Since it's Jill's request, let's do it.

Joan of Arc, who was the Joan of Arc in Gilles de Royce's heart, thought so.

However, the world is always full of surprises.

For example, before the all-out war, it was rumored that a certain mountain range appeared as a giant god.

As his most loyal subordinate, Gilles de Rais handed the Holy Grail to himself, and then went to see the enemy with several cavalry servants.

"It is not ruled out that it is the trump card of the Chaldeans."

The former French marshal led the grand duke of Romania, the fast female archer and others together...


Jill is dead.

Died with all the servants he brought.

And the so-called giants are gone without a trace.

Who killed Jill?

With such anger, Joan of Arc took the Holy Grail and went to the area where the legendary giant once appeared.

She didn't meet a giant.

However, she met a girl who was also looking for a giant god.

"The reason for the formation of this singularity - is the Holy Grail in your hands?"

The girl asked herself politely, and discussed with herself whether she could transfer the Holy Grail to her. In exchange, she might be able to ask for something from her husband as compensation.

Of course, Miss Heizhen refused.

Not to mention that her existence is a dream, and if the singularity is repaired, it will disappear from history...

She still has Jill's vengeance to avenge.

The giant **** who killed Jill was a monster with a stronger strength than Jill and the Seven Horsemen. If he lost the Holy Grail, then it would be impossible to defeat the giant **** who killed Jill by himself.


"If that's the case... I'm sorry."

The girl said so, and raised the knife.

A bleak smile appeared on the face of the fleeing Servant.

Behind her, the girl who looked like the **** of thunder was walking in her direction with a knife in her hand.


Is your dreamy life coming to an end?

Chapter 14 Capture Hei Zhen alive

On the one hand is a girl who can be called Thor, Tulong is only a girl in one thought, and on the other hand is a vain heroic spirit born only from obsession...

It hardly takes too much thought to know who is stronger and who is weaker.

The gap between the two is too great, to the extent that even a god-level martial arts can't bridge the gap...

The battle came to an end at the beginning.

Where will she come from next?

Perhaps he has realized that it will be difficult for him to escape next.

She was a grumpy person. ,

If it wasn't to avenge her subordinates, she would have already fought Thor, who seemed to be from the far east, when she was investigating the giant god.

Now, since it is impossible to escape, the next step is to fight as much as you like.

The witch could not help clenching the flag behind her.

Roar, my anger

Grade: A+

Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm

The cursed flag held by Jeanne, who descended as the Dragon Witch.

Like Joan of Arc's Noble Phantasm, it can receive the enemy's attack, but this Noble Phantasm expands the attack and reflects it back. Regardless of whether it is a slashing technique, a striking technique, or a cursed blow, it is always converted into physical attack power.

Turns the resentment of oneself and the surrounding into magic power and burns it, the opponent's injustice or filth, until the bone marrow is burned.

Now that he has accumulated enough resentment, there is also the despair of countless two-legged flying dragons in the surrounding air. If it is released in this environment, coupled with the blessing of the Holy Grail, the power of the Noble Phantasm can definitely be maximized.

Joan of Arc Alter took a deep breath.

What if the odds are slim?

Now that the battle has begun, you should do your best to fight the enemy.

If the weapon is broken, use the hands and feet, if the hands and feet are broken, use the teeth, if the teeth are broken, use the head hammer...

This is fighting.

The moment she draws her sword, release the Noble Phantasm.

Joan of Arc Alter made up his mind.

However, something unexpected happened.

Just when Joan of Arc Alter was about to burn everything to fight the girl to the end, the girl did put down the knife in her hand and looked at herself with a little love in her eyes.

What is this doing?

Joan of Arc Alter shivered involuntarily.

Why does that guy look at him with the shyness of seeing his sweetheart?

It's normal to lose the battle, but if you lose the battle and get caught to grind tofu, that's **** outrageous! !

Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated!

"That...Su Jun, why are you here?"

Perhaps it was because Miss Heizhen was really harmless to humans and animals, as if she had completely forgotten that there was an enemy next to her, the girl named Raiden Meiyi had a little panic on her face.

Is this a scam?

This was the first thing that came to Miss Heizhen's mind.

On the battlefield, after all, shamelessness is a virtue.

The real master is to shout the elephant kicks the legs and play the monkeys to dig the peach, press the trigger when the bayonet is on, and report the name of the move after the big move...

At this time, the person on the opposite side may be trying to use this to distract themselves...

\"There is a danger here, and if you stay, you may face life-threatening, if that happens, I will be very distressed, so I will take over here for the time being.\"

The voice belonging to the boy made Miss Jeanne shudder.

There is someone behind you! !

Almost instinctively, Miss Heizhen waved her Noble Phantasm.

The destructive power of the steel-made, serrated spearhead would make even a first-rate Servant unable to eat it and walk away.


The most incredible thing happened.

A slender and slender finger pressed on the gun head, which was actually a "pile", and stopped the attack from Miss Heizhen alive.

Before Miss Heizhen could react, her hand had already clenched the tip of the spear and instantly controlled the Noble Phantasm.

Is this guy A+++ in durability and strength? !

That relaxed and freehand scene made the corners of the eyes and mouth of the witch who launched the raid twitch.

What the hell, what's going on lately?

First there was a giant **** who appeared out of nowhere, then a girl who looked like Thor descended, and now there's a guy who can stop his attack with just one finger! ! !

Is the data so inflated now? !

Miss Hei Zhen's heart sank suddenly.

The enemy is not only stronger than himself, but also a gang...

If you want to be able to cause damage to them, you can only activate the Noble Phantasm.

Almost holding on to the realization that she was affected by her own Noble Phantasm, the girl shouted angrily.

"Roar, my anger—"

Before the name of the Noble Phantasm was called out, the hand from the boy had already made a close contact with the witch's face.

The huge power fell on Miss Heizhen's face like this. As the center of gravity of her body was deflected, the witch's head and the surface of the earth made a close contact, and she almost shed tears in pain.

"Why are you so irritable?"

That can actually open the collapse of human nature, and then the young man who serves as the bottom boss looks surprised.

"Hey, hey, if you are so irritable, you can't get married."

If the old lady gets married or not, what does it matter to you?

Miss Heizhen wanted to roar like this, but she found that a black and thick stick had hit her head.

The enormous power made Miss Heizhen's vision darken.

Hypnosis. Physical Edition.

"Is the Holy Grail here?"

Su Han rudely put his hand into the fainting girl, flipped it constantly, and then touched out a small golden cup.

Since Getia has prepared a tiankeng for herself, then the original boss here, Miss Heizhen, has become a soy saucer.

However, although it is made of soy sauce, it is somewhat oily.

A Holy Grail, converted into points, is also 100,000.

Moreover, this Holy Grail seems to be able to make a wish on the moon, and maybe it can help him get rid of the identity of the occult master.

After doing this, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and in the shocked expression of Leidian Yayi, he took out the sack that he used to put on Leidenyayi.

Although Miss Heizhen is only a first-class Servant, she is a local snake with a low head and should know a lot of information.

Now put it together, and I will interrogate it later, and maybe I can ask some information that may be related to the pit dug for myself by the king of Gaitian.

"Su should be gentle with girls."

The girl who was impressed by the sack sighed.

"Don't pay attention to that kind of detail."

In response, the boy who had already carried the sack where Miss Hei Zhen was slapped him haha.

Chapter 15 Throwing the Master Ball and Conquering Hei Zhen

For Miss Heizhen, everything has been gloomy recently.

Dark, somewhat unreal feeling.

Most loyal minion killed by unknown giant...

The unknown Thor, came to take the Holy Grail...

After Thor came, the unknown monster gave himself a savage stick...

It must be a dream.

After all, apart from nightmares, how could there be such a cruel thing?

In the spiritual world, the witch comforted herself like this.


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