Are they siblings?

Merlin, that old stick, do you have any siblings?

Romani was lost in thought.

But, no matter what, this is proof that Mei Li really exists.

Extremely frightened, he was relieved that he spent all his property and was given away by Romani, who took the money to Uruk's female ticket.

"It's a girl, not Merlin."

Looking at the photos, Romani breathed a sigh of relief, and then scolded Getiah while saving it.

"Look, it's said that Mei Li is the idol that Merlin recruited."

"Getia, I said it. You don't understand love, because you don't understand people's hearts, you even downgraded my clairvoyance!!"

In Gaetia's slightly gloomy expression, the former Saint King declared loudly like a villain.

Should not be!

My own clairvoyance is EX level, how could it be wrong?

Gaetia looked at the introduction of the group chat—the group members could come from different worlds, and pondered.

Different worlds, different dimensions, parallel worlds, world lines...

A sympathetic smile appeared at the corners of Gaetia's mouth.

Is that so?

"Before making a conclusion, you'd better ask if the person involved is the one you know."

Just like a demon that lured people into hell, the voice of the demon **** who was dominating the Temple of Time brought an unprecedented joy.

He couldn't help wanting to see the next expression of Romani.

"Is the person involved... someone I know?"

In the face of Getia's questioning, the man rarely showed his arrogance and became angry.

"The title is Magical Girl Merry-chan, a beautiful girl, and a first-class idol..."

"you still need to ask--"

Before the words could be finished, the dream girl interrupted them.

"But, I've never been an idol."

"Also, this name was proposed by the existence of my 'I' in this world line, emm, who may be called 'brother'."

"He said this identity, maybe it will bring me very interesting things."

The man who can be called Merry's brother...

The face of a handsome white-haired man popped out of Romagni's mind without warning, and began to overlap with Merlin in his memory...

Merlin...probably, seems, seems to be Meryl.

As if being watched by Medusa's pupils, the doctor who was leading Fujimaru Tachika and Mash away stopped under the bewildered expressions of the two girls, and his bright eyes turned into dead ashes.

Thousands of words, turned into one word—

Dry! !

Chapter 8: The Mother-in-law who hides murderous intentions

Merly is Merlin's skin as vtb.

This kind of news fell into the ears of the former holy king and now the otaku, making his expression as if he was forced to eat blue cheese and look up at the stars, and then drink a bowl of soy juice along the way...

I'd rather die...

Such thoughts flashed through the man's mind.

Solomon was born to be a "king".

His heart was not moved, and besides, he was also a non-human being deprived of the freedom to feel the joys and sorrows of people.

After becoming a human, Solomon finally acquired the humanity of a human named Roman.

Or because his wish was to become an ordinary person, the new Roman had no superhuman will or philosophical ideas, and was a normal person.

As the reincarnation of King Solomon, his character should have been similar to his previous life.

However, after seeing the beauty of the world, Romani also became afraid of death. After all, if he died, then the beautiful world today would have nothing to do with him.

He is Solomon, but by no means a holy king ordained by God, weeping, timid, fearful...

Because of the craving for the beauty of the present, once in a dilemma, in order to maintain the status quo, they will choose not to make any decisions, keep observation or retreat.

When faced with the burning of the human principle that can only be solved by suicide, this greedy king was praying almost every day when preparing to liberate the last Noble Phantasm, and quickly come to a hero to solve the disaster, so that he can continue to be an ordinary person survives

However, under the guidance of special circumstances, Mr. Solomon's consciousness seems to have changed a little...

The world is no longer worth it.

"You are wrong, Getiah. It is true that all things are not forever, and what awaits them in the end is only pain. But these are by no means despair. Face the existence of death and cessation with a limited life. come to an end, but keep repeating the existence of separation and encounter.”

In the dazed expressions of Miss Lixiang and Matthew, the gray face of the man named Romney suddenly became hopeless, as if the next moment can be detached and side by side with the Awakened.

Like Olga, the king of Mars, he chanted at high speed.

"...A splendid journey, like a momentary journey of stars. This is a story called love and hope."

Su Han's eyelids, who had been paddling at the words, twitched.

If he remembered correctly, that speech seemed to be the doctor's last speech in the Temple of Crown Time.

It seemed that the fact that Mei Li was Merlin really hit the doctor hard.

The blow was so severe that the doctor who would absolutely "fantasy about having a savior to solve the problem, just lie down and be fine" unless he had to, began to sing after knowing that the demon king of savior had arrived.

Even the pre-temporary lines popped up! !

"Lixiang, Matthew, quickly prepare the holy relic of Merlin, the British national teacher, for me, and then I will bring Merlin to fight with Getiah!!"

Including the pain of being puaed by a man, the man roared, obviously full of pride, but it was enough to make the insider cry fake tears for his tragic encounter.

"Okay, okay. The joke ends here."

Feeling that there was no stopping him, the doctor really wanted to bring Su Han, who was changing Merlin's limit one by one, to speak at this moment and come out to smooth things out.

"I already know about Merlin. Next, I'll take a loan and buy you some revenge props."

Su Han casually flipped through the mall page, then took a screenshot of the newly refreshed pattern of a certain item and privately sent it to Romani.

Niangwuquan. Enhanced version: 6000 points (stock 3)

Niangwuquan - from the Japanese manga and animation "Ranma 1/2", the mysterious spring of Curse Spring Township.

The origin is Quanjing Mountain, Bayan Har Mountain, Qinghai Province. It is said that a young girl drowned in the spring 1,500 years ago, and all those who fell into it after that were cursed and turned into young girls.

The protagonist of the story, Saotome Ranma, was cursed by her, and if she was splashed with cold water, she would turn into a very cute girl.

The solution is to pour hot water immediately.

However, it is the original product, the system dares to mark the price of two stigmata, this Niangwuquan is definitely not as simple as in the past.

According to the management, he has always been keen on collecting, and has already used the entire Terra Mine as a source of points. For Su Han, who can buy goods with points under 10,000 with his eyes closed, he bought a copy.

Soon, the Niangduquan, which had a stock of three, turned into two.

"If you don't soak in hot water, you'll be cursed forever."

A man who has been soaked in this enhanced spring, as long as he does not soak in the hot water all day, can only give up his handle and become a backstreet girl.

Looking at the description, Romani's face instantly took on the evil that made Getia horrified.

Merlin, your end has come.

"Please be sure to lend me six thousand points."

In the field of private chat, a man named Romani quickly signed a loan agreement with Su Han, obtained points, exchanged for an enhanced version of Niangwuquan, and then began to laugh wildly.

Merlin, Merlin! !

You, who deeply love human stories, will never let human nature go extinct, will you?

Maybe it won't follow all the year round, but after all, it will still appear once or twice, right?

When we meet, it will be your death! !

"...Then, can that expression really be called a holy king?"

Miss Mei Li, who was in another world, was in contact with an isomorph who might be called her brother, and she couldn't help but complain when she saw the picture of Romani laughing wildly that he sent over.

"Is Messiah blind? Find such a thing as a wedge to cut off the age of God."

"It's more reliable to find Sun Monkey than him!!"

Sun Wukong, one of the famous heroic gods in China, is a **** but a rebel who stands on the opposite side of gods and Buddhas.

The holder is of the same character as the holy spear, and the divine weapon aimed at the physical laws on the surface of the world-Dinghai Divine Needle, its own combat power is even more outrageous, the mystery of one finger can match the holy sword.

If there is the Lord of Armies in the background, maybe he can really become the one who cuts off the Age of Gods.

"That kind of thing, who knows?"

Now in a pink business place in Uruk at the seventh singularity, the dream demon, who was helping the strayed woman, raised his pants, and then he shouted "It's on the account of King Gilgamesh", and began to talk to Miss Mei Li. Keep wrangling.

"But then again, is there anything interesting in the group chat you joined?"


The naturally intelligent Miss Mei Li kept inquiring about the function of the group, and then she found the group store.

Among them, the item named Niang Niquan attracted her attention.

The attack bonus is 0, and the defense bonus is 0. It cannot bring any positive benefits to oneself. The only function is to frame others and make the deceived lose their grip. Since then, they can only exist as beautiful girls.

Invitation letter for group chat members...Holy Sword. I've agreed to let the old lady win...Soulsteel body...

Compared with other props in the group chat store, this prop that costs as much as 6,000 is obviously not cost-effective.

However, it is such a product, and it has already sold two...

After seeing the limited number of three and the stock of one, Mei Li couldn't help but have a smile of tax evasion on her face.

It seems that there are many like-minded people in this group.

So, who bought these two Niangwuquan?

Miss Mei Li quietly took a screenshot, then revised the points column to 12,000, and sent it to another "her".

"This is a store in this group. By submitting items or high-energy substances, you can get points and exchange for items. This function is quite interesting."

"In addition, as long as I agree, I seem to be able to go to the world of group friends."

"There's definitely a Romani in there!!"

"Romani's expression like I'm so successful, saying he's not ready to take revenge on me, that's definitely a ghost!!"

Almost instantly, the corners of Merlin's mouth twitched slightly by Romani's calculation.

Hell, I just lied to him for a little money and a little emotion, so what?

What is the relationship between the three crowned warlocks?

"However, since you are unkind, don't blame me for justice."

That man, who could be called a holy sword wholesaler, opened his inventory without hesitation and buried it somewhere in Uruk.

"Next, you should know what to do, another me."

The dream demon man smiled at his other self.

"After all, according to the principle that I am a scumbag, as another me, you probably have a lot of hands on the price. With so many points, it should be enough as an employment fee."

"Hey, eat the king's wealth, divide the king's worries."

The first business match was to kill another woman who had slapped herself with a knife, smiling like a flower.

In the expression of "old man, subway, mobile phone" of Gaetia, who is also the holder of clairvoyance, a counter-kill plan against Romani quietly started.

"What an outrageous story."

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