That handsome young man still looks a little bit vicissitudes in his voice

He is no longer the reckless hero he used to be.

Now he is...


He wants to avenge the tragic death of the people, to protect his country, and to strive for the survival of human rights!!

"Siduri, write it down."

As usual, when recording a meeting in the temple, the man's voice was flat.

Almost instinctively, both Fujimaru Rika and Mash pricked up their ears.

This is definitely a historic scene.

The tyrant named Gilgamesh will hereby announce his abdication.

This is a scene that will never appear in the history of pan-human beings, and it will be extremely attractive to anyone.

So what will he say next?

It would be to calmly accept the fact that he has become a civilian.

Or show dissatisfaction.

Or maybe Ling smiled and announced that he didn't fight with all his strength just because of some special reasons?

The girls eagerly awaited the answer.

"I, Gilgamesh, the fifth king of Uruk, announce that the Uruk dynasty will come to an end tomorrow, and in the last time, in the name of the king, I order that the people of the world, whether the future returns to the age of theocracy or the When a new dynasty emerges, or it crosses over to the United States or the Republic, no matter how the times change, we must not forget the glory of being a human being.”

"Perhaps you are as fragile as ants in front of monsters and gods, but I have seen that one day in the future, you will conquer frost, tsunamis, storms, plagues, and even the space that the gods have not controlled!"

"So, people of the world, please be proud.

"Because, you are the "people" who will eventually step into the sea of ​​stars, not limited to the earth like gods!

The final decree spit out from the man's mouth.

It is not unwillingness, nor scolding, but an appeal, or a blessing.

After saying these words, the man who could no longer be called a king cast a look of contempt at Rin, who had the Ishtar spiritual foundation.

"Okay, I've delivered the rights."

The defeated tyrant embraced his defeat and handed over the keys to the treasure house of Babylon.

Theoretically speaking, the treasure of Babylonian treasury is Gilgamesh's personal property, and it is the treasure that he scavenged from the monster Babafin, and it has nothing to do with the change of power.


It is common sense that the wealth of the vanquished should belong to the winner.

In addition, Uruk's city guard system and energy supply system are based on the Babylonian treasury. If Gilgamesh does not hand over the keys to the Babylonian treasury to the new ruler, then Uruk's monster defense line may directly bleeding.

"Hopefully... stupid gods can be more serious sometimes."

That look caused a series of tender blue veins to burst on the forehead of a certain girl who used to be a poor young lady and is now a poor goddess.

This home is in yygq itself!

"However, if the incompetent gods lead Uruk to the point of no return, I will refuse to fulfill this contract."

"I think, you don't want to see the world line being cut because of the influence of the incompetent goddess, which leads to the loss of possibility.

Just when the poor goddess suspected that she was being raped, the defeated king looked at the young man from Chaldea, as if the prophet who predicted the future was telling the protagonist of the story that he might fight against the dark age.


Su Han felt that this matter was quite reasonable.

The image of Ishtar was born very early.

The early human civilization was savage and cruel, fearful but not virtuous.

In that context, the gods worshiped are generally brutal and powerful.

The typical representative here is Shiva.

When the goddess of self-sacrifice came down from the snow-capped heaven, this goddess of self-sacrifice, in order to prevent the water from drowning all living beings, personally took the water with her head, let the Ganges flow through his hair for thousands of years, and then flowed to the river after buffering. In the human world, Suji, a giant snake woman, poured poisonous juice into the sea, poisoning all beings in the Three Realms.

From this perspective, this old man is undoubtedly a great **** of goodness.

However, in fact, this old man is the **** of destruction among the three gods. As soon as his temper comes up, he will immediately prepare for the smuggling of the world. Anyone who stops him will fight it without error, even if he wants to put the **** in Brother Vishnu came to persuade him to fight.

The character of Ishtar, whose image was born older than Shiva, is only slightly more eccentric than that of Shiva.

She may love people, but the way she loves is definitely not in line with modern human morality.


Here, it's just a poor lady in Ishtar's skin..

Su Han turned his head to look at Ishtar, who was directly regarded by Gilgamesh as "the **** that guides mankind to the road of GG", with a subtle expression.

"Golden Twinkle, just watch carefully, how do I manage Uruk and bring Uruk into the Bright Galaxy!!"

Perhaps because of the influence of Ishtar, or because she simply hated the feeling of being looked down upon, the goddess gritted her teeth loudly.

"Bring it into the Canghui Galaxy?"

As if he had heard the most ridiculous joke, the king named Gilgamesh laughed with a playful smile.

"Since you want to bring Uruk into the most successful possible world, then you must have a fairly complete plan."

"How to increase productivity? How to emancipate the mind? How to develop technology? How to break through the constraints imposed by this planet on the surface and allow human beings to come into contact with the true laws of the universe?"

That series of words froze Miss Ishtarin who had just made a bold statement.

In her mind, there are memories of two people.

One is what can't be done, Ishtar who is the first in trouble.

That grumpy old lady's level of cognition about the development of civilization is probably that the old lady has an agricultural power to keep food and drink for you, and then she will kill the old lady. If it doesn't work well, kill them all and replace them with the next group of people.

The other is Tohsaka Rin, whose education level is high school.

And it's still the extreme east high school where pig raising education is popular... and it hasn't graduated yet.

Developing productive forces... I didn't talk about it in this class!

Think deeply. This is not even mentioned!!

Under the questioning of the King of Gold, Rin only felt that his brain was groaning.


How to do?

How to do?

What's next?!

"Sure enough, is it the goddess of wood who can only talk?" Gilgamesh sighed.

"The development of human civilization has never been guided by one or two wise men, but the manifestation of collective will."

"The superiority of the race should be reflected in the race, not a strong leader."

"Is it still a human being if it is completely inseparable from the leader?" While Miss Rin was worrying about Gilgamesh's question, the voice belonging to the young man fell into Gilgamesh's ears, making him feel stunned.

"Or, do you think that humans who go to the universe on their own will admit that the hairless monkeys lying on the gods' gifts are their own kind?"

"Stop joking, the forerunner's task is only to guide, not to guide, or even to dominate."

The boy was playing with the keys to the treasure house of Babylon, speaking casually.

Those words put a little thought on the face of the abdicated king.

In Miss Rin's somewhat inexplicable expression, the retired king's expression had a rare expression of admiration.

"Although you are white...but the man you are looking for is not bad."

ps: I suddenly remembered one thing, it is said that the Hindu **** Shiva lives in Kailasa Mountain. . . .

That mountain seems to be in Tibet.

Shiva: White elephant, what about a child I don't know jpg.

Chapter Thirty-Six

Crown Time Temple.

Seventy-two demon gods, in this small world based on the body of King Solomon, sat around a display screen.

Not long ago, they ushered in the ultimate defeat in the singularity.

They, who rivaled many first-rate followers, met a visitor from another world who rivaled the gods in the singularity, and they returned directly after being beaten to the ground.

Leif's carefully cultivated white giant was sealed by the target with one move before he could show the appearance of a war weapon. Now he doesn't know where to work and fight for his bakery.

Gettya, who was caught off guard and lost his thug, could only go to other worlds to find a new assistant.

During this period, except for Leif, who was given special power by the king, they could not go out to fight.

Because the enemy is very strong.

Powerful enough to be caught by the slightest carelessness, and then directly chased to the extent that the Temple of the Crown Time beat him violently.

For the Demon God who regards himself as the most noble life form on this planet, this is undoubtedly easy to arouse anger.

They should be high above, but now, they are humble like facing the three-body earth, or facing the singer's three-body.

"So, are we just watching the people of Chaldea show off their power in this world?"

With the help of Leif disguised as a cleaner, Baal was able to see the scene of Chaldea and roared angrily.

In his field of vision, the people of Chaldea were each holding a bowl of noodles, swaying the noodles while watching a certain guy who had reached the singularity and the first thing was to scavenge the local tyrants.

"In general reason, it is."

Morax replied, causing Rang to feel a cerebral hemorrhage.

"How can I say it, we don't have the eyes that the king donated, and we can't guarantee that we will run away before the half-hearted beast of revenge reacts, so, before the king arrives, just hehe."

"In this case, at least it can make our mood a little better." The Demon God Pillar named Barbatos, like an assistant in the Northeast Erren Zhuanli, sang along with Morax.

That terrifying voice made Paimon, one of the four supreme pillars, turn gloomy on his face.

So, these Demon God Pillars, can't do anything at all?

He swiped his tentacles heavily and tapped the ground. Like a shriveled duck on a daily basis, he was incompetent and furious.



As if shocked by the tremendous power, the screen placed in front of the demonic pillars turned into snowflakes.

"This, this is not what I did.

Under the gazes of all the peers, the demon **** suddenly turned into a stammer.

"Probably Leif peeped and was noticed again, and then he was beaten to death."

"Leif's ability is limited, and he doesn't have the ability to control the clairvoyant that Wang detained, so Wang pre-adjusted it for him before that, and that eye will lock on the strongest enemy such as me, and it will only lock on us. The strongest enemy.

At this time, Morax stood up and explained it.

The Leif brand monitor adopts all-round exploration technology without dead ends, even Chaldea and Uruk can easily explore.

The only disadvantage is that the consumption is relatively large and it is not suitable for use in the area of ​​per capita **** level.

In that case, the energy consumption will continue to increase, and it is not unbelievable to consume a Demon God Pillar in three minutes.

Seeing that the Demon God Pillar representing Leif was being formed in the temple, many Demon God Pillars could not help but sigh.

Next, they could only watch Su Han's solo show in the Temple of Crown Time, losing the right to monitor Chaldea.

"My compatriots, why are you so discouraged?"

When the morale of the Demon God Pillars was low, the voice that had disappeared for a long time here resounded in the temple.

Many demon pillars could not help but widen their hundreds of eyes, looking at the source of the sound.

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