Joan's heart sank to the bottom.

She looked back at the panicked people.

Soldiers with trembling legs but still holding muskets, officers with red eyes who seem to be ready to draw their swords desperately, women who are panicked but still holding their children, men who pretend to be calm to comfort their wives and children, children who are ignorant and crying. .

It is a Ukiyo-e that shows human nature.

Joan of Arc believed in the famous saying of the oriental philosopher Wang Yinglin.

In the beginning, people are inherently good.

Perhaps there is original sin on people's bodies, but that does not affect the brilliance of human beings in times of crisis.

They should have a bright future, not die for no reason because of the appearance of a strange evil dragon.

Determination, rose up in the heart of the saint.

"Miss Irena, it looks like I won't be able to fight side by side with my Chaldean comrades in a short period of time."

The saint tore off the veil on her head and threw it into the hands of the witch who seemed a little confused.

"This is the scarf I used, which can barely be used as a holy relic." "Our contract will be completed in the future.

"Wait, you're super weak!!

Perhaps frightened by the actions of the saint, the witch tried to grab her hand and persuaded incoherently.

Jeanne is weak.

Because the Lingji was occupied by Miss Heizhen, the judge's strength, who could be considered a first-class Servant, fell to the lowest point in history.

Judging from the data on paper, the current she and the giant dragon that needs at least multiple servants to slay, it is estimated that only the result of being slapped into a meat pie is the result.

"But- as a Heroic Spirit, combat power is never shown on paper, is it?

The holy maiden smiled and turned back, then shook her arm, breaking free from Yixuna's


After saying this, the saint raised the banner of the past, and jumped over the city wall at a speed that the naked eye couldn't catch.

The Lady of the Red Lotus (LaPucelle)

Rank: C (before activation)/EX (after activation) Type: Special Attack Noble Phantasm

Attack distance:???

Max catch:???

The special attack Noble Phantasm used by Ruler Joan of Arc. Armed with the concept of crystallizing the landscape of your own mind. Using the sword of Saint Catherine, which Ruler never used before, as a catalyst, the flame that has burned itself in the past cannot be used by a simple strong enemy or by emotions such as hatred.

Only when it is to save something, it will cause damage to the target that must be defeated.


At the cost of your own life, the limits are exchanged.

"Oh, what a familiar face."

Looking at the woman who jumped up the city wall, the face of the giant dragon soaring in the sky suddenly turned gloomy.

If he hadn't been summoned by that **** woman, how could he have encountered that monster, and how could he have been reduced to the point of being the **** of that monster.

Not long ago, I was attracted by the Dragon Witch, and then I met the giant dragon, the biggest enemy of my life,

The monster's order is to use coercion to make the city despair and swear allegiance to himself when it is not necessary.

However, if the enemy takes the initiative to provoke, you can also sharpen your claws a little bit.

In the eyes of the winged snake soaring in the sky, a faint killing intent flashed.

Almost synchronously, the holy maiden who leaped high grabbed her sword.

Dragons eat people's hearts, and people have dragon slaying hearts.

It is conceivable that if the battle begins, it will be a mythical war where life is risked.


In the fifteen years when the Holy Maiden was astonished, a broom flew into the sky without warning.

The girl who came riding on a broom yelled at the giant dragon that was definitely in the realm of divine beasts.


"This is an order!!"

That absurd behavior made the saintess who was carrying the flag look pale.


She couldn't understand at all why her Master would scold the dragon like this.

Absolutely will die!!

"Irena, run away!!"

Almost instinctively, the saint scolded her master

However, something strange happened.

After the giant dragon looked at the girl, the huge dragon's face showed the face of a worker who seemed to be reprimanded by the boss's Xiaomi, who had nothing but a face.

"How is this going?"

Questions arose in the saint's heart.

Almost the next moment, her answer was answered.

The unknown existence, through the dragon's sight, locked onto the city guarded by the witch and the saint.

"Because a

"It's my temporary pet."

Like a sci-fi movie, the orange ripples ripped apart the space and turned into a "door".

The troubled boy walked out of it.

Chapter 20 Joan of Arc: What, I've become a maid?!

The power of the Herrscher of the Air is dispersed in the dimension.

In ordinary people's perception, the invisible and intangible space is shattered like a piece of paper cut by a blade. Then, it turned into a door.

Like a **** coming into the world, the young man walked out of it, smiling with the pet of his life...

As if she had been hit by countless thunderbolts, Miss Jeanne was stunned.

She couldn't help but raised her head and looked at the sky.

Looking at the giant dragon whose body length is estimated to have three blue whales, and whose tail can smash the castle into ruins, shock is written in the violet-like eyes.

You call this a pet?

The next moment, her expression became cautious.

If you can treat a dragon in the realm of mythical beasts as a pet, the person who comes here is likely to be a member of the gods, or a monster such as a magician.

Such guys are basically a little moody.

Although this guy seems to know Irena, but since Irena hasn't spoken yet, I can't completely rule out the possibility that he is an enemy.

"Joan of Arc, you don't need to be vigilant, the boss has the nature of the two highest gods at the same time, with your strength, being vigilant in front of the boss and not being vigilant are an effect.

Like a knife stabbed from the back, the Master's words that were a little contemptuous made Miss Jeanne who was on guard stiffen.

As a former special A-rank Servant, although Joan of Arc was occupied because of the spiritual base, her strength was greatly damaged, but the Noble Phantasm was still there.

This matter gave Miss Jeanne a lot of comfort.

As long as you work hard, it is very easy to change the limit with the enemy.

However, Miss Irena's words obviously shattered her dream all at once.

A special A heroic spirit with half of its spiritual foundation missing, in front of a guy who also holds the dual nature of the highest god, it is something between an appetizer and a mouthwash.

"Okay, let's go back, Da Hei."

The boy with the ability to name a nightmare patted its head in the look of the dragon's extremely aggrieved expression, and in the next moment, in its MMP's expression, its body was forced to be turned into a spiritual child, Inhaled into Kabbalah.

The scene where the characters in the Divine Beast Domain were engulfed made Miss Jeanne's pupils shrink violently.

What are the qualities of the two gods possessed by this guy, so strong?


"Hey, hey, this is put away?"

I felt that the giant dragon was actually unexpectedly handsome, and Irena, who was much stronger than her broom, ran up to Su Han while Miss Jeanne was still thinking about the problem, with a slightly envious expression on her face.

"Is that your new pet? It looks pretty cool."

"To be precise, it is one of the temporary pets. In order to find the enemy who maintains this singularity, I forcibly recaptured a reversal saint, and then used her power to send dragons to each city."

As if the original stones that he had saved for the limited role were accidentally replaced by the fate of encounter, the boy shook his head.

"How should I say it, I actually want to summon Qiantang-Jun."

There are red dragons more than a thousand feet long, with electric eyes and **** tongues, red scales and fire pith, golden locks on the neck, and jade pillars in the locks. Thousands of thunders and ten thousand thunders swept around his body.

That is the Dragon Lord of Qiantang.

He once fought against Emperor Yao, causing "Yao to suffer from the flood for nine years", and "frustrated with the generals of heaven\", \"Saiqi five mountains\", and was not arrogant when meeting with mortal scholars, and treated each other with courtesy, but listened to him. The niece was humiliated, and she was so angry that she broke the golden lock and jade pillar, and flew away against the blue sky.

"How many did you kill?"

"Six hundred thousand."

"Hurt the crops?

"Eight hundred miles.

"Heartless Lang is here?"

"Eat it."

Compared with the four sea dragons who were beaten by monkeys in Journey to the West, and the useless prince who was stripped and cramped in the legend of Nezha, this dragon prince who was demoted to Qiantang because of his bad temper was more in line with the dragons recognized by the Chinese people.

When he thought of summoning a dragon, Su Han naturally thought of that Qiantang-Jun.

It's a pity that Lord Qiantang is a **** first and then a dragon.

Heizhen's limit is to summon divine beasts.

If it is the beast **** facing upwards, it is obviously beyond her ability.

If you want to summon a dragon **** like Qiantang Jun, you need not only the affinity of the dragon family, but also the affinity of the gods.

Thinking of this, Su Han couldn't help but think.

Perhaps, Miss Heizhen's ability can continue to be strengthened.


Now I'm not very suitable to do those things.

The way to endow Miss Heizhen with magic is that the young man who transformed his family recalled some of the previous scenes, touched his lips, and seemed to be recalling some temperature, and he couldn't help but put on a polite but embarrassed look on his face.

Black Zhen is also enough..

It's just the most basic blood pact, and her reaction was even more intense than Theresa's.

it's good now.

Before Raiden Yayi was completely relieved, he probably didn't even have to eat.

Because Miss Thor refused to pick up the spatula, the boy who could only go out for food sighed, and there was resentment in his voice.

"The result was not summoned, so I made do with them."

As if talking about choosing cats and dogs at a pet store, the boy said something that made the corners of Miss Irena's mouth twitch.

Hey, hey, that is the realm of divine beasts, and even a divine dragon has appeared.

Nice to fly.

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