Because of the bad feelings caused by the story, he can execute some people to death without hesitation, and he can even laugh out loud and unscrupulous on the occasion of capital punishment.

On the contrary, he has a good impression of some characters in the story, so he will take the initiative to avoid the possibility of hurting them, and even provide help, even if that kind of help is actually a bit against his life creed.

"Looks silly, but is actually very mature, K423, who looks like a good wife and mother but is actually a middle schooler, and the short version of Angers, I like them very much."

The young man smiled, feeling a little emotional.


At the very beginning, his initial purpose of looking for group friends to cooperate was actually to grab Leiden Meiyi and run away.

However, for some reason, it was probably the emotion that used to be the hard work that Teresa did in Hyperion, and he stayed, choosing to fight Cocolia to the end.

After that, the connection between himself and the protagonist group seemed to become closer all of a sudden.

Because I hate tragedies, I gave up the most rational approach, stood on the side of the protagonist group, and in order to gain power quickly, I chose to directly contact Otto, Su, Kevin...

Does this count as a qualified Asahi male protagonist?

Su Han recalled that his motives were kind in the past, and frowned.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but my starting point is "hate tragedy", which is the typical setting of the male protagonist of Asahi, but after recalling my own operations, I always think of dark heroes or shameful growth bosses.

It's an illusion.

Must be an illusion!

"Fuhu...Bah, Fu Hua, do you think I'm a good person?"

Su Han pondered for a while, and in the slightly surprised expression of Miss Fu Hua, she asked a very strange question.

As an honest person (probably), Miss Fu Hua was lost in thought.

Su Han is undoubtedly a person with outstanding achievements and a very brave beginning. From the perspective of the conclusion, he is undoubtedly correct and just, and he is a genuine person.

However, in order to achieve a positive result, the method used by that guy is really strange, comparable to the combination of Otto, Mebius and even Alicia...

"It's hard for me to answer this question."

Miss Fu Hua looked at a certain Lezi justice, shook her head, and said.

The motive of this guy's actions is like the original Kevin, but the method is like Otto, the Riddler is comparable to Mebius, and the character is like Alicia...

It's really hard to judge such a person.

"Since you don't answer, then you are a good person by default."

Under the extremely complicated expression of Miss Fu Hua, the young man held his head high and spoke righteously.

The immortal didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only be silent.

But then again, since that story mentioned the law of consciousness born in one's own body, then it should also mention himself.

So, what kind of person are you in that story?

Miss Fu Hua, who is still interested in her future, has bright eyes.

She looked at the boy, her red lips lightly parted.

"Su Jun, in the story you read, what does my future look like?"

The woman asked.

Then, a decisive voice fell into her ears.

"Man's oldest fraudster!"

Chapter Thirty-Ninth Shi-Law: Bao, don't be mad at your mother, okay?

Humans are the oldest scammers?

Fu Hua was shocked all of a sudden.

Fraudster, what the **** is this?

What is the strangest title of the oldest human being? !

"How to say it."

Looking at the scumbag woman who borrowed her daughter's strength and didn't pay it back, and threw the core of the Herrscher to Kiana to cast a sword, Su Han's expression became like a foreigner who saw the captive pandas in Sichuan and the flyers in the wholesale market in Shushan. Sword-like surprise.

"Before I saw the story named 'Fire Forever', I really didn't expect you, the old monitor, to be such a person."

"After all, you have always been the moral ceiling in the story."

"I didn't expect the moral ceiling to do that kind of thing, tsk tsk..."

The teasing words fell into Fu Hua's ears, making his expression extremely stiff all of a sudden.

I don't know what happened, but my future self seems to be...

Did some wicked things.

"In the end what happened?"

Fu Hua couldn't hold his face a little, and the tone of his voice rose a lot, as if he was trying to hide his guilty conscience.

"The relationship between the Herrscher of Consciousness and the future you is actually not bad, and it can even be said to be close to a mother and daughter."

The young man's words made Miss Fu Hua silent.

"She calls you an antique, and she always dismisses you, but she really wants your approval."

"After all, although you are both 'Fu Hua', you are someone between your sister and mother after all."

"And then... what you're doing is not authentic."

Listening to those words full of emotion, Miss Fu Hua felt inexplicably flustered for a while.

Although her age is as high as 55,000 years, she has been working hard to continue civilization and find the truth of the captain's Herrscher transformation, and she has no time to play the piano and say love.

At this time, someone suddenly said that he has a daughter's child by his side in the future...

This thing is quite outrageous for an old maid like her.


Sounds like you...

Seems to be out of order.

Miss Fu Hua, who originally just asked casually and didn't care much about what answer Su Han would give, looked at the boy with a cheerful expression, and a rare layer of sweat oozed out of her forehead.

"Forget it, leave it in suspense."

During the time when Miss Fu Hua was extremely nervous, the corner of the boy's mouth could not help evoking a slight smile, which made Miss Fu Hua stunned.

Hey hey hey, what the **** is the behavior of the Riddler who stops halfway through his speech? !

At first, Su didn't seem to know what was going on, and he played riddles all day long. Now it seems that he learned from you! !

This guy really sucks.

It is very rare that the immortal whose mentality has always been as calm as the surface of the water has an extremely cruel idea in his heart.

She once thought that Su Han's character should be closer to Alicia.

However, this guy is only similar in character to Alysia, and his music is much more pure than Alysia.

"Something like life should be in the hands of the parties involved. If everything is spoiled, what's the point?"

Facing the man whose body had already reacted physiologically, such as the man whose fists were hardened, the young man put on an innocent expression on his face.

Is this the time for philosophy? !

Fu Hua widened his eyes.

Although this guy looks like a person, he doesn't do anything at all!

Before she could react, the boy shoved a scarlet sword into her hand.

what does this mean?

"The Ksitigarbha Yusoul can project your will into reality, the key of the gods, and I will destroy your body in the next step, and let the knowledge occupy it. You should quickly familiarize yourself with the use of the Ksitigarbha Yusoul. "

Miss Fu Hua opened her mouth and wanted to continue to ask, but before she could speak, a red large-caliber pistol was pressed on her forehead.

"I'm still looking forward to your mother and daughter meeting."

==========Dividing Line==========

Where is this place?

In the haze, the girl had a very strange dream.

"I give you wings, control the mood of all beings, dream reality, the king of spirit."

In her dream, she saw a magnificent **** who gave herself wings.

"Go, perform your duty, destroy all human civilization and turn it into ruins."

Between the whispers of the ancient gods and the nonsense words of the tao tao pill, it sounded in the girl's mind.

The collapse is the unpredictable will of God, and the lawmaker is the apostle of God.

This is the relationship between God and the apostles as people perceive it.

The apostles should have the utmost respect and love for God, just as Christians respect the meaning of the Lord.

However, the new apostle did not feel that the Lord was very noble or very great.

"Shut up, you are so annoying."

"Has anyone taught you not to be quiet when others are thinking about problems!!"

The child who was sorting out his memories mercilessly drank at the statue of the **** in his mind.

Along with the angry shout, the murmur between the ancient **** and the Taotaowan also seemed to have encountered some kind of shock, and stopped.

"Are you polite?!"

"If you're rude, go and ask a teacher to learn Confucianism!!"

Perhaps it was because he was really upset that the child scolded his inner voice.

Even if the so-called gods have shut up, they are still chattering.

Miss Hua has a headache.

Really headache.

Maybe it was blocked by the elevator door, or maybe it was kicked by Amiya, her mind is now blank.

Who is his surname and what race he is, he has forgotten all about it.

who I am?

The girl thought.

"You are the Herrscher...the Apostle of God, the King of Spirits."

The honey juice business, who had just been reprimanded for a while, replied and explained.

I am the king of spirits?

The murmurings from the gods caused a slight smile to appear on the girl's face.

The King of Spirit is undoubtedly a very handsome title.

For children, a handsome title is undoubtedly something to be excited about.

However, soon, that smile disappeared and became full of disgust.

Please, she is asking who she is.

Who will be named the King of Spirits!

If this is the real name, then the name is stupid!

"Answer the donkey's head is not the horse's mouth, you stay away from me, you will be infected with idiots, but I want to become the number one Confucian general in China."

In the ocean of consciousness, the girl distanced herself from the **** in disgust.

Stupidity is contagious.

She didn't know who said this, and she didn't understand what the Confucian general meant, but since she still remembered these words, it should be very philosophical.

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