

Can make the group chat temporarily remember, what would be the information on the entire misappropriation project?

"tell me the story?"

The young man simply chose to pay the bill.

Of course, the price of money-making projects is high, but because he has opened businesses in various worlds, he is not very short of money now. In the future, because new friends will continue to join, his business will continue to grow bigger and bigger.

"Chong Gongqi is being resurrected by way of downgrading."

The group chatted with Al, like this.

"well said."

In this regard, Su Han nodded, not surprised.

The tree in Su Han's body has three major weapons.

And those three armed forces are all pregnant with life.

The flower is Wanyuri, the tree is Rinne, and the last one is very high, and the seed that can be transformed from life science to make a complete tree is vacant.

There are not many elves who are qualified to correspond to them.

"so what?"

The young man who had been wearing his hat on Chongguan Bay before raised his eyebrows.

"I suggest that I adjust the flow of time in various fields in the neighborhood. Can I marry Shiori when I forcefully open the harem, and then tie the Chong Palace to the door to increase the fun?

The extremely violent words made the system ai silent for a moment.

It felt that the group owner, who he had drawn out at random, might have been unexpected.

"I suggest you, it is best to swallow some of the high-energy substances or completely digest the spiritual body that is attached to you, inject it into your \"Tree of Kabbalah\', and let the bay be born from it. "

Group chat A1 said so.


Su Han looked very curious.

The relationship between Su Han and Chong Gongqi is actually not bad.

However, the relationship between Chonggongwan and Kuangsan was very poor, so according to the original plan, Su Han planned to strangle Chonggongwan to death, wait for the next consciousness to be born, or directly transplant a consciousness.

However, the group chat is now suggesting that he wastes his energy to revive Chong Gong Qi Na Han.


"Because. Your enemy is coming." The group chat Al gave the answer.

"The beast of revenge and the beast of mercy are coming."

"Ah, the beast of revenge?"

The boy who was also half a beast of revenge narrowed his eyes.

\"That guy, is very dangerous to me?" "It is very dangerous and very important.

ps: happy mid-autumn festival

ps2: Adjust the work and rest, it will be updated today

Chapter Thirty-Eight on What is the Action of the Brave


The beginning of everything is the end of everything.

If there is a name for the god-sama, then this name is the best choice.


"Zero, can I call you Zero?"

In the ear, there seems to be a girl's gentle and sunny voice.

Memories are fuzzy.

I can barely remember the tenderness in that voice.


You must find her.

Even if you lose everything.

In Cao's understanding, the girl with white hair was opening her eyes.


She saw the barren world and the dark sky.

In the distance, there seems to be a strange, not really pretty city.

Countless people, under the command of the village official Gil Jiao Yulu, are dividing the living area on this temporary residence.

The Goddess of Harvest, who is now the number one ruler in this country, is using her powers proudly, trying to make the land here more fertile, and then being laughed at by the passing village chief who did not want to be named \"I'm not as good as fertilizer."

In the distance, a farmer is driving the Houkai beast, which is roughly the size of two oxen, to plow the land.

It seems that the elves who have some blood ties with him are playing basketball on the temporary basketball court.

Old almost lost building.....

The goddess who is laughed at as not as good as fertilizer..

The Honkai Beast that farms the land, the elf that plays basketball..

Good Jill absurd.

Even if he lost 99% of his memory and knowledge, he was almost illiterate, but looking at the scenes in front of him, Chong Gongling couldn't help but think of such adjectives in his mind.

\"How does it feel to be alive?."

From an elf's point of view, the boy who was a compatriot with a certain **** quietly appeared beside the white-haired girl with a smile on his face.

He was an impeccable young man from the outside.

Black hair like ink, skin like white porcelain.

He smiled lightly, the smile was like a breeze, and it was a refreshing day when he brushed his face.


It was such a young man, and it did make "Mio"'s complexion change all of a sudden.

At the moment when the eyes were intertwined, the part of the hazy memory was untied.

"Please commit suicide, so that you can leave the whole body behind."

There was a young man standing under the rotten divine tree, tenderly making the cruelest request.

In an instant, I felt a chill from the depths of my soul.

The nerves are howling, the muscles are screaming, the bones are resisting..

Almost instinctively, Zero raised his hand and called out his angel!


"Erase him!!" But there was no response.

Her expression froze.

"Angel of Nothing, the first ownership of this weapon is in my hands, attack me with my weapon, is it really okay?"

As if he had encountered something very distressing, the young man waved his hand for a moment. The half-decayed, half-prosperous divine tree rose from the ground, unabashedly releasing hostility.

At the same time, I don't know when, there were two more girls beside the boy.

A girl with blond hair and red eyes, quite a heroic feeling.

A girl with short pink hair and a very gentle expression.

That girl was also born among the angels. After Su Han fed all the Originium, Honkai Energy crystals, and other Raoshizi magic crystals he purchased at a low price to his angels, she was like a legendary artifact. , A girl named Manyuri and Rinne was born following the birth of the bay.

"How could you do this to your father?\"

"Speaking to my father like this is punishable."

The two girls looked resentful, as if they came up and directly beat a certain deity who was downgraded and reborn.

I believe that as long as someone gives an order, that almost invincible angel will completely perish.


Her intuition told her that the divine tree should be her strength.

Whether it's the flower that represents true harm, the tree that represents domain control, or the seed that represents conceptual obliteration...

That should be her strength.

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