Quiet, there is even a feeling that death has come.

The girl's slender eyebrows frowned slightly.

Kiana doesn't like too quiet an environment.

Too quiet means that there are very few people around, or in other words, no one at all.

Excessive loneliness will make her feel like she is walking alone in the wilderness, or in other words, it will make her feel abandoned and left in the wilderness...

A tall and straight figure flashed across the girl's mind, making her look slightly dazed.

However, the next moment, the expression on the girl's face turned into disgust.

Kiana doesn't like her father...

It's not that he hates his father's power, and it's not enough to defeat the destiny and save himself.

What she hates is that her father has forgotten herself.

If you have a chance, you must find a time to ask what kind of mood that man is holding to give his name to an outsider.

Kiana took a deep breath.

However, before that, I still have to solve another thing.

The girl pursed her lips.

As a character who has been specially released, Kiana understands that her freedom is directly linked to a certain destined upstart.

The existence that can reach an agreement with the **** Otto or seize his status must be comparable to Otto or even more ferocious and selfish.

It is impossible for such a person to release himself without any reason.

He needs himself.

So, if nothing else, the minister who paid some price to make him free will appear in front of him, or send his subordinates, appear in front of him, make demands of himself, or take himself as the leader of something Use your chips to coerce people related to you.

"Just having Otto's face in my head is enough to make people sick. I really don't want to see someone with a similar smile."

The girl who regarded Otto and Siegfried as non-recyclable garbage muttered in a low voice.


As if foreshadowed in advance, the voice belonging to the young man came from far and near here.

"Is the little princess of Kaslana's family actually living here after her freedom?"

The little princess of Kaslana's family, this title naturally belongs to Kiana.


She herself doesn't like the name very much.

If possible, she would prefer others to call her the saint of the Shaniat family, or the girl of the Shaniat family.

after all--

Compared with a man who has poured his feelings into another girl, his mother's last photo can give him deeper comfort.

"If you can, I hope you can call me Kiana Shaniat."

Without hesitation, the girl spoke, then turned her head and looked at the location of the source of the sound.

In her field of vision, a handsome young man was standing behind her.

With black hair, black pupils, and facial features, there is even a girly look on his face, with a carefree smile on his face.

If you only look at the appearance, most people's senses of it will be that they don't know which entertainment company to slip from, and prepare for your anti-introvert idol to fuel the road.

However, Kiana could smell a little unusual aura from the boy's body.

Almost instinctively, the girl's heart sank all of a sudden.

That weird feeling of oppression that could only be described by aura, and the smile on the corner of the boy's mouth, all had a sharpness like an unsheathed blade.

This is a monster that can play against Otto.

No need for anyone to remind, Kiana already understood all this in her heart.

The boy opposite is the so-called \"Minister\".

"Nice to meet you."

Almost instantly, a bright smile appeared on the girl's face. No one had taught etiquette, but she was indeed personable, like a nobleman from the Middle Ages.

"Minister Su."

"Aou, do you recognize me?"

That speech made the young man slightly stunned.

However, the next moment, he laughed, with the relief of getting the result in his smile.

"Yes, after all, according to the rules of the RPG game, only the boss and the miscellaneous soldiers under the boss will appear at this time."

The Internet catchphrase-like speech made Kiana stunned.

She didn't quite understand why this upstart from the destiny would say such nonsensical words.

"You really are a wonderful person."

Perhaps it was because she had a lot of contact with Otto, that girl involuntarily brought a little Otto's tone when negotiating with people.

"Wonderful...this word, Otto also described it to me,"

The boy shrugged, then sighed as if he was a little bored.

"If you want to say something weird or crazy, just say it directly. There is no need to use some strange words here to express your feelings."

That frank statement made Miss Kiana open her mouth slightly, but she couldn't say anything.

Self-proclaimed eccentric or neurotic?

There are such strange people in this world.

"Are you feeling weird?"

Obviously already aware of Kiana's emotions, the boy asked casually.

Kiana shook her head guiltily.

Although this guy Su Han is even more oppressive than Otto, his feeling is very different from Otto.

This guy, it seems that his brain looks a bit wrong with ordinary people;.


"It's really unpleasant."

Facing the apparently hypocritical statement, Su Han shook his head.

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

Or because of lack of interest, the young man clapped his hands and interrupted what was obviously a private matter.

"We have more important things to talk about."

Got to the point?

Kiana's body suddenly tensed up.

Regardless of the young man in front of him, he feels very nonsensical, and even a little funny, but the young man in front of him is one of the most ferocious beasts in the world.

Communicating with it, no matter how cautious, is necessary.

"Excuse me, what do you mean?"

Kiana couldn't help but ask.

"Make a deal."

It is very clear that even if Kiana knows the inside story, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the young man who has a good relationship with k423 to speak in a short period of time and say words that make Kiana's face change suddenly.

"Your mother, Cecilia still has the possibility of resurrection."

"Next, I will take your righteous sister, um, the girl who was given the name 'Kiana' by Siegfried's swindle, and go to another world together. Next, you will go with you. ."

"Please reach an understanding with your sister during the journey."

Incomparably neat and tidy, the boy said so in Kiana's dazed and even a little panicked expression.

"In exchange, I will help you resurrect your mother."

Chapter 1 Tohsaka Rin: Oops, I'm a stand-in

Fuyuki City.

a famous city.

Fuyuki City is a small seaside town located in the far east of Japan, based on Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, in the Kansai region of Japan.

The most abundant things are probably hot springs, milk, and wagyu beef.

However, after two Westerners came here from sneaking up and formed the Holy Grail, the specialties here have become octopus balls, gas pipes exploded, Fuyuki citizen batteries, and a group of neon-speaking Westerners and Blonde Celtic King.

The city, famous for its nuclear explosions, is run by the Tohsaka family.

The leylines in the land controlled by the Tohsaka family connected an area so large that it could be called an endless source of magic.

Infinite, this statement is naturally false.

After all, for monsters transformed by the power of the planet for thousands of years, or cancer cells that are attached to human nature but destroy human nature, and monsters from mechanical gods and other monsters that are not known how many light-years away, this spiritual vein can only Said to be a dish.

However, no matter what, this is a high-quality spiritual vein that can supply the Holy Grail War and serve as the omnipotent cauldron—the Holy Grail function.

As long as you hold the Holy Grail built on this spiritual vein and use it, sweeping the three major magic associations may be very difficult, but sweeping the clock towers that were expelled from the three major magic associations should not be a big problem.

Such a good thing, as a local local snake, the Tohsaka family will naturally not let it go.

Even for that, it would be reasonable to summon a second Servant secretly.

After summoning the Servants, it is reasonable to work hard to earn some points, and then hire group friends to quietly kill a few participants of the Holy Grail War.

after all--

In the extreme east competition, the off-disk moves are also moves.

With this thought in mind, Miss Tohsaka Rin borrowed a large amount of points from someone who was not outrageous at the time, but was extremely rich.

Real name: Ishtar

Occupation: archer

Muscle strength: B

Durability: B

Agility: B

Magic: EX

Lucky: A

Noble Phantasm: A++

There is no doubt that this is one of the Servants located at the apex of the moon. If it can get its help, it is not mainly thrown into the Holy Grail War of the Immortals. Basically, the outcome is already divided.


However, the Servant was not obedient at all.

Since she was disobedient, it would be reasonable to sell her to pay off her debts.

Someone who was ripped off by his own servant once thought so.

After all, it is another Servant at the top of the pyramid. Selling it will not only pay off the debt, but maybe even earn a little more.

Of course, not long ago, she took her teacher to a different world called Terra, where she made a deal with someone whose combat power had exploded.


The girl who used to have a pair of blue eyes looked at her red eyes full of divinity in the mirror, and wanted to cry inexplicably.

The Servant was blasted out.

The contract is also transferred.

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