Curious, really curious.

I really want to find someone to try it out and see how the group chat reacts to the group owner killing a group friend, or a group member dying for an unknown reason.

It would be nice if there was an unforgivable group friend.

In that case, I can kill him mercilessly and see the final result.

This is what Su Han thought.

It is a pity that although most of the group friends in the group have some personality problems, they are basically not bad people.

Miss Irena, the scumbag witch who cheats everywhere, also often rescues innocent people, and the doctor who likes to retreat never lacks the courage to face the darkness when necessary. , resurrecting innocent lives from the dead.

Su Han was convinced that he was an egoist.

However, he is not a pure egoist.

His evaluation of himself has always been half-hearted.

A half-assed hero, a half-assed demon king, a half-assed capitalist, a half-assed egoist, a half-assed sea king... No, this is the only one that counts as a complete body.

"I am a half-hearted egoist who wants to achieve some ulterior secrets. In order to make myself comfortable, I will choose the experimental target carefully."

If Getia agrees to his next proposal, he will crumble the original plan as waste paper and re-plan the boy muttering to himself.


"The most arrogant beast, born out of an excessive sense of disappointment with people."

"If someone proposes a replacement plan for the burning of human principles, will you let go of your animal nature and accept it calmly?"

A self-proclaimed hypocrite, but in the eyes of most people, the teenager who made no secret of his villain boss muttered to himself, then closed the private chat page with a smile, and @Getia was in the group chat.

"No no no, my dear compatriot, I have no interest in fighting with you, or I should be a person who likes to talk shit, as long as I am with the people around me... The category of emm is probably a group Friends and my family, as long as the above members are not bullied, I have always been very Buddhist, and I may not even want to complement myself and become the fifth beast."

"Hey, hey, is my boss such a loving person? It's hard to believe."

The girl named Irena looked at the boy whose speech was a little different than usual, and there was something strange in her smile.

Su Han is a person who doesn't mind standing out for group friends.

However, he usually just helps out, and doesn't make a direct promise.

Because if you make a promise directly, then it will be inconvenient for you to fuel the road when you encounter some high-risk things next.

If it was clearly stated before that what was to be accomplished, it would be inappropriate to choose to retreat or take a detour if it could not be accomplished.

The boss's thick black school is actually half-baked.

Obviously, the outside world's reputation is already "the unspeakable capital demon" and "the Rakshasa of God-devouring", but he is unexpectedly interested in the promise, and may even choose to risk his life to fight because of what he promised. ..

Therefore, unless it is with very important people, he will never make promises at will.

As it is now, bluntly putting group friends into their own protection category is not so much a promise, but more like...

\"Forcing the newcomer to give up and become an enemy of someone in the group, and then terminate a certain career...?.\"

Miss Irena's delicate little face showed a little thoughtfulness.

According to Su Han's habit, he is unlikely to unilaterally coerce others, and most likely will give an alternative later.

If the new entrants are mild-mannered or act out of helplessness, then most of them will agree. The next step is to continue singing and dancing.


If the new members of the group have a bad temper, that's another story.

Thinking of this, Irena couldn't help but glance at the new group member.

The self-proclaimed King of Magic has been arrogant since he entered the group.

Perhaps, for the new group friends, apart from Romani, who is his creator, and Su Han, who is suspected to be his compatriot, the other people are like grass and trees.

This is pretty outrageous.

However, from Getia's point of view, such a thing is appropriate.

For the human evil that seeks eternity, life in this world is meaningless if it is not eternal.

Therefore, what he regards as life is only Su Han, who is in the same personality as him, and Romani is noticed by him because of the humiliation he was driven by.

"What the boss says next, it is estimated that he will have to revive again."

"There's a good show to watch."

The cute-looking girl slightly combed her long beautiful silver-gray hair, and pushed a lily lover beside her with a look of disgust. Then smashed a pile of documents on her head.

"I'll go out, and then I'll ask you to process the documents here."

After saying this, she made a request to Romani to enter the world, and then disappeared from the vision of a certain lily witch.

When Miss Irena was about to watch the play, in the group chat, a saliva continued.

"You are threatening me."

The speech from Su Han made Getia look gloomy all of a sudden.

As long as I and the people around me are not bullied, I have always been very Buddhist.

This kind of speech does sound a bit Buddhist.

But if it was the other way around, the meaning would be—if I or my friends are threatened, then I will draw my sword against you.

"No, no, I'm just thinking that there should be a more appropriate way to accomplish my wish in this world."

The boy smiled, and then Shi Shiran opened his mouth to explain.

"You aspire to be the most noble creature on the planet, to become the supreme by replacing the planet. For this, you need a lot of energy, so you choose to burn Humanity."

"However, I think we can achieve this in some milder ways."

As if he really wanted to help Getia solve the problem, the boy persuaded him.

"In other worlds, there is a lot of energy."

"In the world of Honkai, there is Honkai energy, which is essentially imaginary internal energy. In the world of Tivat, the power of the leylines can also be used as energy. In addition, the source stone of the Terra continent is a renewable super energy. If you use them If it's good, it can actually provide a lot of power."

"Although it is difficult to collect heat equivalent to incinerating human body, I think this method will be gentler."

"In this way, you can transcend your past self, and you don't need to be an enemy of our group friend Romani, and you can still keep human beings alive, which is good, isn't it?"

That sounded perfectly reasonable speech is attractive to beings who have good intentions, or to some extent regard people as life.

However, it is only an existence that has good intentions towards the heart and regards human beings as things of value.

Meaning should exist above life.

If the future will eventually usher in death, then its life will have no meaning...

Human beings are mortal beings.

When they die, it will become an ethereal legend or even forgotten.


Human beings have no meaning at all, they are things that are indistinguishable from ore, the magic power floating in the air.

The existence of the same evil beast as himself is forcing himself to give up the use of the most efficient energy and use some low-energy energy...

What flashed in Goetia's eyes was the scene of King Solomon casting a spell on himself and the other demon gods.

That aloof king easily positioned himself as a prop to serve mankind...

That's the person he hates the most.

But now, the group owner's speech with almost no negotiating tone...

"It's like."

The expression of the evil beast, which itself symbolized arrogance, gradually became nostalgic.

The speech that appeared directly in the group chat left the group members in a daze. What kind of speech is this?

That high above, and today's Romani are completely two extreme noble men.

There was nostalgia in those eyes.

If this scene were filmed and shown to outsiders, it would probably give people the illusion that he and Romani were the best partners.

"It's really similar to that incompetent king!!"

Almost in an instant, the man's expression changed, and the resentment in his eyes filled with nostalgia was like a poisonous sickle.

He hated King Solomon because King Solomon made him subservient to others.

To this end, he launched a bottom-up change.

But now, some people are asking themselves to give up change?

Give up your resistance to fate? ! ! !

joke! ! !

Murder, overflowing in the chest of the beast of mercy.

"It's decided, I'm going to kill you!!"

That tyrant declared in the group chat!

ps: emmm, the last chapter looked very watery probably because it was only half a chapter.

I had a busy day at the start of school yesterday, and I was so sleepy at night that I fell asleep halfway through writing.

However, since everyone feels water, then let's speed up the plot.

Chapter 11 Go, liberate the White Titan and the Mother of Origins

Imaginary space, crown time temple.

The king named Getia sat high on the temple, his eyes uncertain.

He sat quietly on the throne, frowning.

Almost everyone, seeing this scene, can guess that this majestic king is being troubled by problems.

"My king, are you regretting it?"

Seemingly aware of the change in Getia's expression, among the many Demon God Pillars under the throne, the Demon God representing Barbatos couldn't help asking softly.

After his voice, the other Demon God Pillars also nodded in agreement.

Just now, Goetia broke with the group leader.

This is the great cause of the burning of human principles, and they have an additional enemy.

Among the enemies, suddenly there was a group leader who claimed to be the fifth beast, which was very bad news for Gaetia.

How difficult it is to deal with beasts, Getia, who is one of the beasts, knows better than everyone else.

And that group of masters, while being beasts, are also travelers wandering the heavens.

A traveler who travels between different worlds can obtain resources that are absolutely unimaginable.

So, that man is mostly a completed beast, and most of them have power from another world.

The difficulty of fighting and winning it is completely different from the grasshoppers that crushed Chaldea.

The people of Chaldea are just ants that can be concocted at any time.

And the fifth beast that has been in a different dimension for a long time is a liger in the true sense, and if it fights against it, it will be swallowed up by it if it is not careful.

"Actually, it's not a bad thing to agree to his request."

In the Demon God Pillar group, someone spoke like this.

This is also a reasonable idea.

The group master holds the power to travel between different worlds. If he and his party agree to him, they may be able to share that power in the future.

Facing the shaking of his subordinates, the man on the throne could not help but let out a cold snort. He stared at the Demon God Pillar who had just spoken, and the ice in his eyes seemed to freeze time and space.

The Demon God Pillar, which was stared at by his gaze, was silent for a moment.

"Accepting the bones thrown by the superiors, and wagging their tails since then... That kind of thing, just thinking about it makes people feel like vomiting."

"We started our great cause in order to surpass everything on this planet and become the supreme. If we obey others, what is the difference between obeying human beings in the past?"

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