In this world, there is another \"Angela Manuel".

Originally there was only one beast permission, but it was divided into two.

As long as another "Angela Manuel" exists, he will not be able to complete the final transformation.

Thinking of this, the Demon God couldn't help but raised his head and looked beside him.

Just a few days ago, this man helped himself slaughter all the Servants and killed the Crown Servant who was sent to fight against him, and then brought himself to this world line.

Only in terms of kindness, this guy is undoubtedly his benefactor.

Angela Manuel thought.

After all, if there is no help from the sleeves, one's destiny will only be one day in the future, to be forcibly disintegrated by a man who has fallen into menopause because he is trapped in stocks, and sells money to chase up and down.

But is he his comrade-in-arms?

There was a bit of coldness in the eyes of the devil.

beast - a group of people who change the world with their own ideas.

Except for a certain fourth winning beast, the other beasts and beasts are life forms that can hardly coexist.

That's my compatriot...

Also his own nemesis.

"Next, I will fight as your **** once, and then we will be the enemy."

It is very clear that when the man was looking for himself, the demon **** who had evil intentions opened his mouth and his voice was flat.

He wouldn't be angry because Getia was using him.

Things that have no use value are commonly known as waste.

He himself is also using Getia to complete the initial transformation and find another "self".

The world is full of prosperity, all are for the benefit, as long as they can always provide value for each other, it is an unbreakable alliance.

Unfortunately, after this battle, this alliance will be broken.

Thinking of this, both Angela Manuel and Getia couldn't help but look a little regretful on their faces.

Both are beasts, but their cognition is completely different.

Getiah's understanding is that "life" is meaningless if it presupposes that it will eventually come to an end.

And Angela Manuel is a man who allows his own desires and enjoys the injustice of the world as a matter of course.

"Even a creature that can only repeat evil has value in its accumulated history."

The former hates this society, while Angela Manuel enjoys all the tragedies in the society constructed by human beings, and imagines his own future.

Getia denied everything the latter liked.

They can stand together only because they have a common enemy.

When the enemy bleeds, the conflict between them will be intensified.

The former will not hope that an uncontrollable factor will appear in his world, and the latter will not hope that he is happy.

It was also the moment when they broke up.

"So, where is our enemy?"

A man named Angela Manuel asked his next ally, the greatest enemy in his life, about someone's whereabouts.

In response, the man named Getia just pointed forward.

There, the ghost town named Uruk is there.

The beast qualification holder from another world is also waiting there.

The splendid divine tree stands there.

At the same time, with the big tree as the center, a different scene spreads out in the sky.

Like a poisonous dragon gnawing at the sky and the earth...


Is it an illusion?

That divine tree doesn't seem to be weaker than he imagined.

Are you trying to use a weak way to introduce yourself into the market?

A little thought appeared on Getia's face.

With weak people..

Then suddenly erupted.

Doesn't such a fishing strategy seem too naive?

Or, are there other plans in the future?

" can give me a little surprise."

The man named Getia had a cold light on the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 40 Miss Ailey feels the malice of the whole world


The **** of the underworld in Sumerian mythology.

The ruler of the underworld who is in charge of the growth and corruption of plants, enslaves snakes and dragons, sometimes imprisons souls, and sometimes sends down lightning.

In terms of divinity, the goddess of the dead house and someone can't do anything, and Ishtar, who is the first in trouble, is one with two sides.

Perhaps if you search towards an even older era, you will find that these two gods are the same person.

However, this conscientious goddess has almost the opposite character to a poor goddess.

"So many people pouring into the underworld will only cause trouble for me."

"It's hard work to make a prison where souls are imprisoned,"

A passive and introverted goddess, sitting in her deserted temple, she kept chanting.

However, even though she complained like this, the goddess's hands did not stop, just like the legendary Weaver Girl who lightly weaves a "cage" that can provide human souls to live in.

Like all the gods based on the birth of human civilization, this goddess representing death and corruption also loves human beings deeply.

Since the age of mythology, Ereshkigal has felt pain and hatred because he was hated by others and lived in a dark place.

Just when she was entangled in her heart, "I don't deny the villain, I will help mankind in an evil way, so why are everyone so afraid!", when she learned that the Mesopotamian world was about to come to an end.

It's a future where no one can survive.

"Since human beings will perish sooner or later, why don't I take all the souls of human beings underground and let them live in the underworld."

The goddess with a pessimistic idea of ​​whether human civilization can survive, so she joined the unbreakable alliance of the three goddesses and became Uruk's enemy.

However, ingesting a large amount of souls at one time is actually quite a heavy task for this goddess who is used to receiving the souls of the dying.

This is a well-understood thing.

Evening self-study teacher jumped out to arrange a test paper, which is very easy to deal with.

But one day, the teachers of each subject take turns assigning a homework, which will turn into a nightmare.

"Finally. Finished."

The slender girl threw aside the "cage" she was holding for her soul, and stretched out like a top student who had just stayed up late to finish her homework independently. A little pride appeared on her tired cheeks.

Yes, even if the souls of the residents of Kusa fell into the underworld at one time, she also prepared enough soul cages as a place to live.

Even after placing the souls of the residents of Kusa City, she also compiled a cage that could accommodate most of the Uruk people's souls.

It can only be said that the person who receives the task is the **** of the underworld who died of overwork per capita. If it is changed to the line of the gods of the sky who are lucrative, then it is estimated that they will have to stage a bucket-carrying run.

Carry the reddest plastic bucket and run the fastest way. If the plastic bucket is not red enough, the soul will be bound by the construction site after death... ahem, bound by the underworld, it is difficult to escape.

- An unnamed Yi person.

But fortunately, the hostess of the underworld is not the goddess of the wood that Ishtar can't do anything to revive the first, but the flower of the underworld that even Gilgamesh, who hates gods to the extreme, admits.

"Come on, let's aim for Uruk!"

The flower-like goddess waved her hand vigorously to cheer herself up.

As long as you keep moving forward, the road will keep going forward.

"As long as you work hard to build a "cage" for a month, even an entire Uruk can be accommodated."

The girl's gesture of fighting for 007 really made people cry.

But, until then, it's better to give yourself a little break.

The goddess of Hades, who thought so, calculated the time.

It's about two in the morning now.

If nothing else, the girl who integrated with Ishtar should have fallen asleep.

Even social animals or authors who live in isolation, after completing the most basic tasks, will occasionally feel lonely and want to go out to see the world.

So, let yourself take advantage of her body and go out for a spin.

The goddess with a sweet smile pondered, and then began to shift her consciousness.


No response.

Above the ground, it seems that there has never been a woman named Ishtar.


\"What's going on here?\"

A little panic appeared on the girl's face.

She couldn't feel Ishtar's presence anymore.

This is very unreasonable.

Ishtar and Ereshkigal are two-faced goddesses, they should be the same god!

What the **** is going on?

Very rare, that girl had the idea of ​​going out to spy.

She raised her spear and swung it against the sky of the underworld.

In the age of gods, the underworld and the human world are connected.

There are no metaphysical barriers.

As long as you penetrate the upper layers of the underworld, you will be able to reach the human world.



A sound like a tsunami came from afar as the road leading to the human world was opened.

As the spear was thrown out, everything in the world could also appear in front of the goddess.



Everything in view is black.

The turbid, oil-like black was raging like a tsunami.

The body of the goddess who landed on the land trembled instinctively.

Not because of pressure.

As a per capita professional model of the **** of the underworld, Ereshkigal has her own dignity. Even in the face of the mother goddess who needs the joint efforts of the three gods of creation, she still has the courage to protect the human soul.

However, the scene in front of him did make his magnificent eyes almost lose their highlights.

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