However, until now, people have not been able to completely get rid of the fear and fear declared by the name "Attila".

If she has a wish for the Holy Grail to be fulfilled - it is "hoping to live a life without being a warrior".

This is by no means disgusting to himself as a warrior.

It's just that I'm curious about what kind of life I would have lived if I hadn't been born as a warrior.

The self who is regarded by Europeans as the "punishment" or "whip" brought to them by the only **** they serve, the self that is the fighting machine of death, the self who has forgotten even the memory of being a woman in people's memory , What if you choose a way of life other than warriors?

How long will it live?

Are you traveling the world on horseback as a free traveler?

Is it the way the people of Europe have seen, tilling the land, cultivating wheat, and baking bread in hot ovens?

Are you hunting beasts and birds?

Is it to learn the thing called writing and write the books that are recorded by that?

Or, shyly snuggling in someone's arms?

do not know.

It's really hard to understand.

So, try to make a wish.


After obtaining the Holy Grail, the giant **** who was essentially the same as Attila disappeared from this land.

Instead, she was a heroic girl with white hair and skin like wheat.

As if she had just recovered her memory, the girl covered her head and thought hard.

In her memory, she was a girl named Etzel.

Where is my hometown, I forgot.

The only thing I remember is that it is probably far, far away, and it probably takes a lifetime to go to places that may not be able to be reached.

In terms of family relationship, there were two siblings.

However, I didn't get along very well with them, so they finally broke up.

After the separation, I got a cup myself and started wandering.

The beautiful-faced girl touched her back and took out a dull cup.

Then, the girl's expression suddenly collapsed.

It is said that this cup is the holy grail of legends, and if it is dedicated to the church, it is possible to get a lot of money.

With that money, I can go to a restaurant in the city that is specially prepared for the rich and feast on it.

Maybe you can buy some property, open a bakery or buy some muskets, go hunting birds and beasts in the mountains...

It's even better if you can meet a man who can communicate with you as an equal.

Maybe try to have a relationship yourself.

Thinking of this, the girl suddenly frowned.

She suddenly didn't understand herself.

Isn't the standard for a normal girl in mate selection to be handsome, rich at home, or versatile?

Why is the only requirement for my future husband to be able to communicate with me on an equal footing?

So, isn't it too weird.

After thinking for a long time, the girl had to shake her head.

Perhaps, she is a girl who pays more attention to emotional communication.

Under the influence of the Holy Grail of "I'm already dead", the girl was completely unaware that her cognition seemed a little too weird.

It's just like...

Players who are immersed in a scripted killing are adapting to their own identity.


A sound from the abdomen interrupted the girl's thinking.

In other words, compared to the standard of mate selection, a more serious problem was placed in front of her.

What to eat later.

The girl rummaged through her pockets, but there was not a single franc.

No, it seems a bit inaccurate to say that there is not even a single franc, the correct statement should be that there is not even a penny in that pocket,

The girl's heart suddenly sank.

If we look at the current situation, let alone the bakery that bakes bread, the shop that handles animal meat, or the man, it is very difficult to not be hungry.

Gotta get some money quickly.

the girl thought.

Before he can find a church to sell the Holy Grail, he must find a way to raise enough travel expenses.

The girl who thought so, looked into the distance.

It was incredible, she saw a hill five kilometers away.

There, the single-legged flying dragon is showing off its might.

A **** smile that was enough to make the battle-hardened warrior die, floated on the girl's face.

If you send that bizarre lizard to the city, it should be able to sell for a good price.


===========Dividing Line============

AntiCell--The Guards of the Stars.

Just as Mooncell designed a highly informative lifeform, Heroic Spirit, based on the earth's civilization, and designed an organic lifeform, AntiCell, in order to destroy civilization more efficiently.

AntiCell will land on planets that prey on targets and use various means to destroy civilizations.

Although the methods used by each AntiCell are different, all of them will absorb the spiritual child from the intellectual body to grow.

And when all sentient beings are eliminated, they will lose their nourishment and self-destruct.

At the moment of destruction, the vanguard will also send a signal to the predatory star, allowing it to capture the energy on the destroyed planet.

"So... the so-called white giant **** is like the Herrscher sent by the Honkai God, a warrior used to destroy civilization?"

The girl who was essentially the Herrscher of Thunder stood beside Su Han with a worried expression.

Black Zhen has already recruited all.

This is not difficult to understand.

After all, after being rectified again and again by Su Han, if you don't know how to surrender quickly, you can only throw it into the basement as a flannel ball, which will cause you to become mentally ill and reveal all the information.

And as the information came out, everything became clear.

Su Han stood outside the tent with a slightly solemn expression.

Gaetia collected the Holy Grail of the second to fifth singularities in order to gather power and resurrect the giant **** who nearly wiped out the gods 14,000 years ago.

"Yes, that guy Gaetia can really surprise me, even the giant gods who can destroy the gods in their heydays are released."

Destroy the gods..

Such words fell into Leidian Yayi's ears, causing her delicate brows to knit into a ball all of a sudden.

Although it is a middle-2 disease, middle-2 does not mean low IQ. She understands very well what kind of trap the man called Getia has set for Su Han.

Want to save Humanity?

All right, go collect the Holy Grail.

And in order to weaken Su Han as much as possible, that guy even threw several Holy Grails to the giant god.

It is conceivable that if Su Han starts a war with him, he will definitely expose his abilities and even be seriously injured...

At that time, the boss who is hidden behind the scenes is definitely not recommended to come out to harvest people.

"Or... let's withdraw first."

"Go back to Chaldea, revise the plan again, and plan again."

Leidian Yayi pursed her lips, discouraging,

As a kind person, Raiden Mei is actually very concerned about the affairs of Chaldea, and even hopes to use all her strength to help them,

However, people are always selfish.

If the premise of saving people from another world is that the person you like will risk your life to fight...

She hopes that the person she likes will not be a hero.

"That giant god, most of which is just a broken stock, it's not a big problem."

Facing Raiden Yayi's proposal, Su Han shook his head.

A few Holy Grails are like reviving the vanguard equivalent to a complete beast, who do you look down on?

If Attila was really resurrected, the mana consumption would be enough to draw Goetia into dry Solomon.

What Gaetia is looking forward to is only that after the skeleton giant **** is resurrected, he will quickly destroy the civilization to absorb power and cause chaos for Su Han, instead of killing Su Han violently.

In fact, if he really just wanted to beat Su Han, Gaetia should go to the Endless Sea as soon as possible and wake up Poseidon.

The mechanical **** Poseidon is a **** who has a direct connection with the mechanical **** Chaos, and the mechanical **** Chaos is one of the moon-shaped ceilings, a Dyson sphere that has acquired wisdom.

If that person came here and was going to collect rent from the earth, even if Su Han used the angel to the maximum power, for him, it would only be scraping.

"Master Su, work harder!"

However, even knowing this, Goetia did not attack the third singularity.

The reason is also very simple. Monsters that can threaten Su Han are also very dangerous to Getiah. If the enemy is strong enough to beat Su Han and flee, then unless the monster is defeated by Getiah, Otherwise, most of them can beat him to death.

Gaetia is a smart person and won't do stupid things like that.

So, if nothing else, the enemy is just a defective product.

"I really don't understand, where did such a big rabbit go."

It is clear that if the white giant destroys civilization, the young man whose power will rise rapidly muttered.

The pit bull of the White Giant God belongs to the role of the late stage. If you don't kill her while she is still in the early stage, it will be really troublesome in the future. Maybe Gaetia will succeed and be forced to use some skills to suppress the bottom of the box. .

"If you can find someone...I can do it for you."

While Su Han was thinking about the problem, Miss Hei Zhen with a dark face walked out of the tent and said.

"Did you find Safalu?"

In this regard, Su Han couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Can't find it."

Very straightforward, said the witch.

"However, if you capture all the cities in France and mobilize the power of the whole country, you will definitely be able to find it."

Chapter 17 How to provide magic for summoned beasts? Of course it's a supplement!

Directly capture the entire territory of France and Belarus?

In this regard, Su Han was stunned.

Then there was a strange look on his face.

In October 1428, the British army besieged the city of Orleans, south of Paris, in an attempt to occupy France and Baisi, which was not yet a white flag state.

At the time of the survival of this nation, the 16-year-old Joan of Arc heard the voice of God in a trance, determined to save the motherland, and persuaded a commander to arrange for her to go to Chinon to meet Prince Charles, and asked her to give her a The army went to rescue the city of Orleans.

In April 1429, Joan of Arc led 6,000 men to Orleans, and on May 8, defeated the besieging British army, turning the tide of the battle.

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