As a result, you still hate to start with a bunch of dragons in the field of mythology?

Is this what people do?

The witch pouted, wishing she could throw two punches in the face of the Versailles King in front of her.

However, right after that, the words of the young man fell into her ears again, making her smile suddenly.

"If you like it, I can try to summon a few heads for you some other day." The magic power supply problem can also be solved by using the blood of the true ancestor, or signing a blood contract with me. "

"Love you, boss!"

"Boss, if I'm wronged, you can send me a few more handsome magical creatures as dowry gifts, and I'll marry you directly!!"

Without any integrity, the witch hugged the young man with a full smile.

This guy, who was already a scumbag, doesn't seem to know who to learn from recently, and he has turned skinny.

Obviously, until the travel is enough, he will not think about emotional matters at all, and now he is still talking about the bride price.

Su Han just rolled his eyes and asked angrily.

"What about the dowry?" "She!"

There was hardly any dullness, the witch pointed to her servant for a moment, and in Miss Jeanne's lightning-like expression, she spoke confidently.

Empty glove white wolf, this she is good at.

"A maid who has been through the house for five years, is that enough?" A maid in the house?!!

"Master, what nonsense are you talking about!!"

Miss Jeanne, who was completely stunned by her Master's astonishing words, widened her eyes, her expression distorted.

Chapter 21 Joan of Arc, Guess Who I Am

Tongfang maid, a word that everyone understands.

For those who don't understand, you can refer to the fact that European dresses are incompatible with other maids, and the main job is to clean the bedroom at night. . . .

The saint who signed a contract with Miss Irena not long ago stared at her master with wide eyes.

And the master of that leather brush was chattering like he was introducing products.

"Joan of Arc is a saint, recognized by the world as a saint."

"It's super compatible with you, who is a "Godlike"."

"For various reasons, after I get the dowry, I will go to different worlds, so during my absence, I will leave it to her.

It seems that most of the characters say the lines that will be 00c, and it seems that there is no 0oc in the mouth of Miss Witch, and then.

The sound stopped suddenly.

"Ahhh!!! Jeanne, calm down."

The Servant, whose face was completely covered with black energy, had already grabbed onto his Master's shoulder, and the force was so strong that the witch let out a scream.

"Ah ah ah, didn't you say that you will listen to me for the next five years? Is there any problem with being a five-year maid?"

The witch screamed, but her speech showed no sign of repentance.

"Tongfang maid, how dare you talk about this?!"

Undoubtedly, the irritated Saintess blushed like a steam engine.

Before Miss Irena could enjoy Pi Yipi's happiness, the Holy Maiden was already running like a steam engine driven by steam, shaking the girl vigorously, causing her to scream again.

The joyful scene made people wonder if they were entering a funny studio.

Facts have proved that a follower is a follower.

Even if the spiritual foundation is cut by half, it is not something that some witches who have only accepted the fighting lessons of my mother's disciples can match.

"Then... this guy is an allomorph of your boss, an existence with the same nature as your boss. As for the conflict?"

The witch who was about to be pinched and rolled her eyes gasped heavily after she was released.


Doubt arose in the heart of the working saint who beat the boss on her first day at work, and these words made her feel a little strange.

"I am a mortal who is loyal to the Lord, and there is no such thing as a boss." "You suddenly said allomorphs, what the heck is going on." "That's the boss!!"

In response, the witch named Yi Shuna rolled her eyes.

"There are very few creators in this world who are named in the name of Almighty God... the Lord of Armies."

Su Han's expression became subtle when he heard those words.

Three pillars, ten mass points, twenty-two pathways….

With such power, Chonggongwan was the only **** who fought in the world, and it was the allomorph of Yahweh's pigeon.

And Su Han's power was taken from Chong Gongling's body...

This kind of argument that regards oneself as an allomorph of an old pigeon is actually as outrageous as shouting Amitabha Buddha in front of the Supreme Being and reciting the Tao Te Ching in front of the Buddha.

Only in terms of the way of upgrading, he is a little closer to the Almighty God of the secret religion Zeus who murdered his father and usurped the throne.

However, he didn't say it directly.

after all

In front of the believers, tell her that Lao Tzu hacked to death the elder sister of your family a few months ago and robbed her of her power, which is not very authentic.

Hearing Irena's words, the saint's expression suddenly turned horrified.

Allomorphs. Similar to the Lord of Armies...

Isn't that tower meow a godlike one?!

I don't believe it, there are two saintesses of God in the world who are constantly thinking, and then the whole person is sluggish all of a sudden.

There is only one God-like being mentioned in the Bible..

- Michael the Godlike.

Different from the "son of dawn" who was born by satirizing the Roman tyrant and continuously merged with the concept of Satan, the angel named Michael is the only existence in the Bible that is clearly called the archangel.

He is the deputy king of the kingdom of heaven, the king of God's messengers, the head of the seven angels in front of God's throne, the guardian of mankind who subdued the evil dragon (Satan), and the king who guides the righteous to heaven in the final judgment...

The myth left by that one is too broad.

In his presence, all believers should kneel.

One of the two pillars of deity in Su Han's body is Michael?

Almost in an instant, the Saintess, who did not dare to think towards a higher level of divinity, suddenly became extremely obedient.

If the young man in front of him is really the human incarnation of the deputy emperor of the kingdom of heaven, if he can follow him, it will undoubtedly be smoke from the ancestral grave.

Almost in an instant, the Holy Maiden forgot that she had to work for a scumbag for five years, and carefully asked the young man whose strength gave him an unfathomable feeling, with a look of awe.

If so, then she must follow him next.

"Is the source of divinity in your body the Archangel?

"The divinity I possess... is slightly higher than that."

The deity is the Lord of Hosts and the absolutely evil young man looked at the saint who inexplicably equated his divinity with Michael with a subtle expression.

Michael, he hasn't seen it at all.

Those words made the lady's expression even more awe-inspiring.

A divinity that is more noble than the deputy king of the kingdom of heaven?

Could it be the Son of the Holy Trinity with the Lord?


The true Son of God.

The Son of God who made atonement for all mankind by being nailed to the cross.

After more than 2,000 years, the new Son is about to come and save the world?

Imagining herself following the Holy Son and saving the world, the Holy Lady only felt that her heart was about to jump out.

Gosh, this is a dream.

"Your divinity comes from Christ?"

Incomparably excited, the Holy Maiden clutched her chest, as if she might die at any time because of her happiness.

"A little higher than that."

The teenager stretched out his hand and made a gesture of losing the Korean market.

Taller than the Holy Son... The Holy Lady frowned.

Is there a higher being in Christianity than Christ, who has the same divinity as the Lord?


Lord Christ is the Son of God....

Aura flashed in the saint's mind.

She turned back again and looked at the boy.

In those black eyes, she seemed to see the world where the divine tree grew.

The tree of life, the tree of knowledge of good and evil...

It was like being pulled into prehistory to witness the Big Bang in an instant, and the excessive fright was like an infinitely extending darkness, swallowing the consciousness of the poor saint.

That is the Lord!!!

Like a stiff log, the saint fell to the ground.

"What's going on here?"

The witch, who was not a member of the Crusaders, walked to the side of the saint who had fallen directly to the ground and lifted her up, looking extremely puzzled.

She didn't quite understand that the fanatic saw God's excitement.

Just like before, the girl followed the principle of "the culprit must be Su Han", and looked at a certain young man who seemed to be quite confused by Shen Qian.

"What power did you use on her?"

"Maybe it's because I'm so handsome that I'm dizzy."

The boy who had a very high similarity to the Moon Messiah said nonchalantly.

"Can you make a face?"

Facing her boss' shameless speech, the witch couldn't help rolling her eyes.

If a person's charisma is described on a scale of 1-10, Su Han will probably have 9 if he doesn't speak.

But as soon as he opens his mouth, his outrageous way of speaking will continuously reduce his charm, all the way down to 5 or even below 5.

What a handsome young man, that's why he has a long mouth, jpg.

"Well, let me tell the truth, to put it simply, from a religious point of view, I, who have the characteristics of Yahweh in another world, are at least Michael in this world, and this guy is the ultimate star chaser, and he is too excited. It's normal to fall to the ground." The boy who didn't expect the words to convince Irena shrugged and gave a more reasonable explanation.

"Brain powder? It's really a Kazakh.

Miss Witch, who seemed to understand something, covered her forehead with her hand.

She joked that she was going to use Joan of Arc as her dowry...

But, looking at it now, this claim doesn't hold at all.

This stubborn fan probably doesn't need Su Han to speak, and will follow up.

"But then again, why did you take over here yourself?"

Irena, who was unable to complain about a certain brain-dead fan, began to ask about another matter.

Su Han, this lazy dog, when he has a large number of subordinates, did not squat in Chaldea and play basketball with Loli, but actually came down by himself... This thing is a bit bizarre.

"Because, I was plotted against by some bastard's conspiracy." Very simple, the young man explained his situation.

"Until I clear the roadblock he's prepared, the Gettyana **** will just hide and peep."

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