"Calm down, Rin, this matter doesn't need violence."

The young man's clear voice came out from the hall with a faint twist of air.

Immediately after that, a young man in a Chinese costume appeared in this great hall.

Black hair, black eyes.

Only in terms of breath, there is no sense of oppression that the great gods in the impression seem to suppress the world for a moment, and even, he gives people the feeling that it is more like the breeze blowing from the ear.

However, Gilgamesh felt an unusual aura from it.

He stared at the young man's face that seemed to be like a breeze in front of him. In those black eyes, there was a barren world.

If necessary, the breeze will turn into a mad storm that crushes the spine of all things at any time.

At the moment when the eyes were intertwined, Gilgamesh understood this.

Before that, he had thought about how the magicians of Chaldea turned the unknown goddesses into their familiars.

At that time, his first thought was personality charm.

It is very difficult for humans to compete with gods.

This is an unchangeable reality.

Even if it is a rare hero, most of the people killed are only the weak among the gods.

Although he didn't want to admit it, if the so-called human heroes fought against those who were respected as Almighty Gods and the kings of the gods, they would hardly see the dawn of victory.

If the gods are used by people, there is a high probability that they will be convinced by their personality charm.

This is Gilgamesh's inference.

However, at the moment of meeting, he realized that he was wrong.

This guy, the Goddess of Submission may have used charisma, but what he has is definitely not just charisma.

His power is far more powerful than the Goddess of Fire and Goddess of Space that we observed earlier!

If you fight against it, you have only one chance to strike.

Gilgamesh's heart froze.

"Magician of the Observatory, what do you want when you come here?"

Suppressing the shock in his heart, the man sitting high on the throne, with his red eyes like a dragon and a snake, stared at the boy who was walking with Ishtar.

"Of course it is to save the country," said the young man Shi Shiran.

"You also know that human nature is actually very fragile. If there is no quantum recording tape as an anchor, human history may go to extremes like a derailed train at any time, and then be cut off due to lack of possibility."

"And when the human principle burns, it destroys the quantum record tape.

"Under these conditions, if there is a disaster in Uruk, it is very likely that the entire army will be wiped out in the future.

"Oh, so, are you the help of this king?"


The young man Shi Shiran opened his mouth with a bright smile.

"Whether it's to solve the stupid snake god, or beat the winged dragon who believes in the law of the jungle, or catch the queen of the underworld, or even meet the last dragon god."

The boy's voice paused here, looking around like a lion patrolling his territory.

"I can agree."

"As long as you are willing to pay the price, perhaps it is possible to forcibly extend the life of this country."

The words that were like bombs fell into Gilgamesh's ears, changing his expression.

The first dynasty of Uruk was a dynasty destined to perish.

And the young man in front of him actually said that he wanted to continue it.

How is this going?

Is he going to reshape the quantum record tape?

A great sense of shock rose in the king's heart.

Holding a faint desire, the King Xian, who had lost his scorn in the past, opened his mouth and asked.

"So, what is the price you're talking about?"

"Your Majesty Gilgamesh, we have only one condition." Under Gilgamesh's gaze, the young man said.


"From now on, I will take over here."

Chapter 34 All kinds of martial arts, this is forcibly opened

Since then, directly abdicate?

Like a sharp sword stabbing at the reverse scale, the red pupil of the man sitting high on the throne instantly took on a coldness.

Sen's cold eyes glanced at everything in front of him, causing Fujimaru Tachika and Mashu, who were standing behind Su Han, to shiver instinctively.

It's not that they haven't seen Heroic Spirits.

Either cruel, or brave, or treacherous, or upright...

They were born in Chaldea, and they had come into contact with an outrageous amount of Heroic Spirits. If nothing else, only the old and new A-groups were all Servants.


Even among those servants with extraordinary temperament, Gilgamesh is the most special.

The suffocating murderous intent poured down like a collapsing glacier, causing the girl named Mash to tremble.

Those eyes were so cold that they could freeze time and space!

As a Servant, when her Master was facing a crisis, she should have waved her shield immediately to block them.

But she was trembling now.

The red-eyed king unknowingly stood up.

Those narrowed red eyes are just like...

The dragon and snake that chooses and devours people!

Almost draining all her courage, the girl just stepped forward and stood beside Su Han with a shield in her hand.

In any case, she is a Servant of Chaldea.

Protecting the Master is her mission.

Therefore, she will never stop easily!

Oh, what a brave little girl.

Su Han, who saw this scene with the corner of his eye, couldn't help but sigh.

Before that, he had only fought with the Dragon Tooth Soldier, the crippled Uncle B, and the Heidi who released water, but now, he actually dared to face Gilgamesh, who was the strongest Servant.

This courage is really invaluable.

However, appreciation is appreciated, and what matters now is serious business.

He looked at Tohsaka Rin beside him, motioning him to take a step forward,

After doing this, facing the king who was like an angry dragon, the boy in the hall spread out his hands, and Shi Shiran laughed.

"It's a very simple thing, you are too incompetent, you are too incompetent to even continue your own country."

"This gave the goddess I was waiting for a headache."

"So, our gods have decided to remove you from your position as the king of Sumer, and ordered you to hand over all your rights and the keys to the treasure house of Babylon, so that you can only exist as the most ordinary members of Uruk in the future."

As if touched by some instinct, Rin took a step forward from Su Han's side.

Perhaps it was for the purpose of plotting Gilgamesh's property, or perhaps it was because of Ishtar's will, the body of this girl who had been out of control, had endless pressure overflowing.

That is not inferior to Gilgamesh, no, it should be said that the tyranny is even better.

At this moment, she is really the mistress of the sky!

"Gilgamesh, in the name of Ishtar, the patron saint of Uruk, I order you to surrender everything."

Everyone present understood this in an instant.

This is a war between kingship and theocracy.

The people of Chaldea did stand with Uruk, but Chaldea seemed to prefer Ishtar, who represented theocracy, to Gilgah, who represented the kingship.

Siduri, the priest, was silent.

In this war, she does not have any right to speak.

The King of Gold took up the knife expressionlessly and pierced his chest.

As an old man who was out of his prime, even though he had the appearance of a young man, his fighting power was still fading.

Judging from the current state, let alone the Chaldeans standing beside Ishtar, he may not even be Ishtar's opponent.

So, let yourself die once, and then appear as a heroic spirit!

The endless spirits rushed towards the man like the material absorbed by the tornado.

Just like a flaming flame, the huge magic power is burning on the king's body, brilliance and majesty!

"It seems that only the sword can be used to determine who is the leader of the battle against the Mother Goddess."

As if a certain trigger was activated, the barrier covering Uruk was activated, and the entire people on the tower were transferred to the abandoned city of Babylon.

"Let me see, where does your courage to challenge kingship come from!"

On a certain world line, the Sun King relied on his temple to almost turn the entire fusang into ashes, so what will the King of Gold, who is also one of the three golden glitters, get serious?

Almost at the moment of transfer, countless golden ripples appeared in the sky.

Accompanied by the anger of the king, the torrential rain of gold once again fell on this land that was close to being scrapped. Light was spreading, colliding, and then bursting.

There is no such thing as a pre-war warm-up as legend has it.

The beginning is the peak!!

That is the anger of the strongest corner of the heroic spirit, even the gods need to kneel on the ground


Out of the instinct of "Ishtar", Tohsaka Rin calls for his love boat, Anna.


A hand was placed on the girl's shoulder, causing her to stagnate.

"Let me handle this kind of thing, I just have some things that need to be verified.

At the same time as the words came out, the boy's fist was wrapped in magic power and hit the ground without a trace of reservation.

After the momentary stagnation, the earth twisted and expanded, and the huge impact force instantly shattered the ground around a hundred feet, and the slightly smaller gravel was wrapped in the scorching heat and shot straight to the sky!


At this time, the heat flow at the location where Su Han had just shattered and overflowed towards the surroundings.

In Gilgamesh's shocking expression, the stone that was thrown up was wrapped by the unknown airflow, turned into the sharpest sword, and collided with the Noble Phantasm he released...

A shocking scene happened.

Ordinary stones blocked the anger of the tyrant.

It was a combo like the wrath of the sky.


Endless explosions are generated above the sky, like thousands of angry dragons howling.


On one side, the girls named Mash and Rika could only cover their ears, half kneeling on the ground with a pained expression.

Compared to the two sides participating in the war, they are still too immature now.

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