The Demon God, whose sin and arrogance are closely related, looked indifferent.

"Yu is just thinking about how to use the power in the next battle to get a higher winning rate."

The arrogant number one beast will rely on the west for help, which is undoubtedly a shocking thing.

After all, his sin was arrogance.

As an arrogant king, he chose to gather allies, which is undoubtedly a shocking thing.

However, Getia didn't see the humiliation in it.

after all--

It was a monster of the same rank as himself.

Also, he doesn't know anything about his abilities.

In the world of Xingyue, where the phase is more than the sky, and the special attack on the sun is immortal, information is really important.

He needs allies to find out the capabilities of the enemy so that he can take the lead in the next battle.

"But where do we find help?"

Facing the thoughts of his own king, the Demon God Pillar present questioned his soul.

"If it is assumed that the enemy is a perfect fifth beast, in that case, if you want to be able to use it in front of it, at least an incomplete beast or a giant monster..."

Having said that, the Demon God Pillar suddenly froze.

If he remembers correctly, among the seven singularity points, there seems to be an unconscious mother and a half-crippled vanguard...

If you can give them some help to get them out of trouble...

The Demon God Pillar shivered involuntarily.

Next, there will be two disasters that destroy the world.

"Those two guys may not be enough to defeat my brother, but, after all, he can make a shot, isn't it?"

A slight smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the Demon King who was sitting high on the throne.

In this world where the nature is greater than the sky, when the ability characteristics of a certain existence are discovered, then it is not far from the discovery of its weaknesses.


"Just let my dear compatriots taste their taste."

"Go, liberate that guest from outer space and my eldest sister!!!"

==============Dividing Line==============

"So, just now, senior, have you already fought with the messenger behind the death of Renli?"

In Chaldea, there was a girl's voice full of worry.

The source of the voice was a young girl full of vitality.

The long orange-red hair was tied into a ponytail, and the orange eyes were full of faith. It only took a moment when the eyes crossed to tell everyone that this girl was a warrior who could become a pillar when the building was about to collapse.

However, in the face of the sudden information, the girl's face was also a little uneasy.

Holding the Holy Grail that Su Han asked her to take out from the special department, she raised her head and looked at her teacher.

The boy who was watched by Fujimaru Rika seemed to be doing nothing, standing in front of the frame representing Group A, humming a song and swinging a sword, destroying the frames used to protect the lives of those who were frozen. .

With the destruction of the frame, the next moment, the members in the quantum state returned to the real body, but because the liberation method was a bit rough, except for a guy who was called Grandma Yu by the Jianghu people, all the members began to ascend to heaven.

Even Grandma Yu, after using her spirit to scan the situation of her companions around her, cooperated to release her soul and floated upward...

Her intuition told her that a miracle might happen next.

Just as Grandma Yu thought, just when everyone in Group A was about to die suddenly, a strange vortex appeared on the boy's body.

The figure of the boy in the center of the vortex is like a dark tree.

In Grandma Yu's terrified expression, the tree of shadow's rapid display of power, coming, cheating, and sneak attack, directly absorbed the souls that were about to disappear, including Grandma Yu who was acting, into it, and then He was spit out again, combined with his own body, and then pulled away one by one by the medical staff on the side to check his body.

After doing this, the boy just clapped his hands and answered the girl's question.

"Of course, that guy said he was going to kill me at all costs."

"Getia didn't confront me directly, probably because she didn't understand my abilities, so she didn't want to make a rash shot. Really, it's obviously a beast that symbolizes arrogance, but she's unexpectedly cautious."

The words fell into the girl's ears, and her face that had always been smiling all of a sudden lost her smile.

Before he knew it, the beast named Getia appeared, and bluntly said that he would duel with the strongest fighting force on his side.

This is obviously not the course of a normal rpg game.

Obviously I didn't have time to attack a singularity... The boss directly blocked the door...

This kind of thing is too bad for a novice hero.

"However, you don't have to worry, although Getia is difficult to deal with, it is not difficult to deal with."

"As long as he destroys the Temple of Crown Time on which he lives, then he will lose the foundation of his existence and destroy himself."

The boy whose ultimate ability was a conceptual obliteration spoke in a lighthearted tone.

"That guy's weakness is so obvious, as long as I find a chance to catch the coordinates of the Temple of Crown Time, I can kill it on the spot, and the coordinates thing is super easy to get."

"My enemy has never been Gaetia, but another **** - the alien god. Before his arrival, except for the machine **** Chaos that may appear in a loss belt, there is really nothing to make I felt like a character who wanted to run on the spot."

That speech that didn't take Getia seriously at all made Fujimaru-san couldn't help being stunned.

What the **** is Alien God?

What the **** is Chaos, the God of Machines?

Heck! !

Could it be that the catastrophe caused by the first beast was just a joke in front of this man who seemed to be chosen by the sea god?

Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help but wrinkle a bitter face.

My teacher has already prepared to attack fgo2.0, but I can't even beat the dragon tooth soldiers in the singularity f...

If only I could learn a little bit.

The girl bowed her head down, thinking.

As if sensing the girl's frustration, the boy suddenly raised his head and spoke.

"By the way, I remember that I asked you to get the Holy Grail."

The Holy Grail, created by the Demon King Gaetia with his own power, is a powerful tool that can directly distort time and space, turning a period of time and space into a singularity.

The power held there is undoubtedly enormous. Therefore, when the singularity f was breached, the Chaldeans quickly recovered the Holy Grail representing the singularity f.

"...You mean the Holy Grail? I haven't had time to get it."

Because the Holy Grail is too important, the girl who couldn't directly take out the Holy Grail looked a little annoyed.

The first thing the teacher gave her, she screwed up.

"Did you not get it?"

Next, the boy who was going to try some interesting experiments with the Holy Grail grabbed the girl's hand with a smile, and opened his mouth with a slightly ashamed expression.

"In that case, let's go get the Holy Grail together."

Having said that, the young man looked at the girl who had convinced countless followers with a little playfulness on his face. If this child becomes his dependent, he can help him recruit a large number of high-quality heroic spirits in human history.

"Next, let me teach you to become an instant hero."

The young man with all his abilities came quickly, said with a smile.

ask for leave

Scratched by a cat.

Going for a rabies vaccine.

Compared with the puppet, the British short temper is really bad

It can only be said that if you have a friend who has a cat, try to avoid the breed with bad temper.

Take a day off today, and the update will be made up in the next two days.

I'm so sorry.

purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding,

purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding,

purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding,

purple potato pudding, purple potato pudding,

Chapter 12 The Disappearing Grail and the White Giant Sepfalu

Sephalu, the white giant.

The sabotage device used by the predatory star to prey on the earth's civilization.

The characteristics of this giant are "theoretically infinite growth" and "magic absorption".

The giant **** Sephalu can continuously expand himself by destroying life and civilization. Both the body size and the ability index will be doubled. In addition, the magic power processed as a technique is nourishment for the giant **** (the technique is also technology, Knowledge, Civilization), unless the spell attack has exceeded her absorption cap, as long as the attack from knowledge civilization technology is ineffective against Attila, and it will enhance her power.

In addition to pure physical attacks and conceptual strikes, only the holy sword specially created by the planet can cause damage to it.

In the plots so far, only the nameless holy swordsman who obtained the holy sword, the Olympus machine **** who completed the twelve-in-one, and the explosive seed did everything to activate the shame of the king of the gods - Indra could not Karna, who is in control of the Thunder Gun, has a record of defeating her while she is not fully developed.

But even so, not all worldlines have been saved.

The sixth Lostbelt Fairy, Britain - the earth and civilization have all been disintegrated, and the only remaining world of the ocean is the medal of the giant god.

A man named Leif, holding the Holy Grail, stood on a mountain.

The mountain is huge and strangely shaped, and it is obviously covered with black soil, but there is no trace of vegetation on the mountain...

It seems that there is some kind of destructive will hidden in this mountain, obliterating all the lives in it.

If you pull the distance, someone will be surprised to find that the huge mountain looks like a hand that has been cut in half.

And in the distance, there are also peaks that look like heads, arms, and calves. . . .

The combination of such strange scenes is a mountain range that makes people feel deeply unpleasant, and the strange atmosphere is permeated here.

It was the remains of a giant god.

14,000 years ago, Yuxing of Predator sent giant gods to the earth and destroyed the ancient gods who guarded mankind. It was like a village tyrant entering the village to search for everything in Yuxing's hxd Gaia family, which caused Gaia's anger. Furious, because it forged the original holy sword and distributed it to the unknown holy swordsman to defeat the giant god.

However, giant gods are giant gods after all, and even if they are defeated, it is impossible not to leave a trace.

"Looks like there's really no life left."

The man in the green dress stood on the top of the mountain and shook his head.

The Holy Swordsman of the Stars did not leave a trace of vitality for the giant god.

However, this is also understandable.

After all, if Saifalu was given a chance to grow, then the entire earth would be giggled, and if the Swordsman of the Stars kept his hand, he would probably be a gangster.

However, if there is no vitality, you can create vitality, right?

The man named Leif placed the Holy Grail on the giant mountain with a strange smile on his face.

Miraculously, the Holy Grail melted into the mountain that was essentially a gigantic skeleton, like ice and snow that had been scorched by the sun.

Nothing has changed...

As if it was water poured into the sand.

"Should it be said that it is a giant soldier? A Holy Grail can't wake up your vitality at all."

On the order of Getia, the warlock who resurrected a giant **** to stop another beast clapped his hands and sighed in admiration.


An incredible scene happened.

One, two, three, four...

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