With the book of omniscience, the boy who could know the past and the present was greatly shocked when he watched the latest situation at the dining table.

Before, I only focused on working hard in different worlds, I didn't pay much attention to group chats, and I didn't have a deep understanding of group friends.

Now that I have flipped through the book of omniscience, all kinds of emotions have arisen in my heart for a while.

It turns out that the group of friends can live like this?

"What's the matter, Mr. Minister?"

Out of curiosity, the lady maid who was temporarily separated from Hollander asked curiously while making tea for a certain guy.

"Something interesting happened."

"We can watch a good show next."

Looking forward to it, the smile on the boy's face when Romani and Merlin met was almost impossible to hide.

"Good show?"

There was a little joy on the face of the scumbag maid who was also a Leziren in nature.

She's fine with that.


Su Han nodded.

Before that good show, though, he had to deal with another thing.

Thinking like this, he clicked on the avatar of a group friend.

On that head, the man sitting on the throne looked like a god.

Chapter 9 Are you here to declare war?

Getia's mood is very complicated, very complicated.

In the first days, in his knowledge, Solomon was the greatest king in the world.

He cut off the age of gods, created modern magic, and created the seventy-two demon gods for the salvation of human beings.

However, with his refusal to transform the inferiority of human beings, the mentality of Getia, who is an aggregate of the seventy-two demon **** pillars, has changed.

He began to despise Solomon.

And now...

His cognition was baptized again.

This product is simply the same incombustible large garbage as Merlin.

Sure enough, the next step is to quickly burn all human principles and turn them into nutrients for the future.

Watching the duo in the crowning art style ripping each other out, Getia felt a rare feeling of tiredness.

Why is there such a fool in the world?

Happy backstab?

Is this interesting?

Goetia, who was infinitely close to a purely rational creature, shook his head, and then clicked on the group chat.

Although Romani is an idiot, the group chat he is in is quite interesting.

With a little attention, interesting things can be said.

As long as you get the consent of your group friends, you can reach another world.

If it is burned together with the human principles of another world, my spiritual foundation will definitely expand to its limit.

It is very clear that his limit is not just thinking of the devil who replaces the earth.

The type month beast is a group with a high ceiling.

As the cancer of human nature, they will continue to grow stronger with the birth, expansion and destruction of human nature.

If he can encounter a world where human beings are extremely prosperous, his personality will be elevated to a level that can only be called outrageous.

Therefore, if you can reproduce the human principles and burn them in other worlds, your personality will continue to improve.

Perhaps it is because of the unbearable ugliness of human beings, or because he hates his creator, the desire to improve his personality is unprecedentedly high in Goetia today.

If you can use some benefits to make group friends your coordinates, then. There is a high probability that he will be able to take off.

The Demon King soon thought of a way to make a fortune.

Therefore, the first thing to convince is the group leader,

Getia groaned.

A group chat is a group.

Since there is a group, there will naturally be a distinction between upper and lower ranks.

The person who is the group owner definitely has much higher authority than group friends in the group chat.

And those permissions are undoubtedly powerful.

For his own promotion plan, then, it is necessary for him to contact him.

The man named Getia looked at the man who seemed to appease Romani just now, and wanted to open his private chat.

However, before he clicked on it, the private chat page had already jumped out.

"Nice to meet you, my compatriot."

In the group chat, the man who was the group leader spoke like this.

fellow? !

Getia frowned.

As a fusion of the seventy-two Demon God Pillars, his essence is also a Demon God Pillar.

However, the Demon God Pillar was Solomon's creation, and he only had seventy-three.

What the **** is this guy who claims to be his own countryman?

Although he intended to get closer to this guy, the guy's reaction was simply abnormal.

I couldn't understand why this guy who didn't know him, Gaetia, who called himself a compatriot, couldn't help frowning.

"Don't understand? Beast - Mercy brother."

Seemingly predicting Goetia's mood with intuition, the boy replied in a prompt tone.

Those words made Getia's expression congeal.

Compassion - A sense of pride that people feel sad and disappointed with.

If speaking as an emotion, it is only one of many human emotions, and there is nothing to say.

However, if it is connected with the word beast, it is different.

This is the **** of Getiah.

It is also Getiah's sin and merit.

From the perspective of beasts, then there are only a few other beasts who can be brothers with the first beast, the beast of mercy.

Visible to the naked eye, the face of the king in the Temple of Time turned gloomy.

Is the beast a compatriot?

Human evil refers to various disasters that threaten human history and destroy human beings.

They have no malice towards human beings, as long as they want a better future, they show their fangs to the current tranquility.

Yes, want a better future.

As a "cancer" born with human nature, every beast doesn't like this world and tries to make it what it wants to be.

Getia wants to replace the earth with himself.

Tiamat wants to return to the identity of the creator goddess and continue to raise children.

The devilish bodhisattva wants to fill the entire universe with his own desires.

Gamma looks forward to a world without love and depleted of love.

Cathy Paluger longs for a slut...ahem, that doesn't count.


Except for Merlin beasts, each beast will transform the world according to its own ideas.

However, there is only one earth in this world.

Gaetia would not want to have a Goddess of Creation on her body that can erode the world, the devilish Bodhisattva who tries to fill the universe with love, and Kama who no longer wants to love. ..

You can imagine how bad the relationship between these guys is.

If this group of beasts call each other brothers and sisters, then it is estimated that this is also the brotherhood of Huanong.

So, which beast is this guy?

return? Eros? Compare? ...

Getia's mood was unprecedentedly solemn.

He is the first beast himself, and he knows how difficult the beast is.

Taking Getia as an example, his body is located in the endless imaginary world, and only his projection is walking in the outside world.

If no one can destroy the Crown Time Temple as a container, then no matter how many times he is killed, he will be resurrected in the Time Temple.

The immortality of the returning beast is reflected in its "mother of all things" nature.

As long as there are her children in the world, she is immortal. Therefore, even the **** Wang An and his two close friends who are the prototype of Yawei can't kill her, they can only exile her...

If you don't crack the immortality of beast, beast is simply incomprehensible.

Getia's expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

The enemy is an existence that is the same as the beast.

If it decides to change the world according to its own ideas, then. Next, you will meet the biggest enemy in your life.

No, if he is a beast, he will only be his own enemy! ! !

I am not the same as this guy...

"Are you here to declare war?"

Looking at the message from the group owner who claimed to be his compatriot, Getia's expression was as cold as a knife.

Chapter 10 is decided, I'm going to kill you! !

declare war?

Such an interesting statement made Su Han stunned.

As soon as he came up and declared war, this guy was brave enough.

No, that shouldn't be said.

It should be said that the relationship between beast and beast is worse than he imagined.

Su Han, who never wanted to have a good relationship with Getia, had a slight smile on his mouth.

As the group owner, he has been curious about one thing.

Because the previous group owner died, the group chat quickly started a lottery and made himself the new group owner.

Well, here comes the question.

The impact of the group leader's death is the group leader election.

So, what impact will the death of a group member have on group chat?

If one group friend is suddenly missing, will a new group friend be added?

Or, will the killing of each other by group members trigger some mechanism of group chat, setting a rule similar to "killing each other between group members"?

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