This guy's group qualifications are even higher than his own group leader.

Besides Romani, who else would use the title Solomon the Magic King?

Su Han's mouth twitched.

That's Getia!

Longevity, the boss has joined the group!

Chapter 6 Doctor, you have to guess, who is the real body of the person you are after?

Solomon, the most famous king in human history.

The king of wisdom recorded in the Bible.

Regardless of merit, the world famous may even surpass the kings above Alexander the Great and the First Emperor.

The anecdotes and legends that do not accept the wisdom given by God and the legend of the demon gods make him a model worker among many works.

There are indeed a large number of beings called Solomons in different worlds.

Although they have different abilities, different personalities, and may not even have Jill, they are indeed all Solomons.

One of the true vampire ancestors that Su Han had beaten before was an existence named Solomon.

Now on the side, Romani, who has been puaed by Merlin all the year round, is also Solomon.

It is conceivable that if all the people named Solomon are pulled over, this group chat can be blown up by the huge number of people.

If it was just the name "Solomon", Su Han would never know who the newcomer was.

But if you add the title of "Magic King", it will be different.

After all, other than Xingyue, who would call spells magic!

Without any hesitation, Su Han clicked on the group chat.


Not surprisingly, he saw a brand new group of friends.

The head portrait of the group is impressively the blue-haired king in the Temple of Time.

Absolutely, it's really Gaitia.

The expression of the teenager who was still discussing with Romani about how to solve the human disaster just now was a little subtle.

What the **** is this?

Does this count as the Eastern Ying Republic joining the anti-Japanese united front?

Then, he couldn't help but look at another newcomer.

The head of the group is a young girl with white hair and elf ears full of vitality.

Well, if this image is true, it's Merly, who is even more crumbly than Merlin.

But considering Dr. Romani's title of No. 1 on the list, this person may also be Merlin who has no morals.

They are all related to doctors.

Su Han sighed with emotion, and then began to play dead.

He wanted to see what these two group friends who had close ties with the doctor could do in the group chat.

"Stupid and incompetent king, are you here too?"

As if there was some kind of soul induction in the dark, the man who was far away from the Temple of Time watched the group chat, and sneered at the man who was the Dragon King by blowing the Merlin water group all the year round.

That's Getia.

A collection of seventy-two demon gods. One of the Seven Great Human Evils, a beast with the principle of "compassion", and the mastermind behind the Human Principle Burning Incident.

Act faithfully to one's own desires, and the more one sacrifices it, the more joyously they laugh and sneer. It is a figure with a body like cruelty, viciousness and tyranny.

I will never recognize human freedom and depreciate human happiness from the bottom of my heart. Even the breath comes from the rejection of human beings, the magic king who blasphemes.

The above is all bullshit.

Gaetia's personality is based on "Solomon" who has almost no feelings and the seventy-two demon gods.

The grim tone, coupled with the constraints of the seventy-two personalities, made Goetia's feelings so weak that it could be said to be a purely rational creature.

In this way, he has basically no interest in the demise and survival of mankind.

The reason for wanting to destroy human beings is that Solomon, on the premise of knowing the hopelessness and ugliness of human beings, did not choose to correct it, and finally accepted death, and hoped that the Seventy-two Demon God Pillar would protect the principle of human beings in his place.

However, the demon gods did not agree with it, and asserted that human beings are worthless, but as demon gods, they were set at the beginning of Solomon's creation as "if they are not enslaved by humans, they cannot exist".

Although they are high-dimensional beings, they have to live in human beings. Such "waste" makes them deeply ashamed.

Getia was unwilling to accept this kind of contradiction and dishonesty, and took the initiative to initiate self-reform to prove that he was the highest existence on this planet, even himself.

And slaughtering human beings is just because human nature is an extremely efficient energy source, which can help him reach the beginning of the birth of the earth and devour the earth and replace this planet.

However, even with such apathy, Goetia is only close to being emotionless, not a thoroughly rational creature.

After all, there are one or two people or things that can arouse his emotions.

For example-

his creator.

The man named Getia sat on the throne, using "Romani Archiman" as the search key, constantly flipping through the actions of his former master, his face was so gloomy as if water could drip at any time. generally.

"Merlin is the cutest in the world!"

"Hey, my Merry, little Merry, lovely Merry..."

"Ahhh, take it, Mellie, this is my last salary!!"

Every time he saw a water blowing speech with Romani, the complexion of the demon gods sitting in the Temple of Time turned dark.

Solomon's desire was to exist as a "man" rather than a "righteous man of God."

When the Seventy-two Demon God Pillar did not fully conclude that "human beings are worthless", the most common thing to think about is "Lord King Solomon is doing this, there must be some deep meaning."

This idea was later replaced by the idea that "the king is too cowardly to escape his responsibility to change humanity."

Now the result is out.

The devils are all wrong.

The man sitting on the throne slammed heavily on the handle of the throne, and the veins on his face exploded like an angry snake.

This superb product is not only meaningless, but also does not seem to be escaping reality...

His Tamaow's brain is a bit icy! !

Have you ever been loyal to such a licking dog? !

It’s okay to lick women. After all, this is analyzed from a rational point of view. The ultimate licking skill may be able to move some women with good characters and contribute to future reproduction...


What is Romani licking? !

A cheap dreamer disguised as a beautiful girl?

Still male! !

The Demon God, who had the eyes to see through the past and the future, looked at the extremely wasteful former owner, and there was an explosion of infinite anger in his heart, like an erupting Yellowstone volcano.

"Incompetent king, no, the ultimate waste on this planet, why didn't you leave this world earlier!"

Without any hesitation, the demon **** aggregate that once served Solomon faced the former master who had been kneeling and licking Merlin, his voice extremely cold.

"You are the most cowardly... no, the most incompetent king in human history!"

"As your creature, it is the greatest humiliation of me-Getia!!"

The most cowardly, no, the most inept king?

When such words came out, several group friends who were still present were stunned.

Although everyone has guessed that Dr. Romani probably had a rather illustrious past, but...

However, the way that guy knelt down and licked Meili was too outrageous, and it was really hard to draw him closer to the king, a profession that never lacked women.

"This scumbag is actually the creator of the person who burns the human principle?"

Because of the employment of the King of Mining, Miss Irena, who escaped from the anti-entropy industry that was established in Terra and opened a branch in Tivat, couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.


This is really outrageous, **** open the door to outrageous, outrageous home.

Miss Irena didn't know much about the doctor, but she heard a lot of news about the burning of human principles from Su Han.

"Irrespective of the affinity, its originator is a super boss who is not weaker than Mio Tsokiya, and may even be better."

Su Han once said so.

Irena is quite clear about how terrifying Chong Gong Mio is. There are no weaknesses that seem to be set up from the beginning, let alone let Su Han go solo, the whole group is tied up, and it is estimated that they will have to be Hit the street.

As a result, the super boss of the same rank as Takamiya Mio is actually Dr. Romani, who has been appearing in the group chat as the first place on the list?

"It's really a ha."

Miss Irena expressed her emotions.

Equally emotional was Tohsaka Rin, who was preparing to go to Su Han to see if he could solve his own problems.

This young lady Mu, who had been studying the remaining tricks of King Solomon's disciples since she was a child, widened her eyes.

King Solomon, the man who represents the formal separation of man and god, the creator of all modern magic.

In theory, as long as the uncle greeted him, the entire clock tower would have to kneel down and shout "Master Shizu".

-The Clock Tower was built by Solomon's disciples.

"Doctor King Solomon?"

"is that a lie!"

"If King Solomon is a dead man, the God who likes him...isn't he a dead man?"

Miss Tohsaka Rin murmured, and said words that were enough to make most Christians furious.

The words from the two group friends made the doctor who was already a waste of material involuntarily show a polite but embarrassing expression.

I'm really sorry he's a dead man.

"If you still have the courage, come to the Temple of Crown Time and decide your grievances with me."

The Demon God, who watched the previous master being ridiculed, drank in a low voice.

Before that, he had always thought that it was the most shameful thing in this world that a noble demon must be controlled by humans.

After looking through Romani's chat records, his mentality changed a little.

It is the most shameful thing to be made by this dead licking dog of Romani!

The ghost wants to decide the feud with you! !

If it was some time ago, Mr. Romani would definitely be hesitant now.

After all, compared to Su Han, his restraint on Getiah is even higher.

As long as he walks up to Getia and casts the last magic, Getia, who is one of the current type of moon ceilings, will die, and the human body burn will end here.

But now there is Su Han in front of him.

Unless you crossed into the Swordsman Tower, and ran away with a donkey when you were defeated, you were accidentally kicked in the head by the donkey's hoof, otherwise, who would trade their own limits for one when a teammate led them to win?

The only thing that makes me feel a little bit heartbroken is probably that my image in front of Miss Mei Li is gone.

Romani groaned inwardly.

In addition to this noisy rebel, the new group friends also have their own idol Mei Li.

If he can, he obviously hopes that he can beat Gaetia in front of Miss Meili, so as to gain Miss Meili's longing and admiration...


With the pain tag of Ishtar losing his fortune, Romani is ready to close the group chat.

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