As a result, the Servant directly threw the spiritual foundation to himself and merged with himself, what a ghost operation! ! !

Vaguely, the girl who can feel that her right to belong no longer belongs to her wants to cry.

She sold herself.

It's worth 3,000 points, and the additional requirement is to take care of Sakura along the way.

"I heard that you want to transfer me to someone else as a slave?"

The jeering voice of the goddess named Ishtar echoed in the girl's mind, dragging her memory back to several months ago.

At the enthronement ceremony of Ursus, the aloof **** appeared, and even if he was watched by a more terrifying god, his arm had been penetrated by the spear, and he was still arrogant as usual.

"I haven't seen such an interesting human in a long time, it's so interesting."

"Interesting, it's really fun!!"

"If that's the case, then let you become 'Ishtar'!"

At the last moment, the undefeated goddess injected all her power and glory into her body through the contract.

Therefore, the current self is Ishtar.

Obtaining a god, even if it is a **** limited by the spiritual foundation, the power that can be obtained is terrifying.

If it is found out by the wandering people, there must be a group of people to watch it and regard it as a miracle. If you return to the clock tower, you can also use absolute force to blow up the Thirteen Lessons, kick any monarch casually, and become its highest. ruling class...

However, if the so-called power is still bound to the contract of the Age of God, it will be different.

The girl named Tohsaka Rin looked at her hand that seemed to be divine, and despair was written all over her delicate face.

The price of this power is your own ownership!!

"So, Professor Weber, and the teacher, he doesn't know, how to cancel the contract between this enhanced version of the Master and the Servant?"

I feel that if I don't think of a way, then I guess the girl who is really going to become someone's property will call her teacher, or in other words, the teacher's help overnight.

In this regard, the opposite Mr. Karoshi poured himself three cups of coffee in a row to wake up his brain.

In the past few days, Webb, the only man in the Clock Tower who can use a computer to change exam papers for students, has taken over the communication between Miss Tohsaka and her teacher, Lord El-Melloi.

To be honest, the difficulty of this matter made the clock tower teacher, who had to work overtime because of his heavy debts in stock trading, lost a lot of hair.

"The research field of the Clock Tower is the 'Solomon's magic' that adapts to the weak era of Dayuan. That system is the watershed between the 'age of gods' and the 'age of man', not the ancient magic of the age of gods, don't say me, even the monarch Ai Elmelo, is not proficient in this field."

"No, no, it's not right to say that. The contract on your body was set by Ishtar, who also enjoyed endless worship during the Sumerian period. It is a technique similar to power, not to mention the clock tower. It’s a sea of ​​hesitation that specializes in spiritual magic, and there are very few people who can solve this contract.”

The rooftop investor who almost directly ordered the death penalty to a certain soil-eating girl paused here, as if to make up for a knife, and said.


"Those who have the ability to decipher this spell are basically unlikely to be willing to help you decipher it. For those who are addicted to the magnificent magic of the Age of Gods, but never consider whether the magic of the Great Source is enough to support the ancients of the Age of Gods magic. It would be better to keep you and that contract as observation supplies."

"So, I was basically sold to the group owner as a maid?"

The girl who was forced to become Ishtar wanted to cry without tears.

Group owner...?

More than ten years ago, the face of the man who had heard this title could not help but have a slightly myocardial infarction expression on his face.

If he remembered correctly, it was that guy back then. He recommended that he try to use astrology to trade stocks, earn extra money, and then buy advanced materials to improve his spellcasting ability or use them as experimental materials.

"If you can make a lot of money, win the Holy Grail War in the future Holy Grail War, and realize Alexander's wish to live a life as a human again, maybe, one day in the future, with a new life Alexander, who was 'born', might even run for President of the Lighthouse."

That year, the man who made it impossible for people to guess his body said this to himself.

Since then, he has been conscientiously studying astrology, and he has come to the conclusion that the East is booming...

According to the basic reason that the development of the stock market is basically linked to the national fortune, Weber did not hesitate to invest his entire wealth in the Eastern stock market...


Weber's shoes touched his purse, then fell to the table...

Nine pounds and fifteenpence, which was his whole possession now.

Since entering the big A market, I have been hungry nine times in three days, and when I feel bad, I have been stuck...

"Perhaps, you can go and beg the group owner to try it out."

It seemed that in an instant, the twenty-year-old man picked up the phone and sighed at the students who often taught in his classroom.

"According to what you said, the magic power possessed by your group leader is comparable to that of a god, or even exceeds the level of most gods. Perhaps, he can exist as a 'moving holy grail', try to make a wish on him."

Mobile Holy Grail?

Doubt rose in the girl's heart.

"The mechanism of the Holy Grail is actually very simple. The huge magic power itself is a kind of mystery, and it can hook the magic base that is engraved on the various factions in this world."

"If the wish is for a torch, then the Holy Grail will first hook the base of the flora and fauna, make firewood, and then pull the magic base that has the possibility of 'reasonable fire' that the holder of the Holy Grail thinks, and then superimpose it on Together, you'll have a burning torch."

"Li Da Fei Brick is the essence of the Holy Grail."

"If it was him, he might be able to easily communicate with the base of the gods that should have faded long ago, and solve your problems."

"Is that so?"

"I see, thank you, Mr. Weber."

Tohsaka Rin, who felt that Weber's speech also made sense, nodded involuntarily.

The next thing to do is to ask for help.

Based on the friendship between myself and Su Han...well, although it's not outrageous, it shouldn't be a problem to ask for help.

If the magic power in him can't communicate with the base of the gods that has faded, then... just admit it.

Thinking of this, Miss Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then quickly opened the group chat panel.

In her field of vision, the group owner who has been offline all the year round is shining today.

"Is the group leader there?"

Miss Tohsaka asked.

Soon, the opposite side gave a reply.

"I'm in Chaldeas."

ps1: I finally filled in 80% of the hole left when I wrote hi, and finally the plot can be pushed.

ps2: Ishtar is actually a scumbag woman, and Ailey is also a gloomy and sickly girl.

The fusion that appeared in Chapter 7 was essentially Rin Tohsaka who got the memories of Ishtar/Ereshkigal.

Chapter 2 Gaitia: mmp, do I want to lose face?

The Humanity Survival Guarantee Organization Phoenix Chaldea - an observatory built to overlook everything on Earth from the void. In order to prevent human extinction, a secret agency jointly established by various countries.

In this world where mysticism and technology coexist, it is undoubtedly difficult to overlook the earth.

In order to make the history of mankind long and strong, a certain monarch who loves mankind but lacks basic morality took the initiative to carry the banner, regardless of magic, science, and gathered the research of researchers in various fields. Observatory. Observing this world cannot be seen by magic alone, and the whole world cannot be measured by science alone.

There is no doubt that as a magic workshop, this organization is undoubtedly the top.

However, as we all know, the more NB's salvation organization is, the easier it is to encounter disasters that destroy the world, and the more bleak the hero's life is.

The higher the force, the worse it will be.

"In order, Olga Marie - Romani - ninety-nine Chaldean employees - Ophelia - Kirshtalia - Peperoncino - Beryl, will be Take turns dying."

The handsome boy and Romani walked in the area of ​​the frame that sealed the masters, as if they were talking about miscellaneous talk, spoiling the future of Chaldea.

"After Olga Marie's death, her body became a shrine maiden of the alien gods. Romani shattered the immortality of Goetia with her last magic. Ninety-nine percent of Chaldean employees were caught by cards who really wanted to revive the Lostbelt. Doc was killed, Olphia died to prevent the recovery of the king of giant giants, Kirshtalia died of Beryl's backstab in order to make humanity collectively upgrade to God, and Peperoncino tried to cover Fujimarutate. Shannon and Beryl were killed, and Beryl, who had committed an ancestral mental illness, was beaten to death by normal people."

"Among them, the most unfortunate ones are Romani and Kirshtalia, and the most unpleasant is Belial, the fairy who was born in the shape of a human but has no human heart."

"The first two are to burn everything for the future of mankind, and to try to upgrade mankind to the Protoss and avoid the 'human disaster'."

"The last one has nothing to say. Unless the bloodline is directly replaced, it will be a neuropathy."

The boy casually pulled out the knight's sword named Heiyuan from his waist, and slashed it on the frame of the goblin who was doing things all the time.

Here, the more you love a certain thing, the more you want to destroy the fairy, here comes the focus of life.

"Obviously seeing that everything is on the right track, but suddenly being informed that according to fate, we are all mortals. This feeling is really indescribable."

The doctor named Romani looked at the boy who was talking about Chaldea and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

After waiting for a long time, he finally ushered in the rescue from another world.

As a result, this guy used a chatting tone to inform himself of the deadline and future of his death. By the way, he also killed one of Chaldea's trump cards.


He did not stop Su Han from destroying the frame.

Because the man named Beryl was originally a monster recognized by Chaldea.

He has no heart.

Because of love, in order to prevent Matthew from being engraved with the Great Command Spell, he will be a tool for the old director and deal with all kinds of shameful activities.

However, his love is twisted.

The more disgusted it is, the more beautiful it is to be able to accomplish one thing.

It's like he hates the old director very much, but as long as it is the order issued by the old director, he can complete it perfectly and enjoy it.

The more I love it, the more I want to destroy it and enjoy its painful wailing.

It's like he loved his mother and then stabbed her in the eye with his own hands and then killed her.

This is a monster.

If he didn't take action on that day, I'm afraid Matthew would also suffer an accident.

In his life, the man who seldom used the fighting skills of the previous life recalled the touch of fighting the wolf man, looked at the frame in front of him that had been turned to dust, and shook his head.

This wolf man, as a partner, is more worrying than Su Han.

"But then again, aren't you going to use the power of the A-group members to create a fantasy tree, and then keep plundering the Lostbelt? Although Beryl is a monster without a heart, just killing him like this is really not worth it. Problem?"

"Your power, if I remember correctly, although strong, should not be enough to compete with Alien God."

The man who had a good analysis of his own combat power, looked at the boy who was probably a complete beast in the spiritual foundation test, with a little thought on his expression.

Beast grade.

This is undoubtedly a very fatal level.

After all, this is already a force that can force the inhibitory force to send the seven champions to fight together, but it may not be able to win.

However, according to the information given by Su Han, Alien God seems to be a far stronger existence than Beast.

Although for various reasons, it seems that He has no way to descend with his body, and can only choose to use other things as his container, but if he chooses to use the uo of the Oort Nebula as his descendant, then its final posture is absolutely. It is above and above Gaetia.

Romani believed that Su Han would be able to win Gaetia steadily.

It's a question of affinity.

Goetia is an extremely rare art form, and his existence is pinned on Solomon's art, so whoever can destroy that art can obliterate it.

The principle of the only Noble Phantasm that he left behind is to obliterate his existence as the creator of the spell, triggering a chain reaction that makes the necessary prerequisite for the existence of Getia disappear.

And Su Han also possesses an armament of a similar nature to his own Noble Phantasm.

——A nameless demon king who attributes existence, concepts and even past history to nothingness.

The spiritual foundations of the two are at the same level, the output level is close, and Su Han has the advantage in terms of compatibility.

To be honest, Romani can be sure that Su Han is Getia's natural enemy.

However, having such a teammate who has been stable over fgo1.0 does not mean that people are safe.

Next, there is the unknown alien god.

Su Han, he may not be the natural enemy of Alien God.

If you want to improve the winning rate, it is necessary to help Su Han cut down the fantasy tree and absorb the magic power of the Lostbelt.

Only by absorbing enough magic power can Su Han complete a new evolution and fight against the **** who would probably use uo's body as a container.

Although the wolf man is scornful, in any case, in the plot, he is also the one who opened the fairy tale Britain Lostbelt.

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