"Hey, don't be so serious, old man."

Another demon who was suspected to be infected by the ahei virus rescued Professor Leif at this time.

"You have to know that the giant **** soldier is very irritable. Except for our king, other demon gods are vulnerable straws in front of her." ("Besides, about the right and wrong of Flauros, It's better to leave it to the king to judge."

It can be clearly felt that after seeing the boy's human body that sealed the giant **** soldier, Barbatos, who was in deep thought, couldn't help but look at the throne.

There, the king named Gaetia looked indifferent.

"As long as others are put to sleep, the power that can bring others to another world

The man sitting high on the throne retracted slightly, and a strange summoning formation was created.

The next moment, the terrifying dragon roared out from the summoning formation.

That Demon King tried to activate a certain ability in that group chat.

However, perhaps because the dragon's intelligence level is too good, the red envelope has not been formed.

Beast, who witnessed this scene, knocked on the dragon's head with a random blow, causing him to faint.

The next moment, he clicked on the red envelope column in the group chat and turned it into a

A red envelope.

"It's really fun."

"Does this group chat still have a way to seal up unconscious or unconscious beings or send them to others?"

"Interesting, really funny."

The man who had been inquiring about Su Han's information all the time, looked at the almost incomprehensible ability analyzed from that action, and was amazed.

As long as the condition of losing consciousness is met, can the target be sealed?

This is simply the most advanced sealing technique.

If possible, can I use special means, Gaia's consciousness to kill, turn the "Earth" into a "dead thing", and then close the planet?

The beast of mercy, who has always longed to surpass everything, has such an idea in his heart.

At that moment, the Earth will become its own personal property.

Your own dignity is self-evident.

This is a good plan.

In the future, I may be able to take this opportunity to obtain the ownership of all the planets in the solar system, even the star in the center, and become the supreme **** in this galaxy

However, soon, worries rose again in the Demon King's heart.

Su Han's exposed abilities are interesting, but it's not worth the price of the white giant.

The unfolding of his ideal should be that the white giant **** let the group leader show his strength and suffer a certain amount of damage, and after the **** battle with the returning beast, he was seriously injured so that he could pick up peaches.


That guy actually used the hidden function of the chat group to solve the white giant.

If this is the case, your plan will not be implemented.

"So, Your Majesty, what shall we do next?"

Paimon with a very serious voice, representing the devil, continued to ask questions to his king.

"Go ahead and look for props that can hinder its progress."

"Now that the Titans are ineffective, we need a new presence to weaken our enemies."

Very straightforward, the king expressed his own thoughts.

That speech made the surrounding demon gods feel at a loss.

The candidates who can weaken Su Han are actually quite easy to find.

For example, if Chaos, who is still floating in outer space, awakens Poseidon in the Greek singularity, there is a probability that he will be summoned.

However, if Chaos arrives, it is estimated that these people will not be able to eat and walk around.

Therefore, Getiya's request is undoubtedly able to cause trouble to Su Han, but it is not too difficult to deal with.

This kind of requirement is really a bit... difficult for a strong man.

"I'm sorry, at this point in this timeline, there are only three people who meet your request, Your Majesty.

The well-informed Flaulos gave the most accurate figures.

"The White Giant, the Beast of Return, and me."


"If it's a different world, maybe it exists?"

No longer satisfied, the king who was living on the fgo timeline waved his hand, and the next moment, the town named Fuyuki appeared in the hall.

And in the center of the picture, there is a poor boy who is called an absolute evil.

"If the young man who has been polluted as an evil **** has a heart for revenge...\"

"Maybe a good piece."

ps: 4,000 words today.

There seems to be something wrong with the rhythm, a little procrastination.

Thinking of ideas.

Chapter 24 Miss Merry's Thoughts

Another flower magician visiting from another world. A woman like a lovely flower who will never forget her smile no matter what the scene is.

In this regard, she is said to be a witch who deceives men because she is too beautiful and too seductive.

Of course, if she is relied on as a sage with a calm attitude and tone, her unnerving attitude and the overly unsympathetic thoughts she will say from time to time will easily be regarded as a cold-blooded magician who does not care about the world.

Of course, that is also true.

Miss Merry is a more scummy **** than Merlin.

This may be hard to believe.

After all, Mr. Merlin is almost a moral floor tile.

However, even so, Merlin is not completely unpopular.

Due to the nature of the dream demon, Merlin likes the "results left by human beings", but he can't feel affection for the person who created it.

However, after seeing that Artoria, who was raised as his daughter, caused Mordred to be severely injured and could only survive in Avalon, he felt guilty.

In the wilderness of Avalon, he was imprisoned in a tower rising from the ground, knowing that there was a trap in front of him, and reinforced the shackles of the tower, imprisoning himself here.

This is his punishment for himself.

Then, in the face of the foolish king who is like a child in his own life,

What was Miss Merry's reaction after witnessing his death?

"how do you feel?"

He almost poked a branch twice, the dream demon asked.

"Alas, is this the end of the story? Too much."

Don't fret and don't lament. After all, you are all imaginary dead creatures like birds. The abrupt ending might be a little bad, but it's not bad, isn't it? At least the story takes a little twist.

This is Miss Dream Demon named Mei Li's perception of life in the outside world.

Obviously, compared to a witch who would cheat money when she was poor, this one made her EX-level hero downgraded to B-level because of the reason that "interesting things are more important than cultivating heroes". The dream demon whose dreamy charm is downgraded from A to D is the real scumbag woman.

In her body, the dream demon part overwhelmingly defeated the "human" part.

Now this unintentional Miss Dream Demon followed her own instinct and clicked on the private chat page in the group chat.

"Are there? Mr. Romani."

Now I am thinking about how to make Merlin and the man who bathes with me look "happy" at the face that once made me almost bark, but now it is equal to humiliation. Silently typed a smile emoji.

A thousand years ago, he was the founder of Salu-Jerem, the king favored by God, and the word of wisdom.

Twenty years ago, he was the crown caster who swept the Holy Grail War overnight, possessing the highest force among the known crowns.

And now...

He actually became the number one champion!! !

Absolutely, absolutely can't forgive that **** dream demon.

Because of the influence of Merlin's women's clothing incident, today's Miss Mei Li has also become the person he doesn't like to see very much.

Ah, the relationship between me and King Solomon in another world is really stinky.

Miss Mei Li, who had already received the entrustment of Merlin to kill Solomon, dragged her cheeks and turned her eyes slightly.

Next, but have fun watching.

Romani would rather be in debt and have to borrow points from the group owner to buy motherhood

Merlin asked himself to buy another copy of Niangwuquan.

There is no doubt that these two are betting on their own Gil, ready to start the Holy Grail War.

According to the advantage.

The current situation is obviously that Merlin Zhan, who retains power and has poor intelligence

However, considering that Romani is the king of wisdom after all, when he starts to use his brains, he will be the top wise man in the world, and it is definitely not difficult for him to fight back against the Jedi.

It is absolutely unknown who will have the last laugh in this Saint Gilles war.

It's a pity that I have other things to deal with next, otherwise, I really want to move a little bit and let my dear brother and the first classmate in the crown continue to love and kill each other as lovely girls.

The vicious thought made the girl smile.

"So, Miss Meili... What are you looking for me for?" Romani, who is now allergic to elements such as white-haired, dream demon, and magical girl, sighed while watching the white-haired dream demon in the video.

"Mainly, I need your help with something."

Under Romani's questioning, the girl's red lips lightly opened.

"whats the matter?"

Even though it was very unpleasant, Mr. Romani still adhered to the usual old-fashioned style and asked.

"I'm thinking...I seem to be in love."

The words are not astonishing and die endlessly, the dream demon chuckled lightly in its dull expression.

"Can you help me with a little cover?" What?!!!

Could it be that I have a cat disease in my ears!!

At this moment, such an idea appeared in Dr. Romani's mind.

However, soon, Romani's face became serious.

How long have Mei Li and Su Han known each other?

Said to be love at first sight, Romani would rather believe that he and Merlin are good friends who love each other and kill each other.

"What do you think about Su Jun?"

In fact, the voice of the doctor who respected Su Han was a rare hint of sternness.

Although Su Han is an unassuming **** who is accustomed to exploiting group friends, the help he provides to group friends has always been excessive.

In fact, his extortion behavior is more like finding a reason to join the incident and help group friends to fight monsters and upgrade.

"I just think he is very funny, very interesting." The dream demon smiled, with a charming smile.

"Don't you think it's weird to say it's love at first sight just because it's fun?"

"Please don't use a human perspective to enter the world of dream demons."

"For Dream Demons, being interesting is enough as a condition to get excited."

The girl smiled sweetly.

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