A full four Holy Grails floated out of nothingness! ! !

"Wake up, giant warrior Sephalu."

The man shouted angrily.

With his anger, the holy grails gradually fell into this mountain range.

Vitality begins to overflow.

After the third Holy Grail was integrated into it, the fourth Holy Grail clapped to the ground and was no longer absorbed.

Like an earthquake, the peaks trembled, as if some unknown force was holding them together.

The whole body is covered with a giant of white bones, which is appearing.

Seeing this scene, the excitement on the face of the man named Leif was beyond words.

The giant Sepfalu has been resurrected.

Even if she was just a wreck made of the bones after being killed by the Holy Swordmaster of the Stars, she was still a monster comparable to an incomplete beast.

"Oh oh oh foolish Chaldeans, prepare for the terror from the age of the gods."

Leif floated lightly, shouting intoxicated.

The nightmare of the gods is waking up.

To defeat this monster, the Chaldeans could only let the man who called himself the beast of revenge fight.

In a battle with the Giant God, even the beast needs to pay a huge price to win. If the imaginary space is linked to this place after that, there will be a return beast standing in front of the stupid beast of revenge...

Your own enemies will be hit hard and reveal their abilities...

At that time, the scale of victory will be completely tilted to the side of the Demon God Pillar.

Leif, who was intoxicated with joy, did not notice that the skeleton giant's empty eyes were looking at him.



Like killing a mosquito by hand, the demon **** floating in the air was smashed to the ground, turning into a pool of blood...

I destroy, I triumph, so far, forever.

The giant **** who upholds such a creed will obviously not be merciful because the existence standing in front of him is his resurrection.

Having done all this, the giant held the last holy grail that had not been absorbed.

"The Holy Grail of Wish-fulfilling?"

The bone giant's face with only bones seemed to be a little confused.

===================Separation line====================

The Holy Grail, the miracle of Christianity.

A wine glass used by **** and his 11 disciples at the Passover meal before his crucifixion.

Jesus once took this cup and told his disciples to drink the red wine that symbolized his blood in it, thus creating the Memorial of the Passion.

Later some people thought that the cup had some kind of magical power because of this special occasion.

"So Gaetia has seen the real Holy Grail?"

"And then create a wedge that distorts history based on the real Holy Grail?"

The girl named Fujimaru Rika, looking at the golden cup, gradually spread her thoughts.

"Getia did see the Holy Grail, but the Holy Grail he made has nothing to do with the Holy Grail that carries the blood of Jesus."

The woman(?), who is known for her almost omnipotent talents, opened the safe with a smile, took out the Holy Grail and handed it out.

The Holy Grail is undoubtedly an extremely important tool for Chaldea.

Even if the permission of Fujimaru Rika, who is the savior, wants to get it, it takes several days to apply for it.

The reason why Su Han, who is an outsider, is able to obtain these, is also because of the achievements of his family members in overcoming the singularity.

Most of the people in the new group A that he brought from another dimension are not as strong in martial arts as the legendary heroic spirits. It can even be said that most of them are only at the level of being beaten.


There is a word in this world called Li Da Bian Fei.

In just one day, those Herrschers summoned their own pendant servants, and then began to kill and kill at their corresponding singularity.

With such achievements, Su Han naturally became the leader of Chaldea and obtained the right to use the Holy Grail.

"The ability of the real Holy Grail is actually to gain the favor of the gods and be able to face the Holy Grail. If you are lucky, you may be endowed with unparalleled wisdom like King Solomon."

"However, Goetia wants to surpass King Solomon and even that god, how could he ask for the power of the Holy Grail?"

"So, this Holy Grail is not the Holy Grail, but a high-purity ether crystal that is enough to tug at the foundation of 99% of the magic in the world."

"Theoretically speaking, this thing is an artifact that can skip the process and get the result as long as you know the process."

"Su Jun, please use it with caution."

In Fujimaru Rika's nervous expression, the handsome boy took over the biggest victory of Chaldea from a man named Da Vinci.

Su Han held the Holy Grail, which was also called the Holy Grail, but was essentially a mass of magical aggregates, and played with interest.

Holy Grail: 100,000

The purest ether crystal in the world has the power to sway most of the magic marks engraved on the Moon World, and can even summon followers spontaneously.

Obviously, the magic power in this thing is extremely outrageous.

To know that all the energy released can pollute the entire Changkong City Conquest gem, but it is only 30,000 points.

And this Holy Grail is actually 100,000.

In terms of energy intensity, this thing is absolutely outrageous.

"If it was me before, I'd probably have sold this backhand by now."

Su Han played with the Holy Grail and said the words of Miss Lixiang and Miss Da Vinci full of question marks.

"By the way, teacher, what are you taking this Holy Grail for?"

Like a curious baby, Tatsuka Fujimaru, who learned from Su Han's mouth that he was going to help him become an instant hero, cautiously asked.

"Remember Mr. Da Vinci's description of the Holy Grail?"

Facing Fujimaru Rika's remarks, the boy asked back.

"The essence of the Holy Grail is the accelerator of the occult."

"Know the process, then skip the process of finding the result and get the final answer."

Apparently a good student, Tatsuka Fujimaru repeated Da Vinci's statement like a class representative.

"So, you should be able to understand that as long as you use this, you can easily complete some very interesting research, and the power of a magician comes from research, right?"

The fluttering words of the young man made the girl swallow her saliva.

"As far as I know, the Einsworth family has a means of intercepting power from the Throne of Heroes, which is the attitude of deducing the low-level magic of 'replacement' to the extreme..."

The boy put his hand on the girl's shoulder very affectionately, looked at her with a smile, and then asked back.

"What kind of magic do you think is most suitable for you?"

Miss Lixiang raised her head and looked at the boy with a slightly uneasy expression.

Aindsworth, that is a famous door in the magic world, and it is not a famous door like the clock tower, but a famous door that can hammer and explode the entire clock tower except the spiritual tomb.

The children of that family are basically super geniuses.

Are they comparable?

A little low self-esteem rose in the girl's heart.

This is not difficult to understand.

This is like someone just praised Academician Qian's family, saying that their family is very talented, and then asked JK on the street, do you have any talent?

Anyone who can connect to the Internet on a mobile phone will feel that people cannot be generalized.

Teacher, what are you doing, comparing me to those guys.

The girl couldn't help but complain a little.

However, the young man's warm eyes kept staring at her, and the black eyes were filled with undisguised appreciation.

The overly direct emotion made the girl turn her head a little embarrassedly, but the boy still looked at the girl with a smile and said softly.

"You have to believe in yourself, you are the best girl in the world."

That smile and praise seemed to have some kind of magic, which made the girl's heart rise up with courage.

"I'm probably... good at communication."

As soon as she said this, Miss Lixiang already regretted it.

What nonsense is this.

The teacher asked what kind of magic talent he had! !

I'm good at socializing and the chef asks what I like to eat, and then answers that I don't bring paper to the toilet today, and I can only wipe it with a wet towel. What's the difference! !

However, in the face of such a nonsensical answer, the boy gave a positive thumbs up.

"The purpose of the seance is to obtain power through the spiritual body, and the spiritual body also has its own joys, sorrows, and joys. They have different attitudes when facing different magicians."

She seemed to understand what Su Han was going to do next.

"As the savior who was supposed to save the world, you have a natural affinity with your followers, and you can easily get help from them."

"Then, under this premise, try to build a secret art of serenity that is unique to you."

The boy who was interested in the heroic spirits who had collected restraint for thousands of years smiled and pushed the Holy Grail in front of the girl.

"Make a wish."

"Make a wish to get yourself the top replacement magic, link the Heroic Spirit Throne with the Servant's contract, and replace the Heroic Spirit's power with yourself."

In this case, I can try to see if I can learn from you, directly connect to the Hall of Valor, and pack all the heroic spirits away.

Once linked to the Hall of Valor, the boy who had the greatest chance of triggering a counterattack with the greatest restraint had a smile on his face.

If he can't do it, he will turn Miss Lixiang into a dependent and let her act as a bridge.

But then again, I don't know when the Holy Grail of other singularities will be collected.

Looking at the girl who was silently making a wish, Su Han pondered.

If you can collect them, you might be able to do some other experiments.

Thinking like this, he couldn't help but start asking questions through the link with his subordinates.


"Second singularity, there is no Holy Grail, and it is the Demon God Pillar that maintains this singularity."

"The third singularity does not have the Holy Grail, and it is the Demon God Pillar that maintains this singularity."

"The fourth singularity is also only the Demon God Pillar, not the Holy Grail."


There is no Holy Grail in the singularity?

So, where did those holy grails go? !

Chapter 13 Miss Heizhen is in great danger

The permanent madness empire, the blockade of the end of the world, the city of the dead world, and the North American myth war have all been completed.

The handsome boy listened to the answers of his subordinates, and his expression was slightly unattractive.

Fuyuki, Orleans, City of Seven Hills, Okeanos, London, United States, Camelot, Babylonia, Temple of Crown Time.

These are the nine peculiarities of the Burning of Humanity.

Excluding the first Fuyuki and the last Temple of Crown Time, there are seven singularities in total.

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