Their hearts were trembling, but they didn't know that this scene was just--


Without warning, the space began to dislocate.

Gilgamesh, who was originally located under the treasure house of Babylon, appeared behind the boy.

The long sword in his right hand tossed and spun in the air, and a golden light streaked towards the back of Su Han's neck in a strange arc.

Being able to walk with Ishtar and still occupy a dominant position, the enemy's personality may be higher than imagined.

Under this premise, the King's Treasure is obviously difficult to suppress by firepower and win.


Over-reliance on weapons will make the enemy use weapons as a matter of course.

This is extremely bad for Gilgamesh.

Because, the enemy will definitely not be a whiteboard swordsman like Polnareff, the ghost knows what he can figure out, and besides, this is just a fight for power, not a death battle. Using a lot of Noble Phantasm will lead to an escalation of the battle.


The real attack can only be close combat!!

In the land of Uruk, the monarch who will receive the highest level of local bonuses has a ferocious expression, like an angry king.

The cold sword edge is like a poisonous snake spitting out letters.

No matter how fast Su Han reacted, he just turned around and waved his sword to resist

When Su Han used his sword to defend against it, the golden sword body shook slightly up and down, and while it rotated twice, the sword tip quickly struck Su Han's throat, back of neck and wrist.

With the sharp sound of the air being torn apart, Su Han's wrist was cut by the tip of the sword in an instant.

For Su Han, whose martial arts basically came from his relatives and had not had time to integrate through actual combat, the swordsmanship of the king who was also recorded in the epic in the name of a hero is really too vicious.

Under the three consecutive swords, he hurriedly attacked and did not dodge all the attacks.

The dripping blood continued to flow along the arm, dripping to the ground, like the undying flower of the brave.

'—too slow!" the king shouted angrily.

In front of this monarch, who was also famous for his bravery, the young man in front of him was almost full of flaws.

He swung the long sword out of his hand again, and a brilliant golden light like the sunset flashed three times in a row.

It's still the same three-hit combo as before.

The old clothes are the throat, the back of the neck and the wrists.


Like a repeat, there was an extra bloodstain on the boy's arm.

"Teacher...Isn't King Gilgamesh's opponent?!" At that scene, Lika couldn't help but get anxious.

As a student who deeply admired her teacher, the dripping blood was like magic, making her heart feel like she was being pinched by a hand, causing her pain.

She quickly called to the Heroic Spirit Seat to gain strength and to step forward to help.


The hand belonging to Tohsaka Rin stood in front of her.

"be quiet"

"Don't disturb Su Han, he is in temporary special training!" The girl with the memory of the goddess said coldly.

Temporary special training?

Whether it was Fujimaru Rika or Mash, they were all dumbfounded.

"If Su Han wants to end this game, he only needs to call his own weapons."

"So, it's just a special training."

The girl with the vision of a **** said slowly.

"A special training for him to learn to use the experience accumulated by outsiders for his own use"


It's a feeling I haven't felt in a long time.

The boy who constantly used the Black Abyss to fight Gilgamesh felt the pain in his body and his expression was flat.

The last time he bleed was when he fought with Chonggongwan. At that time, he used the power of the blood mage as an aid in battle.

After so long, he finally felt the bloodshed.

It's an unpleasant feeling.

Almost every time there is a confrontation, there will be an extra scar on the boy's body.

This is a well-understood thing.

Su Han basically did not receive combat training seriously. After giving up equipment and flying bricks, it is not a shame to be at a disadvantage.

However, it would be a bit unreasonable to have countless relatives to provide experience for you?

The boy with the scars growing on his body half-squinted his eyes.

Take it easy and let the experiences of others come to your mind.


Carve those experiences into your blood, bones, muscles!!

"- Clang Clang!"

Like a shooting star, the tip of Heizhou's sword suddenly popped out, collided with the long sword struck by Gilgamesh, bounced back, and then popped out again at a faster speed.

That scene made Miss Matthew on the side widen her eyes.

That is almost impossible, the continuous collision of sword tip and sword tip.

Not because of the difficulty, but because

On the battlefield, if you want to block the enemy, you only need to knock the opponent's sword.

To attack the enemy's sword tip, this kind of exquisite attack is simply a kind of show.

In the midst of my battle with you, I even have the leisure to strike the tip of your sword.

Gilgamesh's face quickly darkened.

Although he didn't understand why Su Han suddenly became so strong, he understood...

You can't lose yourself!

"Betting on the glory of the king of Uruk, I will never let the incompetent gods rule this land again!!"

The tyrant shouted angrily and waved his sword again.

That sword was extremely sharp, enough to cut off all enmity.

"too slow!"

Staying in front of Gilgamesh like a ghost, the boy raised his left hand and hit Gilgamesh's heart hard!

That heavy blow sent a circle of white air waves in the air, saying that it could directly smash the city wall, I am afraid that some people believe it.

Facing the heavy blow that was enough to shatter the city wall, Gilgamesh's face changed suddenly, and he immediately inserted the blade of the holy sword into the ground under his feet, stabbed the magic sword into the ground with a clang, and attacked Su with the body of the sword. Cold elbow.

However, the boy suppressed his attack without warning.

Only a loud noise from Peng was heard, and a black light flashed, and cracks came in and out of the ground where the long sword was pierced. White dust exploded from the cracks in the ground, and the long sword in Gilgamesh's hand beat violently uncontrollably.

That is the black abyss!

At the moment of its stagnation, the sharp sword was swung from the other hand, almost smashing the divine sword used by Gilgamesh.

What a powerful force..

The mouth of Gilgamesh, who was holding the hilt of the sword, split directly, and the huge force almost threw it out with the sword.

In front of this numerical monster, a little skill improvement will bring a sense of oppression like a landslide to the enemy.

Must find a way to fight back!!

The tyrant's forehead seeped a layer of sweat.


Before he could think of a way, Su Han's right leg was like a steel whip, and he slammed the sword that was half inserted into the ground!

In an instant, the cracked ground was completely shattered at this moment.

The huge impact landed on the ground, and the cracked ground finally couldn't bear it, and a large area of ​​it cracked open.

After a slight delay, a rumbling roar came from the depths of the earth.

Then, a destructive force rose from the ground.

Countless gravels were instantly lifted off the ground and suspended in the air.

With the crackling sound that made the ears sour, the golden sword body was greatly bent, and tiny cracks visible to the naked eye appeared.

In an instant, the golden-red long sword that has been bent to the limit


Chapter 35 Your level of looking for a man is not bad

Durandal means immortal blade in Italian. Its hilt is made of gold, and it is also inlaid with a special item, that is, the tooth of St. Peter. The blood of St. Basil also flows through the blade, and legends even claim that the sword is connected with sacred objects such as the hair of St. Denis.

This is the holy sword known for its sharpness and sturdiness, and theoretically it should be the blade of immortality!


"Bang a

The sound of metal falling to the ground resounded in this empty ruin, as if mocking the incompetence of the King of Gold.

"I won."

The smiling boy put the dark knight's sword on the king's neck.

It was a knight's sword named Heiyuan.

If it is awakened, all matter will be turned into fly ash under the power called "withering".

"Do you want to keep fighting?"

"But if I keep fighting, I might use my weapons."

The young man's voice was soft, and the scar on his arm that was drawn by the sharp sword Durandal quickly disappeared. If it weren't for the several red gaps on his clothes, it would be really hard to imagine that just a few seconds ago, this young man was A state of bruises.

"At that time, I can't guarantee that I will be able to control the power. Maybe at that time, leaving you a whole corpse may become a luxury."

Gilgamesh was silent.

Those who are in the inferior position of life, who want to kill the higher-ranking creatures, can rely only on the martial arts that have been tempered and the high fighting spirit that dares to smash their bones.

But now, his martial arts have been shattered by the bravery of the enemy.

The courage to be shattered...

At the end of Gilgamesh's vision is the desolate land.

It used to be the capital of the Sumerians, but, because of a disaster, it became a ruin...

If it was in the past, he would probably have been violent here, fighting until the last drop of blood was drained.

A slight sneer appeared on the king's face.

When the weapon is exhausted, use the fist, when the fist is broken, use the tooth, when the tooth is crushed, use the head hammer.

That is the king of gold.

If a Servant is likened to a sword, spear, sword, and halberd, it will stand out from the Servant and be the ultimate Servant who is equal to the war.

"Is this king too old?"

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