In terms of personal morality, the teacher should be a very reliable person.

Just because of some empty promises, you can come to Chaldea and fight the final boss of this war.

Even if there is pressure, he will use "I have the advantage of the affinity", in a light-hearted attitude, so as not to make others worry.


Will Getia really choose Ivs1?

"Are you worried because of Getia's business?\"

The girl looked at her teacher's eyes with a hint of distress.

"Just thinking about how to clean up that **** in a few days.

Very brisk, with Miss Lixiang's unknowingly sharp expression, the young man shrugged and said.

"The guy from Gaetia, who had a son who didn't have a py, agreed to a one-on-one fight, but it turned into a wheel fight, and he was about to find a carload of breadmen to fight."

"You can't just allow the **** Getiana to plot against me, not allow me to design several plans and target him."

The young man spoke in an understated tone.

Perhaps because he didn't want to dwell on this issue, he soon opened his mouth and asked about another matter.

"By the way, how is your magic study?"

At the moment when Miss Rika was embarrassed, the boy suddenly spoke up, asking like a teacher who was checking his homework.

Generally speaking, a human can only summon one Servant, but Matthew is a sub-servant of Galahad, and the shield she holds is a Noble Phantasm with the concept of "heroes gathering".

Such a concept breaks the common sense that a person has only one servant. Fujimaru Rika is the master of Mash, and has acquired the ability to sign contracts with multiple servants.

With the unique affinity of the heroic spirits unique to the upper Fujimaru, Rika seems to be able to establish a contractual relationship with a large number of heroic spirits.

Based on the spirit technique, link the Hall of Valor, and then let the heroic spirit fight for himself or choose possession.

This is the magic that Miss Rika has acquired under the influence of the Holy Grail. "Mr. Hercules, Miss Arturia, and Mister Cuchulain are all willing to lend me their power."

It was just a girl who experienced singularity F, and after thinking for a while, she said something that could definitely be shocking.

Cuchulain, Ireland's Children of Light, one of the ceilings of the Celtic warriors

If it comes with the tyrannical mentality of the six-lap massacre, it will definitely be a top-level rider or berserkero

Artoria, not to mention, the Kanban Lady of the Moon Moon, a top-level Servant.

Hercules, because of his high reputation and high reputation, is constantly used as a hapless person to make other people's hard work. He is often dubbed as the stepping stone of the crown, the king of the sea, but in fact, he is the strongest among the followers of common sense.

If he comes as an archer, he is the strongest servant who is no weaker than Gilgamesh, Ramses II, and Prince Rama.

These are all Servants that Ms. Tachika has seen at the singularity.

Therefore, when communicating, they seem to be more friendly to Miss Lixiang


Maybe Lixiang really has some power, and after the exchange, they are almost all willing to contribute to it.

After listening to his student's speech, Su Han's expression suddenly became extremely complicated.

Gu Da, this start is a bit outrageous.

A total of three servants were contacted, all of them were top-level, and they all agreed to help them when necessary.

What the **** kind of start is this?

"As expected of you."

After a long time, Su Han slowly opened his mouth and said so.

Rarely received praise from the teacher, the girl's face could not help but bring a little joy.

This is the first time she has been recognized by Su Han.

But, soon, her expression turned to depression again.

"But... my magic power is actually not enough to maintain... the connection with the Servant."

"I can't let them come to reality from the Throne of Heroes, and it's very difficult to even embody their Noble Phantasm or capture their martial arts."

The teacher finally found the most suitable magic for himself. As a result, the level of his magic circuit was only a little higher than that of Webber, and it was simply not enough to maintain the supply of these magic power pumps.

"It's okay, no matter what, you've already touched the Hall of Valor, haven't you?"

There is a young man with the ability to devour souls and gain power in his body with a smile.

It seems that as long as I sign a contract with Miss Lixiang, I can gain a lot of family members.

Valhalla, Valhalla

If he devoured it, his power might usher in a qualitative change.

Although he was fighting against human principles, his attention was entirely on the Lostbelt, the Fantasy Tree, and the young man on the Servant's eyes.

Lostbelts - Complements the material in the Neighboring Realm.

Fantasy Tree - The elements that support the world, a lot of magic.

Servant - a certain aspect of the heroic soul who has made great achievements...

I could vaguely feel the thoughts of the young man who would change himself and gain new power when the critical world was filled and he devoured massive souls.

It's a pity that the current self probably doesn't have the ability to pack it up and take it away...

Now, let's rely on the Holy Grail to summon Servants and the vassals who prostitute vassals from Rika as cheap labor.

"Next, you can go to Uruk with me for a walk."

"I think you can meet more Servant friends there."

I still hope that Miss Lixiang can get to know more of the Servant's young man with a smile and sent an invitation to the girl.

Located at the seventh singularity are Kongryu Xilin and Yanyu Infinite Tajiko.

Before, he promised Xilin that he could prepare the power to reach the past and reverse the tragedy. Now that the Holy Grail is in hand, it is almost ok.

Meet more Servant friends?

Miss Lixiang's delicate face turned red with excitement.

She is a very sociable girl herself, and her strength can basically be called a friend record of Guda. It is undoubtedly a very attractive thing for her to go to the generation of gods to meet some friends.

"It's not too late, get ready to go."

Without too much hesitation, the boy contacted another travel enthusiast, then pulled Miss Guda and walked towards the teleportation area.


"Oh, oh, is it actually a group trip?"

The female voice that should never appear in Chaldeas came from not far away.

Su Han turned his head and looked over.

In his field of vision, the white-haired dream demon was looking at him with a smile on his face.

Come in.

"If it's a group trip." "Can you bring me one?"

Chapter 26 Mellie: Look what big baby I have prepared for you

The voice of a girl resounded in Chaldeas.

The source of the voice was an extremely beautiful girl.

White hair like snow, and a beautiful face.

Just like the legendary banshee, the woman's figure is extremely enchanting, but the smile on her face is tender. She quietly appeared in Chaldeas, as if greeting a friend she had already known, and jumped up and down in front of a certain young man who was about to go to the seventh singularity.

That was Merly, or rather, another Merlin.

Perhaps he received a commission from Merlin on the FGO World Line, or he simply felt it was very interesting. He chose to act like a spoiled brat to Romani, and then easily got a ticket to the FGO World Line.

"Can you take me on a trip to Uruk?"

She raised her head slightly, and her delicate face was slightly cunning, like a lovely white fox.

Innocent and charming, two completely opposite temperaments permeated her body, making it difficult for people to look away.

so beautiful.

Even Fujimaru Rika, who is a woman, couldn't help but feel her heart beating when she saw this scene.

If you were a boy, you would definitely be fascinated.

It is estimated that Miss Lixiang, who does not know that her Chinese version is the ultimate straight man, thinks so.

The teacher seems to like being with girls. Therefore, she should agree to Miss Mei Li's request.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing, and she reached out to the girl who was probably the goddess of Doctor Romani.

"Nice to be with you"

"As you can see, no."

Su Han rolled his eyes in Miss Lixiang's astonished expression, and gave an answer of refusal very simply.


Teacher refused?

In most cases, Su is a qualified businessman.

And qualified businessmen will not put on a bad face when they meet anyone.

after all

All of them are his hidden customers.

However, now Su Han showed a rare kitten face in front of Mei Li.

That polite expression with a bit of disgust, if it was seen by the Mond people of Tivat, they would most likely have visions of a desolate fire-type great sword.

"Hey hey, so ruthless!!"

The Mengmo, who obviously did not know Su Hansu, looked at the young man who cared about instant noodles, like an abandoned woman, and his voice was resentful.

"Obviously, not long ago, I wanted to protect everyone, why did I become so cold all of a sudden."

"They made a special trip to chase you from another world to help you."

Meng Mo, who had eaten at least 3,000 points from Merlin, vowed.

"That is the beast that is closest to the complete body so far, and the beast that is a semi-finished product is the existence of two concepts, even the main gods in many gods are vulnerable in front of him."

Having said that, the dream demon girl moved around, almost directly on Su Han's body, and the charming floral fragrance on her body completely lingered around Su Han.

"Although a little girl doesn't have any great skills, she is someone who can go to battle with you when necessary."

"And then watch you paddling by the side writing a diary?"

Su Han shook his head, hardly concealing the contempt in his expression.

Mei Li is a good-looking person, and she understands men very well. She is an illusion master and a part-time juggernaut. She is also immortal and can also act as a meat shield when necessary. In theory, she is a perfect teammate.


She is a jerk.

Who the **** would bring a lunatic to the battlefield?

"Hey, hey, don't be so numb."

Without any morals, the dream demon girl raised her sleeves, covered her face and let out a sobbing sound that even the thunder and lightning buds could not deceive.

"I want to fight for human rights to the end, I want to fight side by side with the warriors, and I want to see the glory of human beings!!"

That speech made Miss Lixiang at the side a little bit unbearable.

Although Miss Mei Li is just a vt.... It's not right to say that, where can there be a vtb that can come from across the world...

Although she doesn't seem to have any sincerity, from the current situation, she should be willing to fight with the people of Chaldea.

Perhaps due to some strange intuition, Miss Rika felt that the dream demon named Meili did not hate humans, and should be able to stand with humans, even become partners.

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