In order to maintain the existence of these seven singularities, Goetia created seven holy grails, distorted the order of time and space, and created disasters.

In order to solve these things, Su Han also dispatched a corresponding Herrscher who has a superior affinity.

The city of the Seven Hills may have Attila, who is powerful, so there is Theresa who can cut power, Wendy who dominates fluids in Okeanos, and Seele who is surrounded by death in London In the home game, the mad king chose Fu Hua, who was outstanding in martial arts, the ever-changing Bronya went to Camelot, and the battle against Babylonia was Xilin and the destructive force of the Herrscher's peak, Immeasurable Taji son...

Because Orleans could beat anyone, he immediately selected a Herrscher to go, and the one he got was a cook. The rest of the Herrschers stood by and waited for the change to provide support.

According to the script Su Han considered, the next step is to synchronize the seven singularities, and then force Getia out.

After Gaetiana's old miscellaneous hair came out, he quickly captured the location of the Temple of Crown Time, and then sent Gaetia on the road.

However, the current situation is very different from Su Han's plan.

There is no Holy Grail in the second, third, fourth, and fifth singularities at all, and it is the Demon God Pillar that maintains the singularity!

"You're still really able to make a living, Gaetia."

The boy who was also counting on the analysis of the Holy Grail to obtain some technology looked into the distance and muttered as if he was talking to the void.

The Holy Grail is gone!

Some are just Demon Pillars.

This is very bad news for Su Han.

The old man Gaetiana is calculating himself, and it has already been put into practice.

"If nothing else, the reason is to force me to take action by creating a strong enemy, and then observe my abilities from a distance."

There was almost no suspense, Su Han muttered.

Ghatia is the beast associated with arrogance, and as such, is extremely easily provoked.

He vowed to surpass all the gods in this world, and he would not allow any existence to appear to be superior to himself.

This is the reason why he declared war on Su Han.

Of course, there was also the factor that Su Han deliberately set fire to.

However, the fact that Getia is arrogant does not mean that he will be offended by others and lose his mind and become hysterical.

His foundation is the emotionless King Solomon, an existence that is infinitely close to rational creatures. For this reason, since he declares war on Su Han, he will definitely go all out.

Before starting the war, it was obviously the right choice to discard some singularities that would only disperse power, gather their holy grails together to create trouble for the enemy, and force them to leak information.

Su Han stretched out his hand, and the angel known as the Book of Omniscience appeared in his hand.

Perhaps it was because he took the time to make contracts with the elves one by one, their power was connected to the tree of Kabbalah in Su Han's body, so Su Han could use their power even without summoning them.

In the past, just a simulated book of omniscience could turn the tide of the battle, but now, Su Han is using the genuine version.

In theory, this book should be able to find out what color King Solomon's underwear was and whether it had a Merlin pattern on it.

However, in today's books, there are only a few words...

"Getia set up an ambush at the first and seventh singularities."

Other than that, no news.

Facing a monster like Getia, this is the limit of this book.

It can even be said that if it is not because the user is Su Han instead of Erya, it is estimated that even this point cannot be found out.

"If I'm going to be wounded by the Returning Beast or other monsters it arranges, then that **** will definitely laugh."

Under the bewildered expression on Fujimaru Tachika's face, the young man spoke very calmly.

"Teacher, what is the beast of return, isn't our enemy only the beast of mercy?"

Like a wounded beast, the girl let out a panicked sound.

She just made a wish and learned the most suitable seance for her, and she felt in the dark that there seem to be many servants who are willing to seduce herself to serve her or lend her power...

I just wanted to show my strength in front of my teacher, but...

As a result, the teacher directly said that the next step is to meet the returning beast that is theoretically in the same rank as Getiah? !

Then don't you just go up and get beaten?

For a time, Miss Fujimaru wondered if her ancestor was surnamed Wanzhang, and she once had a name called Long I.

At this moment, the girl could only pull on the corner of her teacher's shirt and ask for the answer with a face of despair.

"Beast and beast are related. When the first beast appears, the second to seventh will appear. In order to gain more chances of winning against me in the future, I will use other beasts and other beasts that can cause damage to me. plan to weaken me, isn't that normal?"

The boy who was ambushed by Getia's hand looked a little remorseful.

He also wanted to use the Beast of Return to hold Gaetia and provide himself with a good output environment.

Really, hands are slow.

However, that doesn't matter.

In the worst case, it is nothing more than giving up the realm on the world tree to the people after the defeat.

But then again, what about the sixth singularity?

If there was no mistake in his book of omniscience, Goetia should not have set an ambush at the sixth singularity.

So why does it exist?

Shouldn't it be deprived of the Holy Grail, take a Demon God Pillar and forget it?

Could it be that Bronya hasn't touched the Holy Grail and can't be sure?

Su Han was lost in thought.

However, it didn't take long for him to relax.

In terms of running ability, the young man who is definitely a top performer walked to the command room at will, followed by Fujimaru Rika, like a follower.

"What do you think of the change in singularity?"

The doctor's expression was serious.

The second, third, fourth, fifth and fourth singularities have all changed, which is definitely bad news for Chaldea.

"Since Getia wants to see my power so much, let him see it."

In this regard, the young man just spoke Shi Shiran.

"Send me to the first singularity."

==========Dividing Line==========

fire, fire, fire...

Like falling into purgatory, the world turned crimson.

In the once bustling city, there are no longer any figures...

A woman in a black coat stumbled forward amid the flames.

Behind her, countless flying dragons are showing their teeth and claws.

Is this a monster chasing humans?

After seeing this scene, the vast majority of heroes will have such thoughts.

Beauty and monsters are almost standard in fairy tales.

There will always be warriors or princes with the best swords in the country and the best horses to fight dragons, giants, sea monsters, and then marry beautiful princesses or girls...

However, if you look closely, you will find something very scary.

Those flying dragons were not chasing and killing the woman, but guarding him.

As if they were supporting their king, those flying dragons frantically destroyed the obstacles around the woman, opening a way for her to escape...



From the distant sky, there is endless thunder.

The terrifying sound made the flying dragons hovering in the air let out a cry of near despair.

Like a torrential rain, endless thunder fell from the sky, constantly knocking down the flying dragons in the sky.

A monster capable of rivaling a first-class magician fell to the ground like a sparrow hit by a heavy rain, and gradually lost its vitality...

As if being completely provoked, the howl of a giant dragon could be heard in the distance.

It was a giant dragon.

Huge and majestic, just standing there would be terrifying.

But, that dragon is bleeding...

Its wings that should have been able to soar for nine days have been pierced by thunder and turned into coke...

If it weren't for the huge vitality of the dragon species, then it would have been long ago to suffer such damage.

"Fafna, run away!"

It seems that she finally realized something. The woman who was running away turned back and shouted at the giant dragon, and said a daunting name.

- Fafna.

Second only to the crown dragon Albion, in theory, it can crush 90% of the followers to death like smashing glass.

However, at the moment it is scarred.

Ignoring his master's anger, the giant dragon quickly got up and swooped forward, as if he wanted to compete with Thunder's master.

It was greeted with a razor-sharp light.

It's not the speed of thoughtless thought.

It is not the pride that decides the mountains and seas.

In the eyes of the Swordsman Servant, such a sword can only be regarded as the level of "learned swordsmanship", and...

The light is too small...

It's just a knife light. From a volume perspective, that knife can only pick the teeth of the giant dragon.

It would be crazy to attack Fafna at the top of the dragon seed with such an attack.

People who understand how the dragon species exist will definitely mourn the master of the knife light.


The next moment, the broken wings of the giant dragon were indeed wiped out.

Like an eraser scratching a pencil mark...

The magic resistance and strong physical defense of the giant dragon crown absolutely do not exist...

That knife light completely bypassed the magic resistance and physical resistance of the dragon scale, and directly caused the dragon's remnant wings to decompose from the atomic level! !

The giant dragon wailed, and before it could continue to attack, several sword lights descended.

Horns, claws, even chests...

Like a mountain crumbling, the giant dragon fell to the ground...

It can make the bather obtain the blood of invulnerability, soak in the earth, and turn it into a **** flower.

When the giant dragon crashed to the ground, a slightly deserted voice of the girl came from behind.

"You can't escape."

Hearing that voice, the girl who fled in front was shocked.

Joan of Arc, the name given to it by a man named Gilles de Reis.

Joan of Arc Alter is a living being born from personal wishes and fantasies.

Born out of a certain man's wish, she possesses the innate power of the Dragon Commander. It is thought to be a reversal of anecdotes about saints such as St. Marda and St. George who dispel the dragon species. Possesses a special leadership temperament that makes dragons obey, and at the same time can increase the attack power of the team.

Therefore, with such power and the ability to control flying dragons, she can easily swept across the borders of France.

"Please take revenge, saint."

The man who created her begged.

"Let this country feel the pain."

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