
A bucket of cold water was poured down just like that.

Who! !

So immoral! !

Suddenly, the witch woke up from the dream.

She twisted her arms angrily, intending to give someone a red buff, but when she threw a punch, she stumbled.

It was like a flat fall in an anime, and in the eyes of the French people, it was the witch projected by Satan, and smashed to the ground with an extremely delicate posture.


The pain of her face hitting the floor made the witch groan in pain.

Immediately after, confusion ensues.

myself, what happened?

Unprecedented sense of weakness was deposited between the limbs and bones, and the Slave's extremely powerful physical data was suppressed to the bottom of the valley, no matter how you walked, it was the bottom of the valley...

To be honest, Miss Heizhen even wondered if she would be forced to turn into a spirit body if she lost some of her magic power now...

what happened?

The vengeful demon who was born in a dream was at a loss.

She struggled to get up from the ground, barely able to support her weight on her weak arms.

Damn, what's going on! !

The witch was anxious and afraid in her heart.

The urgency is naturally due to dissatisfaction with his current situation.

Fear is—

"Have you finally woken up?"

The boy with the mineral water bottle in his hand crouched down and poked the collar tied around the girl's neck.

It was an ordinary collar.

As a pet collar, it is unremarkable, but...

Wearing this ring is a beautiful witch.

Under this circumstance, the originally unremarkable collar has brought with it the power of imagination.

For example, Lihua-ah, Lihua-ah, Lihua-ah...

Anger suddenly appeared on the face of the witch restricted by the collar.

Although her prototype, Joan of Arc, was born in a village girl, theoretically, she is a person with little knowledge.

However, after she heard the voice of the Lord, the lady Joan of Arc started to fight for the king, came into contact with the upper class, and also saw some of the dark side of it from rumors or through her eyes.

It is said that there are some perverted nobles who like women, and have a bad taste of keeping women as pets.

Could it be that he fell into the hands of that type of scumbag? !

Chills rose in the witch's heart.

No, I must not be reduced to that pathetic thing! !

As if the light returned, the magic power began to emerge under the anger, and instinctively, she stretched out her hand and pulled the collar between her neck.

The collar is not a Noble Phantasm, it is a **** toy with special power attached to it, and most of the heroic spirits are a group of monsters beyond the physical scope, and tearing steel by hand is only a basic skill for them.

This kind of humiliating thing, I will tear it off for you! ! !

The angry witch roared in her heart.



The boy stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

Like a fish that has been drained of the element of survival—water, the body of the witch who was born in a dream suddenly froze.

It wasn't a sword that ripped apart the body, nor was it a magic bullet that far exceeded the Servant's magic resistance. Just like the unreasonable decomposition power of the previous girl, the magic power belonging to the witch is being removed from this place little by little. Expel from the body.

With almost no resistance, the witch fell heavily to the ground and coughed violently.

The magic power that made up its body is largely disappearing...

The power of restraint, the Herrscher authority that has the ability to suppress more than 90% of the energy, should be one of the most ferocious powers in the world for the Servant whose body is essentially magical.

From Teresa's body, the boy who acquired this ability looked at the

So, are you going to die next?

In the daze, the Servant whose figure was dissipating was in a trance.

so bizarre...

While he was at a loss, the boy put his index finger in his mouth and bit it down.

In Miss Heizhen's shocked expression, the boy's unscarred hand grabbed her chin, like giving medicine to a cat, and forcibly opened her mouth.


The witch who was caught by her chin struggled with all her might, but the next moment, a chain with the same scent as the collar around her neck clinged to her body like a snake, restraining her tightly.

Then, the **** finger was stuffed into the witch's mouth, stirring it at will, playing with the girl's sweet tongue.

The extremely strange touch made the girl's eyes widen, and her eyes could almost spit out flames.

What the **** is this guy trying to do! !

However, the next moment, the witch was stunned.

After the blood and saliva slid down the esophagus, it turned into strength...

It was just a few drops of blood, but it brought magic power comparable to the heart of a magic furnace.

Instinctively, the Servant whose extremely deficient magic power was about to dissipate closed his mouth, as if he was sucking the nectar, greedily thirsting for the blood that is definitely not a human being...

And that boy just let the witch draw her own magic power.

Soon, the slightly swaying figure was completely solidified.

As the aura of the Servant was gradually recovering, the boy snapped his fingers again, and the chains and collars that restricted the Dragon Witch turned into nothingness.


Is this freedom?

Miss Witch looked very confused.

She raised her head and looked at the boy who first hammered her and didn't recognize her own mother, and then gave her blood to replenish magic power. There were infinite words in her heart that she wanted to ask.

Who are you, what do you want to do, what do you have to do with Chaldea, is the white giant that suddenly appeared has anything to do with you...

However, under the young man's gaze, she opened her mouth and said only one sentence.

"What do you want to do..."


When the enemy is strong and we are weak, the most important thing to understand is whether you can provide enough value for people to use...

If it was in the past, Miss Heizhen would never compromise so easily. Most of the time, she would wave her battle flag in a rage, and then have a decisive battle with this young man who has a major connection with that Thor, even if she must die, she will fight to the last drop of Liu Guang ...

This is the spirit of French Baixi! !

However, the cause of her death is still unknown...

She has the responsibility and obligation to investigate the cause of death for her subordinates and avenge her anger.

So, she can't die now.

"I'm cooking an eagle."

Without any riddles, the young man told the witch's situation while understating it.

"Boiled Eagle?"

This word, which is probably more popular in Mongolia, fell in the ears of the Dragon Witch, which made her stunned.

"How should I say it, I read a book before and said that if you want to tame a beast, you need both grace and power."

"After the British shorthair at home catches someone, they will be much more honest after beating them for a while, but it is meaningless to just beat them, so after beating, they need to give some cat food. If the fist and cat food are used together, they will be tamed. English Shorter has great advantages, in short, it is to tell it who is the boss in the family by means of grace and power."

It is not so much that he is cooking an eagle, but a boy who is talking about cat-taming skills.

"I lost control of this singularity not long ago, so I need to tame the local lord and re-learn the news of this singularity, so that I can surprise a certain idiot who is hiding his head and tail while saying he wants to kill me. ."

Beating yourself for no reason is Wei.

Help yourself?

Miss Heizhen's eyes widened, feeling that her nose was about to be crooked with anger.

What the **** is this?

However, after recalling what happened to the teenager who forcibly hung a collar around her neck and then bound herself with chains, she fell silent.

Enwei and apply...

Favor, she didn't feel it.

But that coercion...

If Gan Yu refused him, he would definitely be directly imprisoned, tortured to extract a confession, and then killed.

After that, no one can care about Jill's death... and no one can avenge them...

"I will obey you next."

"However, I don't think there is such a thing as your kindness to me."

If you use an analogy, it is probably the Servant who was bent over by the gust of wind and forced to submit, gritted his teeth, and there was great emotion in his voice.

She didn't like the boy in front of her very much.

However, whether it was the power that almost completely suppressed him or the magic power that easily stabilized his spiritual body, he told himself that the man in front of him was an enemy he could not solve.

If you still want to avenge Jill and the others, you can only submit now.

"Looks like I'm not good at combining grace and power."

"But it doesn't matter. Since it's impossible to make people love and fear, then it's not bad to be able to make people terrified."

"The melon that is twisted down is best if it is sweet, and if it is not sweet, it can quench thirst."

In this regard, the young man just smiled.

With Heizhen's stubborn temper, he didn't come up and fight with himself, something must have happened.

And the only thing that could put Kurojin, the guardian of the Orleans singularity, at a disadvantage is the accident caused by Goetia.

It looks like he has found the right person.

"Tell me, what can be considered bizarre things have happened recently."

The boy asked.

At the same time as he asked the question, the huge mountain peak that disappeared was not far away.

The white-haired girl stood there, looking around with a bewildered expression.

Chapter 16 The Stratagem from Miss Heizhen


His true identity is Attila, the leader and emperor of the Huns in ancient Eurasia.

In fact, it is the white giant "Attila" that Yuxing used to destroy civilization. The identity of the heroic spirit is just to get out of the stone room and was summoned by the ancient Xiongnu leader.

The grand territory he established extends from West Asia to Russia, Eastern Europe and Gaul, and it is also said that he caused the demise of the Western Roman Empire.

Although he is a proud and rational warrior, he can calmly and correctly grasp the situation during battle, transforming into a fighting machine to carry out brutal killings.

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