In their field of vision, a white-haired man wearing a magic robe is striding forward.

Beside him, there is a young man.

The skin is dark, and the whole body is covered with blue incantations, like a demon.


I don't know if it was an illusion or not, but the many Demon God Pillars seemed to have felt the aura that the young man had once felt on another body.

"Our partner has arrived."

In the eyes of the Demon God Pillars present, a little dignified flashed across them.

A comrade-in-arms who could contain Su Han and let his side gradually accumulate an advantage finally appeared.

This means that it is time to counterattack.

====Line =====

Miss Rin is very happy.

Really happy.

Just a few minutes ago, under the instructions of Su Han, she deposed Gilgamesh, the oldest dog of mankind, as the patron saint of Uruk.

"According to the agreement, you can choose to take one-tenth of the property of the treasure house of Babylon. Since then, your debt has been forgiven, and after Irena's statistics are over, you can draw the treasure and even the points you deserve."

The handsome young man lit Gilgamesh's coffin book, then sorted it according to "high energy level", "appears to be parseable", and "valuable", and then packed it up.

Materials with high energy value are sold.

The Noble Phantasm that seemed to be parsed was sent to Rita, and she was asked to transfer it to Bronya to copy and paste.

The defective products are sold wholesale in the group or sold to other worlds as arms.

The Fools seem to buy quite a lot.

I don't know if anything will happen.

Seeing the huge order that Dada Duck placed to him in place of the Queen of Ice, Su Han couldn't help thinking.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, his expression became relieved.

As we all know, in the world of Tivat, when a person's desire is extremely strong, God's eyes will be cast down, and a question mark will be born on his head. Then there will be a yellow-haired Noelle simulator, shouting "don't worry, just leave it to me" for a little rough stone.

Let the two yellow hairs handle the matter that Dadalia broke out. They don't always fill in "very easy" anyway, do they?

Add some fun to them.

Without any guilt, Su Han continued to tap his property.

Uruk Cup, almost all the prototypes of artificial Noble Phantasm, some divine Noble Phantasm and a large number of props and real gold and silver.

As for .. valuable stuff.

"I put it in the warehouse. If you are interested, just take it." Shi Shiran, a young man who was only interested in energy substances, threw the spare key of the Babylonian treasure house that had been emptied for the most part to Tohsaka Rin.

these things….

He can't use it.

"Su Jun. You are actually the World Honored."

Looking at the key that fell directly in front of her, Miss Lin only felt that her heart was beating nonstop as if she had eaten jumping candy.

Scattered all over the body is like a Buddha no, a thousand times more dazzling than the Buddha

His appearance of making money for himself, even the Buddha Tiga is not as dazzling as he is 1/10,000!!

As a partner, this guy is really not generally reliable.

Not long ago, the girl who was complained about by Gilgamesh and was very skilled in finding a man looked at someone with an excited expression.

Not long ago, she had thought about whether to use the method of finding a handsome guy on a blind date to distort her old sister's bizarre XP and make her a normal person.

For this reason, she chose to entrust Su Han to take care of her, and looked forward to the spark of love.

but now..

"I'm sorry, Sakura."

The girl silently apologized to her sister in her heart.

The magician's world is cruel.

Therefore, every resource should be cherished.

There are many powerful men, many rich men, and more handsome men than the above two combined.

But if the above three points are added together, it is pitiful.

If you add one that feels good to yourself, it will be even rarer.

This time, ma'am, I can't stand it anymore.

"I'll introduce you to the handsome guy later."

The girl named Rin bowed to her sister three times in her heart, and then pretended that nothing happened.

\"Is that guy really the mistress of the sky?"

Once again, the girls in Chaldea couldn't help but complained.

"Although it seems outrageous, she does have the status of the mistress of the sky."

Facing the questions from his students, the boy Shi Shiran stood up and said.

"By the way, what do the residents of Uruk think about Gilgamesh's resignation?

As if he suddenly remembered something, the young man couldn't help but look at that who wanted to go straight in, and died in the treasure house of Babylon. Although it was a bit strange, Su Han's intuition told himself that the eyes that Rin looked at him were Diga .

"Oh, it's basically fine."

Perhaps it was because Uruk had both theocracy and kingship, and even for a long time, theocracy overwhelmed the kingship.

After the sudden occurrence of the goddess seizing power, the people of Uruk adapted very quickly, and they didn't even need Su Han to go to Kusa City to find a goddess who was better at baiting than Miss Heizhen to put pressure on her.

"However, according to what you said, this place will become a battlefield in the future.

Perhaps because of the basic duties of a guardian deity, the girl named Rin raised her slender brows as she recalled the people who were kneeling in front of her.

Su Han and Getia have completely broken up.

Uruk is likely to become the first battlefield for the two of them.

"How should those ordinary people be accommodated?" the girl asked.

"Since ordinary people will affect our battle, then why should we keep them?"

That would have needed someone, the boy who will occupy the sixth Lost Belt in the future smiled and stretched out his hand.

The next moment, the half-prosperous and half-withered divine tree wriggled like a gestational fetus, its branches facing the sky and its roots extending toward the ground.

"Is it difficult to change places to live?"

Chapter 37: Mother-in-law: It's time to kill

"Hand in all materials to exchange for points."

After giving the order to gather all the people of Uruk and collect them into the neighboring realm, Su Han returned to the palace of Uruk, and with a flip of his hand, eight Holy Grails appeared in his hands.

Singularity F, the Holy Grail held by Heizhen, the Four Holy Grails taken by Attila, the Great Cup of Uruk, and

Su Han casually took Enkidu's body out of the storage space and handed it to Gilgamesh.

The Holy Grail of the Seventh Singularity, like the plot, is in the hands of Jin Gu, a super beast synthesized from Enkidu's corpse.

That guy Jin Gu was so rude, he was gone with a knife.

This cup also fell into Su Han's hands.

With the exception of the sixth singularity, which has not yet produced results, the problems of other singularities have been forcibly removed.


Now the Seventh Singularity is not an area that will collapse once the Holy Grail is lost, but an out-and-out devil's den.

The monster named Getia uses the human Ricoh wheel in the sky every moment to twist the human rationale of this singularity.

However, that has nothing to do with Su Han.


Can't beat but can't run?

Even if something goes wrong, it's just a few years to go to another world to develop.

When the development is over, Mr. Gai's dd Rui will be cut off, and then he will be sent to debut in a group with Romani and Miss Meilin.

Su Han had an expression of lack of interest.

But then again, the doctor and Merlin are really ruthless.

Not long ago, the teenager who learned that Romani and Merlin met candidly in Chaldea, plotted against each other, and both lost the news of Jill, recalled the latest news that he had read through the Book of Omniscience, with a look of amazement in his expression.

"Merlin, as the only two holders of the title of caster, we should probably have a few drinks.

The doctor who did not hesitate to owe a debt to Su Han's mine for three years in exchange for the spring water of the mother drowned shouted at Merlin, who was also harboring ghosts.

As a matter of course, he put medicine in the wine, and then took the delirious Merlin to the bathhouse, saying that he wanted to let him go to see some good health.

Then he was predicted that Romani had a ghost, and Merlin, who chose to deceive and drunk, was pressed into the wooden barrel that was suspected to be filled with Niangwuquan.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"I just put you on the list, but you actually want to break my sword?" Cursing, the dream demon who got the information from Meili's mouth could not wait to make Romani directly into a sister, and then slammed it a hundred times.

However, unexpectedly, Romani also predicted that Merlin had a ghost, so the barrel was just a pretense.

It was just a bucket of regular, herbal bath water.

It was Chaldea's fire-proof device that was actually installed in the Niangduquan—a device that would drink when it sensed smoke.

While Merlin was racking his brains to explain that he was pretending to be asleep, the doctor, who could no longer see the glory of the Holy King, started smoking, then pushed Merlin out of the bathhouse, and threw cigarette butts at the alarm.

Merlin was directly drenched in a dog's blood spray and became Merlin.

However, Romani also couldn't imagine that Merlin actually bought Niangwuquan from Melly's second-order dealer, and poured him a backhand.

Conspiracy, conspiracy, reversal, re-inversion, mechanical serenity. All perish.

In just ten seconds, Romani and Merlin were already dead.

"Since then, there has been no Dr. Romani or national teacher Merlin, only Miss Romani and Miss Merlin."

The boy shook his head and sighed with emotion.

What can I do? Su Han, who ran first, threw a Holy Grail to Rita and asked her to hand it over to her best tool. Cough, the lovely secretary Bronya used it as a reference, trying to copy and paste it. .

After doing this, he casually handed over all the points in his hand and the energy he had saved recently.

"A total of 1.7 million points, please count them.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the voice of the group chat elves is a little flattering.

700,000 Holy Grails, one million in exchange for resources dumped on multiple worlds.

This is absolutely outrageous data.

The massive energy of the Holy Grail is already outrageous, but Su Han has opened factories and chambers of commerce in various worlds, and even brought more than seven Holy Grails of energy.

\"As long as the witches working in Terra, the orcs in the mines, and the various races who worked hard left their sweat, then, as the boss, I only need to play shogi, write songs, and play basketball every day. Clear the items in the group chat.

The young man sighed.

Perhaps, this time assisting Romani is his last action.

In the future, he will probably take the road of cultivating migrant workers, exchanging energy for energy by constantly dumping goods to different worlds, and then enjoying the road of success.

"Corrupted capitalist life.

The boy did not know where to find a bottle of red wine and a goblet, filled it up for himself, and then pushed his single-sided glasses, sighing.

Should I keep a mustache?

"Excuse me, do you need to start a new service?\"

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