
This guy wouldn't want to kill himself and turn him into a dependent, and then search his memory directly.

I don't mind the sudden death, but, if possible, I wish I could watch more of the history of the dream girl with an unprecedentedly stiff expression.

Heck, this guy is less fun than the future.

"Ah, ah, I'm really sorry. The thing that kid gave me was originally a set of clothes, but the clothes were quite cute, so I pocketed a little bit for the transportation fee, um, just a little bit."

Do what you want without breaking the rules..

Feeling that the young man in front of him might directly kick herself into another world as a miner in the next instant, Miss Dream Demon followed the most basic instincts and made a judgment.

Incomparably well-behaved, the dream demon was learning the quintessence of the extreme eastern country, bowing to his teacher, and then very quickly from the space, he took out a whole set of clothing.

Hats, canes, tops, skirts, shoes..

There is no doubt that this is the original holy relic.

A complete set of clothing.

Because I don't know what I have on my body, it can be used as a holy relic, so I just leave a set of clothes.

A whole set of clothes, so many parts, after all, one or two can trigger the connection with him.

Perhaps this was the thought of the owner of the garment.

"The spiritual loss fee of 6,000 points is written off."

In Miss Mei Li's face, "Worry, you robbed", the young man announced so.

However, without any hesitation, the dream girl chose to nod her head.

At this point in time, Su Han was not familiar with him.

If you **** off this crumb, you will be chopped up, but this guy will definitely get revenge.

Another day, he could hypnotize himself with the power of knowing the law and the power of erosion, and make himself a social animal who regards his boss as his greatest glory until he pays off the spiritual loss of 6,000 points.

"When Sumer arrives, I will transfer the points to you."

Mengmo, who decided to extract points from Merlin, quickly gave a repayment deadline.

That answer caused a smile on the face of a certain group owner who was desperate for money.

However, when he saw the clothes again, the look on his face due to the extra income was indeed contemplative.

So, in the future, will I see that Paradise Spirit?

There were some doubts in Su Han's heart.

fg02.6 Fairy Round Table Field.

The queen named Morgan packed everything she had with Morgan in the Lostbelts and let him know everything.

Afterwards, the elf, who was essentially a paradise fairy, seized all the power of the fantasy tree, forcibly transformed the Lost Belt into a singularity, and continued.

To be honest, Su Han really didn't like the fairies in the Fairy Round Table field.

It can even be said that the plot of 2.6 is the road to the demise of a bunch of pure goblins.

Killing benefactors, abusing benefactors, and goblins will always have only themselves in the dictionary, so they will inevitably die because of themselves. No matter how gentle and kind-hearted saviors are, they cannot save goblins. The despicableness in the souls of these goblins determines their inevitable die.

In Su Han's plan, when he defeated Getia and landed in the Lostbelt, he would activate the angel directly, and like the LORD sending down fire from the sky, he would clean up all the fairies in the Lostbelt 2.6.

Russia and the Nordic Lostbelts perished due to the climate, Daqin and India perished due to "dictatorship", and the Greek Lostbelts perished due to the "lack of human possibility".

If the first two are given a suitable climate for survival, the dictatorship of Daqin and India is lifted, and the Greek gods are allowed to stop and let mankind only develop, these Lostbelts have a future.

It should help if you can.

This is Su Han's idea.

The British Lostbelts are different.

Their demise is completely made, except for a few exceptions, other fairies can't make people feel pity at all, try to save the mind, compared to saving, it is straight across the board, and then just find a world that is about to perish. People, come to settle down and rebuild civilization a little better.


Judging from Meili's performance, the paradise elf Custer seems to exist and even be summoned by himself.

The premise of the birth of the Lostbelt seems to be that people rationalize it in vain.

There is a contradiction between the existence of c-stay and the burning of human principles.

So, why might she be summoned?

Gaetia does not seem to have captured the Holy Grail of the Sixth Singularity.

Could such an anomaly be related to the Sixth Holy Grail?

Now, the boy who has the five Holy Grails seized from the king has fallen into contemplation.

Then, he couldn't help shaking his head.

This kind of thing, or wait until you have resolved the serious matter, and then deal with it.

The most urgent task now is to solve Getia.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, I should go to summon the servants to go to the seventh Lost News Belt."

With Miss Mei Li's expression close to the rest of her life, the boy who had given up thinking for a while turned his head and pulled his student towards the frame.

ps: The goblins in 2.6 are really hot.

Chapter 28 Uruk with five goddesses?

Uruk City, a tower in the center of the city.

Returning from his adventures, the king sat on his throne for a while, reading the tablets at great speed.

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there is a marquis who is often touched by the Ten Philosophers of the Net Temple.

The Kong, who did not want to be named, relied on his superhuman ability and standby ability to survive Cao Cao and Cao Pi, insist on the Northern Expedition, and force the Shuhan Dynasty to survive.

That gentleman may be the earliest 007 warrior.

However, even the prime minister, who had done his best and died, would be shocked if he came to Uruk today.

It was already ten minutes in the middle of the night, and the tower representing the kingship was still brightly lit.

- Batch after batch of tired donkeys, under the whip of the production team, carried piles of clay tablets on their backs, and sent them to the top of the tower.

"Start from you and report the information!!"

The very recognizable voice of the king resounded from the tower.

"Louder, I can't hear!!"

That shocking voice, like a magical power, inspired a group of ministers who were dragged by the boss to work overtime, like the donkeys of the production team, working.

In the sky, when there was already a faint light, the lights on the tower just stopped.

On the tower that was almost empty, the King of Gold put down the clay tablet in his hand with a tired expression on his face, his expression embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, are you tired?

The masked woman whispered.

She is the chief priestess of the temple, Siduri, who is responsible for assisting the king.

"This king is not tired, just thinking about how to retreat from the enemy."

The voice of the king named Gilgamesh was still high, but the tiredness between his brows could not be hidden.

Because of a certain bastard's brain cramp, he had to use Uruk to open the knife and throw the Holy Grail to a certain Goddess of Warcraft, and the entire Uruk faced the crisis of subjugation.

No, perhaps it should not be called a crisis of national subjugation.

It should be said that it is the fate of subjugation.

Using clairvoyance, the king who saw the history of the demise of the first dynasty of Uruk thought.

In the history he saw, he was the only one standing in front of the Goddess of Creation.

Behind him is the ruined city.

The final outcome has been determined.

Uruk will come to an end, and he will be killed by the great mother goddess in the final battle.

To be honest, if it was an ordinary person, it would probably have been lying flat at this time.

But the hymn of man is the hymn of courage.

If you lose the will to fight just because of the future, isn't that kind of life as ridiculous as the gods?

If there is no way of life, then use the sword to open up a way of life.

This is the will of the king named Gilgamesh.

For this reason, he established the defensive line of monsters, and summoned Merlin, who was also a candidate for the crown, to monitor the Goddess of Creation.

Such a will, the workload brought by it is indeed a bit large.

Gilgamesh looked at his throne, feeling a little war in his eyelids.

He has not slept for three days and three nights.

Three days ago, his sleep quality was also worrying, two hours a day was an extravagant hope.

To be honest, if it is a normal person, it is estimated that it is on the verge of sudden death now.

: "Although I don't want to admit it, the blood of the gods seems to have brought great power to this king, at least, this power is very powerful when it comes to staying up late and refreshing.

The king murmured.

"Need, may I get you a pillow?"

The head priestess who served Ishtar looked at the monarch who was completely reliant on divine nature and asked.

"No, no need."

"It's almost morning time.

For the first time, the superior king who felt the divine nature shook his head, "Did you let this king hold a pillow in front of the ministers to start the meeting?"

"I'm on the throne, just sleep for a while"

At this time, the sound of footsteps came in. The slightly tired Gilgamesh's spirit returned to normal.

A king could not show the ridiculous gesture of tiredness in front of his subjects.

The King of Gold, who had to take money from his own bank to wipe Merlin's **** every day, talked about something that would definitely cause Miss Dummy and the Knights of the Round Table to be kicked out of the live broadcast room.

"Ah, ah, that kind of boring Destiny Slate, what's there to record?" The dream demon named Merlin rolled his eyes and said.

"Didn't your clairvoyance see the end long ago?"

"Only with the strength of you and Uruk's First Dynasty, the final outcome will be a battle of blood on your own.

"If you want to change such a future, you need to add new variables.

"However, after the new variable was added, what kind of King Gilga, the stuff you saw before was basically waste paper, is this kind of looking for waste paper really interesting?

"It makes sense..."

The king, leaning on the throne, resting his chin on one hand, said:

"However, this is not the reason why you stay in the prostitute all day and pay credit in the name of this king."

"If you have time, why don't you go to the Demon Beast front to show your swordsmanship and reduce the damage caused by Enqi being killed by the Beast Commander."

Gilgamesh calculated the time, the next car with information printed on it was coming, and it was time to deal with official business. He didn't have time to argue with this dream demon here.

"My dear king, I am not eating for nothing."

In the face of the king who was determined to let himself do the work, and if he didn't obey, he would let others take him out of Uruk, Merlin's smile was a little helpless.

"I can, I'm trying to investigate the two newest goddesses."

Those words, the King of Gold, whose sitting posture was not very elegant, suddenly burst into sharp light in his eyes.

The latest two goddesses to appear...

Uruk was in a time when the gods returned to the "inside of the world".

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