In the world view of the moon, there is a very interesting setting.

The environment of the planet is constantly changing because of the groups and powers of intelligent beings living on the surface.

In the earliest times, the earth was the age of the gods.

Powerful gods live in this land and are the rulers of this world.

Therefore, on the earth, there are real ethers that are favored by gods everywhere, and the magic power in the air is so strong that modern magicians can directly poison the magic power.

However, the next group, called humans, began to flourish.

Compared with the gods, the so-called human beings are undoubtedly fragile.

The environment of the Age of Gods is not suitable for the reproduction of this species.

However, they were tenacious and took root after all, and they continued to multiply.

As the human population multiplied, the inhibitory force called Gaia began to adjust the surface environment.

1. Recycle the ether in the world towards the inner sea of ​​stars.

Obviously, such behavior is undoubtedly sinister to the gods.

As high-magic creatures, they can clearly feel that the earth is gradually becoming unsuitable for gods to survive, and if this continues, they can only return to the inner sea of ​​stars.

In order to restrain the growth of human power after excessive reproduction, the Sumerian gods combined the human royal family with the goddess to create a "wedge" for the gods to restrain human beings.

And the wedge is

The ultimate two-five boy, the fat tiger.

Because of the pull of some gods who love humans and the inaction of the fat tiger brother, the Sumerian gods were forced to migrate to the inner sea of ​​stars, and handed over the dominance of this world to humans.

Gilgamesh, who did not take the mission entrusted by the gods seriously at all, sat on his throne, looking at the clay tablet in front of him, Ying Ting's brows furrowed tightly.

On that clay tablet, all beings on the same level or even stronger than him were recorded at this singularity.

With the help of "Enkidu", the fake Tiamat-Gorgon living in the forest of monsters is constantly producing monsters, attacking the north wall of Uruk.

The Feather Serpent God, who occupied another dense forest, was using the law of the jungle to screen warriors according to his own aesthetics, and he didn't know what to do.

What's more, Ishtar, whose brain doesn't seem to be very easy to use, prayed incense to the God of Wealth in the temple, asking for protection... This guy is about to lose all of Uruk's face.

In addition, the two unknown goddesses seem to have summoned their retinues near the ocean and are watching over there.


Not good.

The king, whose strength level is roughly at the same level as the gods, looked at the sphere of influence of those gods with a solemn expression.

In the future he saw, the entire Uruk army was wiped out, and as the last Uruk man, he rebelled against the mother goddess.

The next scene, basically do not have to think about.

He beat Tiamat's eleven sons and made do, and when he met the Goddess of Creation, he was giving away people's heads.

If you want to defeat that god, relying on yourself alone is not enough.

If you want to change the future, you need a partner.

Just like, Enki, Ea and Marduk teamed up to defeat the great goddess.

If they are there, even if the mother goddess wakes up again, it will be sealed again.


It is not the powerful triad of creation that came to the world, but the revenge ghost who has no brains, the big sister who doesn't seem to be very normal, and the funny guardian deity who threw Uruk's face clean.

"If I can, I really don't want to see those **** gods in my life. At least, I don't want to see those gods who eat and worship but are useless at all."

Holding his nose, he held back his disgust for the gods, and the king who wanted to cooperate with gods looked like an old man in a subway station.

Do those gangsters seem to be able to fight the Mother Goddess?

The gods who have been figured out by him are basically unreliable.

"Please don't mock my great patron saint here."

The head priestess, who appeared as Gilgamesh's assistant, subconsciously persuaded her after listening to her king's complaints.

"Although she may not be as reliable as the great Anu as a god, she is the patron saint of Uruk after all."

Such dissuasion is reasonable.

After all, Sumer is a city-state alliance country similar to Greece, and the gods corresponding to Uruk are the **** king Anu and the goddess Ishtar.

Gilgamesh's words were like the king of Athens scolding Athena for being a plain eater.

"I didn't say it directly, which useless **** is \"\"

Facing the reprimand of the priestess, the man who claimed to be a fat tiger just snorted coldly.

Those words made the sorceress Siduri silent.

What can she say?

Said that as soon as he heard that the king said that the useless god, he immediately thought of the patron saint of Uruk?

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

I really want to start the citizens' assembly now, and cast a new patron saint Gilgamesh as if tired, giving up the gods who complained about his city-state.

"I sent to the coastline to seek the servants of the unknown Vulcan and the **** of space, any news?"

Having said this, the king's expression suddenly became serious.

Since he has decided to fight the Mother Goddess to the end, allies are necessary.

Compared with the three goddess alliance that came first, those gods who seemed to be watching the ocean and strictly guarded against some kind of threat in the ocean were obviously more reliable.

after all

In this world, the only one who needs to be watched by gods is the sleeping mother, isn't it?

"Wang, have you forgotten?"

"Those goddesses are subordinates of the Chaldeans. Without the permission of the guy called the captain, they are unwilling to communicate with us."

Quite helpless words came from the mouth of the priestess.

"That's it."

Gilgamesh, dazed by government affairs, murmured.

He remembered.

Not long ago, Merlin also mentioned this matter.

He said that the Chaldean, who had driven the goddess as a familiar, was in the temple of Ishtar and seemed to be plotting something.

Perhaps because he admired the man's act of driving the goddess, or perhaps because he really lacked an assistant, he sent Merlin to look for him.

So, just wait for the news from Merlin, okay?

Gilgamesh thought.

As long as the magician of Chaldea is persuaded, then he will have the help of at least two goddesses.

This should be a good development.

But, for some reason, he did suddenly feel uneasy.

Just when he was thinking, the door of the tower of God was suddenly opened.

Gilgamesh was stunned, and a white hair appeared in his field of vision.


The dream demon who was dispatched to the Ishtar Temple and invited the Chaldeans to come and help the fist roared in panic, like a little demon.

"Your Majesty. The people of Chaldea, knocking on the door!!"

ps: Sure enough, I'm not good at emotional dramas, it's better to write the plot honestly

Chapter 33 Resign, I will take over from now on

The people of Chaldea, hit the door!!

Gilgamesh couldn't help being surprised when he saw that the strength was so strong that he could drag out the white hair of the Goddess of Creation in a dream.

How is this going?!

Chaldea is a human security institution.

Their duty is to guard human rights.

And if Tiamat completely wiped out the current center of human civilization - Sumer, then it will spread to other places. Within seven days, all human beings will hit gg.

As the guardian of human nature, Chaldeas absolutely cannot stand this kind of thing.

Therefore, they are on the opposite side of Tiamat.

In theory, they and themselves should be natural allies.

Is there something wrong in the middle?

Gilgamesh would take his time, if he could, trying to sort out the relationship

However, it was too late for Gilgamesh to think about it.


A violent roar sounded directly.

Like a thrown stone, the white-haired dream demon slammed into the ground in the form of a parabola.

Immediately after that, a woman with an amazing beauty floated into the hall on a prop that looked like a bow and a boat.

That is Tohsaka Rin.

Or rather, Ishtar.

"One hundred points, thank you for your patronage.

The girl who owed Su Han a lot of points and took over the request of someone from Luo who did not want to be named in the group in order to make money took a photo of the dream demon who was blown away by the magic bullet and handed over the task.

That unassuming attitude suddenly made Gilgamesh's face gloomy.


Although he did not pay special attention to Ishtar, when he was half asleep, his clairvoyance would work to see some vague scenes.

Among them, the most pictures about Ishtar is that this idiot is offering incense to the gods of wealth from all over the world in the temple.

please! !

Your tm is the urban **** of Uruk, the mistress of the sky!!

Can you be a little embarrassed?

"You idiot, why are you here?"

Without hesitation, the king rebuked the goddess.

"As the urban **** of Uruk, you have neglected your duties all day long and paid no attention to city residents!!"

"This king now announces that tomorrow I will hold a citizens' meeting to announce that you have been dismissed!!"

"Clam? Dismissal!!"

After all, the eldest lady, who was partially influenced by Ishtar, suddenly widened her eyes.

Looking at the handsome man, she only felt that her heart was beating at a high speed, and the blood all over her body was sending out a whole new strength.

Fist is hard!!

"Jin Shining, I think you are itchy!!" Without hesitation, the goddess of poverty roared angrily.

Good guy, a mere mortal king, actually wants to abolish himself?

Disrespectful, the goddess rolled up her sleeves... um, her dress seemed to have no sleeves, and Void appeared to be fighting, ready to give this guy a beating.


A slender hand blocked her progress.

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