Since it is a partner, naturally the more the better.

"Teacher, why don't you bring one more person?"

The girl tugged at the corner of the boy's clothes and muttered in a low voice.

"Don't use the human world view to measure this wonderful creature like the Dream Demon." To this, the young man just replied lightly.

"These two people are following me, just wanting to have fun."

"Hey hey, am I being seen through so quickly?"

The dream girl, who is essentially a fun person, put down her sleeves at once, and threw the onion stuffed in her sleeves aside in disgust, muttering, disgusting that its tear-jerking effect is garbage.

"That guy Merlin owes me a debt and needs me to go to Babylonia to sign it."

"I still want to try, can I try to send a wave of free prostitutes."

"It's really troublesome to understand the transfer of spirits by yourself, and it takes at least half an hour to study."

Study for half an hour?!

Miss Lixiang was stunned for a while.

Spirit transfer, this has always been one of the trump cards that Chaldeas is proud of.

In the end, this guy said that he only needs to study for half an hour to fully understand?

is this man?

Miss Lixiang looked at the white-haired dream demon with an expression like a student who was beaten by high school math, and saw Galois, Gauss, and Abel.

I'm probably already a dead master.

If there is one sentence to describe Miss Rika's thoughts, then her current state of mind is probably like this.

"Don't be surprised."

"That guy is a crowned caster, and a traditional magician similar to King Solomon and Morgan, not a guy like Gilgamesh who became crowned by reading cheat sheets.

Su Han shook his head as if he had sensed Li Xiang's peculiar dejected breath of the scumbag.

"Although on average, she bites her tongue every time she chants three spells of magic, she is indeed the champion."

"Huh huh, what an exaggerated statement!!"

"This description would make me stupid, just as stupid as Arturia Castor!!"

The dream demon girl complained, with a little resentment in her expression.


Arturia Custer?

Suddenly, Su Han, who heard a very strange name, suddenly became alert.

The savior in LostbeltNo.6.

Arturia Custer.

C stay, the job is magician, as the heroine of 2.6, not the previous concept of Arturia... but the paradise fairy born in the Lost Belt.

Although it is different from Zhong Duo Mao in the traditional sense, it is not unrelated because in a sense, she is the "King Arthur" who only exists in this Lost Belt.

A fairy girl who is proficient in lockpicking without the identity of the red dragon factor and the king of knights.

Why did Mellie have an affair with Arturia Castor?

If I remember correctly, LostbeltNo.6 Fairy Round Table

Merlin in the field is male, and he must have been running away with a bucket.

So, why does Meli have an intersection with Arturia Castor?

Weird, really weird.

"Speaking of which, are you doubting my identity?"

It seemed that he had noticed the strangeness of the young man, and the dream demon had a smile on his face.

"Ah, ah, what a suspicious child, and Custer-chan are completely two extremes."

two extremes..

In response, Su Han couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

People who play with time are mostly to be played by time.

The master who was played by time was Origami Yingyi. She wasted so much energy that she ended up killing her parents by mistake.

Su Han has always believed that he, who has been fooling around in different worlds all the year round, should not be affected by time.

after all

All stages of his life are not in the same world at all.

However, it now seems that he still underestimated the impact of time travel.

"Next, do you want me to have a drink and then go on a trip?" The dream girl asked with a smile.

Before that, she used the reason of falling in love with Su Han at first sight, and then confessed that "Merlin is preparing to kill you" in exchange for a ticket to Chaldea

However, this kind of discourse obviously can only fool the good old Romani.

It's better to tell the truth about a guy.


"If there is any problem next, I can also provide some help."

In Miss Lixiang's sluggish expression, in just an instant, the boy's face changed from a kitten's face to a bright sunshine.

"You can also ask me questions in the group chat." "I will help you."

Ah, ah, this guy is really no different from the future.

To useful and useless people, the attitude is completely two concepts.

Miss Mei Li could not help muttering in her heart.

However, that's fine too.

You can easily grasp the character of this guy and find more fun, right?

The girl who could be called the ultimate entertainer clapped her hands, admiring it in a way that was close to grandiosity.

"Oh, it's really a three-good group leader."

"By the way, I almost forgot, you still lack a holy relic."

The dream demon casually performed space magic, as if he was rubbing something inside.

"I just happen to have the most suitable holy relic here for you." Is this a holy relic for yourself?

Su Han's expression was a little weird, but after thinking about it, he decided to accept it calmly.


The dream demon with a smile on his face mysteriously shoved the so-called holy relic into Su Han's hands.


Very rare, Su Han's eyes widened in fear.

In his hand is a piece of...

Blue and white strips?!

Chapter 27 Doubtful Britain

Blue and white.

For gentlemen, it should be a very common color scheme.

From a design point of view, light blue is the most reminiscent of pure and stable colors, while white is the most versatile color after gray.

However, although gray is versatile, it has a somewhat dim feeling. Light gray and light blue will form a strange feeling similar to red and green. Therefore, if light blue is the main body, choose from the adjacent white. Brighter, it will be more lovely.

Therefore, blue and white is an easy to stand out color scheme, so it is often used.

This is Su Han's old sister, when she is free, she has knowledge of popular science.

And these two colors often appear in girls' jewelry, hairpins and fat times.

Miss Lixiang instinctively moved backwards to distance herself from her teacher.

Although she believed that her teacher would be the most solid shield of human ethics, she did not have any confidence in her teacher's personal virtue.

Now there is a dream demon holding a blue and white strip to Su Han, which makes her instinctively a little bit.

"Teacher... Although an excellent magician leaves as many descendants as possible, and raising the bloodline of a certain area in the future is barely considered a virtue in the magician's world, I will bluntly say that taking that kind of thing as a holy relic is slightly a bit.


The girl, who was barely considered a magician, looked at the boy holding a blue and white cloth, constantly mulling over his words, trying to persuade his teacher in a gentle way, but because of his confusion, his speech was completely incoherent.

However, the general meaning is still quite understandable.

As Su Han's student, Miss Lixiang is trying her best to use the magician's worldview to solve the problem of her teacher's proliferation of relationships with the opposite sex. However, when she sees Su Han holding a blue and white strip as a holy relic, the perverted scene...

She's a little out of shape.

Moreover, perhaps because of the happy pig raising education in Jidong, Miss Lixiang's vocabulary does not seem to have any elegant words that indicate pervertedness.

Quite perverted indeed.

If you take this thing as a holy relic.

Su Han awkwardly picked up the strip of cloth, not sure if it was an illusion, but he felt that there was even a little residual warmth on it.

The dream demon opened his mouth with anticipation.

"How, how does it feel, with the connection between this sacred relic and the dear Miss Savior, it is absolutely easy to call out."

Holy relic, a word that is abhorred by countless travelers.

Compared with the unknown probability of obtaining and the unknown enhancement result, there is a high probability that the traveler will receive the sacred relic of Tivat from the fire of the fire every day, and the sacred relic of the Moon World is surprisingly simple.

Items linked to the greats of the past.

If you look at the summoning props, the holy relic is never important, the important thing is the connection above.

From this point of view, this cloth strip is indeed a sacred relic.

Moreover, it is an incredible holy relic with extremely strong designation, even strong.

King Arthur's Love Sword - If the sword of the old lady's victory is agreed as a holy relic, the summoning category may be the owner of the sword, Dianmao, or the Roman tyrant who was killed by Dianmao, and it may even be responsible for throwing the sword into the sword. Baby in the lake.

Although the probability of the latter two is not large, but it is not impossible.

And the blue and white strips...

Obviously, it is impossible to lead out heroes other than Duo Mao.

"This is the sacred relic of the paradise spirit that should have existed in the cut world."

"That kid, his talent as a caster is no less than mine, and you are a perfect complementary partner with Sora, who has the ability but never uses it." He almost wrote "Old lady is owe one" on his face Miss Dream Demon, spread out her hand, feeling so emotional.

"The gods who are not good at delving into knowledge and the witches who rejoice every day to get new skills are a perfect match."

"That's why you **** me off?"

With a blue and white cloth strip in his hand, the teenager who was directly considered by his students to be a pervert smiled.

In those pitch-black eyes, the barren aura was expanding indefinitely.

That is the sign of the armed activation of "flower" in the world tree.

It was formed by the fusion of the Vientiane Stock Hall and the Altar of Extreme Death. Perhaps the armament that should be called the Altar of Vientiane has the ability to bypass the defense and directly inflict real damage on the target.

The ability is not outstanding, it is a god-level authority in the law, compared to the remaining two pieces of armament, it is simply outrageous.

However, considering the opponent's insane output ability, if it is hit by it, the existence below the **** level can basically choose a place among heaven, underworld, hell, and Hall of Valor.

Seeing the young man in front of him who seemed to be ready to activate his arms, the smiling lady Mengmo froze.

She also wanted to take advantage of her intelligence advantage to play tricks on this person in the future. She would always be able to do it with ease. If she encounters a guy who can't solve it with ease, she will solve the problem with ease.

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