Before that, Fu Hua, who was still thinking about how to restore his reputation as a grandmother, had an extremely bitter voice.

What she has to worry about now is not how to restore her reputation as a grandmother.


How should she prove that she is Fu Hua! !

In the face of Miss Fu Hua's extremely pale self-introduction, Miss "Fu Hua" was stunned for a while, and then unceremoniously expressed her thoughts.

"Do you have a high fever?"

"The two of us, only one of us has a body."

"You obviously know the law."

hemp eggs.

You shouldn't have held the Jizo Yusoul in the first place, you should have directly implanted the Herrscher core, and then headed to the Great Collapse Core.

Fu Hua thought.

Because Honkai's resistance is too high, if her body is not inactivated and it is difficult to be corroded, she was "killed" and then watched her body become a sacrifice.

As a result, in order to pursue a proper move at the time, it has become a sinkhole now.


The despair that was comparable to going to the moon with his comrades back then to face the end spreads in his heart.

This desperation, when he found out that someone who would die if he didn't do anything, was taking pictures of himself with a high-precision SLR camera that he didn't know where he got it, that kind of despair turned into extreme anger! !

If Su Han was just an unrelated citizen, Miss Fu Hua would definitely not be angry.

Because he doesn't have that obligation.


Strictly speaking, Su Han's bastard's book is a pioneer, and can be regarded as a colleague of Miss Fu Hua.


Moreover, the Herrscher of Consciousness is this guy who came out! !

"You, meow, came here to help!!"

With all her strength, Miss Fu Hua called out to her teammates for help.

However, the young man was just fiddling with his broken camera there, as if he was shooting a masterpiece, retaining his photographic results.

Fu Hua only felt that a rush of blood was rushing towards her brain, giving her an urge to die.

The only teammate is actually this kind of scumbag.

This kind of thing, for her, is undoubtedly a sad story.

Even more unfortunate is that only he can explain the current situation clearly...

"Su Han, you should know the truth!! Hurry up and explain!!"

However, the young man just glanced at the tragic fairy from the corner of his eye, and then shook his head.

In order to bring Fu Hua closer to the Herrscher of Consciousness, he exposed part of their future.

In order to increase credibility, he did not specifically brag about how good their relationship was, but said a little about the good and the bad.

Therefore, the Law of Consciousness has a certain resentment towards Fu Hua.

Although it is not very high, after all, it needs to be digested.

Now, it seems to be a good choice to dissolve it with a play.

Amidst Fu Hua's cry for help, the young man was disabled and determined like a Tokyo referee, and turned a deaf ear to his call.

"Hello, is that Romani?"

During the time when Miss Fu Hua's eyes gradually lost the light, the teenager opened a group chat and started a video call.

"How have you been recently?"

"Oh, oh, you said that all the singularities have been identified, and the freezer in Group A has also been identified, so I can open it as soon as I arrive?"

"That's great."

The boy who had been dawdling for a long time looked back at the face of the body and the Herrscher whose relationship was a bit outrageous behind him, and spoke nonchalantly.

"Romani is urging me to go to Chaldea. It seems that the situation there is not very good."

What's that got to do with you? !

If you are really in a hurry, will you go early? !

It was clear that Su Han was actually a water-skating monster, Fu Hua, roaring in his heart.

"So, I have to finish the last experiment as soon as possible."

Like a rigorous professor, the boy straightened his collar and spoke so solemnly.

"Before you leave, help me explain—"

Before Miss Fu Hua issued her final cry for help, the boy's figure had already turned into nothingness.

He went away quietly.

All that was left was Miss Fu Hua, who was about to cry without tears, and her lovely Shibao.

"Bao, don't be angry, okay?"

Looking at the "mother" Miss Fu Hua who looked like a child, she felt the darkness of the world.

Forty-first Kiana and k423

The girl with the name Kiana stood in the center of the research room, looking around with a confused expression.

"Congratulations, Miss Kiana, you are free."

It's like releasing a prisoner, the researcher who has lost his humanity in his eyes because he is indulging in the body experiment said so.

Freedom, what a novel word.

Kiana Kaslana.

Daughter of Siegfried Kaslana and Cecilia Shaniat.

The Kaslana family and the saintess of the Shaniat family, without a doubt, she has the most aloof blood in the world.

In theory, with such a bloodline, she should have lived like a princess.

After all, both her parents' families are too strong, and her parents are both family talkers.

However, his father's performance in the second collapse is too scary.

After receiving the hypervariable factor activator sponsored by Liesel, which can activate the DNA of Pavanti, he showed a power comparable to that of the Thirteen Heroes.

And that power was too dangerous for the bishop.

Even more unfortunate is that her father used a one-time experience card, which did not have the power to last! !

He showed the most brilliant side of the family, and then he showed his depression, exposing all his weakness.

Of course, the sinister bishop issued a lore to him.

And his daughter, naturally, became the main research object of the bishop.

So, the so-called freedom must be false.

It was not clear that the girl who Otto had already obtained the results she wanted was dazed.

after all--

That guy Otto, how could he let himself go...

But if all is false, what is the situation today?

It's been a while since the girl who had not been out of the laboratory looked at the laboratory that had been almost dismantled around her, and it was hard to calm her heart.

"That was Minister Su's order. He sent a letter from the former bishop - Kiana Kaslana must be free."

It seemed that he noticed the girl's strange expression, and the dean, whose emotional intelligence was obviously much higher than that of the researcher, respectfully saluted the white-haired girl.

For various reasons, Bishop Otto relinquished his rights.

Today's mandate of destiny falls into the hands of the new bishop.

Perhaps, taking charge of the destiny is a very difficult thing for a white-haired dumpling who was doted on by his grandfather and did not grow up.

According to common sense, since she is an incompetent girl, there is no need to pay attention to her merits.

Theresa is not a stupid person.

However, she has basically never experienced wind and rain.

Her grandfather was too strong.

Insidious, cunning, powerful, and proficient in power, in front of him, whether it is Walter, who is extremely talented, or Siegfried, who is extremely brave, or Yang, who inherits heroic aspirations, they are all losers.

Under Otto's protection, Teresa hardly experienced any wind and rain.

Even if it is a tiger, if it is raised as a cat since childhood, and then thrown into the jungle, will it still be the king of the jungle?

Therefore, she doesn't need to pay attention at all until it shows the machinations inherited from the Apocalis family.

That's what the dean thought.

However, with the man who stood on the same front....

Recalling the Herrschers who came out of the laboratory, the Dean shuddered uncontrollably.

Reason, air, thunder, wind, ice, death, flame...

The existences that were originally subordinate to the Honkai God have all become his subordinates.

It only takes the slightest bit of unhappiness to rise in the man's heart, and within an hour, everyone in this research room will experience the despair of facing the gods.

Perhaps, the bishop's abdication... was forced.

The absurd and highly possible idea floated in the researcher's mind, making his scalp tingle for a while.

Absolutely cannot be the enemy of it.

Never let him have the slightest bit of unhappiness! !

Since he wants Kiana to be free, then Kiana must be free! !

"Su... Minister?"

"Former bishop."

Does Minister Su, a minister, really have the right to order the research laboratory directly under Otto?

Incomparably keen, Kiana sensed two important words in the dean's mouth.

Also, the former bishop...

Has Otto abdicated?

Because of the abdication, the research lab attached to Otto has become weak?

no, I can not.

Even if they don't have Otto's support, they have a great right to speak in the destiny.

It can even be said that if the successor has no ability and no Otto behind the scenes, it is also possible to be directly overhead by a part of the high-level destiny of its alliance...

So, is it the minister he fears?

It can make the subordinates directly under Otto tremble in fear...

Get in touch, now that Otto has abdicated...

Not surprisingly, the one who replaced the bishop's position in the destiny was the minister.

Defeat or make an agreement with Otto to abdicate, and then support a person from the Apocalis family as a puppet to take charge of the destiny.

Destiny is really in troubled times.

The white-haired girl thought.

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