"Irena, do you hate dragon meat?"

The boy bowed his head slightly, facing the stunning girl, asking

"I'm not a picky eater."

In fact, the witch who is picky eater said.

Almost as a matter of course, the boy turned his head and looked at Miss Etzel.

"You ask, this lady, is this stall yours?" "Mmmm!!"

Miss Etzel, who was extremely short of money, nodded heavily.

"Excuse me, how much do you want?"

The young man did not answer directly, but just stared at the girl with a strange look, making Miss Etzel slightly embarrassed.

What do you like about yourself?

This guy is so weird.

"I want it all."

The boy opened his mouth and said something that made Miss Etzel widen her eyes.


"Can I ask you to help carry the goods?" The boy who had already smelled the Holy Grail asked.

ps: Mentioned that the king suddenly thought of the Huns and Alexander, and felt that those foreign dynasties with brilliant records were really short-lived.

The Alexander Empire returned from the empire's expedition to India. It only lasted for two years when the empire's territory was at its largest. The Hungarian Empire disintegrated ten years after the hammering of the Roman Empire, that is, less than a year after Attila's sudden death..

All I can say is that this is a bit of a bias.

Chapter 23 Attila, come in you!

For Su Han, what kind of existence was Attila the Huns?

The answer is a stumbling block.

After hearing Su Han's proposal, the arrogant demon king named Getia chose to declare war.

And then almost as a matter of course, the guy started stumbling for himself.

The first and seventh singularities.

The Demon King named Getia hid poisonous wine for himself - the White Titan and the Returning Beast.

Su Han looked at the Hun King who seemed to be a little cute, with the Holy Grail hanging around his waist, his eyes flickering uncertainly.

From an ordinary person's point of view, standing there is a cute but vicious girl.

However, if you observe it from the perspective of a "God", you will find that there is a skeleton giant lurking in the body of the girl in front of her.

There are four Holy Grails in the body of the skeleton giant.

That is the Holy Grail of the second to fourth singularities.

In order to allow Su Han to show his strength as much as possible and gain intelligence advantages, Getia chose to resurrect the giant **** who had slaughtered the gods in the past.

And it is the four Holy Grails that provide its power.

The king of warriors, who was looking forward to a new life, obtained the Holy Grail from nowhere, which was not in this world, made a wish, and turned into a girl who was worried about her livelihood.


No matter how cute and cute she looks, her essence has never changed.

She is a killing weapon born to end civilization.

Is the power of a Holy Grail really enough for a killing weapon to suppress its own destructive instinct?

the answer is negative.

Although there is a precedent for King Solomon's loss of power, you must know that the premise is that Romani does not have any nostalgia for everything about himself, and decides to break with "Solomon" completely, leaving no way out for himself.

And Attila didn't hate her power at all, she just simply wanted to know what kind of life she would have had if she wasn't a warrior.

- But when it begins to crave power, the Holy Grail will lose its potency, and the time will come when it will be restored to a weapon of war.

So, if possible, right now, it would be the best choice to directly activate the Angel of Nothing to obliterate it.

Su Han looked at the giant **** human body with four holy grails in it, thinking that the white giant **** has the power to draw power from civilization and absorb magic power.

Only looking at the ability setting without looking at the equivalent, this is undoubtedly equivalent to the power of the realm of Aunt Yayun in the eighteen settings, the same incomprehensible power.

However, if there is no solution in the true sense, it is impossible for Karna to use the thunder gun of the king of the gods (shame) and decompose it into nothingness.

Therefore, the premise of defeating her is not difficult.

As long as the destructive power exceeds the absorption capacity of its giant shell.

And the Angel of Nothingness that Su Han possesses undoubtedly possesses this power.

However, if he were to kill him so easily, he would have revealed his abilities too early.

Although he didn't mind exposing the armament that was a lore for Getia to cover for the killing plan he would actually use, it would be too easy to make people suspicious if he released it so easily.

The boy's eyes turned slightly.


Just let yourself get rid of her in a different way.

"I want this flying dragon of yours, and the price is up to you." People can't help but say whether someone's ancestors have Middle Eastern blood, and spit it out of the boy's mouth, making the person who is worrying about his travel expenses. The girl smiled happily.

However, before she could wait until she began to rejoice, the new request belonging to the teenager was passed into the girl's ears.

"However, there is a requirement."

"I need you to deliver things to my place."

The young man said so, at the same time, the contract signed with the Herrscher of Consciousness and the Herrscher of Reason in his body is gradually becoming active.

The Herrscher of Consciousness has the ability of spiritual pollution to carry out spiritual blows on the world.

Reasonable Herrscher, through understanding-improvement, can make the power of a certain power gain a huge increase..

When the two powers of reason and knowledge are brought together, even if the enemy is the human body of the white giant god, it can be done to make him lose his mind for a moment.


The girl who didn't notice that the Honkai could change in someone looked at the huge flying dragon beside her, and seemed to understand something.

Such a big guy really needs to be pulled hard.

So, the next task is to take this and deliver this to the guest's residence?

the girl thought.

"So, what is your residence, guest?" she asked with a smile.

"Did you say residence?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Miss Attila felt that there were red feathers floating beside the guest.

In an instant, the girl's eyes lost their light.

The next moment, the boy's hand patted the girl's shoulder.

Consciousness - None, condition is met.

The red envelope transmission function, which is often used for transporting props and members, has been activated again.

Under the horrified expression of the demon **** who was watching in the distance, the white giant god, who was given great popularity by Gaetia, disappeared from the world and turned into an exclusive red envelope in the group chat.

Exclusive to Su Han.

".This method, can it still be used like this?"

Miss Irena, who had been abducting and selling witches all the time, looked at the place where the giant human body that was blown to the sky by Dr. Romani used to stand, with a surprised expression.

She thought that Su Han was going to hit Latila directly with an angel while she was buying melons.

This is the result

"Although group chat is embarrassing and deadly recognizing points, its performance is actually very strong."

At the very beginning, the young man who escaped from the dead by the ability of group chat turned his head and smiled to a place in the distance. The smile was soft but gave off a strange feeling of contempt for others.

"Okay, the first trial given by Getia is over." "Next, it's time for us to lay a singularity."

After saying this, the young man very briskly began to call for Chaldea and let them open the way back to the past for themselves.

at its exit,

The man in the green dress that was transformed from the pillar belonging to the Demon King walked out of the hill where he had been watched, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Dividing line

Crown Time Temple.

A man named Getia is sitting on his throne.

Under his throne, the seventy-two demon gods knelt on the ground and acted as the most loyal ministers.

"Floros. Do you have any information to report?"

After a long silence like death, the man sitting high on the throne opened his mouth and asked.

Floros, the 64th-ranked Demon God among the 72 Pillars of King Solomon, is the Duke of the rank and commands 36 legions. Alias ​​"Hao Switzerland".

According to legend, he can know the past and present and predict the future.

Because of this ability, the Duke was regarded as the best monitor by the Seventy-two Demon God Pillar and was cast into the real world.

"The white giant is sealed."

At the first moment of summoning Attila, Flaulos, who was hacked to death, expressed his observations with a gloomy expression.

Attila, the **** of war bestowed by the seventy-two demon gods.

The monster born from the corpse of the destroyer of civilization, even a complete Goetia, would be difficult to kill without liberating his Noble Phantasm.

According to the idea of ​​72 Demon God Pillars.

Attila, who is integrated with the Holy Grail, will be the first difficulty for Su Han to correct human nature.

after all

If you can't kill her, there's no way to leave that singularity with the Holy Grail

And as long as Su Han makes a move, the giant **** who has temporarily turned into a human will wake up and become his enemy.

At that time, once the two start a war, the information belonging to Su Han will be leaked.

On the battlefield where Xingyue pays attention to compatibility, every piece of information is precious.

In order to be able to collect information on Su Han, the seventy-two demon gods have already made a lot of money.


"From a general point of view, Floros, you should apologize."

The ridicule that belonged to the other Demon God Pillars on the side made Flaulos' complexion even more gloomy.

The source of the sound is Morax.

The evil **** who originated from the supreme **** of Greece did not know if it was a convulsion, and suddenly used a tone of poor who might need a son to pay the bill.

"You should make a wish to turn it into a fierce **** and start the war directly.

"According to the characteristics of the giant soldier's preference for destruction, as long as you mention the concept of the enemy in front of him, she will most likely be immortal with the enemy."

Following the speech of the Demon God Pillar, which was suspected to be infected by the poor ghost virus, the surrounding Demon Gods looked at Mr. Leif and became extremely unkind.

Those strange sights made the corners of Flaulos' mouth twitch when he heard it.

Command the giant Attila?

Hell, doesn't he want to issue an order at the end to let him fight Su Han directly?

He was slapped to death before he could touch the Holy Grail, okay?

! !

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