As a leading party, he is quite suitable.

If you kill him now, it's actually a bit early.

"It's okay, I have a lot of people here who can serve as backups."

The boy who had planned to turn his Herrscher into a hider shrugged and said.

"Besides, I am also one of the candidates. The big deal, I will go to the sixth Lostbelt and become a hider myself."

Those words left Romani speechless for a while.

Will there really be someone looking for a guy comparable to the beast to act as a hider?

Come on, the alien gods are looking for the hiders to find a younger brother. How can they find a guy like you who "can kill the boss with one wave of development"?

"I think... the group leader, you should forget it."

The doctor shook his head.

Unless the alien star is blind or Su Han has some unique hidden technique to turn himself into a little white rabbit, otherwise, Su Han can't be a hider.

"You're really not fit to be an undercover agent."

"If you need a concealer as the next leading party, it is recommended that you choose from the forty-eight... um, forty-seven masters and your subordinates."

Ah this...

Su Han's expression was slightly unpleasant.

He also wanted to take care of the legendary goblins as a hider.

"But having said that, now that we don't even have a single singularity, let's talk about how to fight the Alien God here, is it really okay?"

Seemingly suddenly remembered something, Su Han looked at the seven singularity marks hanging on the side with a subtle expression.

It was clear that Chaldea was about to be destroyed by the Getias, but they were brainstorming for the alien gods that would be expected to appear for a long time.

I haven't passed 1.0, I'm just thinking about 2.0.

Is Getia shameless?



The doctor was silent.

This operation seems a bit outrageous indeed.

"Cough cough."

Apparently realizing how outrageous the situation is now, he coughed and began to change the subject.

"Speaking of which, you have asked me to help your subordinates find holy relics before."

"According to your request, I have sent someone to deliver the corresponding holy relic to the corresponding new group A members."

"Everyone is a very good fighter."

"After sending out one of each, we still have some extra holy relics here, do you want to try it?"

Now the number one commander of Chaldea, asked so.

In response, the boy just flipped through the group chat form and settled on a certain name.

"I already have a Servant, and I told her to come here. I probably won't need a Servant in a short time."

With a slightly subtle expression on Romani's face, the young man said so.

Su Han has followers.

Moreover, it is an outrageous Servant with a high personality.

However, that Servant did something worse.

"Let me meet next time, our Miss Savior and her partner."

He also seemed to realize that he had mentioned something that was difficult to explain, and the young man also began to change the subject.

"I remember, she seems to want to study with me for a while."

ps: I suddenly remembered that Bei Xian seemed to have said that he liked Kadok very much, and regarded him as his younger brother...

After watching the plot of 2.63, I feel that it is really not easy for Kadok to live until now.

Chapter 3 I am your teacher, please give me more advice

And when Su Han and Mr. Romani were going to find someone to go to Fujimaru Rika, what was Miss Fujimaru doing?

The answer is that he is holding a pile of holy relics and sending them to the new group A.

The girl who seemed to be full of energy and her best friend were walking towards the area that was specially divided by Romani not long ago, holding a box full of sacred relics.

As the last Master of Chaldea, this kind of mission should not have been handled by the last Master and the last person in Group A, they should have more important things.

However, Fujimaru Rika wanted to meet her future partner in advance, so she took the job.

"So, what kind of people will the seniors be?"

The girl named Mash held a stack of holy relics and discussed with Fujimaru-san side by side.

In those bright eyes, there was obvious curiosity.

Before that, the masters of Chaldea were tragically destroyed. Although it stands to reason, except for a wolf man who was snapped by Su Han's sword, the other masters did not die suddenly, but fell into a deep sleep.

However, even so, Miss Matthew was sad for a long time.

And now, in the case of a shortage of manpower, it is obviously a joy to have new partners to join.

"I do not know."

Faced with the question from her servant, Miss Fujimaru Rika could only shake her head, the hair on her head curled up.

She just knew that there would be new members joining next.

Moreover, according to Dr. Romani, the people who joined seemed to be able to forcibly decipher a singularity alone or in a group of people.

The first of them may be able to fight face to face with the enemy of this disaster.

What kind of person would that be?

Fujimaru Tachika was full of longing and imagined.

That must be a righteous man.

In the face of disasters in another world, only those who have justice in their hearts will stand up without hesitation and come to fight the villain.

That should also be a gentle person.

If a warrior is as hard as pig iron, even if he has justice in his heart, he will not allow a weak person like himself to follow him and learn.

Gentle and powerful person.

"Probably, someone more reliable than Mr. Cú Chulainn we met at singularity F."

The girl pondered for a while, and said to her best friend and servant.

The expression of Miss Matthew, who was listening to those words, also became excited.

As a Servant, Mash, who doesn't even know her real name, is naturally unqualified, and she even feels inferior because of it...

If the seniors who came to Chaldea were all reliable seniors like Cú Chulainn, that would be really great.

Such a group of seniors is definitely not weaker than the legendary Knights of Akane, Knights of the Round Table, or the Twelve Warriors of Kaliman.

"So, let's go meet the seniors."

Very cheerful, the girl knocked on her first room, ready to look up at the warrior.

"Please come in—"

Almost in an instant, the lively voices of several girls seemed to come from the room, which made Miss Mash and Miss Fujimaru stunned.

Among them, Miss Fujimaru stayed especially serious.

In her imagination, the group of warriors who settled in Chaldea should be from a group of warriors.

It is normal for a warrior group to charge a large proportion of men to occupy a large proportion.

Why are there so many girls?

As the door opened, at a glance, Ms. Fujimaru Rika, who was almost always a beauty, groaned in her heart.

In her field of vision, a girl with long purple-black hair and a maid-like smile and a maid with a charming smile were walking towards the dining table with dishes. lock up.

Except for the gentle girl who is opening the door for her, and the gray-haired guy who seems to be disturbed by her twin sister and looks autistic... handsome guy (?), all of them are holding tableware and looking at themselves curiously. .

huh huh-

The seniors look so young!

Isn't this really some super popular idol girl group?

Fujimaru-san couldn't help but groan in her heart.

It's not a good habit to judge people by their appearance, but the first impression of people is often their appearance.

Obviously, a fighter who is strong and determined is more reassuring than a girl who looks very cute.

Are we in the wrong place?

Fujimaru Rika and Miss Mash turned their heads to look at each other at the same time, and then saw such emotions in each other's eyes.

"Excuse me, are you here for..."

The gentle girl with beautiful black-green gradation hair asked in a soft voice.

The gentle and excessive tone, and the slender arms that reminded people of weakness, made the shock in the eyes of Fujimaru Tachika and Miss Mash even more filled.

Gentle people, both men and women are very likable.

No one will hate Asahi, but the cowardice that people hate is packaged with tenderness, and then promoted as a virtue.

However, with a soft voice, slender arms, and a pretty face...

It's really hard to believe that she is a warrior! !

You must have gone to the wrong place.

This may be where the families of the real soldiers are gathering.

Doubtful of life, Fujimaru Rika worked hard to turn her brain, thinking about how to quit in a reasonable way, and then go to the real warriors.

Before she could think of something, a male voice sounded from behind her, interrupting Miss Lixiang's thinking.

"Did you guys actually come here? Rikka and Mash."

Miss Fujimaru Rika turned back and saw a doctor running out of breath and a young man in fancy clothes that he had never seen before.

"I looked for you at the training ground and couldn't find it. I almost thought you had an accident."

The doctor obviously ran a lot and was sweating profusely, causing Miss Lixiang's eyes to drift.

This matter of them really caused trouble for Dr. Romani.

"I... We saw that someone was going to give the holy relic to the new group A, so we wanted to get to know the seniors, so we made our own decisions and brought the holy relic to see them."

Speaking of this, Miss Matthew couldn't help but look left and right.

"But... they don't seem to be there."

In this regard, the young man standing behind Romani had a little doubt on his face.

"Aren't they all there?"

huh huh-

are there?

"Who is this?"

Seemingly aware that something was wrong, Fujimaru Rika hurriedly asked the doctor.

The doctor just shook his head.

"You want to see him, but it's not been a day or two. How did you meet him? Instead, it's strange all of a sudden."

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