Next, just ignore Getia's rebellious son and let him bb here.

After Su Han hits the Temple of Time, he will try to use this body to practice the martial arts he learned in his previous life.

As long as he can master 30% of the martial arts in his previous life, that's fine.

The doctor, who is now outrageously poor, consoles himself.

At that time, it should be more attractive to girls to perform a traditional Israeli martial arts...

After losing the responsibility of saving the world, Mr. Romani, whose mind was completely captured by Merlin, thought.

...It would be too embarrassing to leave like this.

Thinking like this, before closing the chat group, Romani racked his brains to think about how to make his Nilu act more handsome.

Yes, be philosophical.

This will give you a sense of depth...

Have to be a little more sincere.

Otherwise, if the light has depth, it will be too high and cold.

"Getiah, you still don't understand love."

The man who was simply in a situation of great pressure, and who was tempted by "Meili" after pouring out his emotions, shook his head and put on the attitude of someone who had come over.

Don't know love?

Gettya said hello on the spot.

I had a duel with this king of humiliation, but this guy didn't understand love with me?

This guy has a poisonous brain! !

"Perhaps, the shadow of my past restrained you and made you the monster you are today."

The man sighed, causing the people around him to suddenly feel a sense of ignorance.

"But, you have to know that I was wrong in the past. The king who is too arrogant is too far away from the world, and he will always live in the identity of 'king'."

What the **** are you talking about! !

Gaetia, who couldn't understand what the hubby was talking about with herself, felt the arrogance in those words, and her already powerful anger seemed to have been poured into another layer of oil.

However, Romani, who was unaware of this, really shook his head like a narcissist who was obsessed with looking at himself in the mirror in order to maintain the image in front of the silent Mellie, and taught the way of licking the dog.

"You are also in a relationship. If you can also meet a girl who makes your heart move, you will understand that excessive rationality is a disease."

"When you have a loved one, you will understand that being a lonely existence is far from the happiness of being cared for in the world by a loved one."

What are these things talking about?

The eyelids of Gaetia, who was far away in the Temple of Time, were twitching wildly.

He didn't quite understand what Romani was trying to say.

However, the general idea was that he understood.

Promote love?

In the field of vision, there was a scene of Merlin laughing at the corners of the Demon God's mouth gradually bringing a cruel smile.

In that case, incompetent king, let me, as your former subordinate, break your delusions!

At the moment when Romani was overjoyed for speaking about his emotions, feeling that he could gain a lot of experience, and then he could ask Merlin to ask for someone and bring the beauty back, the ultimate attack of the devil named Getia had arrived.

Nightmare, passed into Romani's ears...

"The Mei Li you are after is actually Merlin."

Chapter 7 As we all know, Mei Li and Mei Li cannot be generalized

Magic Merry is a very mysterious existence in Chaldea.

It is clear that the principle of human beings has been burned, and the Internet on the earth has disappeared but is still active as an online idol. Online support for Solomon who has turned into a human.

"I'm afraid Merlin is doing the trick behind this. He obviously doesn't intend to help me, so he's just complaining one by one. If that's the case, then I'll follow your thoughts."

In fact, Solomon, who hopes that Merlin, who is also one of the three crowns of the magic rank, will come down to help, with this idea in mind, started a lonely conversation with Magic☆Merry.

But because of this, Magic☆Merry brings healing to Solomon every day.


Although in the eyes of the vast majority of Chaldean employees, the situation is more like his temporary director being pua, a peerless scumbag, who is constantly dedicating his meager salary.

However, even though countless Chaldean employees tried to make the acting director change their minds with all kinds of hints and even introduced their daughters from the seven aunts and eight aunts, the director was indeed on the road of licking dogs on vtb. Take it to the extreme...indulge in your own fantasy.

However, a certain Mr. Kim, who did not want to be named, once said, "Dreams are about to wake up after all."

But now, the king who has been indulging in his fantasy has ushered in the cruelest emotional blow since his reincarnation.

Merlin, the great magician in King Arthur's legend, the leader of the king, is also the assistant and close friend of King Arthur's right and left hands.

Perhaps it is because the crown three warlocks have the power to see the past and the future, so even if they haven't met, the crown three warlocks know each other.

This is why Mr. Solomon has been hurting Merlin.

This **** doesn't talk about friendship at all, and would rather stay in Avalon and get moldy without coming to help.

I'm not alone with Miss Merry, who has been encouraging me all the time.

The man who regarded Merry as the greatest consolation in his life thought so.

"What are you kidding!!"

"Merry is the anchor hired by Merlin, what are you doing here?"

Romani blushed, and the veins on his forehead burst out.

"How can you insult Miss Mei Li like this?! You bastard, you have to get a lawsuit for ruining someone's reputation!!"

That fierce speech as if Kong Yiji was alive made the people in the group chat seem to be infected by memes, laughing loudly, and the group was filled with all kinds of joyful atmosphere.

"no, I can not."

A layer of cold sweat appeared on Romani's head, who had already smelled an unpleasant breath.

He is very clear about Getia's ability.

After all, it was the body of Romani's previous life.

One of its skills is clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance: EX

good vision. The capture of distant targets and the improvement of dynamic vision. If the level is high, it can also achieve perspective or future vision.

As a contemporary crown caster, Solomon's clairvoyance can be regarded as the clairvoyance of clairvoyance, able to see through the past and the future, as well as the present to a certain extent.

In addition, clairvoyance is a skill possessed by the body. In theory, this is a power that can be used at any time, just like the writing wheel in the legend of Seven Villages Brawl Eyes.

So Getiah can use that near omniscient vision...

Recalling the power of the magic eye transformed by God's wisdom, Romani only felt his brain go dark.

"You don't think that under the skin of vtb are all beautiful girls."

The Demon God who inherited Romani's ability to see through the past and the future laughed mercilessly.

Although this Xiongtai has no emotions in theory, but if this Xiongtai really has no emotions at all, how could he possibly plot to become the number one beast?

Seeing the red-eyed expression of a certain doctor through clairvoyance, he laughed wildly.

The ridiculous king, the ridiculous encounter, and the ridiculous expression are really a perfect match.

"No, no, no."

"Some people really don't know that things like vtb can only be enjoyed. It's possible under the holster."

The information of the clairvoyant holder is absolutely accurate...

So, is Merly really Merlin?

The time of birth has come, and with it all things are fixed. The time has come to wear the crown, to inspire Vientiane. God, I want to return to you the blessings you have bestowed upon you. No. 1 Noble Phantasm, perform again. —ArsNova.

Such words sounded in the mind of the man who wanted to cry in pain.

It's time to say goodbye, let go of the world

Grade: D

Type: Anti-human Noble Phantasm


Maximum catch: 1 person

The Noble Phantasm possessed by the real King Solomon.

A farewell poem to renounce all the greatness he has accomplished so far, the miracles accomplished, the magics accomplished, and everything else. As long as he activates this Noble Phantasm, Solomon's favor from God will be returned to heaven, and he will lose his eyes on the world.

The effect is the death of King Solomon, and with Solomon's death, Solomon's traces will be wiped from the world and everything based on its existence will be reduced to nothingness.

Naturally, it includes the humanistic salvation formula that resides in its body—the Seventy-two Demon God Pillars.

The ten precepts whose activation condition is God's gift gather together.

Romani holds one in his hand, and Gaetia in the Temple of Crown Time has nine.

Theoretically, as long as Romani and Getia meet, this ruthless beast whose output may be even more ferocious than Su Han can return to the west on the spot.

Do your uncle! !

Gaetia, do you dare to fight with the Lord in the Temple of Crown Time! !

The idea of ​​​​pulling Getia's self-destruction is now rushing in the doctor's mind, like the first brother of Bang, who was scared by his grandmother and ran away with the train on his back.

No, not so much...

There are other possibilities.

There is no need to go to the Temple of Crown Time to pull it now

Romani looked at the group chat list with difficulty.

There, magical girl Merry-chan was also among them.

"Miss Merry, please say something to prove yourself."

I don't care if I can catch up with Meili, I just want to prove that I didn't become Tom's crown magician by Merlin pua, and I prayed in my heart.

God, you have bless me so many times, bless me again!

Perhaps because Lord God heard the request of the Holy King, miracles began to appear.

"I'm really Merry."

In the other world, Miss Dream Demon used clairvoyance with great interest to observe the vague present of the parallel world, and flipped through the chat records along the way.

With superb intelligence, she quickly pieced together the truth.

On a certain world line, a demon king named Getia took over the body of the reincarnated Holy King Solomon and caused disaster.

As one of the three crowned warlocks, the "self" of the world line did not join hands, but chose the reincarnated holy king of women's clothes pua to give him comfort (confidence).

Fun, really fun.

Since Arthur died, she hadn't encountered such a fun thing in a long time.

Without much hesitation, the beauty who lived above the tower took a few pictures of herself and sent them to the group chat.

In the photo, the white-haired elf girl is standing on the tower, and she is very beautiful.

The ears are so pointed that they are not human at first glance.

The whole person has a dreamy taste, and the race can basically be determined to be a dream demon.

White hair, purple eyes...

It's a girl who overlaps with Merlin a lot.

For some reason, Romani felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Before that, he hadn't noticed it, but looking at the similarity between Merlin and Mery now, it seemed astonishingly high.

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