
A fluttering word fell into her ears, and her expression suddenly became stiff.

"I reject."

ps: I suddenly found that Xiaori...zi lived a good neighbor, and the land area is quite large, similar to Yunnan.

Chapter 5 Doctor, your end is coming

"I reject."

In the slightly dazed expression of Fujimaru Tachika, the young man opened his mouth with the same smile, but his refusal was beyond words.

"I really can't do anything about teaching magic to outsiders. In other words, even if I have that ability, I don't really want to teach magic to others."

Not interested in teaching magic to outsiders? !

Such a statement is undoubtedly unbelievable.

Because, not long ago, Su Han said with a smile that he would be Fujimaru Tachika's teacher, willing to let her learn by his side, and urge her to improve...

Such a man, when Fujimaru Rika asked him to teach magic, said such words...

There is no doubt that this is an extremely outrageous thing.

Here, to say that there is no inside story is definitely a ghost.

So what was it that made the teacher refuse to teach himself magic all of a sudden?

Recalling his extremely rare magic circuit, probably a little better than Webber's, Fujimaru Tachika's eyes suddenly dimmed a bit.

His magic talent is not good.

Almost forgot about this.

In this world, there are two worlds of genius and mortal.

The man named Kadok spent his whole life chasing the figures of the other members of the same group, but he couldn't even touch the corners of his clothes.

A man named Weber has endless ideas, but he can only teach his students, hoping that they can replace him to achieve breakthroughs in the field of magic.

This is just a magic circuit at the level of a normal first-generation magician. I am afraid that in the eyes of the teacher, it is simply a waste.

The corners of Fujimaru Rika's mouth were slightly bitter.

Otherwise, how could he have said such cruel words all of a sudden?

"I see..."

The girl bowed to Su Han during the time when Su Han felt inexplicable, with a gloomy expression.

"I shouldn't have caused you any trouble, I'm really sorry."

Sorry, sorry for what?

Su Han's expression was a little confused.

There's a reason he doesn't want to teach Fujimaru Tatsuka-type moon magic.

The current upper limit of type moon magic is probably Gaitia, and the starting point is the burning of human principles. If no one stops it, the burning of human principles will even spread to all pan-human history. It is estimated that it will gain the bonus of burning historical achievements. will become the second Yahweh.

Slightly weaker than Gaetia is probably Morgan and Medea.

The latter is an appointed magician of the top five levels of the Age of Gods, while the former is able to see through the transfer of spiritual sons at a glance, sacrificing the fantasy tree directly to the past, and opening the second week.

In the profession of magic, the upper limit is actually very good.

However, as we all know, the upper limit has nothing to do with most people.

Ordinary magicians can only cast spells by relying on the magic bases engraved in the world by their ancestors. The excellent ones can change part of the bases to a certain extent. At least a few people are able to solve all the problems by themselves. Re-establish the foundation of the land, and then be able to use magic in any area, and even combine it with the technology of the other world to push it to a higher level.

Perhaps, Fujimaru Rika will have that qualification.

It can be determined that Fujimaru Rika is Su Han, the daughter of heaven, and this possibility cannot be ruled out.

But the problem is....

Su Han is not good at magic.

Perhaps it is because the armament in his hand is too strong and his magical reserves are extremely high. Therefore, even if the inverse Kabbalah tree in his body evolves and can read the ability from his subordinates, he does not study much to be read by himself. knowledge and become a great magician.

In Irena's evaluation, "the boss is an occultist."

If the scope of mysticism is further narrowed down to the moon-shaped magic, then it is no longer a problem of infertility...

That is simply because the seven orifices have already passed through the six orifices, and none of them are understood.

Let him teach magic, he estimates that he can only kill the other members of group A overnight, turn them into his family, and then read their experience.

"Don't be so desperate."

During the time when Fujimaru Tachika was extremely depressed, the boy shrugged and said,

"I just think that it would be a bit overkill for something like the ascetic magic to be carried out by the last master of mankind."


Fujimaru Rika was stunned.

She never expected that Su Han could actually say such words.

"Don't you think it's a bit boring for the stupid improvement plan of penance magic?"

"You should have a more suitable way to become stronger."

The young man who has always been used to accumulating hard and then ascending to the sky in one step, looked at the girl who seemed to have the possibility of "chaos evil" in the future, with a slightly evil smile on his face.

The last Master of mankind, the one destined to be associated with Valhalla.

Because of their fate with Heroic Spirits, as long as they make requests, most Heroic Spirits will not mind lending their power to her, or even sign a contract to serve her.

If you turn it into a vassal, will the heroic spirit that was subjugated by it be ruled by you?

Curious, really curious.

"Old, teacher, you, you are wrong."

Listening to the speech that was almost insane, Miss Fujimaru Tachika only felt a tingling in her head.

Exploring things like magic is not worthy of yourself?


Magic is a subject that deceives the world. It is the unknown that has fascinated countless wise men. To be able to study magic is the greatest luck in life in the eyes of many aristocratic families...

Now, Su Han actually said that it is overkill to study it by himself?

The unprecedented sense of panic caused Miss Fujimaru to fall into a panic. She looked around like a frightened poor little beast.

"Trust me, you have that ability."

While the face of Miss Sedanzi was slightly green, the young man smiled and held the girl's hand, clasping his fingers together.

Heck! ! !

As soon as he came up, he started to touch the female students. What kind of ghost teacher is this? !

Miss Eggplant wanted to stop it earlier, but was stopped by Dr. Romani.

Unlike Miss Mash, who was suspected of being cuckolded and was delirious, Romani could clearly feel that Su Han had something to explain to Fujimaru Rika.


The group owner doesn't seem to be having a good time right now.

Along the crack of the door, you could almost see that half of the girls who were eating had put down their chopsticks and watched this scene with eyes that contained sharp, envious, unhappy, and watching a play.


She didn't close the door.


The temperature that belonged to the teenager was transmitted along the fingertips, and the girl's beating heart gradually calmed down for a while.

She couldn't help but raised her head slightly and looked at the boy's eyes. There seemed to be stars in the eyes... Although the stars seemed a little barren, they contained stars.

Inexplicably, a burst of courage rose up in the girl's heart.

Yes, the teacher is super strong.

If it was him, it must be right.


You really have incredible potential in yourself.

Thinking of this, Miss Fujimaru Tachika's eyes could not help but burst into a burst of brilliance.

Does that mean that he will gain the power to fight side by side with his seniors?

"You have endless possibilities, you just need to activate it."

The young man who once saw Miss Guda with an ea in one hand and a sword in the other, with a spoof picture of countless Noble Phantasms behind her back, smiled and pointed out the famous way.

"At singularity F, Chaldea has obtained a Holy Grail, hasn't it?"

"Tonight, go and take down that Holy Grail, and then let me guide you to make a wish."

After saying this, the young man smiled and pushed the girl who was very close to him away, making the sharp sword-like sight behind him stop for a while, and then turned around and entered the dinner.

Outside the door, only Mash, who had a green face, and Miss Fujimaru, who seemed a little lost, followed Romani to watch the webcast...ahem, let's go to training.

The young man closed the door while the crowd watched.


It's like splitting into many camps all at once, the girls who represent the powers of the Herrschers such as Li, Kong, Lei, Bing, etc., either have annoyance on their face, or have a smile that is not smiling, or snort coldly. One sound, no reply.

On the other side, the women's group represents physical phenomena such as wind, consciousness, and inflammation. This is a look of embarrassment, drama, and regret.

There is no doubt that the Shura Field may erupt here at any time.

But, who is Su Han?

Although a lot of panic, but the external performance is as stable as Mount Tai.

"Hi~ everyone, I'm back, would anyone like to say 'welcome back' to me?"

That was probably the boy who had stepped on the edge of life and death, speaking casually.


No response.

The girls who formed a big table were either sulking or watching a play.

"I don't mind shouting if the Minister needs it."

In that slightly embarrassing situation, the charming maid pulled a chair for Su Han with a smile and let him sit down.

"Oh oh, that's great, but I don't think it's necessary."

The teenager was sitting in his seat, drinking soup and opening the chat group to see if there were suddenly more people in the group chat now.


"Ding——, two group friends have joined your chat group."

Perhaps it was because the group chat gradually emerged from the shadow of the group owner's sudden death. This time, two voices sounded in succession.

"Nail——, the magical girl Melly joined the group chat."

emmm, is that model worker Merlin?

Su Han listened to the voice and thought.


"Nail——, Solomon the Magic King joined the group chat."

Solomon the Magic King?

Su Han was stunned, and then he couldn't help looking to his side, where, except for the man who showed the king's demeanor during the battle with the wolf boy Bei Xian, he was a man who licked dogs and died of overwork, with a surprised expression.

See, isn't Solomon right next to him?

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