Well, here comes the question.

Why should the minister who has occupied the highest point of Mandate of Heaven release himself?

Kiana frowned.

What does he... want from himself?

==========Dividing Line==========

For Miss Fu Hua, the recent unfolding is undoubtedly a nightmare.

The Herrscher personality whose body was taken away and whose mental level was at the level of a junior high school student was regarded as a Herrscher, and Fu Hua was also expelled.

Such humiliation is undoubtedly a humiliation worth remembering for this habitual criminal of telecom fraud who knew that Shibao was his daughter.

However, as we all know, the joys and sorrows of people do not understand each other, so for him, it is a tragedy of shame in life, and for someone Su, it can only be regarded as quite interesting talk.

Far East, St. Freya Academy.

The girl whose real name is Xilin and whose code name is k423 is sitting on a stool, drinking two bottles of mineral water on the side of the road, and staring at the front boredly.

In front of her, the handsome young man was talking about what he had seen and heard.

"Let me tell you, Fu Hua's expression is funny."

It will definitely make a certain immortal spit out the words of the head opening from the mouth of the Leziren.

He is sharing his knowledge with his students.


"Obviously he is an absolute elder, but because his body was made by the Kizang Yusoul, he was regarded as a spiritual body."

"You also know the situation of the Herrscher of Consciousness. It is a spiritual body in essence and holds the power of the Herrscher."

"As a result, because the current situation is similar to the spiritual body, Fu Hua was regarded as his own Herrscher face by the Herrscher of Consciousness. At that time, Fu Hua's expression was really funny."

Speaking of which, the young man had an expression like the one who strayed into the melon field, and took out a SLR camera from his pocket with great interest. Then, the dark history of immortals was revealed.

"It's obvious that she is Fu Hua, but she can't prove that she is Fu Hua at all. In order to prove that she is Fu Hua, she exposed almost all the dark history after a few hours, so that the Herrscher of Knowledge gradually believed. , she may be Fu Hua."

"So...is there anything funny about this?"

The girl who was caught by her teacher and listened to her story was puzzled.

Perhaps it was because of the recent brutal beatings by the society, and the absence of relatives and friends. At this time, Miss K423 seemed to be far more mature and calm than usual, and the serious one did not look like an Alaska.

"Because, Shili already knew that he was Shili."

Perhaps because he knew the inside story, the boy touched the tears he shed from laughing too much, shook his head and said.

"Although when the Herrscher was born, his mind would be somewhat unclear, and it was easy to do stupid things, but after all, the Herrscher is the apostle of God and has a certain relationship with the Honkai God."

"Although the person who knows treasures is cute and naive, she is not stupid."

"After arguing for so long, she has already reacted."

"She just wanted to watch Fu Hua tell her dark history with a suffocated face, try to prove that she is Fu Hua, and then secretly transfer her Herrscher core to Fu Hua's body through the connection between the two. inside."

"Now Xiao Shi has the floating body of a fusion warrior, the five thousand years of fighting experience of Immortal Chiyuan, and a face that is very serious as long as it is straight."

"As for Fu Hua, she is now a conscious body. She has lost her tempered physical memory and powerful physical body. Her power is greatly reduced, and her power basically comes from the core of the Herrscher."

"Now, she has really become a 'Herscher of Consciousness' now."

Mingming and Fu Hua said that they were going to complete the experiment, but in fact they just hid in the shadows and continued to peep at the mother-daughter dispute between the Herrscher of Consciousness and Miss Fu Hua. Someone who struggled to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye with a smile. Extremely bad fun.

"In order to appease Shibao, she had to admit that she knew the law. Now, she is called a baby by a lawmaker whose mind is at most ten years old..."

"Really, this video was passed on to Moth Chasing Fire, and it is estimated that many people in the Thirteen Heroes can be brought back to life with laughter."

Really bad guy.

In this regard, Miss k\'\'\'\'423 sighed in her heart.

This guy wasn't like this when she first met this guy, if her memory wasn't faulty.

At that time, he always had a polite smile on his face that was not very accustomed to, and then, like a famous sword unsheathed, he accurately and sharply found various weak areas of the enemy in front, and then took the lead in charging.

Such a young man is like a sword made by a famous craftsman, elegant and deadly, and every move makes people feel terrified.

Cruel beauty wandered around that boy.

At the same time it makes people fearful, it also makes people instinctively yearn for it.


Looking at a certain crumb who seemed to be playing a lot of fun there, and seemed to really intend to send the record to the survivors of the Thirteen Heroes, Miss k423 couldn't help but feel that she clicked the wrong app and accidentally spelled Xixi. As a dog head Beijing, the feeling of placing an order.

This is not a person at all.

Miss K423's heart couldn't help but wailed for a while.

He was super handsome before.

Not long ago, the girl who got the confession looked at the boy, clasped her chest lightly, and muttered in her heart.

Can't this guy be a little more formal?

This kind of condescending appearance doesn't look like he can be a qualified father...

"So, you have nothing serious to do right now?"

Miss K423 sighed as she looked at the young man who always said that she had a lot of things to do, but she was always a condescending boy.

"My job?"

It gave the impression that someone who had been eating scum from the organization groaned a little under this question.

"It's basically solved."

Huh heh-! ! !

all solved? !

Miss k423's eyes widened.

She still knows a little about Su Han's recent work.

Before taking the Herrscher troops to the area called Chaldeas, his task was to turn all the Herrscher candidates in the branch into real Herrschers, and then take them to the area known as Rome Meeting with Dr.

Hasn't Su Han been paddling all the time recently?

Where did you get the time to complete the experiment of nearly ten Herrschers, and then get in touch with the organization in another world?

"Raiden Mei's Herrscher experiment didn't take me much time, and the negotiation with Romani has already been completed."

In an understatement, the young man shared the news that shocked Miss K423.

However, it didn't take long for her expression to become relieved.

Although Su Hanwei has changed from a calm conductor like a famous sword to a fun person after losing the pressure, this does not mean that his ability to deal with things will be greatly reduced because of this...

"So, are we going to another world next?"

It is very clear that Su Han will go to another world next, and the girl who takes the position of the fifth beast has a faint red on her face.

Maybe it's because of being infected by his own lawyer, or just because of the ups and downs of the heart...

Although she didn't want to admit it, she seemed to really care about this guy.

"Almost, Romani has already sent their savior to study, and it would be a bit outrageous to drag it on."

The boy said casually.


The next step is to go to another world to fight monsters, and then wait for Su Han to tamper with the past?

It is very clear that when Su Han becomes the fifth beast, he will go to the girl who tampered with history, thinking.

When k423 was thinking wildly, the young man spoke suddenly and said.

"Indeed, but, before that, there is one more thing for you to deal with."

"whats the matter?"

K423 looked dazed.

"It's time for you to meet your sister."

Not long ago, the boy who gave an order to a certain research institute said so.

ps: If it is revealed that the dumb goose is Qiyana, then consider it a parallel world.

Indecisive, Parallel World.jpg

Chapter 42 What is High Efficiency Reconciliation?

Miss Kiana sat quietly in the laboratory, humming an unknown song.

The girl who was like an elf in a snowy country sat so quietly, her cherry blossom-like lips parted lightly.

If such a song appeared in an amusement park, an aquarium, or on the street, it would definitely be greeted with applause.

In the face of singing beauties, as long as you are not a social animal who is about to be driven crazy by work, you don't mind staying here, listen to the song, and then give it a round of applause.


Here is the laboratory.

A cold laboratory without any warmth.

The lovable girl sits in the laboratory where even if she loses her master, she is still rational enough to make people feel indifferent. The huge contrast makes people feel a faint sense of fear.

"Miss Kiana, won't you leave here?"

The director of the research institute, who had been ordered to disband the laboratory, looked back at a girl who refused to leave before leaving, with a strange expression.

"Is it impossible?"

The girl raised her face gently, a little confusion on her delicate face.

That smile, but the expression of the director of the research institute froze.

"I was just thinking, you're free..."

"In my opinion, the most important thing for you to do is to return to your own family. You are the child of the Kaslana family head and the saint of the Shaniat family, even if you can't take back the position of family heir, can also--"

"I'm not a lady from a big family!"

While the man was talking about what he knew, Kiana's way back but had not yet spoken, the girl's very brisk voice interrupted it.

"I'm just Kiana, no, Kiana Kaslana."

"I have nothing to do with Siegfried Kaslana. Where is the reason to go to Kaslana's house?"

The voice was very shallow, but it had a very strong will.

The girl stretched out her hand and pointed to the area where she once lived.

"I have already received the severance payment you issued. Before I find a new home, I think it is not bad here as a temporary place of residence."

"Speaking of which, Dean, are you planning to stay?"

The girl said casually, with a little doubt in her tone.

The dean was silent.

Of course he couldn't stay. After all, he also had his own affairs to deal with. This laboratory has been abandoned, and he needs to go to other places to conduct new experiments.

Kiana knows this too.

Now that she speaks like this, she is completely issuing an expulsion order.

"Goodbye by fate."

Guessing vaguely, the dean, who seemed to be waiting for Kiana, shook his head and left the laboratory that had been evacuated.

For a time, there was only one person left in this laboratory that once had dozens of researchers.

"It's really over."

Seemingly aware of the silence around her, the girl raised her head naturally and looked around.

Because the researchers are no longer there, it's much calmer than it used to be.

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