However, because of Gaetia's tossing, a total of three goddesses descended on this world.

Goddess of Venus - Ishtar.

Sun Goddess - Kukulkan.

Goddess of Warcraft - Tiamat (Gorgon).

The three goddesses established an unbreakable alliance of the three goddesses, agreeing that "whoever captures Uruk first" will have the final right to deal with human beings.

Three goddesses appeared in his own country, and this kind of thing was already very difficult for Gilgamesh.

However, after that, two more goddesses appeared from another world.

Goddess of Fire and Goddess of Sky.

Those two goddesses are really mysterious, even if they are themselves, they have not been able to find out who they really are.

Different from the three goddesses who started to separate the power from the first moment, those two goddesses are still safe.

All day long with a group of special breeds that seem to be completely different from the monsters in his cognition, stationed at the seaside to monitor something.

"Merlin, is it possible that you understand the origin of those two goddesses?" Gilgamesh asked.

"Of course I know. If I can't even figure this out, then I will be shamed by the title of the British national teacher."

Merlin looked at the King of Gold, who had been hooked, and stopped selling.

"They are the Chaldeans." "The Chaldeans?

Gilgamesh frowned.

Chaldea, the observatory of the universe.

Because of clairvoyance, he also has a certain understanding of that organization.

The people in the organization have good abilities, but it would be too outrageous to directly drive an unknown god.

"Not like."

Gilgamesh gave a judgment.

He did not think that the people of Chaldea could create a god-level spiritual foundation, and then let those gods fight for human rights.

"The people of Chaldea are technically incompetent, and have no ability to build a spiritual foundation of the true level of gods."

"Please change your mind."

The man of Merlin who got the information from Meryl smiled and said.

"Those goddesses were brought here by others." "As a subordinate."

brought by someone?

Or as a subordinate?

Even Gilgamesh couldn't help but change color slightly.

He knows best what kind of bird this species of gods is.

Either you love someone, or you don't love someone, or you don't have a sense of existence, just be a little transparent

They have different personalities, but they have one thing in common.

That is arrogance.

The arrogance of the superior beings towards human beings.

And now, someone has actually tamed the goddess as a subordinate?

This is as outrageous as monkeys or even mice tame elephants or even dinosaurs

\"It's really admirable.\"The king whispered.

"If possible, I really want to get to know that Chaldean man." This is the truth.

The thing Gilgamesh hated the most was God.

As long as you fight against God, we are half-brothers.jpgo Facing the king's words, the man named Merlin laughed with a light smile

"If you want to meet, you can see it later.

"Where is he?" Gilgamesh demanded.

"In the temple of Ishtar."

Chapter 29: Dangerous Gilgamesh Dangerous

A desolate, overgrown ancient city.

Although it has been abandoned for a long time, the past glory can still be seen here.


The road is wide and flat, enough for the vehicles of later generations to drive side by side. There are certain green plants on both sides of the road as ornamental plants, and there are various shops on both sides of the street.

If it weren't for the fact that the building materials were really backward, some people would believe it was a modern city.

Perhaps in order to highlight the advancement of the times, the editors of some books often use words similar to tribes, tribes, and fortresses to describe the cities before the BC, making people feel that the so-called ancient people seem to have just broken away from the primitive society. .

But in fact, the dense population will catalyze the city and produce city management.

As the oldest Sumerian civilization among the known civilizations of mankind, if their capital, Babylon, is described as a thatched hut, it can only prove that the editors of the textbooks are crooked as if they were old men of the past.

But civilization is always vulnerable to barbarism.

After losing the protection of the gods, the city that worshipped the great **** Marduk went to a stranger in the wrath of the goddess of beasts.

Endless monsters are grinding their minions in this dilapidated city.

It is conceivable that if a stranger stepped into it, it would definitely be torn into pieces by the endless beasts and devoured.

Perhaps because of hunger, a giant beast woke up from its sleep, raised its head high, and looked around.

It was a dragon.

Poison dragon Basmu (Basmu) first appeared on the drum seal of Gudia in the 22nd century before. In the Mesopotamian poem Angim, it is one of the eleven "warriors\" defeated by Ninurta.

Perhaps in order to cater to the identity of the so-called mother goddess of creation, the snake **** named Gorgon chose to create this species according to the myth.

Now, this monster, which can kill at least twenty ordinary magicians when angry, has started hunting.

With its keen sense of smell, it felt the breath of blood food.

Yes, that's human.

And it is the taste of young female human beings.

A bloodthirsty light flashed in the eyes of the extremely picky poison dragon.

Compared with men with touching fat content, women with soft flesh, especially young women, are obviously more in line with the appetite of Warcraft.

The huge poisonous dragon quietly raised its head in the ruins.

Unsurprisingly, in its field of vision, there are two women.

One has pinkish-purple short hair, and the other has an orange-red side ponytail.

From the perspective of human beings, the two women are undoubtedly lovely girls.

However, for a poisonous dragon, such beauty is obviously meaningless.

After all, who cares about the shape of the bread except dio?

The eyes of those giant beasts named Bathum have locked on their target.

For ordinary human beings, Poison Dragon Basum is an invincible demon god.

The venom secreted by their fangs can poison an entire village with just one drop, the sharp claws can easily smash the city walls, and a slight swing of their majestic and powerful tails can turn the best warriors into flesh in an instant.

There is no doubt that the poison dragon is one of the best hunters in the world.

Hunt, in an instant!

The target is the orange-haired girl who seems a little absent-minded!!

Like thunder and lightning piercing the sky, the poisonous dragon exposed his teeth and burst into flames!

If the poisonous teeth are pierced into flesh and blood, even the Servant will be severely injured. If the powerful upper jaw collides with the lower jaw, even the best metal will be twisted.

Not being arrogant at all because of the weakness of the enemy, this poisonous dragon is full of murderous intent.

It was a beautiful blow.

If a third-rate Servant is attacked, it may even be fatally shot!!

The panic of the girl with pink-purple hair, the dragon's expression became more and more hideous, and he seemed to have smelled the fragrance of blood.



Like a golf ball that was thrown out, the poisonous dragon flew upside down at once, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

It was a huge axe that was at least two meters long.

"Successful call!!!"

"I really borrowed the power of Mr. Hercules!!"

Like a child who grabbed candy, the energetic girl cheered loudly.

"Master, you are taking too much risk!!"

The guard girl who exists as a Servant has a helpless expression on her face.

Although she would also be happy because the master became stronger, but how to become stronger should be done step by step.

How can a master come up and go to fight with the poisonous dragon.

That poisonous dragon looks a little hard to resist..

Due to various reasons, there was no time to develop at all, and Miss Matthew, who belonged to the white board, looked at the poisonous dragon that was knocked into the air, thinking about it.

But then again...

master.. is the scripture stronger than himself?

The girl named Matthew, a little inexplicable feeling arose in her heart

Perhaps it was because Rika was the last Master and she was the last Servant. Before Su Han appeared, Miss Mashu and Fujimaru Rika had always been regarded as the candidates for the savior and were expected to be highly regarded.

It was also because of this connection that they became best friends.

One is in charge of the command, and the other is the sword and shield of the Master.

However, now the master seems to be stronger than himself.

"Teacher, what do you think I'm doing!!

The girl named Tachika, like a lively cat, looked at a guy who was hiding in the shadows and his secretary was calculating the bill of a certain group of friends.


If Gilgamesh were here, he would definitely be furious.

Merlin told him that the people from Dildi had reached the temple of Ishtar, but the current situation is that a bunch of people are fighting monsters and upgrading in the abandoned city of Babylon.

However, this cannot be blamed on Merlin.

Merlin did not expect that the person who was supposed to go directly to the Temple of Ishtar would suddenly stop on the road and fight monsters to level up.

"It's alright."

The boy stared at his student and murmured for a while.

"The research direction is not wrong.

"However, you need to pay attention to the consumption of magic power."

"The servants who signed the contract with you are almost all top-level. Even if you only have a small amount of power, you will have a great burden on your body."

The young man said, the words that instantly made Miss Lixiang's expression go down.

Her magic circuits are of average quality and quantity.

"Replenishing magic power? .. that's quite a headache."

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