"It seems that we can write some very interesting stories in our adventures."

Looking at the boy who was smiling in distress, the girl couldn't help but laugh.

I haven't seen this guy for a long time.

Then, like a magic trick, the witch who had been traveling took out a diary and opened the latest page.

"up to you."

Facing the girl who was recording his own affairs, Su Han could only take a breath, and then walked towards the city.

there. Named Jill, Ray. Rice's man is still there.

At a time when the neighbors cannot be expanded and the Book of Omniscience is ineffective, manpower is the best search tool.

However, before taking a few steps, the boy suddenly stopped.

"What's up?"

The witch who accidentally bumped into the boy's back was stunned, and couldn't help but ask questions.

To this, Su Han didn't answer, just narrowed his eyes.

Behind Marshal Gil's area is a half-abandoned free market.

In that market, a beautiful woman with white hair was pulling the body of a flying dragon and looking around.

Chapter 22 Miss Attila Wants a New Life

The "discovered" existence of the Huns as descendants of the Huns, without a father, without a mother.

For him, neither the memory of the father nor the mother exists

No family, no friends.

In the world, there are only enemies that need to be killed.

Destruction, devastation, aggression.

Even the fact that the Xiongnu's territory has expanded to an uncontrollable level was completely unaware of the fact that they were just wielding their swords and continued to kill.

That was the king of the Huns named Attila.

If there is a list of kings in the world, it will definitely exist on the list of tyrants.

In the world view of the Moon Moon, the level of ferocity of the girl who is called Attila and bears the name of Ezel can be called the crime of heroic spirits.

She has never been the king of the Huns, her body is the white giant **** that can raise the gods of the earth!!

found it.

Not long ago, he learned from Miss Heizhen that the existence that defeated him was the white skeleton giant, and the boy narrowed his eyes.

Although I don't know if this guy is the Huns who was summoned by the chain, or the impersonation of the skeleton giant, but since I can see her, it is a good thing after all.

after all

Find this guy, and then it's not far from defeating this guy.

When he was considered by Getia to "expose his abilities and flaws", it was the most ferocious battle at this stage.

The first obstacle, is the giant **** Attila?

Su Han couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

"Boss, what are you looking at?"

The girl who was hit covered her nose, and then followed Su Han's line of sight.

She knew enough about Su Han.

Perhaps because of the ability to read the script, this guy seems to only pay attention to the protagonist or important supporting role with a major role in the script.

The guy who can make Su Han stop and pay attention, definitely has two brushes.

Thinking like this, the girl immediately took out a telescope...

This is something that can't be helped. Miss Irena's reinforcement is actually not that much. Su Han has suggested whether to give her a Herrscher core, but because of the completely different system, she was rejected.

Before she found a reinforcement that was highly compatible with herself, her eyesight obviously couldn't be compared with a guy whose "human" nature was already low.

Then, she saw a..., what should I say?

Does she look similar to Miss Jeanne... a woman who is a little taller?

Miss Irena's expression was slightly subtle.

In her field of vision, a girl similar to her Servant is cutting meat there

Is that Joan's sister?

If so, Joan of Arc's family is really full of talents.

There are star chasing, pork selling...


It was cut like a flying dragon!!

When she noticed that the girl seemed to be picking the loin of the bipedal dragon with a broken knife that she didn't know where it came from, and hung it up, that subtlety turned into shock.

Hey hey hey, although the bipedal flying dragon is not a very fancy fantasy species, it still has the word "dragon"!

Just picking dragon tendons and buying and selling dragon spines is too outrageous.

Is this the reincarnation of Nezha? !

"Are all people in this world so wild? Just pull out the flying dragon and sell it on the street."

Feeling that she may have gone to the wrong studio, the girl who arrived at the legendary world view of Nezha muttered.

"Of course it's impossible. The average person is only given the opportunity to be beaten and sacrificed in front of the two-footed flying dragon. However, as we all know, people cannot be generalized."

"That's Attila."

In response, the young man just shook his head and spoke softly.

Attila, the king of the Huns, beat the Roman Empire into Byzantium with his excellent military skills, which directly led to its decline.

Of course, in the history of the moon, the demise of the Roman Empire is estimated to have little to do with the problems of its own internal affairs and the extraordinary military strategy of the enemy.

There is a high probability that their mother who was directly bombed by a light cannon would not recognize them, and that was the one who was forcibly raised.

"I destroy, I win, and so far, and forever, life is almost a tyrant of destruction and killing."

The terrifying summary of life was spit out from the boy's mouth, making Miss Witch's expression suddenly dignified.

However, after a while, she was stunned again.

Since Attila is the king of the Huns, then, not to mention the fact that Attila is a man in the history books, after all, there is already an unlucky King Arthur, and multiple unlucky Attila is not outrageous.

However, why did Attila, the king of the Huns, go to Orleans to sell Orleans grilled dragon steak?

"Boss, this is a bit weird."

The young man, who has a strong knowledge and can even understand the history of lunar civilization in just a few days, patted Su Han on the shoulder and said.

"She, who is essentially a clone of a killing weapon from another planet, should not appear in this world at all."

The boy who had expected to send someone to find the so-called white giant squinted his eyes.

What the **** is Gaitian doing?

What is the psychology of transforming the resurrected white giant into a Servant?

Gotta go see it.

Without too much hesitation, Su Han directly put the saint in the sack, and then threw it into his own desolate and almost impossible to see realm world.

After doing this, the boy grabbed Irena's hand and disappeared amid the confused expressions of the soldiers who were approaching.

Miss Etzel had a headache.

Very headache.

Not long ago, the girl who killed a flying dragon directly with her fists slashed the flesh from the flying dragon piece by piece with the knife she picked up from the road, while looking around blankly.

Not long ago, there were quite a few vendors here.

However, after the black dragon appeared, the vendors couldn't wait to drink a cup of Japanese brew, stretched two legs, and ran straight away.

For a time, there were only a few merchants left in this market who were not afraid of death, and a few merchants who did not escape because of the road blockage.

Where have the citizens gone.

The girl grabbed a piece of cloth, wiped her hands, and then hugged her last possession, the Holy Grail, with a low expression.

If you want to ask why it is so low, the reason is very simple.

A penny beats a hero.

Just as Zhao Kuangyin couldn't afford a penny of watermelon money and became a fool on the spot, Miss Etzel is also facing problems.

Miss Etzel, very short of money.

After breaking up with her siblings, she killed a lizard with a strange pattern in the hope of selling the Holy Grail to start a new life, trying to sell it in exchange for the travel fee to the Vatican,


Her business is a bit...

The girl looked at the passerby who finally emerged from the shadow of the giant dragon with a look of anticipation, with anticipation in her eyes.

Those eyes with a color between gold and blood seem to have a great magic power. Just the interlacing of eyes makes the passers-by tremble.

In a trance, the man seemed to be in a battlefield.

Endless corpses piled up, and blood flowed into rivers.

"Sir, do you want to come a little?"

The merchant's voice sounded, causing the pedestrian to wake up from the hallucination.

Without hesitation, the pedestrian fled quickly as if possessed by Bolt.

In that way, it is not an exaggeration to say that he was frightened by a demon.

Are you ugly?

In response, the woman who had no self-awareness of her beauty looked a little down.

If this is the case, it seems that it is difficult for me to find a suitable man.

It's no wonder that what he asks of his lover is only to dare to stand with himself.

In her wish, the girl who had the option of finding a lover sighed, and then thought about whether to buy some salt from the side and make these dragon meat into dry food.

If you can't sell it, then forget it.

Keep it for yourself.

Things that can't be sold are like not finding a suitable man, you can only accept them, and you can't change them.

Next, you should fight to be able to buy enough wheat to bake bread or open a game shop.

For this reason, he must find a rich church to sell the Holy Grail as soon as possible.

The girl whose behavior was completely unrecognizable as the king of the Eurasian continent began to act very diligently.

The weather is not very hot now, and the meat is not easy to stink, so it is suitable for making jerky in a hurry.

The girl thought so and looked to the side.

There, there were edible salts that the dealers didn't have time to take away when they ran away.

Well, time for work.

The girl who thought about it like this, went to the stall with great interest, ready to take the salt.


Without warning, a pair of young girls walked out of the corner, and with the girl's shocked expression, they walked to the dragon meat stall.

Is that a customer?

Etzel had a look of doubt on his face.

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