"I can't wait to pursue it, dear Mr. Group Leader"

==Separation line==

The second angel returns to Paradise.

The handsome young man sat on the tall sacred tree and looked ahead.

In the field of vision, it is full of desolate scenery.

Neighborhood - an important setting concept in the world view of Dating Great War, is the random domain of the source spirit Chong Gongqi, and the place separated by a thin film from the real world is the different space where the spirit comes from. Its size can cover the entire earth.

There are 10 realms in the neighborhood, corresponding to ten spiritual crystals and ten spiritual attributes, and there are connections between the realms.

Every field has its own rules.

The tenth realm is the realm of battle, where quasi-elves survive by killing each other.

The ninth realm is the realm of singing and dancing, and the quasi-elves survive by becoming idols and gaining fans.

The eighth realm is the realm of the strife of the wind, and the struggle is carried out in a peaceful manner such as water gun battles.

The seventh realm is the realm of the night of gambling, and the quasi-elves survive by earning money through gambling and other methods.

All kinds of strange rules are engraved in the ten neighboring worlds, so that this small world, which is only the size of the earth, is stunned to perform tricks that cannot be made by a hundred worlds.

However, as the master changed, the domain rules of this world were all abolished and became a desert.

"So. Boss, when can you improve your aesthetics?

Irena, who couldn't understand Su Han's transformation of ten unique domains into ten deserts, sighed.

"To be honest, in the small world that the boss has, the mice have to cry when they come in.

In response, the boy just shrugged.

"My own power is not enough. Where is the excess magic power supply. The current function is only used as a battlefield field, so that they can be all bells and whistles?"

"In addition, the meaning of the neighborhood to me is actually closer to a battlefield that can make the real world free from destruction, an area that may be hit by dozens of cannons or even hundreds of cannons at any time. Do I need to do some renovations?"

"This is not repairing roads. You won't earn oil or water by going back and forth, but will only cause loss of magic power."

The boy said angrily.

"However, it is too wasteful for you to use ten small world prototypes as a battlefield."

In this regard, the witch was holding a note and recorded what she saw and heard. After writing, she raised her head and complained.

"So, in the future, I will run this place well."

"What kind of operating method?"

It seemed that she heard something very interesting, Miss Irena couldn't help but raised her eyebrows, and her face showed a smirk but not a smile.

"Cut the ten fields of the neighboring world into ten world eggs, modify their time flow rate, and make time differences between different worlds so that you can become a master space management master?"

"Cough cough."

The boy whose heart was pierced coughed.

"Irena, you know me." "I am a person who has the world in my heart." The young man said with a vow.

"You must understand that the role of these ten fields is not only to facilitate me to be a master of space management."

With Miss Irena's contemptuous expression, the boy explained some of his thoughts.

"This field is my ultimate trump card, but it can save the world."


Irena was stunned.

Han, is this guy having a convulsion?

Suddenly such a big issue?

Also, isn't Su Han's trump card the Angel of Nothing?

How did it suddenly become a reincarnation paradise?

Incomprehensible, really incomprehensible.

"You should understand that in this world, there are worlds called Lostbelts and World Bubbles.

Without hesitation, the boy who had diverted his attention started to explain the great subject of salvation.

Lostbelts - A history of underdogs based on wrong choices, wrong prosperity. Human history interrupted as "unnecessary".

World Bubble - Lost and defeated, may be abandoned by the tree of imaginary numbers, drifting on the sea of ​​​​quantum, and may usher in the end of the world at any time.

They are the embodiment of the cruelest aspect of the world view of the Moon Moon and the World of Honkai.

"Those worlds are incomplete and even abandoned by the parallel world theory. If there is no external intervention, the whole world will usher in its demise. It is only a matter of time."

The boy said with a straight face.

"I'm going to save them."

Facing the righteous boy, Miss Irena seemed to be intimidated

However, soon, her expression became a little suspicious.

That look made Su Han's mouth twitch.

He couldn't help reaching out and rubbing the suspicious witch's face fiercely.

"I am your boss, but a real hero!"

"When you have nothing to do, is it weird to save one or two worldlines that have fallen into a dead end?!!"

Facing the attack from the boss, the witch did not hesitate to fight back, grabbed her boss's face and rubbed it hard.

The two Erhas fought from the world tree to the bottom of the tree like elementary school students, and even their thick EA-resistant faces were scratched red.

This boring struggle lasted for nearly an hour before it ended.

"Very strange, very strange!!"

The witch whose hat was knocked off covered her face angrily, staring at a certain guy angrily.

"You're not the villain. But, you're not a bad guy either."

"If it's my world, Rin's world, and the doctor's world that have suffered disasters, according to your character, you will definitely take action. Even if you can't save it, you will take away a group of people and rebuild civilization in other worlds.

"However, you suddenly said that you want to save the Lostbelt and the World Bubble or something. It's too outrageous."

"If I remember correctly, the only intersection you have with this half-crippled world is the vampire and a princess from the world bubble that your family summoned."

"Even if you think about it and decide to save the world to get a girl, you only need to save two worlds. Where do you need to bring the Lostbelt?" There's nothing tricky here, that's a ghost. "

"The only explanation is that you are not satisfied with cutting down trees and taking the Holy Grail. You have other goals."

"Should I say, worthy of being my most caring secretary?\"

Facing Irena's analysis, Su Han couldn't help but clapped his hands in admiration.

Irena's analysis is absolutely correct.

His neighbors are ten broken worlds that need all.

And the best nourishment to supplement those worlds is the other incomplete worlds.

The world bubble, and the Lostbelt that can be transformed into a world bubble, are exactly the nourishment he needs.

"But then again, haven't you got Gaetia yet?"

"Is it really good to start thinking about taking food from the mouth of the Alien God so early?"

Facing Su Han's admiration, the witch's face turned slightly red.

However, it didn't take long before she regained her usual sanity and raised questions.

"Although boss, as long as you touch the Temple of Crown Time, you can send Getia to the west, but I think it's unlikely that Getia will let you go to Temple of Crown Time.

"Is it possible, boss, what other abilities do you have that you are looking for?"

The girl asked a question.

Chapter 25 Mellie: Since it's a group trip, can you take me with you?

Su Han sat in Chaldeas' lounge and made himself a cup of coffee.

Irena asked him a question just now.

"Getia will allow you to approach the Temple of Time?"

Because it is too dangerous, it is unlikely that Getia will let Su Han contact the Temple of Crown Time.

In order to ensure his advantage as much as possible, he will most likely choose to attack when Su Han is threatened, rather than waiting for Su Han to challenge him in the Temple of Crown Time.

Therefore, for it, the best battlefield is likely to be the seat of the Second Sumerian Dynasty - Babylonia.

There, there are beasts of return that can threaten Su Han.

That irrational Goddess of Creation is the best knife in the world.

With just a little thought, it's not hard to guess Gaetia's logic.

When Su Han arrived at the seventh singularity point, he activated Tiamat to attack Su Han, and then swept the array on the side to deter him.

Very simple method, but surprisingly easy to use.

After all, if you can't defeat the Beast of Return, you can't repair the singularity, so Tiamat is an existence that must be defeated.

And Getia's own strength is extremely high, it can be said that even if he is just there to pay attention, it can be used as a deterrent.

after all.

Through the window, Su Han saw the sky beyond Chaldea.

There, a band of light composed of endless light and heat is circling.

It was a doomed battle.

Under this kind of oppression, ordinary enemies can only be forced to expose their ability to suppress the bottom of the box, or choose not to expose their bottom-of-the-box ability, and choose to be wounded to solve the battle.

And that's what Getia wants to see.

Moreover, if nothing else, after witnessing the White Giant God rushing directly into the street, he will probably find one or more cannon fodders to weaken himself.

After all, the defeat of the White Giant God only exposed the power of group chat, not Su Han's power, which did not meet Getia's expectations.

The teenager who killed Chonggongwan sighed by relying on the weakening layer by layer.

This set of Getias, he is too familiar.

First use a guy with exceptional combat power to injure himself.

Then find someone whose durability is on the charts and force yourself to reveal his abilities.

Then deter yourself, and conduct sneak attacks at the right time.

"Sure enough, it is very difficult to rely on hard power to push hard." There is an advantage in fighting Gaetia, but he has to admit that Su Han, who is really difficult to deal with, sighed.


Why are they all so uncute.

You have to engage in some conspiracy to make yourself angry.

If nothing else, he still has three enemies next.

If his own inverse Kabbalah can act on Getia and constrain his posthumous soul as a dependent, then fill it with Niangduiquan, and let him, Merlin and Dr. Romani form a group to become a backstreet girl!!

The thought of extreme brutality for straight men flashed in the mind of the young man who bought the first copy of Niangwuquan.

"Teacher, you seem very distressed.

While Su Han was thinking about it, Miss Fujimaru, who had just walked from the training ground to the lounge, seemed to have noticed something and looked a little worried.

For Miss Lixiang, what kind of person is her teacher?

The answer is someone who is not serious but extremely reliable.

Although I am addicted to playing shogi with the four majors, playing basketball with Bronya and Xier, and helping the girls of Wuhe Qinli and Chongguan Zhenna to compose songs all day long, I am exclaiming\"I swear, It's a real punishment, it's you who is young."


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