"As the cancer of civilization, their standard is terrible growth, and time resistance independent of the timeline."

The boy gave the final answer.

Beast I - Getiah - Mercy

Beast II - Tiamat

BeastⅢ/Lapse——Kama/Kiara of Seshoin

Beast IV - Kathy Palug / Koyanskaya (substitute)


Beast VI——The Beast of 666/Nero

Beast VII - Beast of the End / Olga Marie

These are the beasts who have already been identified in the plot.

The spiritual foundation that Su Han extracted was a young man who was entrusted to bear all the sins of this world in order to prove the goodness of human beings.

Expected to be a "symbol of evil", he evokes negative miracles when he is summoned as a Servant, defeated, and sucked into the Holy Grail. As the power of the wish machine, the Holy Grail accepts the wishes of the people entrusted to Angora Mainu, and as a soul-only existence, he acquires a character that matches the "symbol of evil".

Young people who are living sacrifices are a necessary evil, but the reason for the existence of the Servant Angola Manuel, who received flesh because of the Holy Grail, is "to let people see the fate of the evil one, and do good with fear." Darkness is pure, and is therefore seen as human evil rather than one of the dualisms that make up the world—absolute evil.

If the source can be traced back, it might be possible to reveal the real **** of evil—Angola Manuel might as well.

The boy with the Angolan Manuel Lingji thought for a while, then shook his head involuntarily.

The absolute evil is indeed very tempting. After all, the ghost knows whether the guy at the peak of the evil **** will have the ability similar to a dragon in Hakoba. If so, it will make a lot of money.

However, the top priority now should be to quickly obtain the qualifications of the fifth beast.

As long as he obtains that qualification, plus the neighbor's resistance to external time, no matter what the past has been distorted, Su Han will be fine.

"Xiao An is qualified to be the beast. I think it's not difficult for me to grab a beast position after I have obtained his spiritual foundation."

The young man smiled and said words that were absolutely enough to make the scalp of Chaldeas go numb when they heard it.

A beast of mercy has already tossed them to death, and now there is another beast?

And let no one live.

"Remember what I told you earlier about going to a different world to support Chaldeas to solve the human law burn caused by the first beast, Getia."

Fu Hua nodded.

Su Han seems to have a certain covenant with humans in another world, so he decided to bring the Herrscher troops to solve the problem.

"After arriving in Chaldea, I will transform into the fifth beast - the beast of revenge. Angora Mainu."

The boy said word by word.


A beast of revenge?

Even though he had never seen the posture of a beast, Fu Hua's expression froze due to the overwhelming sense of oppression in those words.

Devouring the gods, ruling the Herrscher, incarnating the cancer of human nature...

This guy Su Han is far more crazy than he imagined.

Is it really okay to follow this crazy guy?

Fu Hua's heart could not help but hang up.

"By the way, patronizing here is nonsense. I almost forgot that your experiment has not had time to carry out."

The teenager's speech was like a sudden brake, forcibly interrupting Fu Hua's complicated thoughts so far, and transferring it to the serious business.

Among the candidates for lawyers in the extreme eastern branch, a total of three people did not receive an invitation letter to become a collective lawyer.

One is Kiana, or k423, who is herself an empty law.

The other is Chen Tianwu, who is about to be assigned to another world as a miner.

The last one is Fu Hua.

"Isn't my experiment in the last place?"

In this regard, I still understand that Su Han has a major event that may cause the birth ceremony of nearly ten Herrschers to be held at one time. Fu Hua's expression is a little wrong.

"If we convene the experiment now, it is estimated that we will have to wait for more than ten hours. After all, the people in the participants are from all over the world."

The boy shrugged and said.

"So——, it's better to meet you another day."

"Your experiment, it's time to start."

Chapter 38 The oldest fraudster of mankind, I am Fu Hua!

The sky is black.

The earth is a black and white chessboard.

The air is fresh, but there are no oxygen-supplying plants around.

It's a weird world.

Fu Hua walked in the world that belonged to a certain teenager, and his blue eyes were filled with shock.

The so-called laboratory is not actually a laboratory, but an empty and pale world.

That is the world where Su Han holds the embodiment of the angel.

Although there was also a second **** key in the previous era that could be used to create world bubbles, that kind of world bubble is actually closer to allowing a certain space to transform itself into a small closed world, and then sink into the sea of ​​​​quantum or contact it. The world bubble, which is already in the quantum sea, becomes its own.

However, the benchmark for the establishment of the small world in front of us is completely different.

This guy lived all day without being killed, and he really had two brushes.

Looking at the boy who had decided to go to another world and seize the position of the fifth beast, Fu Hua felt a strange feeling of respect or fear in his heart.

"Your situation is still very special."

"The Herrschers born from other Herrscher adaptability holders will basically accept the call and guidance of the Honkai God and become orthodox Herrschers."

When Miss Fu Hua felt all kinds of strange feelings, the young man turned around and said.

"And your situation is special."

"Fu Hua, as one of the eight strongest human warriors in the pre-civilization era, you have been injected with a super-variant compound called "Meta-Morph". The fusion factor gives your body a strong resilience, it First act on the brain, make your brain cells continue to activate, so as to live forever, these memories will be retained forever, too much memory oppresses your brain and erodes your consciousness. If there is no power of Yu Duchen, you You can be driven crazy by your own memory at any time.”

Those words made Fu Hua smile bitterly.

It's really been seen through.

"It's a coincidence that the birth of the Herrscher will repair all the negative effects of the body."

"As long as the Herrscher is born in your body, all the memories you lost will be restored and read by the Herrscher."

"The 5,000-year-old memory of the guardians of Shenzhou is the best tool for instigation."

The young man explained the experimental principle of this experiment very succinctly.

"Give Yu Duchen to me."

Almost forcibly asking for it, the young man turned his head and stretched out his hand to Fu Hua.

God's key - Yu Duchen.

Even in the last era when the level of technology exploded, it was still the most precious item.

Even among the thirteen heroes, they rarely borrow the weapons of others, let alone give them directly to others.

However, facing Su Han, Fu Hua chose to extend his hand without hesitation and placed a piece of red feather in front of Su Han.

That is Yu Duchen's main feather.

Although Yuduchen claims to be 3,000 pieces, in fact, everything else is a derivative of this piece.

Looking at the feather that fell into his hand, Su Han did not know when a small key appeared in his hand.

Sealing and unlocking the main. Small key form.

He tapped the miniaturized angel on the feather lightly. In Fu Hua's sight, the feather that had accompanied her for nearly 55,000 years turned into fly ash, leaving only a crystal clear gem. , stay in place.

——That is the core of the Herrscher of Consciousness in the previous era.

The young man stretched out his hand to grab it, and the next moment, the young man took off the piece of feather hanging around his neck and handed it to the immortal who had just handed over the authentic Yu Duchen to him.

"When the collapse erupts, please immerse your consciousness in this piece of remnant feathers."

The boy said his plan in this way.

Fu Hua nodded.

According to the Prometheus plan, Su Han will implant that into his body, and then forcibly launch a big collapse, so that the Herrscher will be born in his body.

Because of various specialities, the Herrscher born within oneself will be the one that can be domesticated.

"Speaking of which, you seem to be very conscious of the law."

I don't quite understand why Su Han cares so much about Fu Hua, who is newly born, and his expression is a little weird.

Obviously, the other Herrscher personalities are planned to be drawn directly and then discarded.

However, this guy does have an extremely strange interest in the Herrscher of Consciousness and the Herrscher of Space, and doesn't even mind letting them be separate individuals.

In theory, two Herrschers is not a big increase for this guy.

Empty law can also be barely understood as the thousand worlds and the original empty law core can be used to create two Herrschers, it seems a bit wasteful to give up empty law.

However, knowledge is different.

If the power of Shiryu is possessed by himself as a fusion warrior, that kind of self should be far stronger than the current self and Shiryu's alliance.

It's really strange that this guy who hates troubles will specialize in emptying the law and knowing the law.

"Of course I like it. After all, who would hate the eldest sister who only needs to praise and be very happy, and is super loyal."

The boy shrugged and said.

As long as you boast, you are very happy, and the big sister who is super loyal?

Doubt rose in Fu Hua's heart.

Su Han is undoubtedly talking about the law of knowledge, but now that the law of knowledge has not been born, how did he judge the character of the next lawmaker?

"You have a future vision, or, this is your second week?"

The immortal's expression was slightly dignified.

Su Han's speech is really incredible.

"Future Vision and Second Week Project?"

In fact, the young man who made his fortune by reading the script was stunned, not knowing how to explain it for a while.

Fu Hua's imagination is still good, and it is still a bit logical.

From Su Han's eagerness to know the law and the various unpredictable prophetic behaviors before, she quickly felt that Su Han may have the same observation ability as "su", and he is inclined to observe the future.

A very reasonable inference.

Su Han thought.

However, his birth point is neither the moon nor the envy witch buff, where did the future vision and return come from?

"It's not so much a vision of the future, it's better to say that I saw the lives of several girls from the perspective of a bystander."

"It's like reading a script."

Quite frankly, the young man told his own situation.

"In that story, Shili is also a character, a very lovable child."

"Because of knowing other people's stories, do you have an innate fondness for some characters and dislike some people in the story?"

Fu Hua seemed to understand that Su Han's behavior sometimes did not seem to conform to the creed of a supremacist, and even seemed a little clumsy.

In the beginning, the best choice should be to quickly kill the host of the Conquest Gem, rather than fight the Civil War Illusionist.

Kiana was not able to pay the corresponding remuneration, but he chose to change his plan on the grounds of "you look cute". In his plan, he added a branch line of incarnation of the fifth beast. .

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