
Such an identity is obviously a high-end atmosphere.


This identity has no debt.

Not long ago, "Tohsaka Rin", who tried to plot against his servant, was plotted against by his servant for various reasons, and became a sub-servant, signing a master-servant contract with his friend.

For this reason, she hopes to take the servant's debt repayment plan completely soup.

And because of the need to try to solve the master-servant contract next, how many points should I owe, or how many points should I owe.

No, it's not right to say that.

After all, if the Servant cancels such a transaction, it is necessary to pay liquidated damages.

In addition, I have no ability to solve the contract of prostitution set by the mistress of the sky. If I want to find a solution to the group owner, I also need to pay a large amount of commission fees...

Arrears of 3,000 points, liquidated damages of 500 points, and the cost of canceling the contract set by "The Mistress of Heaven" starts at 10,000..

This is the debt of the girl named Rin Tohsaka.

Thirteen thousand five.

So, I must be Ishtar.

Although the temple has been sealed by the dead fat tiger of Gilgamesh, it is still the super rich goddess of Venus.

It can even be said that as long as he stole the key of the calf of the fat tiger and entered the treasure house of Babylon to search for it, he would become the richest man in this country.

Because of her status as a subservient, the girl who was inexplicably summoned by the shrine priestess put her hands together and prayed.

So, I must be Ishtar.

Who is Tohsaka Rin?

Unknown children.

By the way, since he is a goddess, then it is reasonable to find a few witches next.

So, the next thing I should do is to adopt her sister as my sorceress for the sake of the child named "Tohsaka Rin", train her well, and then rob someone of her sister. ...., robbed Rin Tohsaka's sister's big golden retriever, took her as a witch, and made her responsible for cleaning the toilets of the temple every day!!

Well, so be it.

The goddess who almost overflowed with the malice of a certain golden drill smiled.


"Nail, you have new information to receive."

The information from the group chat made the goddess's expression stiffen all of a sudden.

Group chat, this is a prop corresponding to Rin Tohsaka.

"Rin, according to the agreement, I will cancel the contract for you."

"By the way, let's settle the current bill by the way."

The statement from the creditor came quickly, shattering the fantasy of the girl who tried to pretend to be Ishtar to hide from the debt.


It was like saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, and without warning, ripples appeared on the temple for a while.

Followed closely, the face is extremely handsome, but people will always look around to see a beautiful young man with a mustache, a gentleman's hat and single-sided glasses walking out of it, facing a girl who was inexplicably called as a substitute for the goddess of Venus. , waved to her.

The debt collector has arrived.

ps: full attendance caught up

Chapter 31 Gilgamesh, is your wallet enough?

Su Han is here.

Beside him, the witch wearing a witch costume and wearing a nondescript single-sided glasses on her delicate face is constantly flipping through the diary, inquiring about her boss's transfer records.

There were four people in total.

One man and three women.

As a male, it was naturally Su Han who put down a low-interest loan in the group chat, and another old acquaintance Irena in the group chat.

The remaining two are completely unknown faces.

Considering that this guy Su Han has said in the group that he has recruited graduate students, it is not difficult to guess that these two girls are his students.

It can be seen that Miss Rika and Mash are a little reserved, thinking Tohsaka Rin.


\"The original loan is 3,000 yuan, and the Servant's transaction fails to pay a penalty of 600 yuan. Regarding the issue of contract seal, if it is only sealed, the cost is 7 yuan. If it is completely destroyed, it will cost about 15,000 yuan. Points, which plan do you choose."

"By the way, Rin, is your fee this time a direct transfer, or is it included in the previous debt category and paid in installments?\"

The secretary, who had finished accounting the bill, tore off a piece of paper from her diary, wrote the bill, and handed it to the shameful goddess.

Four joys in life.

Long drought meets sweet rain.

Meet old friends in a foreign land.

Candle night in the bridal chamber.

When the title of the gold list.

Four sorrows in life.

A long time ago with a sweet rain-flood disaster.

Encountering old friends in a foreign land - creditors.

The bridal chamber candle night - hand in the elements.

When the title is titled - the same name.

Now, in front of Miss Tohsaka Rin is the creditor, one of the four sorrows in life.

"Long time no see, Su Jun, and Izana-chan." "Sit down, I'll go get you some tea.

Looking at the black round-rimmed single-sided glasses, it was as if she had been suppressed in some way. That girl, who could actually be regarded as the mistress of the sky, had a rare expression of flattery on her face.

To be honest, if Tohsaka Rin's current appearance is seen by her classmates, it will definitely be directly shocked.

After all, in the public's impression, this girl is an arrogant eldest lady.

But now, this young lady behaves like a sold maid.

However, Miss Mu probably won't care about this.

Back then, in order to get a discount on gemstones, she took great pains to establish a good relationship with the daughter of a gemstone store.

But now she owes Su Han three thousand and five points directly, and she is estimated to continue to owe her debts.

It can only be said that dignity is something that cannot be eaten as food.

"Which set of services to choose, not sure yet, but the payment method of the debt

"Debt or something, let's pay in installments."

Under the shocking expressions of Miss Matthew and Miss Rika, the girl who was the mistress of the sky rubbed her hands together, looking like an old peasant paying rent.

"Is that really Ishtar?"

On the side, Miss Fujimaru Rika couldn't help but look as if the world view had been restarted.

Heaven, one of the most noble concepts in mythology.

Zeus in Greek mythology, Taiyi in Chu-di mythology, and even Messiah in the biblical system are all closely related to the concept of "heaven".

Ishtar's title is - Mistress of Heaven.

If you only look at her seniority, the above-mentioned supreme gods are even juniors in front of her.

But, such a god..

Miss Lixiang looked at the flattering goddess and fell silent.

Although it is unlikely that the gods are completely composed of divinity, it is humane to pour tea and water for the creditor because of the debt, and then massage and knock the legs.

Isn't it a bit over the top.

"Could it be that the so-called gods are so down-to-earth?" At the same time, the girl named Matthew couldn't help but exclaimed.

"God wants to eat too!!"

It seems that she noticed that the two little followers brought by Su Han, the girl who is now respected as the mistress of the sky turned back and spoke earnestly.

"Yes.. Su Jun, do you have any more suitable tasks there recently?

"I think .. I might be able to join it."

The goddess of poverty, who is now extremely short of points, looked pitifully at the boy who seemed to be super fit for a gentleman's hat and single-sided glasses, trying to find a job quickly.

The points she owes are already outrageous.

In addition, when I owe debts, I still talk about profits and rolling profits. If there is no income, I guess I really have to fast forward to the Tohsaka family for business.

Su Han shook his head.

In fact, it is not to say that he has no assignments.

In just one month, his business expanded from a small branch in the extreme east to the worlds of Tivat, Witch World, Terra, Blood Devouring Raid and more.

It would be a lie to say no.

In fact, whether it is the origin stone of Terra World or the dumping of goods in Witch World, there is a shortage of manpower. Even if there are prisoners and speculators who have recovered from the bloodthirsty world, they are only reluctant to operate. level.

At this time, it is actually a good thing to have reliable and excellent people to apply for the job


Everything has an accident.

Tohsaka Rin is a money fan, and Ishtar is even more outrageous to use the lucky cat as a temple sculpture, and even try to get money from Gilgamesh by cheating marriage...

Perhaps because of the complementarity of different worlds, Su Han's mines, chambers of commerce, and various companies all have fairly good running water.

To let Rin Tohsaka, who is in the Ishtar Lingji in fusion, take care of mineral mining or dumping goods, this is more outrageous than leaving Sun Monkey in Pan Taoyuan. If you can see it, it's a ghost.)


Are there no good jobs?

Tohsaka Rin-san's heart suddenly froze.

Could it be that I want to treat this temple or my own Noble Phantasm?

"However, if you really lack points, I have another idea.

"Perhaps, it would be good for you to improve the state of the economy today." To improve.. the state of the economy?

Tohsaka Rin-san couldn't help but widen her eyes.


It's points!!

Like a savior (poor ghost's perspective), the young man spoke slowly, and his every move was astonishingly attractive as a soft girl.

"Gilgamesh, you should know." Tohsaka Rin nodded.

Gilgamesh, the oldest fat tiger of mankind.

Good at laughing, he is one of the top Servants to whom his father used to be loyal.

And now, that monarch is living in this world as a living man

"Gilgamesh, the most famous place is wealth, isn't it?" The young man said with a smile.

"That guy is so wealthy, it's also a very reasonable thing for us to make a little bit of money."

Chapter 32 Gilgamesh the Great, the man of Chaldea, is coming!!

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