"However, it's not a big problem."

The young man cut his arm incomparably at will, and the blood filled with magic power oozes out, and is then put into the bottle.

That's blood.

As an existence that inherited the identity of the **** of elves and the demon king of elves, Su Han contained magic power that was unimaginable for normal magicians in every drop of blood.

Such blood, as Lixiang's magic supplement, is obviously qualified.

This can be considered as compensation for it.

In fact, the young man who cultivated Miss Lixiang, who used her as an intermediary to communicate with the Hall of Valor, put his blood in front of the girl very gracefully.

"This, you can keep it for now."

"It should be used as a good magic supplement when mixed with water."

"Until I find a way to improve your magic circuit, you can use this temporarily."

Miss Lixiang looked at the boy who casually cut her arm, and looked a little ashamed.

Although I know that this injury is only a trivial matter for the teacher, but seeing the teacher injured in order to provide himself with magic power is really quite...

not good.

Isn't there an easier way to replenish magic power?

The girl pouted involuntarily.

However, after thinking about it for a while, the girl's face suddenly turned bright red.

Magic, generally speaking, can only use body fluids and ancient gems as storage vessels.

Today's Chaldea, the poor clanking, where can there be so many gems that can absorb enough to supply the Servant's spirit level, the best magic storage tool is body fluids.

If you give up blood as a carrier of magic, there will probably only be liquids like saliva...

"Teacher, where are we going next?"

As if asking for guidance from the teacher, or forcing her thoughts to shift, the girl asked her teacher a question.

"Using the power of the forces is always better than relying on oneself to fight alone."

No matter where he goes, the first thing is to seek cooperation or directly occupy the magpie's nest, the teenager stretches his waist, said.

"So, are we going to visit King Gilgamesh next?" Miss Mash pondered.

In response, Miss Irena, who was wearing round-rimmed glasses, rolled her eyes.

Does Su Han look like he will pay special attention to people who are weaker than him?

This guy is best at taking over by force!

As if there was some kind of tacit understanding, after Irena thought of this, the boy spoke.

"The next step is probably to kill Gilgamesh, usurp his throne, and take over the whole of Uruk."

The terrifying words were spit out from the boy's mouth, causing Miss Mathew who was beside him to be stunned.


Take over all of Uruk?

This is too crazy! !

"However, senior, Sumer is a civilization in which religion and kingship check and balance each other. If one pole is missing, there will be big troubles."

Miss Mathew was stunned.

She is not worried, whether Su Han will be injured because of this.

After all, even if this guy has never exerted his full power in front of himself and others, no one will doubt his ability.

As long as it is a little weaker, Goetia will not hide behind him all day and shoot cold arrows.

"You also said that it is a country where kingship and religious power are equal, isn't it?"

Indifferent to the sixth Lostbelt, and hoped that other civilizations would be stationed in the sixth Lostbelt where the fairy died, the young man smiled and opened the group chat list. Among them, the id of a poor lady who had been missing for a long time was very conspicuous.

"Ishtar, the mistress of the sky, Ereshkigal, the **** of the underworld."

"Defeat the kingship and get the help of two patron saints, that's enough, isn't it?"

ps: I feel like I'm on the verge of sudden death now

Chapter 30 Dangerous, Ishtarin, Dangerous!


The Babylonian **** of agriculture, symbolizing Venus in Babylonian and Assyrian religions, is also the goddess of love, fertility and war.

In early Sumer, she was the **** of warehouses, the **** of rain and thunderstorms, and the **** of fertility. Her status in mythology was astonishingly high.

This can be seen from her name.

Inanna (Inanna)--nin little (sister)-an (heaven, heaven or Anu)-na (of)

So the full name is "the goddess" or "the goddess Anu".

Anu is the original **** of the gods in the entire Mesopotamian mythology system, and its main city is in Uruk like Inanna, so there are several theories about the relationship between the two: Inanna is Anu Daughter of Gilgamesh, who had brought down the Bull of Heaven for her to punish Gilgamesh; Inanna and Anu were actually the same god.

Considering that early human society was a matriarchal society, it is not hard to guess that Inanna might even be the prototype of Anu.


The mistress of the underworld, the only **** in the underground kingdom who can make laws and make judgments.

The Sumerian hymn "Inanna Goes to the Underworld" refers to the goddess Ishtar and her sister Ereshkigal. Inanna/Ishtar's journey to the underworld and return to the sun, and in that story, even Ishtar, who is the mistress of the sky, can't match the gloomy queen in the underworld .

Su Han, want to use these two goddesses to obtain the blessing of divine power, and then usurp Bird Luke's rights?

Such a statement made all the girls present except Irena stunned.

Even Dr. Romani, who was far away in the Chaldean monitoring room, could not help but let out a wry smile.

Heck, this guy's plan of action is as outrageous as ever.

"Imperial power and theocracy, the Indo-European power struggle has been going on for a long time, hasn't it?"

"The earlier, the more powerful the influence of theocracy on the people, it can even be said that if it wasn't for Gilgamesh's ability to gain the recognition of the people by taking advantage of the time when the gods returned to the inner sea of ​​stars, the people of Uruk would not have been able to gain the approval of the people. In my heart, the status of the king is not even comparable to that of the high priest."

"Then here comes the problem."

The boy clapped his hands casually and said casually.

"The world today is not without God."

"Why don't I directly use the divine power to overwhelm the royal power, and then directly dominate the world?"

Needing a group of people, the teenager who went to the sixth Lostbelt for development smiled and clapped his hands.

"Is it an illusion? .. Senior's speech, the villain asked a serious question."

Looking at the young man who clearly stood on the side of justice, but gave people a feeling of "I am the boss", Miss Matthew couldn't help but muttered.

"Yeah, think about it carefully, the teacher gives the impression that it really seems that the villain boss is reemployed."

Miss Lixiang couldn't help but reconcile.

Ambitious, talented, strong, flexible, indomitable, always smiling...

Except for the dissatisfaction that he is not good at women, Su Han seems to meet all the definitions of high-end villain.

Although I don't want to admit it, my teacher is really like a villain boss.

"Did you only meet him today?"

On the side, Irena sighed while covering her forehead.

That scene made Su Han's mouth twitch.

Strange, why do people around me feel like they are villains?

"How should I say it, I am actually here to save this kingdom that must perish."

The boy opened his mouth, trying to save his reputation.

Uruk, in pan-human history, must disappear.

In metahuman history, it was gradually weakened and then defeated by the Hittites who were good at using iron.

At this singularity, it was directly smashed by Tiamat, the goddess of creation.

Just like the old bug must die at the hands of the transmigrators, the demise and decline of the Uruk Dynasty are events recorded in the quantum record tape.

However, it is a pity that such a civilization has been destroyed.

If you have to disappear, then why not disappear into another world?

\"I feel like boss, you just want to live again..

Miss Irena, who knows Su Han very well, groaned.

"There is indeed a factor in this aspect."

In this regard, the young man Shi Shiran opened his mouth and admitted it.

"However, in any case, my final result can save Uruk, and it should not be difficult to get the support of the goddess of the underworld."

Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld.

A **** who may look gloomy, but undoubtedly loves the underworld and those who will eventually die.

Whether it is the somber and sick girl in the mythical version, or the little angel who has acquired some of the properties of Rin Tohsaka, it is not difficult to convince the type.

"And what about Ishtar?"

Miss Matthew couldn't help but ask.

"Compared to Ereshkigal, Ishtar is the truly widely worshiped god, right? Her will should be very important. How do you plan to get her support?"


Hearing these words, a slight smile appeared on the boy's face.

"Can I say, she still owes me a lot of money now?" = dividing line

Going through this kind of thing should be considered outrageous.


If it is placed in a special group of people, it will be much better.

If it is placed in a group of neurotic who can do anything like magicians, it is very possible to reshape history even if they use a large number of the same species as props to communicate with the spirit of the earth, not to mention transmigration. .


Do you have time travel in your own magic research?

On the plains of Mesopotamia, scantily clad teenage girls fell into contemplation as they looked at a temple full of beckoning cat statues.

As the first group friend of the group chat, Miss Tohsaka Rin is a veteran who has experienced two generations of group owners like Romani.

Therefore, for them, world crossing is not a very bizarre thing.

As long as the relationship with the group of friends is not so bad that Su Han and Getiya are in the "I want to raise your whole family again today" situation, you need an invitation letter, and then spend 100 points to go to another world.


In the so-called transmigration, is there an option to directly reach BC?

A girl named Tohsaka Rin was sitting on her own shrine.

She is very confused now.

She felt like she had memories of two people in her brain.

One of them is the Venus goddess who can be called the mistress of the sky.

-Although she says that it is the goddess' duty to protect human beings, she actually smiles and says, "Okay, let's see if human beings can live or die?" This kind of guardianship is the joy of Venus demons. people.

The second is a magician girl who worries about her sister's weird XP and debt every day.

If possible, the girl whose name can probably be called Ishtarin now would like to be the goddess of Venus.

After all, in Sumerian mythology, the former is second only to the existence of the Trinity of Creation.

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