I don't know what birdman thing it is, but it looks stupid at first glance, so it's better not to touch it.

Thinking like this, she examined the distance between herself and the statue, and took another step back, as if the people of Shenzhou suddenly saw the red code, staring at the statue vigilantly, for fear that it would move towards her.

Under the girl's disgusting gaze, the **** was stunned, and then turned into nothingness.

Ah Ou, is that two hundred and fifty gone?

Seeing the departed god, the girl breathed a deep sigh of relief.

So, who are you from?

Soon, the girl fell into thought again.

Check your memory...

Perhaps out of the Herrscher's instinct, the girl took a deep breath, as natural as a human learns to breathe, and probed into her memory.

The memory is long, almost unbelievably long...

Meeting with the first best friend, contacting the big collapse, trembling with terror...

Join the Moth Chasing Fire and become a subordinate of the savior...

The captain turned into a Herrscher, he was isolated, and then he was used as a test by that **** woman...

Become the last line of defense for mankind - the pioneer...

Became the Chiyuan Immortal of Shenzhou...

Lost the cutest disciple to the thief Otto...

Drafting, Otto, I'm going to crush your soulsteel face a thousand times!

Anger rose in the heart of Miss Herrscher, who actually had no cultural qualities.

Once again, I stood on the same front as my former partner, and was entrusted to execute the final plan together with a junior who would die without speaking a riddle, and was told that in the future, there would be a second daughter who was like a daughter. Personality...

All kinds of memories flowed in the girl's mind, like a sharp sword, shattering the whispers left by the gods.

I am Fu Hua! Fusion Warrior Hua! Chiyuan Immortal Fu Hua!

The consciousness born from the body of Immortal Chiyuan merged into the body, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Then, the gray sky and the earth like a chessboard spread to the end of the field of vision.

This is the world created by my younger generation.

It is also the birthplace of the Law of Consciousness.

Herrscher-san, whose memory was still a little vague, looked ahead, except for a guy whose personality was similar to Alicia, but who was not cute at all, there was only one figure.

Together, a figure like a mirror image of himself.

"You are the oldest swindler of mankind."

"Although you are both 'Fu Hua', you are someone between your sister and mother after all."

"As a sister or mother...you don't do anything authentic."

The boy's previous words echoed in the ears of Miss Herrscher, causing a layer of cold sweat to ooze out of her forehead.

Next, how to explain?

"Is this the other me?"

Perhaps it was because he relied on Jizo Yusoul to appear, the immortal whose real name was Fu Hua looked at the girl who finally woke up and murmured in a low voice.

Because she was told by Su Han that she seemed to have done something strange to Shibao, she was a little guilty now and didn't know how to talk to her.

However, between mother and daughter, after all, there is a need for communication.

Miss Chiyuan took a deep breath, summoned her courage, and looked at the girl who was a mirror image of herself.

I don't know if it's an illusion, she feels...

The girl in front of her seemed to have a guilty conscience written on her face.

"You are-"

Before Fu Hua could ask a question, a figure ran towards him like a husky that had lost the reins.

"Baby, Mom, I'm sorry!"

In the look of Miss Fu Hua's downtime, the girl hugged her and screamed.

"Forgive Mama, okay?"

Chapter 40 Miss Fu Hua's heart is desperate

For Miss Herrscher of Knowledge, her name is undoubtedly Fu Hua.

With the help of the power of the Heavenly Fire Holy Inquisition to complete the rebirth from ashes, the complete Fu Hua!

Then, since he is Fu Hua, then the figure on the opposite side that is exactly the same as himself is naturally the Herrscher of Consciousness.

It might sound outrageous.

However, there is evidence for knowing treasure.

First of all, Miss Fu Hua is an only child and has never been married.

Therefore, there are no twin sisters, and children and grandchildren who look alike.

The only ones who can look the same as her are the replicators and the Herrschers who were born based on her body.

According to Su Han, he corresponds to the Herrscher of Consciousness.

Herrscher of Consciousness, King of Illusions.

Based on this inference, it is not difficult to guess that the Herrscher of Consciousness exists as a spiritual body.

Coincidentally, there is no body in front of him, and the whole person is the state where the spirit is projected into reality.

Even if she looks like a normal person, there is no difference, but based on her five thousand years of fighting experience, that guy's body is actually closer to an energy creature.

- Most of the components are Honkai Energy, and it is completely simulated as a body by relying on powerful mental power.

The spiritual body, the power of the lawmaker, and the same appearance as yourself, these three superimposed together, isn't it the lawmaker of consciousness?

Maybe it was because she didn't want to think of things that would be unfavorable to herself at all, so the Herrscher made an extremely arbitrary judgment.

That is his good baby, the Herrscher of Knowledge!

However, at the moment of meeting his "baby"...

To be honest, apart from anticipation, Ms. Herrscher of Knowledge is actually a little panicked in her heart.

If you say why, it is naturally the speech of one of your teammates.

—You are a lot sorry, that girl who treats you like a mother.

To be honest, according to the principle that it never happened without being exposed, Miss Herrscher of Consciousness can choose to pretend that she has never done it.

Just like if you are short of money, you definitely don't mind modifying the captains' consciousness and asking them to give yourself Krypton 648.


The problem is that my scumbag behavior seems to be caught!

Why is the Herrscher's memory connected to the human memory?

Miss "Fu Hua"'s heart was full of mourning.

It seems that she is a mother, very unqualified!

What if the baby rebels?

That tower meow is finished!

If Alicia found out, she would definitely be laughed to death!

"Baby, Mom, I'm sorry!"

In the look of Miss Fu Hua's downtime, the girl hugged her, wishing to sprinkle chili water on her eyes and shed more tears.

"Forgive Mama, okay?"

"Mom is wrong, although I don't know where I'm wrong. But don't be angry, okay?"

"I'll be nice to you in the future, really, I won't lie to you!"

The immortal being hugged by him looked blank.

The eyes that once seemed to be a combination of the blue of the mountains and the blue of the clear water are now dead gray.

If it wasn't for the occasional turning of the eyes, proving that it was a living creature, the immortal being hugged would be like a dead statue.

who I am?

where am I?

Where am I going?

What is the meaning of life?

Countless questions arise in Miss Fu Hua's mind...

If you ask what life is, Fu Hua's answer is probably the reincarnation of the four seasons.

When she was young, it was spring.

Spring is actually not a good season, just like her childhood was not a good one.

Her childhood was not rich, even poor, because of the temperament of people who practice martial arts, she is also out of tune with her classmates.

But no matter what, her childhood was pretty decent, after all, there was no war, and there was no collapse of the beast.

After making friends at school, she ushered in her summer.

After the very lively girl was rescued by her, she took her, who was just a country girl, to adapt to the city life and took her to experience friendship.

Then came the chilling autumn.

Her hometown was destroyed by Honkai. She was taken away by the captain and became a warrior. She was in a difficult situation, but she still had the captain as an indicator.

In the end, the captain turned into a Herrscher.

Her guide became the witch of flames, and her life ushered in winter.

But despair is not forever.

Next, she has comrades in arms, as well as new friends.

There is a new sustenance, but, with it, it is lost...

The joys, sorrows and sorrows are constantly deleted, and again and again I usher in joy, usher in sadness, move forward alone, usher in hope...

Her life is like a grand reincarnation.

Like spring, summer, autumn and winter, back and forth.

Maybe this is life.

Life will not be smooth sailing, nor will it be full of sorrow, it should be the spring, summer, autumn and winter of reincarnation, making people's souls tethered between heaven and hell.

However, today, she understands that her life may not be a cycle of four seasons.

She is entering the fifth season of her life today.

- The season of shit.

"Bao, you should say something, don't be angry with your mother, okay?!"

"Mom is not easy!"

It was obviously the girl of the Herrscher of Consciousness who was holding herself tightly, screaming and howling... Although this word is very indecent, and it is not used to describe a person crying, but at this moment, Miss Fu Hua can think of it. The adjective is Guikulanghao.

Miss Fu Hua wanted to break free, and then explained that she was the real Fu Hua.

However, when she adjusted her power, she found that the essence of her body, which was made entirely by the power of Jizo Yusoul, was a solid projection, and she couldn't break free at all.

The body of the Herrscher of Consciousness is the body of a fusion warrior endowed with the power of the Herrscher...

Her strength is too fragile in front of this bear child.

"Xiao Shi, you have to understand that I am Fu Hua..."

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